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Read the following passages and answer the questions below.

Mary tried to concentrate on what Demetrius was saying, but she was distracted when
a small spider suddenly dropped from the ceiling on a thread of web. He hung there in the air
for a moment, swinging back and forth just over Demetrius’ left shoulder. Demetrius
continued to explain himself. Mary needed, half listening, as she watched the spider fasten one
end of his thread to the door frame and set off once again through the air, beginning to build
his web.
What is the symbol? ______spider________________
What do you think it might mean? Spiders are often seen as beautiful and dangerous
creatures. This could symbolize the duality of Mary’s feelings for Demetruis; beautiful but

Evan woke early feeling curiously light; the lightest he had felt since Leila’s death.
Drawn by the early morning light, he pulled on his boots and set out for a walk. It has rained
in the night. He tramped through the mud, taking great satisfaction in it, and once he strayed
off the path and squatted down to examine a curl of pale green plant shoving its way up out
from under the earth.
What is the symbol? ____a cruel of pale green plant shaving its way. ____
What do you think it might mean? New beginning for Evan as it emerged from the earth.

 What is it?
The use of clues to suggest what will happen later in the story.

Or a hint at something that will happen later.
 Why do authors use it?
Helps create suspense (makes the reader want to know what will happen next)f
Read the following passages and answer the questions below.
A teenage girl leaves the house for an evening out with her friends. Her mother makes her
promise to be back before midnight. The girl kisses her mother and tells her she worries too
much. She'll be fine, she says.
Foreshadow: _The mother’s worry and the girl’s assurance she’ll be fine may
foreshadow that the girl might not be back by midnight___
“If this warm weather continues, the flowers in our garden will start to bloom as though it’s
spring instead of winter,” Maria’s mother said. That night, the weatherman announced that the
strange weather pattern was ending.
Foreshadow: The warm weather that causes the flowers to bloom and the announcement
that the strange weather was ending may foreshadow
James peered up at Susanna as she clambered up the tree. She was so high that he felt dizzy
just watching her. He had never tolerated heights well. “Come on,” Susanna encouraged him.
“It’s perfectly safe.” As she spoke, she lost her footing and nearly fell. James pleaded, “Come
Foreshadow: Susana lost her footing and nearly fell may foreshadow the more serious
accident in the future.
Although he had important homework, Michael agreed to babysit. “The baby will
probably nap the entire time,” his mother whispered. After she left, Michael crept upstairs to
get his books. Coming downstairs, he lost his footing and the books crashed to the ground.
Foreshadow: Micheal lost his footing and the books crashed to the ground may
foreshadow that he may not be able to do his homework.

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