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Impact Of Public Policy and Governance In Business Organization In Pakistan

By Hameedullah
Roll No 18
BS Commerce 8th Semester
Session 2019-2023
Research Supervisor Dr, Muhammad Shafeeq
Department Of Commerce
University Of Baluchistan


It Is certified that MR, Hameedullah son of Fazal Ahmed, a student of the Commerce
Department of the University Of Baluchistan has completed his BS Research Project under
the supervision of DR, Muhammad Shafeeq. He has fulfilled all the requirements concerning
the research project for the grant of the degree of BS In Commerce, in view of the prescribed
rules and regulations of the University of Baluchistan, Quetta.

(DR, Muhammad Shafeeq)

Signature __________________
Department Of Commerce
University of Baluchistan

Certificate of Originality

This is to certify that the research paper Titled : The Impact of Public Policy and Governance
in Business organization in Pakistan submitted for evaluation is the outcome of my
independent and original work, I have dully acknowledged all the sources from which ideas
and extracts have been taken. The project is free of any plagiarism and has not been
submitted elsewhere for publication.

Author Name & Signature ___________________

Class ______________________________
Institution : University of Baluchistan, Quetta


First and foremost, I want to express my gratitude to DR, Muhammad Shafeeq my Supervisor
, for all of his support and advice over the whole study time.
Secondly, I want to use this chance to say how grateful I am to my teachers whose advice
expertise and support have been invaluable throughout my academic journey, I am also
incredibly grateful to my family for their consistent support, tolerance, and Love. Their
confidence in my abilities has motivated me to accomplish my objectives.
Thank you to my teachers and family fore being my pillars of support and for teaching me
virtues of tenacity and grit. This accomplishment would not have been possible without your
constant support, and I will always be Appreciate of you being in my life.


Table Of Content

1, Thesis Title

 Abstract
 Introduction
 Background and context
 Research Objectives
 Significance of the study

2, Literature Review

3. Research framework

4. Research Methodology

 Date Collection
 Quantitative , Qualitative,
 Sample
 Data Analysis and Interpretation
 Table of Correlation
 Regression Analysis and Findings
 Discussion and Implications

 Implication and Application

5. Conclusion

6. Limitation and Future Work

7. References


In Pakistan, public policy and governance wield substantial influence over the business
landscape. Effective policies regulating competition, consumer protection, sustainability, and
social responsibility shape business behavior and market dynamics. These policies necessitate
strategic alignment by businesses. A robust legal and regulatory framework supports fair
competition, intellectual property rights, and international trade compliance. Government
initiatives cultivate an investment-friendly environment. Infrastructure and public services
bolster efficiency and workforce well-being. Notably, policies bolster SMEs through
financial aid, training, and innovation. Innovation-focused policies, coupled with governance
mechanisms, drive R&D, technology transfer, and global competitiveness. Acknowledging
political, economic, social, technological, legal, and global factors, this study underscores
how harmonizing policy-governance dynamics empower Pakistan's business realm, fostering
sustainable growth and ethical advancement.

Keywords : Public policy, Governance, Business organizations

Title : The Impact Of Public Policy and Governance In Business Organizations

in Pakistan
Public policy :
Public policy and governance plays a crucial role in shaping the business landscape of any
nation, including Pakistan. The effective formulation and implementation of public policies,
along with strong governance structure are essential for fostering a conducive environment
for business organization to thrive, in Pakistan a country with a diverse economy and a
growing entrepreneurial spirit, the role of public policy and governance becomes even more
critical in ensuring sustainable economic development and fostering a business-friendly
environment. Effective public policies provide a framework for regulating and guiding
business activities, addressing issues such as competition, consumer protection,
environmental sustainability, and social responsibility. The design and implementation of
these policies influence the business environment, market dynamics, and the behavior of
organizations. Consequently, businesses must navigate these policy frameworks and align
their strategies and practices accordingly to remain compliant and responsive to societal
demands. One of the primary roles of public policy in business organization in Pakistan is to
establish a legal and regulatory framework that promotes fair competition protects intellectual
property rights and ensures compliance with international trade agreements, the government
formulates policies to encourage entrepreneurship remove bureaucratic hurdles, and create a
level playing field for businesses. This includes enacting laws and regulations related to

company registration taxation labor rights and environmental standards, the effectiveness of
such policies greatly impacts the ease of doing business in Pakistan, The government policies
incentives and initiatives play a pivotal role in attracting both domestic and foreign
investments by implementing stable economic policies ensuring legal protection and offering
investment incentives the government aims to create a favorable investment climate, a
conducive investment climate promotes business growth facilitates hob creation and
contributes to overall economic development.
Additionally, public policy and governance in Pakistan play a vital role in creating a
conducive business environment through the provision of necessary infrastructure and
services investment in physical infrastructure such as transportation networks energy supply
and telecommunication systems are essential for business to operate efficiently. Adequate
provisions of public services including healthcare education and public safety also
contributes to the overall well being of the workforce and enhances productivity in business
organization, public policy and governance also play a pivotal role in supporting and
developing businesses, particularly small and medium sized enterprises (SME’s). The
government implements policies that provide financial assistance technical training, and
capacity building programs to entrepreneurs and SME’s. These initiatives aim to foster
entrepreneurship promote innovation and facilitate the growth of the business sector, by
supporting and nurturing SME,s public policy and governance contribute to job creation
economic diversification and inclusive growth. Furthermore, public policies aimed at
fostering innovation and research and development (R&D) are crucial for growth of business
organization in Pakistan the government’s role in providing incentives and support fir R&D
activities promoting technology transfer and protecting property rights can significantly
impact the competitiveness of businesses in the global market, effective policies in this regard
can encourage investment in new technologies promote innovation and drive economic

The term Governance and Good governance are being used interchangeably. Governance is
defined as the process of decision making and the process by which decisions are
implemented. In today’s world, the term governance is being used in various contexts such as
corporate governance, academic governance, political governance etc. In the process of
governance, various agents perform their role, therefore, to analyze governance, formal and
informal actor included in decision making process need to be analyzed. One important
formal actor is the State. In the perspective of Corporate Governance, the role of State is
taken by the regulatory authority. Governance is itself a concept that can be used in many
contexts. There are many different types of governance. “Corporate Governance” is the
responsibility delegated by stakeholders and the public, defined by legislators and regulators
and shared by boards, Enterprise Governance” is a set of responsibilities and practices
exercised by the board and executive managers, with the goal of providing strategic direction,
ensuring that plans and objectives are achieved, assessing that risks are proactively managed
and assuring that the enterprise’s resources are used responsibly. IT Governance (ITG) – is a
set of responsibilities on information technology systems, from procurement, to installation

and maintenance, to management of human performance and training, as well as risk

management to assure that the investments in IT generate business value, and to mitigate the
risks that are associated with IT.
Governance both at national and organizational level is equally important for business
organization in Pakistan, good governance practices ensure transparency accountability and
the rule of law, which are essential for attracting investments and building trust in the
business community at the national level and the government’s commitment to upholding
good governance principles strengthens the business environment and promotes ethical
practices, this includes promoting anti-corruption measure, establishing independent
regulatory bodies and providing mechanism for dispute resolution, within business
organization governance mechanism such as corporate governance frameworks, board
structures and accountability mechanism contribute to building investor confidence and
ensuring the efficient and ethical functioning of companies, by implementing best practices in
corporate governance business organization can enhance their reputation access capital
markets and attract investments both domestically and internationally.
Governance mechanisms, on the other hand, encompass the structures, processes, and
relationships that govern and oversee the actions of business organizations. These
mechanisms, including boards of directors, executive compensation systems, and internal
controls, act as safeguards to ensure accountability, transparency, and ethical conduct within
organizations. Furthermore, governance practices in the private sector can also interact with
public policy by influencing and shaping regulatory decision-making processes.

Importance of public policy and Governance in Business organization in

Pakistan ;
Regulatory environment: Public policy and governance help establish a regulatory
framework within which businesses operate, they define rules and regulations that govern
various aspects of business activities including licensing taxation, intellectual property rights
labor laws environmental regulations and consumer protection, These policies provide a level
playing field for businesses and ensure fair competition,

Investment Climate: Sound public policy and governance create a favorable investment
climate when the government implements policies that promote stability transparency and
predictability it encourages both domestic and foreign investments in the country, this leads
to increased business opportunities job creation and economic growth.

Infrastructure development; Public policy and governance are essential for the
development of infrastructure such as transportation networks power generation
telecommunication and public utilities, Adequate infrastructure is crucial for business
operation as it facilitates the movement of goods services and information reduces costs and
enhances overall productivity.

Trade and Economic Policies : Effective public policy and governance are vital for
formulating trade and economic policies that promote international trade and investment
these policies can include trade agreements export promotion measures tariff regulations and

foreign investments incentives, such policies enable businesses to access global markets
expand their customer base and increase competitiveness.

Business Support and Development: Public policy and governance can create
mechanism to support and develop businesses. This can include initiatives like providing
financial assistance technical training and capacity building programs for entrepreneurs and
small and medium sized enterprises (SME.s) these policies aim to foster entrepreneurship
innovation and the growth of the business sector.

Public policies and governance that effect business organizations are shaped by
various factors:
Political Factor; Political factor play a significant role in shaping public policies and
governance government officials policymakers and political parties formulate and implement
policies based on their ideologies priorities and electoral mandates, political stability power
dynamics and public opinion can influence the direction and focus of policies that impact

Economic factors : Economic factors such as GDP growth inflation rates fiscal policies
and monetary policies also shape public policies Government design policies to address
economic challenges promote economic growth and attract investments Economic
considerations often influence policies related to taxation trade investment incentives
infrastructure development and industry specific regulations.

Social Factors: Social factors including social needs public concerns and social values can
shape public policies affecting businesses public opinion social movements and advocacy
efforts can influence policies related to labor standards consumer protection environmental
regulations and social welfare policies may aim to address social inequalities promote
inclusivity and protect vulnerable populations .

Technological factor ; Technological advancements and innovation have a significant

impact on public policies and governance policies need to adapt to emerging technologies
such as artificial intelligence automation blockchain and digital platforms governments may
develop policies to regulate technology use protect data privacy foster innovation and
promote digital infrastructure.

Legal and regulatory factors; Legal and regulatory factors influence public policies and
governance for businesses courts legal frameworks and regulatory bodies interpret and
enforce laws that impact businesses international agreements and commitments also shape
policies particularly in areas such as trade intellectual property rights and investment.

International and global factor: Globalization and international relation shape public
policies that effect businesses policies related to trade investment and intellectual property
rights are influenced by international agreements and global trends international
organizations such as the World Trade Organization (WTO) to international monetary fund
(IMF) and regional economic blocks, can influence policy decisions.

Historical and cultural factor : Historical context and cultural norms can shape public
policies and governance, historical experiences traditions and cultural value can influence

policy approaches and priorities, cultural altitudes towards entrepreneurship business ethics
and governance practices can impact policy directions.

Literature Review:
Public governance has emerged as a means to facilitate a fresh development agenda, ensuring
that financial and technical assistance effectively fulfills its objectives by adhering to
governance principles like transparency, accountability, and integrity (ANAO, 2014).while
there is no standardized framework for public governance among public entities, certain
principles of good public governance are applicable to them. These principles include: APEC,

Rule of law, which entails the fair application of laws to all individuals, regardless of their
position. Transparency and openness, allowing public citizens the right to access information
regarding the operations and performance of public entities. Accountability, ensuring that all
stakeholders within a public entity are responsible for their actions and decisions, with legal
repercussions for violations of good management practices. Public sector ethics and probity,
emphasizing the adherence to moral principles and the demonstration of honesty and
integrity. Stewardship, involving the responsible management of resources for the benefit of
the public interest .Leadership, highlighting the role of leaders within public entities in
supporting the principles of good public Governance. Public policy extends beyond the
actions of governments and is shaped by the political dynamics of society, including its
economic and social characteristics, as well as the formal structures of government and other
aspects of the political system (Simeon, 1976). Thomas Dye defines public policy as the
decisions made by governments regarding what to do or not to do (Dye, 1992.Davis et al.
(1993), there are three principal economic reasons for the trend towards commercialization
and reduced government intervention in public enterprises. These reasons include the
government's interest in reducing dependency on public budgets, lowering public debt
through the sale of state assets, and improving technical efficiencies. The issue of
government interference versus industry interests in policy development has been addressed
through the restructuring of national and regional tourist organizations. This restructuring
involves shifting towards greater emphasis on marketing and promotion functions while
reducing planning, policy, and development roles. Additionally, these organizations have
increasingly engaged in partnerships, networks, and collaborative relationships with
stakeholders to tackle this policy challenge (Hall & Jenkins, 1995; Milward, 1996).Hogwood
and Gunn (1984), it is important to recognize that policies may not have been extensively
developed solely within the government framework. The public policy process involves
various stakeholders, including individuals, organizations, and interest groups from society,
who identify public concerns, examine conflicting viewpoints, engage in negotiation and
bargaining, establish objectives, and select means to achieve them (David, Richard, & Smith,
2002).(Paul Burstein,) political parties have a greater impact on policy compared to interest
groups and social movement organizations, both in terms of frequency and magnitude.
Burstein also suggests that relying solely on protest demonstrations for policy change is
unlikely to have a lasting effect. Instead, organizations are more likely to influence policy
when they provide elected officials with valuable information and resources that can aid in
their reselection .Hicks and Misra (1993), one of the central propositions among those who
adhere to the social democratic theory of social welfare policy is that an increase in left party
government leads to an augmentation of welfare efforts. Amenta and Poulsen (1996), the
relative strength of political parties has a significant impact on social and economic policies.

They argue that when democratic and third-party politicians assume control of state
governments, the resulting regimes are expected to increase social spending. Blais, Blake,
and Dion (1993), political scientists tend to have more disagreements among themselves
compared to sociologists regarding the impact of political parties, social movement
organizations (SMOs), and interest groups on policy. However, they often hypothesize that
political organizations will indeed have an impact on policy outcomes. Effective corporate
governance plays a crucial role, particularly for companies in developing countries, as it
contributes to generating clarity, managerial excellence, and increased capital. (Doidge,
Karolyi, & Stulz, 2007).The Egyptian Institute of Directors has played a key role in
promoting corporate governance in the Middle East and North Africa (MENA) region,
particularly in Egypt. They have introduced a corporate governance code specifically tailored
for state-owned enterprises and small and medium-sized enterprises (Gamal, 2009).Solid
corporate governance entails the implementation of principles, best practices, fairness,
honesty, integrity, and ethical conduct throughout all company activities (Arjoon, 2005).
While profitability is essential for the survival and growth of a company, it should always be
achieved in alignment with ethical standards. Companies are expected to adopt a
comprehensive set of policies that encompass environmental protection, ethical programs,
and compliance mechanisms. Such practices can contribute to building a positive image and
reputation, fostering consumer loyalty and trust, and enhancing employee commitment and
loyalty (El-Kassar, Messarra, & Elgammal, 2015). Public policy refers to formal decisions or
plans adopted by actors to achieve specific goals. Public policy analysis can involve
exploring the link between objectives, actions, and outcomes, examining inputs and
resources, or assessing societal impact. The government is considered the key actor in public
policy. Marsh and Rhodes (1992) present a continuum of policy networks, ranging from open
issue networks to closed policy communities, with various actors involved. The demand for
good governance has a long history (Pierre and Peters, 2000:1). Governance is often
described as a combination of new right reforms aimed at reducing the role of the state, along
with processes of globalization, internationalization, managerialism in the public sector, and
privatization. The concept of governance has been applied by academics to various sub-fields
within the discipline, including comparative, economic, social, and regional politics, public
administration, and democracy (Pierre, 2000). Governance can be understood as the exercise
of political power to manage the affairs of a nation (Weller, 2000:3; World Bank,
1992).Governance in Bosnia and Herzegovina and the surrounding countries is commonly
referred to as the New Public Management (NPM), which aims to establish a robust
management system known as good governance. The implementation of NPM and good
governance practices is crucial as it influences the level of public trust in the government.
Several studies conducted by Osifo (2012), Alaaraj (2016), Spiteri (2018), and Beshi (2019)
affirm the significant role of good governance as a key determinant of trust in government.
The concept of good governance emerged as a new administrative doctrine following the
widespread adoption of the new public management concept. The model of good governance
has evolved over the past century and has gained substantial attention. It is widely recognized
that government bureaucracies exert a significant influence on our lives and have the
potential to both benefit and harm individuals and organizations. In the context of the public
services sector, it is important to view it as a synergistic system where various structural
elements interact nonlinearly to achieve efficiency. Delić and Šašić (2015) discuss the topic
of quality management in local self-government units in their article published in the
magazine "Administration" by the Faculty of Administration in Sarajevo. Their work
highlights the importance of efficient governance and quality practices in local government
settings. Various concepts have been developed to measure efficiency in the public sector.
One notable measurement approach is the Worldwide Governance Indicators (WGI) project,

initiated by the World Bank. The WGI project aims to assess governance in more than 200
countries by considering multiple dimensions. These dimensions include citizens' freedom to
choose their government, political stability, absence of violence, government efficiency,
quality of regulations, rule of law, and control of corruption.

The World Bank's annual report on ease of doing business also emphasizes the importance of
good governance for business success. It highlights the significance of security culture and
reinforces the notion that good governance practices contribute to favorable business
conditions .Decker and Rauhut (2016) discuss the importance of voluntary consensus
standards in the nuclear energy sector, They argue that adopting such standards is crucial for
ensuring the safety and security of nuclear energy operations. In developing a Good
Governance Framework for the nuclear industry, Duncan (2019) drew inspiration from other
sectors like aviation, maritime, and the chemical industry. The framework was further
enhanced with guidance from organizations such as the International Atomic Energy Agency
(IAEA), World Institute for Nuclear Security (WINS), and incorporating leadership
principles from the World Association of Nuclear Operators (WANO) and the Institute of
Nuclear Power Operations (INPO). The resulting framework was tested with stakeholders to
ensure its effectiveness. Good governance plays a crucial role in safeguarding owners and
managers from potential liability. Furthermore, it has become increasingly important for
investors, lenders, and the public to consider environmental, social, and governance factors
when assessing organizations, leading to the development of ratings in this area. A significant
aspect of governance is its scope, which extends beyond the state and encompasses the
activities of the private sector and civil society. This perspective is exemplified in the
Philippines, where the exploration of voluntary sector management is based on the notion that
public administration should study all mechanisms, not limited to government alone, that aim
to serve the public interest (Cariño, 2006). Lowi (1964), interest groups in the United States
do not have formal or traditional standing in the public policy process. The framers of the US
Constitution aimed to establish a political system that would limit the dominance of interest
groups or factions in the political process. However, interest groups are not entirely
powerless in the US political system. The pluralist nature of US politics encourages the
formation of interest groups, and they play an active role in shaping public policies. Umbrella
associations, such as those representing business and labor, are considered legitimate
representatives and are recognized as having a role in the public policy process. These
associations are accepted as representatives of their respective industries or sectors.
Additionally, specialized interest groups, representing various groups such as retirees, gun
owners, and women's rights advocates, engage in lobbying activities and contribute to
politicians with the objective of influencing public policies in their favor. Government
policies for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) differ between countries due to
variations in social and cultural values, as well as industry and business settings (Naudé,
Szirmai, & Goedhuys, 2011). These differences can be observed between advanced
economies and developing countries, as well as within individual countries themselves.
Social and custom values shape the design and implementation of SME policies, while
industry characteristics and economic structures also influence policy variations. Traditional
corporate planning often overlooks the impact of government on business and markets.
However, newer corporate planning efforts recognize the importance of analyzing changing
regulatory policies. The task of planning is becoming more challenging due to conflicts in
government objectives, such as balancing energy reduction with environmental protection or
producing safer products while maintaining affordable prices. Some companies are
strengthening their government relations departments and establishing Washington offices to
navigate these complexities. Trade associations are also receiving increased support for their

advocacy efforts. Despite restrictions on political contributions, individual businesspeople are

actively participating in the political process to influence government decision-making.
Businesses are seeking additional means of political participation beyond conventional
campaign contributions (Weidenbaum Center on
the Economy, Government, and
Impact Of Public Public Policy, n.d.) The
Policy and government should Business
Governance in implement efficient policies Organization
that enhance competitiveness,
including monetary, financial,
budgetary, fiscal, labor, and trade measures. These policies can be instrumental in
reducing corrupt practices and punitive tax evasion. Furthermore, political stability plays a
crucial role in improving the administration of justice and bureaucracy within the country
(Barney, 1991; Dovaldson, 1995; McMahon, 2001.

Research Framework:

Research Methodology :

Political Factor This study adopts a Quantitative research design to investigate

public policy and governance in business organizations. This
Social Factor component involves conducting interviews and case studies.
Economic Factor Interviews will be conducted with executives, policymakers,
and employees to gather in-depth insights into their
Technological Factor perspectives and experiences related to public policy and
governance. These interviews will provide rich qualitative data
Legal and Regulatory that captures the nuances and complexities of the topic.
Historical, Culture Additionally, case studies will be conducted to analyze
specific business organizations, examining their policy
Stakeholder Influence implementation strategies and governance practices in detail.
quantitative component involves surveying a sample of
International and Global
university students. Surveys/questionnaires will be designed to
collect quantitative data on attitudes, perceptions, and trends
regarding public policy and governance in business
organizations. Statistical analysis techniques will be used to analyze the collected data,
enabling the identification of patterns and correlations. The integration of qualitative and
quantitative data will provide a comprehensive understanding of public policy and
governance in business organizations. The qualitative data will offer in-depth insights into
stakeholders' perspectives, while the quantitative data will allow for generalizations and
statistical analysis.

Data Collection:
1. Qualitative Data Collection:

a. The data collection for this study on public policy and governance in business
organizations involved conducting interviews with two key stakeholders: one policy

maker, and one employee. These interviews provided valuable insights into their
perspectives and experiences, contributing to a comprehensive understanding.

b. Interview 1: Policy Maker (Dr. Waqas Ahmed Mahar/Associate Professor ) Policy

Maker A, who holds a prominent position in the policy-making field, emphasized the
importance of business organizations actively contributing to social issues such as
poverty alleviation and environmental sustainability. They shared their insights and
expertise on the role of businesses in addressing societal challenges and stressed the need
for proactive engagement. Policy Maker A also discussed the significance of diversity
and inclusion within business organizations, highlighting its positive impact on
innovation and organizational performance.
c. Interview 2 : Employee (Asif Ali /, Relationship Manager ) , an employee within a
business organization, provided insights from their firsthand experience. They discussed
the importance of effective governance structures and policies in creating a positive work
environment. Employee C highlighted the role of clear communication, transparency, and
accountability in promoting employee satisfaction and organizational success. They also
emphasized the need for businesses to align their policies with the evolving needs and
expectations of employees.

Quantitative Data Collection:

To gather quantitative data on attitudes, perceptions, and trends related to public policy
and governance in business organizations, surveys or questionnaires were designed and
administered to a sample of university students. The data collection focused on the
following answers based on the provided data:

The survey revealed that 50% of respondents believed that business organizations should
actively contribute to addressing social issues to a very great extent.
The survey found that 62.5% of respondents considered diversity and inclusion in
business organizations to be very important.
The data analysis indicated that 62.5% of respondents believed that business
organizations have a responsibility to support local communities to a great extent.
The findings showed that 62.5% of respondents believed that business organizations
should prioritize maximizing profits to a great extent or to a very great extent.
The survey data indicated that 87.5% of respondents considered it important for business
organizations to contribute to economic development, with 37.5% finding it very
important and 50% finding it extremely important.
The analysis revealed that 75% of respondents agreed that business organizations should
be encouraged to invest in research and development.

Sample :

The study's sample, consisting of 18 participants, offers a diverse representation of

individuals contributing to the exploration of the impact of public policy and governance
on business organizations. The gender distribution reveals 72.2% identifying as male and
27.8% as female. Age groups range from 18 to above 36, with 55.6%, 27.8%, and 16.7%

falling into the respective categories. Qualification distribution showcases 72.2%

possessing Qualification 1 and 27.8% with Qualification 2. Field of study spans four
categories, with the highest representation in Field 1 (44.4%), followed by Fields 2, 3,
and 4. These facets collectively provide a comprehensive overview of the sample's
composition, guiding our exploration into the interplay of public policy and governance
within business organizations.

Data Analysis and Interpretation

Descriptive Statistics :
Descriptive statistics are the tools that distill raw research data into meaningful summaries.
They uncover key patterns, like averages and spreads, providing a snapshot of the data's
essential features. Through simple charts and graphs, they make complex information easy to
grasp. Think of them as the compass that points us to the heart of the data, helping us make
sense of it efficiently and effectively.

Gender Distribution:

This study focused on the impact of public policy and governance on business organizations
Out of a total of 18 observations, 72.2% (13 instances) correspond to males (coded as 1), and
27.8% (5 instances) correspond to females (coded as 2). The coding scheme uses 1 for males
and 2 for females. This distribution provides an overview of the gender composition within
the dataset.

Valid Cumulative
Frequency Percent Percent Percent
Valid 1.0 13 72.2 72.2 72.2
2.0 5 27.8 27.8 100.0
Total 18 100.0 100.0

Coding 1 for male and two females


Age :
This age distribution data comprises 18 observations. It is categorized into three distinct age
groups based on the given coding:

1. Age Group 1 (Coded as 1.0): Represents ages between 18 and 24.

 Frequency: 10 (55.6%)
 Cumulative Percent: 55.6%
2. Age Group 2 (Coded as 2.0): Represents ages between 25 and 34.
 Frequency: 5 (27.8%)
 Cumulative Percent: 83.3%
3. Age Group 3 (Coded as 3.0): Represents ages between 35 and 44.
 Frequency: 3 (16.7%)
 Cumulative Percent: 100.0%

In summary, the age distribution data shows that 55.6% fall within the age range of 18 to
24, 27.8% within 25 to 34, and 16.7% within 35 to 44. This data provides an overview of
how ages are distributed across these three defined groups.

Valid Cumulative
Frequency Percent Percent Percent
Valid 1.0 10 55.6 55.6 55.6
2.0 5 27.8 27.8 83.3
3.0 3 16.7 16.7 100.0
Total 18 100.0 100.0

Qualification :
In the qualification data, 72.2% of individuals hold Bachelor's degrees (coded as 1.0), and
27.8% have Master's degrees (coded as 2.0). This provides an overview of the educational

Valid Cumulative
Frequency Percent Percent Percent
Valid 1.0 13 72.2 72.2 72.2
2.0 5 27.8 27.8 100.0
Total 18 100.0 100.0

Field of Study

fields of study are categorized as follows:

 Business and Management (1.0) with 44.4%.

 Social Sciences (2.0) with 22.2%.
 Natural Sciences (3.0) and Humanities (4.0) each at 16.7%

Field of Study
Valid Cumulative
Frequency Percent Percent Percent
Valid 1.0 8 44.4 44.4 44.4
2.0 4 22.2 22.2 66.7
3.0 3 16.7 16.7 83.3
4.0 3 16.7 16.7 100.0
Total 18 100.0 100.0

Correlation: :
Correlation analysis is a statistical technique used to measure the strength and direction of the
linear relationship between two variables. It provides insights into how changes in one
variable might be associated with changes in another variable. Correlation coefficients range
from -1 to 1, where -1 indicates a perfect negative linear relationship, 1 indicates a perfect
positive linear relationship, and 0 indicates no linear relationship.

we have two variables, "PE" and "JS," and their correlations with two different domains:
"Public policy and Governance" and. Business organization

1. Public policy and Governance:

 Pearson Correlation with "PE": 1 (perfect positive correlation)
2. Business Organization:
 Pearson Correlation with "PE": 0.524** (a strong positive correlation)
 Pearson Correlation with "JS": 1 (perfect positive correlation)

Table No. Correlations


Public policy Pearson 1

and Correlation


Business Pearson .524** 1

Organization Correlation

Regression Analysis and Findings


Regression analysis is a powerful statistical technique used to explore relationships between

variables and understand how specific factors influence outcomes. In this section, we
examine the impact of public policy and governance on business organization through both
regression analysis and ANOVA

Regression Analysis: Model Summary and Interpretation:

The regression analysis aimed to investigate the relationship between "Public Policy and
Governance" and "Business Growth." The model summary in Table 1 provides an overview
of the analysis.

Model R R Square Adjusted R Std. Error of

Square the Estimate
1 .512a .262 .254 .67492
a. Predictors: (Constant), Public policy and governance

In Model 1, the coefficient of determination (R Square) is 0.262, signifying that

approximately 26.2% of the variance in "Business Organization " is explained by the

predictor variables. The adjusted R Square, accounting for model complexity, is 0.254. The
standard error of the estimate is 0.67492, representing the average prediction error.
Table 2: ANOVA

The ANOVA table highlights the significance of the regression model. The predictor
variable "Public Policy and Governance" significantly influences "Business

Model Sum of df Mean F Sig.
Squares Square
Regression 14.246 1 14.246 31.274 .000b
1 Residual 40.086 88 .456
Total 54.332 89
a. Dependent Variable: business organization

b. Predictors: (Constant), public policy and governance

H1 good public policy and governance has influence on business growth


The positive coefficient and highly significant F-statistic indicate that "Public Policy and
Governance" significantly influences "Business Growth."

Discussion and Implications :

Alignment with Research Focus
The analysis conducted in this study sheds a bright light on the core theme of investigating the
impact of public policy and governance on business organizations. The synergy between qualitative
insights and quantitative patterns enriches our understanding of the intricate interplay between these
vital dimensions.

Correlation Insights
The correlation analysis, a window into the associations between variables, reveals fascinating
insights that illuminate the path ahead. In the realm of "Public Policy and Good Governance," the
perfect positive correlation with variable "PE" signifies a strong co-movement, suggesting that
improvements in one variable are linked with enhancements in the other. Turning our attention to
"Business Organization," the robust positive correlation coefficient of 0.524** with "PE"
accentuates the pivotal role that effective public policy and governance play in fostering favorable
business outcomes. Importantly, the perfect positive correlation observed with variable "JS"
reinforces the synchronized dynamics of these two critical factors.

Regression Analysis Validation

The regression analysis reinforces the assertion that "Public Policy and Governance" wield a
significant influence on "Business Organization." The high significance of the F-statistic provides
strong support for this proposition, implying that fluctuations in public policy and governance
practices correspond with meaningful variations in business outcomes. The coefficient of
determination (R Square) further informs us that approximately 26.2% of the variability in "Business
Organization" can be attributed to the predictor variables, particularly "Public Policy and

Implications and Applications

The findings of this study reverberate deeply within academic circles, offering substantial
contributions to the field of public policy and governance research. This study serves as a stepping
stone for scholars to delve into the nuanced mechanisms through which specific facets of public
policy and governance intersect with and impact business success. The insights gleaned from this
research can ignite further exploration into the underlying dynamics, potentially unraveling the
causal relationships that underpin this intricate nexus.

Practical Significance

Beyond academic discourse, the implications of this study resonate powerfully with practitioners and
decision-makers. By untangling the symbiotic relationship between public policy, governance, and
business success, practitioners are equipped with insights that can drive pragmatic action. These
findings empower them to formulate effective policies, establish transparent governance structures,
and foster inclusivity within organizations, thereby nurturing a conducive environment for sustained
organizational growth.


In summation, this study operates at the crossroads of qualitative depth and quantitative breadth,
offering a unique perspective on the impact of public policy and governance in business
organizations. The integration of qualitative narratives and quantitative analyses culminates in a
holistic understanding that underscores the intricate relationship between these domains.

Limitations and Future Research

While this study adds valuable insights to the discourse, it is crucial to acknowledge its limitations.
The relatively modest sample size, primarily composed of university students, may constrain the
generalizability of findings to diverse business contexts. Furthermore, while stakeholder perspectives
enrich the study, other crucial voices within the business landscape may remain unexplored.

The reliance on self-reported survey data introduces the potential for response bias and subjectivity.
Additionally, the cross-sectional nature of the study precludes the establishment of causal
relationships between variables. Contextual variations across industries and geographical regions
remain unexplored.

Future research endeavors should transcend these limitations by embracing larger and more diverse
samples, encompassing a broader range of stakeholders. Longitudinal studies could unravel temporal
dynamics and establish causality. Addressing these limitations will enable subsequent research to
build upon this foundation and delve even deeper into the intricate fabric of public policy,
governance, and their profound impact on business organizations.


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