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2022-2023 Academic Year

Pwint Oo Private High School

January Test
English Grade 10 Time Allowed (1:30) Hours

I. Read the passage.

Food is something we eat or drink. Rice is food. Milk is food. Bread is food. Butter, cheese,
vegetable, beef, mutton, fish, fruits are all food. In fact, water too is food.
We need food mainly for health, energy and growth. Our body need a daily supply of starch,
sugar, proteins, fats, vitamins and minerals. All these can be found in the food we eat. Rice, wheat,
potatoes. eggs, chickens, beef, mutton, fish, vegetables and fruits contain one or more of those.
Something, however, we eat or drink something, not for our health, but just for the pleasure of enjoying
the taste of something as ice cream, cake, peanuts, or popcorn. The more active we are, the more food we
Fresh fruit and vegetables are good for us because they contain vitamins and minerals. Eggs, milk,
cheese, fish, chicken, beef, and mutton are good for us because they contain proteins. Rice, bread, and
potatoes give us carbohydrate for the starch and sugar we need for our daily activities.
One thing we need to be careful about is that we should never eat more than we need. After all,
too much of anything is not good. All doctors advise us to have a ‘balanced diet’. A ‘ balanced diet’ is ‘ a
combination of the correct types and amounts of food.’ If we have a balanced diet, we will get the right
amount if vitamins and minerals for each day.
(A) Write the correct word or words to complete each sentence. (5 marks)
(1) Beef, mutton are meat and carrot, potatoes, tomatoes are ………………
(2) We eat or drink something not only for our health but also for…………..
(3) ……………. can be found in fresh fruit and vegetables.
(4) We need ……………..for our daily activities.
(5) We shouldn’t eat ………..than we need.
(B) Answer each question in one sentence. (5 marks)
(6) What is food? Give example.
(7) What do we need food for?
(8) What chemicals does the food contain?
(9) What kind of food gives us proteins?
(10) What is a balanced diet?

II. (B) Complete each sentence with the correct form of the words in brackets. (10 marks)

(1) He becomes ………….(fame) all over the world for his extremely successful business.
(2) ………….(vary) dishes are available in different seasons.
(3) Nuts and fruits are more………………(nutrition) than meat.
(4) A very ………………(power) storm hit the coastal region.
(5) She always…………..(attraction) people wherever she goes.
(6) She is …………(confidence) than I think.
(7) She is hardworking but not very……………(imagine)
(8) Inlay lake is one of the major …………….(tour) attractions in Myanmar.
(9) I often go to the teacher for words of …………….(encourage).
(10) I plan to …………….(special) in Geology for my BA degree.

III. Rewrite the sentences according to the instructions given in brackets. (10 marks)
(1) I met the girl. Her hair is really long. (Join, using relative pronoun)
(2) The cyclists trained hard. They won the race. (Join, using relative pronoun)
(3) I bought a new phone last year. I bought a new laptop too. ( Join, using not only, but also)
(4) If you speak English more, you will become more fluent. (using “the more/less/er…,the
(5) Tun Tun said, “I saw a big snake in my compound yesterday.” (Change the sentence into
the reported speech)
(6) Thida said, “My friend is going to marry next month.” (Change the sentence into the
reported speech)
(7) Kyi Thar is a famous actor. He has got a lot of lovely dogs. (Join, using nouns in
(8) Students are not allowed cigarettes and drugs. (Join, using ‘neither….nor’)
(9) I have baked some cookies. (Change the sentence into passive voice)
(10) Su Su is writing an article for the school’s magazine. (Change the sentence into passive

IV. Complete the following table. An example each is given to help you. Then add two more of
your own to each. (10 marks)

Fruit and Vegetables Meat

strawberry bacon

V. Answer the questions in complete sentences. (10 marks)

(1) At what age do pimples appear on the face of boys?

(2) What happens when the level of greenhouse gases rises?
(3) Why are skytrains used in many countries?
(4) What is the thing that the blind boy will never enjoy?
(5) Where can graffiti be seen?

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