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‫بسم هللا الرحمن الرحيم‬

1) What is difference between deterministic & stochastic solution?

Deterministic :-there is one out put model(one single exact solution)& one No.of OOIP
Stochastic :-there is several out put model(multi-solution)&No.of OOIP
*We choose these cases depend on History matching.
2) Simplify the uncertainty in field development & what are its source?
Is the risk that come from data that collected from several source that leads to inability
to fully characterize reservoirs and flow processes.
1. Missing in routin core data analysis.
2. Error in SCAL correction.
3. Error in missimg data estimation methods.
4. Erorr in facies prediction & messing in interval.
5. Error in facies &petrophysics propereties modeling for other wells
6. Erorr in special reservoir parameters estimation.
7. Error in different core Lab data.
8. Error in well logging interpretations.
9. Erorr in algorithm .
10.Erorr from different data.
3) What are the factors that mainly influcing reservoir uncertainties?
1. Data if the scale of the collecting data is deferent it will make uncertainty.
2. Also the methods used in logs and core to determine data are deferent.
3. Also scale-up of geological model is reduce resolution.
4) What are the exact roles of reservoir lithology in reservoir characterization simulation?
When determine the reservoir lithology we will know high & low permeable therefore
We will know where we will drill the new wells.
5) List the main parameters of geocellar model?(geological model)
1. Structure counter maps depth.
2. Facies K,(high & low permeable zones).
3. Reservoir thickness
4. Porosity
5. K
6) What are the main elements of reservoir management process?
Reservoir management uses elements of geology, geophysics, petrophysics, petroleum
engineering, and computer science to predict and manage the recovery of oil and
natural gas from subsurface geosystems.
7) What are the main steps of reservoir management process?
1. Define the strategy: - It should include the goals that we will work on.
2. Preparing and developing a comprehensive plan- : depend on a team of all
disciplines to collect and analyze data during the life of the reservoir.
3. Plan implementation: - design the surface or subsurface equipment, and we do
the risk analysis, and prepare and develop the drilling and production plan.
4. Monitoring: - Monitoring the reservoir, its pressures, and drilling and production
5. plan evaluating:-*if the plan good we will continue in plan*if bad abonnement
8) How can the economic analysis be incorporated in the reservoir management process?
When the accumulate petroleum is discovered there must use FDP & choose the
most effective way to calculate the OOIP of reservoir & determine the effective
method to calculate the RF of petroleum as less economical as possible.
9) What is reservoir permeability & explain it is a static or dynamic parameter?
Is the channels between the pores when the fluid can be pass through the rock?
It depend if the reservoir rocks are consolidate k is static it will not change
If the reservoir rocks are unconsolidated K is dynamic it will change becaouse, the
overburden & under burden pressure the spaces in the rocks & K change.
10) Explain if there is an equation that relates permeability with porosity?
Carman –kazy equation which relate porosity & permeability with empirical
Correlation not accurate enough
11) What is reservoir heterogeneity & how it effects the reservoir performance?
Is the special case in the horizontal K & it effect on the fluid flow in the reservoir?
(Barrier if there is impermeable zones in the reservoir, fault or fractures), it could make
the Tortuosity of fluid flow, or injector fluid will go to the places.
12) What is the reservoir anisotropy & how it effects the reservoir performance?
Is a vertical variation of the Kv/Kh, & it will effects on the petro physical properties from
direction to direction in the reservoir & will effects on the fluid flow in the reservoir.
13) List the main methods to estimate permeability?
1. Routin core data analysis.
2. NMR log
3. Well testing
4. Other methods
14) Can the core permeability be used for reservoir scale? How? Explain in details.
No, we cannot because the permeability of it is very small scale a few inches & the
reservoir is very large so it has to be corrected to the log scale or use the well test
permeability to represent the reservoir scale.
15) Explain the conventional procedure to estimate petro physical properties at non-cored intervals.
1. By using well logs (conventional well logs) like GR, caliber, resistivity, sonic,
neutron &density.
2. Used regression analysis to fluids petro physical parameters.
16) How can the reservoir lithology be quantified? Explain all methods.
1. Lithology can be quantified directly from core & it is called lithofacies.
2. Can be quantified from well logs & see when is data clustering every group facies
This method called clustering.
17) Lis the main dynamic data required for reservoir simulation.
1. Fluid model PVT Bo-P-T-µ-GOR.
2. Rock sample SCAL Pc-Kr-Sw.
3. Geomechanical stress & strain of rocks.
4. Well test.
18) What are the main well data used in reservoir simulation?
*Vsh*Sw*well test K*well logs porosity*GOR*µ*Pc .
19)What are the different data scales in reservoir characterization? Given examples.
1. Gigascopic well test 1014.
2. Megascopic grid block 2x1012.
3. Macroscopic well log 3x107 or core plug 5x102.
4. Microscopic geological thin section 1 mm-µm.
20) What are the main factors affecting develop an oil field Wrt drilling in full
The well drilling between wells may not have the interpolation characteristic because
facies or may be these wells drilling in low permeable zones (shale), &the first well is
drilled in high permeable zone (sand).
21) Explain the univariate, bivariate and multivariate statistical analysis?
Univariate Statistics: to address all the issues related to check and normalize the data of
one parameter, such permeability.

Bivariate Statistics: to deal with the relationship between every two variables, X and Y,
such as the correlation between permeability and porosity, to conduct scale correction

multivariate: to deal with the relationship between one output Y and multiple inputs X1,
X2, ...
22) What is the conventional method to deal with double Y and multiple X?
Multivariate multiple.
23) How are the coefficients calculated in Linear Regression?
24) Write down the equations of linear and multiple regression methods and
define all terms in these equations.
y_bar_i = a0 + a1 xi1 + a2 xi2 + ... + ap xip
e_i = y_bar_i - y_pred_i

xi1, xi2, ..., xip : Independent Variable Observations
y_obs : Dependent Variable Observations
y_bar_i : predicted values of the dependent variables based on the model
e_i : error terms
25) Write down the formula of Residual, R, and standard deviation.
26) e_i = y_obs_i - y_bar_i
27) = y_obs_i - ( a0 + a1 xi1 + a2 xi2 + ... + ap xip )
28) Write down 3 methods of permeability modeling as a function of well log data.
29) Write down 2 methods of Facies modeling as a function of well log data.
30) Explain the usual procedure of cross-validation in petro physical modeling.
How are the structural and surface models reconstructed?
31) What are the characteristics of the hard and soft data in the reservoir? Give
32) List 3 main parameters used to assign candidate locations for infill drilling. )Quiz

Q2/ Circle the right answer to show whether each item is TRUE (T) or FLASE (F)
1. The miscrofacies can be obtained from well logging attributes. F
2. Cross-validation is a tool to accurately determine the most suitable structure for
prediction purposes. T .
3. The permeability can be re-calculated for mature reservoirs after long-term
production using routine core analysis. F
4. The first step to building the geological model is to construct the stratigraphic
model. T
5. The linear interpolation is an efficient procedure to estimate missing intervals out
of X data scope. T
6. R is reflecting how correct the linear relationship assumption between YandXT T
7. It is efficient to overcome the reservoir uncertainty by FDP optimization. T
8. The Net Cash Flow is the most appropriate economic analysis formula to evaluate
the FDP operation... T
9. Property upscaling is transferring the Geomodeling from fine to coarse scale T
10.The first parameter that should be for history tested matches is the reservoir
pressure. F
11. The main source of uncertainty in field development Data. T
12. There limited factors that mainly influcing the reservoir uncertainty. F
13.The main solution to overcome reservoir uncertainty is using supercomputers. F
14. The uncertainty can be mitigated by optimizing field development. T
15. Reservoir management is a strategy for applying multiple technologies in a
simple way to achieve synergy. F
16. The economic analysis is essential to be incorporated in the reservoir
management process
17. Petroleum reservoir management is a dynamic process that recognizes the
uncertainties in green and brown oil and gas fields. T
18.The reservoir model can be calibrated by future prediction of reservoir
performance. F
19.The reservoir permeability can be estimated from core and 3D seismic data. F
20. The reservoir delineation includes defining the formation geometry with respect
to facies and a faults existence. T
21. The FDP must be reviewed periodically to ensure it is still the best possible plan. T
22. The main data required for reconstructing a geocellar model are coming from
seismic data and well testing analysis. F
23. Property upscaling is transferring the geomodel to reservoir simulation by
increasing the grid cell dimensions. T
24.The dynamic data required for reservoir simulation include PVT and SCAL. T
25. The main difference between the black-oil, thermodynamic, and compositional
reservoir simulation models is the numerical analysis. F
26. The most suitable reservoir model for primary and IOR productions is the
27. The most accurate reservoir parameters that come from the course data scale. F
28. The history matching can be conducted for green oil and gas fields. F
29. The main key parameters used to quantify history matching are the PVT. F
30. Sound reservoir management seeks to economically optimize the reservoir
performance. T
31.The reservoir management is mainly required at the discovery period of new
reservoirs. F
32. The reservoir management elements can be efficiently adopted as disconnected
functions. F
33. Can the uncertainty be simplified as a risk in the field development
34. The most factor that mainly influencing the reservoir uncertainty is data.T
35.The permeability can be classified as a dynamic parameter in consolidated
reservoirs. F
36. The core permeability is corrected to log scale through core and log porosity.T
37. T The eservoir anisotropy is a function of vertical permeability. T
38.The SCAL is not a method to estimate reservoir permeability. T
39. The core permeability can be used for a reservoir scale. F
40.The regression analysis is the conventional procedure to estimate the petro
physical properties at non-cored intervals T
41.The reservoir lithology has a direct effect on both reservoir characterization and
flow simulation T
42. The reservoir of biology can be quantified from well logs T
43. The only advantage of geostatistics is to build the geological model.
44. The petro physical data correction is an example of univariate statistical analysis
in reservoir characterization F
45. The conventional approach of relating Y and X is to do a correlation.F
46. Using linear modeling is better than nonlinear petro physical modeling, T
47.R2 is reflecting how is Y is affected changing X. F
48.The deference between lithofacies, etrofacies, and micofacies is mainly related to
the sources they came from. T
49.The main source of uncertainty in fir d development is the Data.T
50.There limited factors that mainly in cling the reservoir uncertainty. F
51. The main solution to overcome reservoir uncertainty is using supercomputers. F
52.The uncertainty can be mitigated by optimizing field development
53.Reservoir management is a strategy for applying multiple technologies in a simple
way to achieve synergy.T
54. The economic analysis is essential to be incorporated in the reservoir
management process. T
55.Petroleum reservoir management is a dynamic process that recognizes the
uncertainties in green and brown oil and gas fields. T
56.The reservoir model can be calibrated by future prediction of reservoir
performance. F
57. The reservoir permeability can be estimated from core and 3D seismic data.F
58. The FDP must be reviewed periodically to ensure it is still the best possible plan.T
59. 29. Property upscaling is transferring the geomodel to reservoir simulation by
increasing the grid.T
60. Sound reservoir management seeks to economically optimize the reservoir
Q/A heterogeneous multilayer oil reservoir (with 65% Heterogeneity Index) with
initial pressure of 5000 psin and saturation pressure of 3000 psia. The reservoir
of 10 MMMSTB IOIP, has 60 producers mainly located at the crest and some
parts from cast and west flanks. The reservoir started production in 2002 and
continued producing based on the natural drive mechanisms as well as the
aquifer for almost 20 years until the reservoir pressure reached to 3200 psia and
the recovery factor didn't exceed 30%.

1. The reservoir is classified as extreme heterogeneous based on its

heterogeneity index. T F

2. The reservoir is surrounded by steady state aquifer.T F

3. The best way to increase the recovery factor is to drill new infill wells.T F

4. Gas injection is the suitable option to support the pressure and improve oil
recovery.T F

5. The heterogeneity has a large effect on making the recovery factor don't

exceed 30%. T F

6. ESP might be installed in 10 years from now to increase the production.T F

7. The secondary recovery stage may be started in the upcoming few years.T F

8. By the end of secondary recovery stage, the cumulative oil production might
reach to 6500 MMSTB. T F

9. By the end of secondary recovery stage, there will be significant remaining

recoverable oil to start enhanced oil recovery stage T F

10. By the end of tertiary recovery, the oil recovery factor might exceed 90%.T F
Q/ An oil reservoir (10 km width and 45 km length) with initial pressure of 5120
psia and saturation pressure of 2700 psia. The reservoir has 120 producers
mainly located at the crest, where 50 injectors distributed at the east flank only.
The reservoir started production in 1965 and continued in primary recovery for
almost 20 years when the reservoir pressure reached to 4200 psia and the
recovery factor didn't exceed 50%. The reservoir has heterogeneity index of
65%. Based on the reservoir above, answer the following questions briefly:

1. Determine if the reservoir has a primary and/or secondary gas cap:

2. Determine if the reservoir is surrounded by a finite or infinite aquifer. 3. After

1985, what will be the most suitable future scenario to improve the oil recovery
to reach approximately

70%2 4. When will the reservoir be producing under the secondary recovery

5. There were no injectors at the west flank, what is the possible reason? 6.
Specify whether the aquifer has distinct strengths at the east and west flank and

7. If the reservoir has discontinuous interbedded shale layers and the average
horizontal permeability was 2000 md

whereas the vertical permeability was 1200 md, what is the average anisotropy
ratio? Why? 8. The reservoir has a high pressure for the entire production period,
but the recovery factor didn't exceed 50% What is the possible reason?

9. Discuss if the reservoir might need for ESP installation during the secondary
recovery process or not.
10. If the owner company decided to implement a future development under the
sound reservoir management process, what will be the elements of reservoir
management process? ‫كاظم هزاع‬

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