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Mental health is one of the most important thing that every people should be aware of for it affects
millions of lives daily. Ignoring this issue will only make it hard for those who are suffering from their
mental health. By raising awareness, we can create an environment where they can feel safe discussing
their struggles. Increased awareness can also foster empathy and understanding, reducing the
discrimination against those who have mental issues. Together, we can break the silence, provide hope
to other people, and create a more better world where we can freely express ourselves.


Mental health encompasses an individual's emotional, psychological, and social well-being. It plays a
vital role in one's overall quality of life, affecting their thoughts, feelings, and behaviors. Mental health
conditions, such as anxiety and depression, are prevalent worldwide, with millions of people affected.
Seeking help and support for mental health issues is crucial, as early intervention can lead to better
outcomes. Promoting awareness and reducing stigma surrounding mental health is essential for
fostering a more compassionate and understanding society.


I think that people with mental issues doesn’t deserve to be judged by other people. People should
understand that not everyone is capable in handling their problems and emotions. They should be more
considerate or just mind their own business when they encounter people like them. By doing so, we can
at least help them in a simplest way because I know that their their self together with their psychiatrist
or any professionals who can guide them is their only treatment. Just like what other people said, we
only have ourselves at the end of our battle.

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