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Drug Safety 1996Sep; 15 (3): 200-211

RISK-BENEFIT ASSESSMENT o 114-5916/96/CXXl9-D2oo/S06.oo/0

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ACE Inhibitors and the Kidney

A Risk-Benefit Assessment
Gerjan Navis, Harald J. Faber, Dick de Zeeuw and Paul E. de Jong
Groningen Institute for Drug Studies (GIDS), Division of Nephrology, Department of Internal
Medicine, University Hospital Groningen, Groningen, The Netherlands

Summary ........ . 200
1. Mechanism of Action of ACE Inhibitors 201
2. Renal Effects of ACE Inhibitors . 202
2.1 Essential Hypertension 202
2.2 Renovascular Hypertension . . 203
2.3 Proteinuria and Nondiabetic Chronic Renal Failure 203
2.4 Diabetic Nephropathy . . . . . . . . 205
2.5 Heart Failure . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 205
2.6 Idiosyncratic Renal Adverse Effects 206
3. Drug Interactions ... . . . . . . . . . . . 206
4. Directions for Use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 206
5. Comparison with Angiotensin II Receptor Blockers 207
6. Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 208

Summary ACE inhibitors effectively reduce systemic vascular resistance in patients with
hypertension, heart failure or chronic renal disease. This antihypertensive effi-
cacy probably accounts for an important part of their long term renoprotective
effects in patients with diabetic and non-diabetic renal disease.
The renal mechanisms underlying the renal adverse effects of ACE inhibitors
- intrarenal efferent vasodilation with a consequent fall in filtration pressure -
are held to be involved in their renoprotective effects as well. The fall in filtration
pressure presumably contributes to the antiproteinuric effect as well as to long
term renoprotection. The former is suggested by the positive correlation between
the fall in filtration fraction and the reduction in proteinuria found during ACE
inhibition. The latter is suggested by the correlation between the (slight) reduction
in glomerular filtration rate at onset of therapy and a more favourable course of
renal function in the long term . Such a fall in filtration rate at the onset of ACE
inhibitor treatment is reversible after withdrawal, and can be considered the trade-
offfor long term renal protection in patients with diabetic and nondiabetic chronic
renal disease.
In conditions in which glomerular filtration is critically dependent on angio-
tensin II-mediated efferent vascular tone (such as a post-stenotic kidney, or patients
with heart failure and severe depletion of circulating volume), ACE inhibition
can induce acute renal failure, which is reversible after withdrawal of the drug.
Systemic and renal haemodynamic effects of ACE inhibition, both beneficial
ACE Inhibitors and the Kidney 201

and adverse, are potentiated by sodium depletion. Consequently, sodium repletion

contributes to the restoration of renal function in patients with ACE inhibitor-induced
acute renal failure. On the other hand, co-treatment with diuretics and sodium
restriction can improve therapeutic efficacy in patients in whom the therapeutic
response of blood pressure or proteinuria is insufficient.
Patients at the greatest risk for renal adverse effects (those with heart failure,
diabetes mellitus and/or chronic renal failure) also can expect the greatest benefit.
Therefore, ACE inhibitors should not be withheld in these patients, but dosages
should be carefully titrated, with monitoring of renal function and serum potas-
sium levels.

Since their introduction as antihypertensives in underlying ACE inhibitor-induced acute renal fail-
the early 1980s, the use of ACE inhibitors has ex- ure most likely account for the reno protective ef-
panded greatly. This expansion is not only attrib- fects as well. Understanding these mechanisms
utable to their antihypertensive efficacy, but also to will help to tailor therapy, and thus allow the clini-
the discovery of their beneficial effects in other con- cian to achieve the most favourable risk: benefit
ditions such as heart failure and proteinuria. ratio in individual patients.
Hypertension and heart failure are common con-
ditions in general practice. A recent survey in The 1. Mechanism of Action of
Netherlands, for instance, showed that 1.25% of in- ACE Inhibitors
dividuals over 55 years of age were receiving long
term ACE inhibitor therapy)l] The increase in prev- ACE inhibitors interact with the renin-angio-
alence of long term use of ACE inhibitors, 285% tensin-aldosterone system (RAAS) by competitively
over the last 5 years, has been more rapid than for blocking angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE),
any other class of drugs. which forms the effector hormone of the RAAS,
This widespread use prompts a thorough risk- the octapeptide angiotensin II, from the inactive
benefit assessment, with particular reference to decapeptide angiotensin I. Reduced formation of
populations at risk. In this article, we present a risk- angiotensin II is considered to account for many, if
benefit assessment of the renal effects of ACE in- not all, of the known effects of ACE inhibitors.
hibitors, both for patients with renal disease and for Angiotensin II is a potent vasoconstrictor of the
patients treated with ACE inhibitors for other con- systemic and the renal vascular bed. Consequently,
ditions. ACE inhibitors produce systemic and renal vaso-
The renal risk: benefit ratio is of particular in- dilation, resulting in a fall in blood pressure and an
terest. Shortly after the introduction of ACE inhib- increase in renal blood flow. As renal vasodilation
itors as antihypertensive agents, severe renal ad- is mainly located at the efferent arteriole, filtration
verse effects (acute renal failure and proteinuria) pressure is reduced by ACE inhibition. In addition,
were reported, which may have led to a certain ret- angiotensin II induces mesangial cell contraction,
icence over the use of these drugs in patients with thus reducing the glomerular filtration area;[5,6]
renal disease over those early yearsP] Of note, thus, ACE inhibitors increase the surface area
however, ACE inhibitors appear to have reno- available for filtration. As a consequence of these
protective properties, to the extent that today they actions, the lower filtration pressure does not auto-
are used to provide renoprotection in patients with matically lead to a reduction in glomerular filtration
conditions such as diabetic nephropathy[3] and rate (GFR), as it is counterbalanced by the simul-
nondiabetic proteinuria.l 4 ] taneous increases in renal blood flow and filtration
It is an apparent paradox that the mechanisms area. Accordingly, GFR may increase, remain stable

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202 Navis et al.

or decrease, depending on the prevailing condi- bly the most important. Thus, ACE inhibitors re-
tions in the renal microcirculation and the effects duce bradykinin degradation. Whether this contrib-
on blood pressure. utes to their therapeutic effects on the kidney is still
The decrease in filtration pressure is believed to a matter of debate. LI8 ]
be involved in the initial antiproteinuric effect of To optimise the risk: benefit ratio of ACE in-
ACE inhibition, as well as in the occurrence of ACE hibitors by tailoring therapy, 2 concepts are impor-
inhibitor-induced renal failure in some pathologi- tant. First, the mechanism underlying the class-
cal conditions. In situations with a low renal perfu- related adverse effects of ACE inhibitors on renal
sion pressure, such as hypovolaemia, heart failure function (efferent vasodilation with a fall in filtra-
or renal artery stenosis, GFR is often critically tion pressure) is also thought to be involved in the
dependent on angiotensin II-mediated efferent renoprotective effects of ACE inhibitors. Second,
arteriolar tone. In such conditions, reduction of ef- as the systemic and renal haemodynamic effects of
ferent vascular tone by ACE inhibitors can dramat- ACE inhibitors (beneficial and adverse) depend on
ically lower GFR, more so when systemic blood RAAS blockade, the prevailing state of activation
pressure decreases as well. These effects are poten- of the RAAS is an important determinant of these
tiated by prior sodium depletionP] Thus, a func- effects of ACE inhibitors. Thus, the desired thera-
tional, haemodynamically mediated renal insuffi- peutic effects of ACE inhibitors can be potentiated
ciency can occur, that is reversible after withdrawal by inducing sodium depletion, by co-treatment with
of the ACE inhibitor. diuretics and/or by dietary sodium restriction. LI9 ,20]
This will, however, increase the vulnerability of the
As angiotensin II induces renal sodium reten-
kidney to the abovementioned adverse effects.
tion by stimulation of aldosterone and by direct
Tailoring ACE inhibitor therapy, therefore, not
tubular effects,L8] ACE inhibitors induce natriuresis
only entails dosage adjustment, but also control of
and mild potassium retention. L9,IO) The latter is cor-
sodium status.
related with the fall in circulating aldosterone
leveIJ II ] Finally, angiotensin II modulates growth
and proliferation of cell types such as vascular
2. Renal Effects of ACE Inhibitors
smooth muscle cells Ll2 ] and mesangial cells.£13]
Therefore, angiotensin II probably contributes to 2.1 Essential Hypertension
mesangial cell proliferation and matrix accumula- In patients with essential hypertension, ACE in-
tion,LI4] processes that are involved in the develop- hibitors reduce blood pressure and increase renal
ment of focal segmental glomerulosclerosis, LIS] the blood flow; GFR usually rises or remains stable. In
alleged final common pathway of progressive renal the subgroup of patients with essential hypertension
failure . In experimental renal disease, the develop- who also have an elevated pretreatment renal vas-
ment of glomerulosclerosis is prevented or amelio- cular tone (either resulting from a state of vasocon-
rated by ACE inhibitors. LI6 ,17] The clinical counter- striction inherent to the hypertension L21 ] or from
part of this renoprotection is the favourable effect moderate dietary sodium restriction[22) both renal
on the long term course of renal function loss in blood flow and GFR increase. In essential hyper-
patients with diabetic nephropathy and nondiabetic tension ACE inhibitors induce natriuresis during
proteinuria. Whether, in man, anti proliferative ef- both low and liberal sodium intake.£19) As these pa-
fects contribute to the renoprotective effects of tients have normal renal function, the fall in aldo-
ACE inhibitors is as yet unknown. sterone level does not elicit hyperkalaemia, except
The enzymatic action of ACE is not limited to when ACE inhibitors are combined with other
the cleavage of angiotensin I; in addition, ACE potassium-sparing drugs. (23 )
(also denoted kininase II) cleaves a number of en- ACE inhibitors reduce microalbuminuria in pa-
dogenous peptides, of which bradykinin is proba- tients with essential hypertension. L24 ] The prognostic

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ACE Inhibitors and the Kidney 203

significance of microalbuminuria with regard to tions in GFR in the stenotic kidney can go un-
long term renal outcome in this population remains noticed.
to be established, but the association between micro- In view of its functional nature, the fall in GFR is
albuminuria and rises in serum creatinine levels[25] reversible after withdrawal of the ACE inhibitor,
suggests that microalbuminuria may be a marker even after prolonged use according to some case re-
of long term renal function loss in this population. ports.[36.37] Nevertheless, irreversible loss of stenotic
Whether this implies that, in essential hyperten- kidney function during long term ACE inhibition has
sion, ACE inhibitors offer advantages over other also been reported, attributed to accelerated progres-
classes of antihypertensives with respect to the sion of the stenosis as such. [3S] Therefore, renal artery
long term course of renal function,[26.27] and overall stenosis is considered a contraindication for the use
morbidity and mortality, is still under investigation. of ACE inhibitors. In selected patients, however,
when anatomical correction of the stenosis is impos-
2.2 Renovascular Hypertension sible and when blood pressure fails to respond to
other antihypertensives, a trial with a low dosage of
ACE inhibitors were originally designed to treat an ACE inhibitor, preferably conducted with the pa-
high-renin hypertension, of which renovascular tient hospitalised, with daily control of blood pres-
hypertension is the classical example. Not surpris- sure and creatinine clearance at the onset of therapy,
ingly, therefore, ACE inhibitors effectively lower can sometimes be justified. .
blood pressure in many patients with renovascular The renal haemodynamic effects of ACE inhib-
hypertensionPS] Yet, in some patients ACE inhib- itors in patients with renal artery stenosis provide
itors fail to lower blood pressure, probably as a the physiological basis for the use of acute ACE
result of the sequential mechanisms that account inhibitors to increase the sensitivity of renography
for the high blood pressure in patients with renal in the detection of renal artery stenosis)39,40] Of
artery stenosis. Renin release initiates the hyper- note, experimental evidence indicates that long
tension, but when volume expansion subsequently term ACE inhibition may not increase the sensitiv-
becomes an additional perpetuating factor for the ity of renography as effectively as acute ACE inhi-
hypertension, blood pressure may respond less bition.[41) In humans, this issue has not been ade-
well to ACE inhibitors. Thus, a poor blood pressure quately addressed as yet.
response to ACE inhibitors does not exclude the
presence of renal artery stenosis.l 29 ) 2.3 Proteinuria and Nondiabetic Chronic
The presence of (unrecognised) renal artery ste- Renal Failure
nosis in patients treated with ACE inhibitors is a
ACE inhibitors effectively reduce proteinuria
matter of concern, considering the renal effects of
by approximately 50%.[4] Sodium balance is an im-
ACE inhibitors in renovascular hypertension. In a
portant determinant of the antiproteinuric efficacy;
post-stenotic kidney, glomerular filtration is often
the latter is virtually abolished when there is a lib-
critically dependent on angiotensin II-mediated
eral sodium intake,[20) but is restored by dietary
efferent vasoconstriction. Thus, ACE inhibitors
sodium restriction and/or concomitant use of a di-
can induce a substantial decrease in GFR in a post-
uretic.l42 ] Dietary protein restriction also increases
stenotic kidney,[3o.31] which does not occur with other
the antiproteinuric effect.l43 ]
antihypertensive agents despite similar effects on
blood pressure.[32] In patients with renal artery ste- 2.3. , Antiproteinuric Effect
nosis of a solitary kidney (a native kidney[33) or a The antiproteinuric effect of ACE inhibitors ex-
renal transplant[34]) or in those with bilateral renal ceeds that of other antihypertensives that have sim-
artery stenosis, this can induce acute renal fail- ilar effects on blood pressure;[4,44,45] therefore, it
ure.[35] However, in the presence of a functionally cannot be explained solely by the decrease in blood
normal contralateral kidney, even dramatic reduc- pressure. The reduction in proteinuria is associated

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204 Navis et al.

with an improved lipid profile,[46) which may of retrospective[56) and randomised prospective
favourably affect both cardiovascular and renal studies[57,58) of ACE inhibitor-based treatment re-
outcomeJ47,48) gimens, support this assumption. Other studies,
The antiproteinuric response at the onset of however, have failed to show an advantage of ACE
treatment is correlated with the magnitude of the inhibitors over other antihypertensivesJ59)
early renal haemodynamic response: a larger de- The disparities between the studies may result
crease in GFR is associated with a better anti- from differences in study design, degree of blood
protein uric response. Interestingly, an effective pressure control or patient populations. The pro-
anti protein uric response at the onset of treatment portion of patients with proteinuria, for instance,
predicts a more favourable long term course of re- may be relevant in achieving a protective effect on
nal function.[49,50) This supports the assumption long term renal function in a particular study. In
that proteinuria per se is involved in progressive this respect, our recent observation might be rele-
loss of renal function[51 J and emphasises the impor- vant: the long term renal function loss in patients
tance of reducing proteinuria as a therapeutic strat- with renal disease and hypertension treated with
egy in preventing progressive renal function loss either an ACE inhibitor or a ~-blocker, was more
in patients with proteinuriaJ52,53) This also implies rapid in patients with a DD-polymorphism for the
that a larger fall in GFR at the onset of treatment is ACE gene.[60) This genetic polymorphism was re-
associated with a more favourable long term course cently found to be associated with increased cardio-
of renal function. [54) Thus, a haemodynamically vascular riskJ61) The DD-genotype is associated
mediated decrease in GFR is the price to be paid with elevated serum and tissue ACE levelsJ62)
for a reduction in proteinuria and for long term Whether this phenotypic abnormality affects the
renoprotection. systemic or the renal response to ACE inhibition,
Unfortunately, this association can limit the use however, is still unclear.[63,64)
of ACE inhibitors as antiproteinuric treatment in
patients with severe renal insufficiency; thus, in 2.3.3 Renal Adverse Effects
patients with advanced renal failure, institution of A number of renal adverse effects of ACE inhib-
ACE inhibitors requires close monitoring of renal itors has been reported in patients with renal fail-
function. ure. In most cases, these effects result from the
All in all, ACE inhibitors have become drugs of pharmacological actions of ACE inhibitors, namely,
choice for the symptomatic treatment of proteinuria. the decreases in filtration pressure and in aldoste-
Antiproteinuric efficacy is augmented by concur- rone level. Reversible acute renal failure during
rent treatment with nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory ACE inhibition was reported in patients with poly-
drugs (NSAIDs),[55) provided that volume over- cystic kidney disease[65) as well as in patients with
load has been adequately corrected by sodium re- hypertensive nephrosclerosis,[66) in the absence of
striction and diuretics. However, as this combina- renal artery stenosis.
tion can considerably depress GFR, renal function The impairment of renal function is often re-
and serum potassium levels should be closely mon- lated to symptomatic hypotension, and is revers-
itored, especially in patients with pre-existing im- ible after discontinuation of ACE inhibitor therapy
pairment of renal function. and after sodium repletion. Re-institution of the
ACE inhibitor at a lower dosage is often well tol-
2.3.2 Long Term Renal Protection eratedJ66) In this respect, it is relevant that many
Whether ACE inhibitors offer better protection ACE inhibitors are excreted by the renal route, and
against long term renal function loss in patients dosage should be reduced accordingly in patients
with nondiabetic renal disease than other, equally with renal failure . In renal transplant recipients,
effective, antihypertensives is a much-debated is- ACE inhibitors can also induce reversible renal
sue. Experimental evidence,[16) as well as a number failure in the absence of renal artery stenosis; it has

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ACE Inhibitors and the Kidney 205

been suggested that impaired glomerular perfusion been recommended,[S3] therefore, that ACE inhib-
pressure, caused by changes in the renal micro- itors should be instituted before microalbuminuria
vasculature by chronic vascular rejection (or cyclo- develops.
sporin therapy), predisposes to GFR impairment Hyporeninaemic hypoaldosteronism, resulting
during ACE inhibition in these patients,f67] in an elevation of serum potassium levels, is a rel-
In patients with renal failure, an elevated aldo- atively frequent condition in patients with diabetic
sterone level helps to maintain potassium bal- nephropathy;[S4,S5 J therefore, patients with diabetic
ance;[6S] ACE inhibitors can elicit hyperkalaemia nephropathy are at particular risk of developing
in these patients because of the decrease in aldo- hyperkalaemia during ACE inhibitor therapy,[S6]
sterone level,[69] particularly in patients with ad- especially when renal function is impaired.
vanced renal failure or those receiving concurrent
treatment with other potassium-sparing drugs. 2.5 Heart Failure

2.4 Diabetic Nephropathy ACE inhibitors have been convincingly shown

to increase life expectancy in patients with heart
Diabetic nephropathy is a major cause of end- failure,ls7J and are now widely used in this common
stage renal failure. The natural history of the dis- condition. Their renal effects can vary greatly, de-
ease is characterised by early microalbuminuria and pending on the prior condition of the patient.
hyperfiltration, with overt proteinuria and ongoing ACE inhibitors induce renal vasodilation, and
renal function loss as the disease progresses. ACE increase renal blood flow in heart failure patients.[SS]
inhibitors reduce proteinuria in patients with insulin- For instance, it has been calculated that two-thirds
dependent diabetes mellitus (IDDM)[3] and non- of the rise in cardiac output during ACE inhibitor
insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM),[70] therapy is accounted for by the increase in renal
and retard the rate of renal function loss,f71 .72] The perfusion,fs9J However, ACE inhibitors have been
reduction in proteinuria is associated with an im- shown to induce acute renal failure, as a result of
provement in the lipid profile,[73) a risk factor for functional renal insufficiency, in approximately
both cardiovascular morbidity and long term renal one-third of patients with severe heart failure.[90]
function loss,f74) Patients prone to develop acute renal failure are
Blood pressure control is an important prereq- those taking diuretics, with depletion of the effective
uisite for renoprotection in patients with diabetic circulating volume, and/or with hyponatraemia[9l J
nephropathy, [75] although whether ACE inhibitors indicating that prior sodium depletion predisposes
provide long term renoprotection by their effects to the development of renal failure in these patients.
on blood pressure or by specific renal effects,[76.77] Indeed, sodium repletion restores renal function de-
is still a matter of debate. Specific renal effects spite continuation of ACE inhibitor therapy.[S9J
could include the reduction in proteinuria, lower- Diabetic patients with heart failure tend to be par-
ing of glomerular pressure,[78] antiproliferative ef- ticularly vulnerable to ACE inhibitor-induced
fects, or a combination of these. functional impairment of renal function[S9J when
Of note, ACE inhibitors also retard the progres- the abovementioned risk factors are present. This
sion of microalbuminuria to overt proteinuria[79] has been suggested to be caused by potentiation of
and subsequent renal function loss in normotensive diuretic-induced volume depletion secondary to
patients with either IDDM[SO] or NIDDM,fsl] As a hypoaldosteronism in these patients.
consequence, ACE inhibitors are drugs of choice Although patients with heart failure are at a par-
for hypertensive as well as normotensive patients ticular risk of developing renal insufficiency during
with diabetic nephropathy or microalbuminuria. In ACE inhibition, the cardiac benefits of ACE inhib-
hypertensive patients with NIDDM, ACE inhibi- itors in terms of mortality are substantiaL There-
tors retard the onset of microalbuminuria. [S2J It has fore, in patients with an ACE inhibitor-induced

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206 Navis et al.

deterioration in renal function, ACE inhibitors should diuretics, not only from a pharmaco-epidemiological
not be withheld if at all possible; instead, after a point of view, but because of the potentiation of the
short wash-out period and tapering of diuretic ther- systemic and renal haemodynamic effects of ACE
apy, they should be continued at a low dosage, sub- inhibitors (see section I). This potentiation in fact
ject to close monitoring of renal function and electro- can be used as a tool to increase therapeutic effi-
lytes.l 861 cacy in individual patients with hypertension, pro-
teinuria or heart failure . On the other hand, this
2.6 Idiosyncratic Renal Adverse Effects potentiation can elicit renal insufficiency in vulner-
able patients. Combination with potassium-sparing
The aforementioned renal adverse effects of
diuretics is to be avoided because of the high risk
ACE inhibitors - functional renal impairment and
of hyperkalaemia.
hyperkalaemia in patients at risk - clearly relate to
The combined use of ACE inhibitors and NSAIDs
the pharmacological interruption of the RAAS and,
also deserves consideration. In patients with pro-
therefore, are class-specific. In a small number of
teinuria, this combination can be deliberately used
patients, however, idiosyncratic renal parenchymal
to improve antiproteinuric efficacy, provided that
disease (with or without proteinuria) has been re-
therapy is closely monitored (section 2.3.1). In
ported with the use of ACE inhibitors, including
general practice, however, the combined used of
acute tubular necrosis, acute interstitial nephritis
ACE inhibitors and NSAIDs is often coincidental
and membranous glomerulopathyJ92-94] However,
rather than deliberate. As NSAIDs induce renal so-
the early concerns about captopril-induced protein-
dium retention,[97] they can impair the efficacy of
uria and membranous glomerulopathy have sub-
ACE inhibitors in treating hypertension f98 ] as well
sided, as later experience showed that these effects
as heart failure. 1991 Therefore, concern should be
were related to dosages that far exceeded those cur-
raised by a recent epidemiological analysis of ad-
rently in use.
missions for heart failure, which showed a clear-
The spectre of renal and nonrenal adverse ef-
cut over-representation of patients recently started
fects of ACE inhibitors has been extensively re-
on NSAID therapy.lIOO]
viewed. 195 ] In fact ACE inhibitors generally appear
to be a safe class of drugs, with few renal adverse
effects apart from those explained by the pharma- 4. Directions for Use
cology of these drugs and discussed extensively in
the preceding sections.
As stated above, ACE inhibitors are generally a
well-tolerated class of drugs that elicit few adverse
3. Drug Interactions
effects. Optimising the risk: benefit ratio for ACE
Patients who are treated with ACE inhibitors for inhibitors requires identification of patients who
heart failure, hypertension, diabetic nephropathy or are at risk of developing renal function deteriora-
renal failure (with or without proteinuria) seldom tion and/or hyperkalaemia during therapy relative
receive mono therapy. In the survey cited in the in- to the expected benefits of ACE inhibitors in those
troduction,l!] the most frequent combinations were patients; this must be followed by careful titration
with diuretics (53%), cardiac glycosides (20%), cal- of therapy. In low-risk patients (those with essen-
cium antagonists (20%) or oral anticoagulants tial hypertension), renal function deterioration
(20%), while 11 % of patients used an NSAID long with ACE inhibitors is only found in the presence
term. of concomitant moderate to severe volume deple-
The pharmacokinetic interactions of ACE inhib- tion, which usually results from the overzealous use
itors with other classes of drugs have been exten- of diuretics or intercurrent conditions inducing vol-
sively reviewed elsewhereJ96] The most important ume depletion, such as gastrointestinal infections.
pharmacodynamic interaction is doubtless that with Thus, in these patients, prevention of clinically

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ACE Inhibitors and the Kidney 207

important volume depletion should be sufficient to Table I summarises pharmacokinetic properties

prevent renal adverse effects. of several commonly used ACE inhibitors, as well
Of note, patient categories at the highest risk of as the starting dosages for patients with renal func-
renal adverse reactions are also those in whom the tion impairment, as recommended by the manufac-
expected benefit is highest, namely, patients with turers. It should be noted that first-dose hypotension
heart failure or diabetic nephropathy (or both). can occur despite adequate dosage reduction as it
ACE inhibitors should not be withheld in these pa- is determined by pre-existing volume status rather
tients if at all possible; however, the dosage of the than by the dosage ofthe ACE inhibitor. In patients
ACE inhibitor, as well as that of concomitant di- at risk for first-dose hypotension, for instance due
uretic therapy, should be adjusted to allow these to prior diuretic treatment and/or forward failure,
patients the benefit of ACE inhibition. it can be useful to choose a short-acting ACE in-
In patients with hyperkalaemia during ACE in- hibitor (such as captopril) for a start, to limit the
hibitor therapy, dietary potassium restriction may duration of hypotension, should it occur. If this
help to control potassium levels. Nevertheless, if ACE inhibitor is well tolerated, it can be safely
intercurrent volume depletion occurs, such pa- replaced by a longer acting one, if desired. After the
initiation of treatment, further up- or down-titration
tients are at high risk of developing severe hyper-
should occur, guided by blood pressure and renal
kalaemia. Therefore, in these patients, serum elec-
trolyte levels and renal function should be closely
At present, there is no evidence that any indi- 5. Comparison with Angiotensin II
vidual ACE inhibitor is to be preferred over the Receptor Blockers
others with regard to efficacy.[IOI] Pharmacokinetic
differences, thus far, constitute the only well-estab- ACE inhibitors were the first class of drugs to
lished differences between ACE inhibitors. Many effectively block the RAAS. However, angiotensin
ACE inhibitors are excreted by the kidney and thus II receptor (subtype AT l ) antagonists are now avail-
require dosage adjustment when renal function is able as an alternative strategy to eliminate the ef-
impaired.l 102 ] fects of angiotensin II.

Table I. Pharmacokinetic properties of ACE inhibitors and recommended starting dosages in patients with impaired renal function
Drug Prodrug Route of tmax t1/2B Recommended starting dose (mg) in renal patients
elimination (h) (h) according to creatinine clearance
<10 ml/min 10-30 ml/min 30-60 ml/min
Benazepril Yes Renal/hepatic 1.5 21 2.5 twice weekly 2.5-5 5-10
Captopril No Renal 1 2 6.25 12.5 12.5 bid
Cilazapril Yes Renal 4 40 0.25-0.5 once or 0.5 1
twice weekly
Enalapril Yes Renal 4 11 2.5 twice weekly 2.5 5
Fosinopril Yes Hepatic/renal 3 12 10 10 10
Lisinopril No Renal 7 13 2.5 twice weekly 2.5-5 5-10
Perindopril Yes Renal 4 25-30 2 twice weekly 2 every 2 days 2
Quinapril Yes Renal 2 3 ? 2.5-5 5-10
Ramipril Yes Renal/hepatic 3 12 ? 1.25 1.25-2.5
Spirapril Yes Renal/hepatic 2.5 30 ? 3 3
Trandolapril Yes Hepatic/renal 4 16-24 0.5 0.5 2
a Except when otherwise indicated, the dose frequency for the recommended starting dosages is once daily.
Abbreviations and symbols: bid = twice daily; t1/2B = terminal elimination half-life (for prodrugs: terminal half-life of active metabolite); t max =
time to peak plasma concentration; ? = dosage not known.

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208 Navis et al.

Animal data suggest that some of the renal ac- 6. Conclusion

tions of ACE inhibitors and AT I receptor antago-
The perception of the renal risk-benefit ratio of
nists may differ. First, renal function impairment in
ACE inhibitors has undergone a remarkable change
renovascular hypertension may be less severe with
since the introduction of these agents. Early studies
angiotensin II receptor antagonists than with ACE
focused on the renal risks of ACE inhibition, but
inhibitors, suggesting a role for decreased brady-
also provided insights into the (patho-) physiology
kinin degradation in functional renal insufficiency
of the RAAS. This knowledge has contributed to
after ACE inhibitionJI03] In rats, the renoprotective
the success of subsequent studies delineating the
effects of ATI receptor antagonists and ACE inhib-
beneficial effects of ACE inhibitors in cardiac and
itors were similar in the renal failure models of
in renal disease. Whereas reversible renal function
subtotal nephrectomy,[I04] and streptozocin-induced
impairment can occur due to ACE inhibition, the
diabetic nephropathy,[IOS] but ACE inhibition was
patients at the highest risk for renal adverse effects
claimed to provide better renoprotection in other (i.e patients with heart failure, diabetes mellitus
renal failure models, namely, puromycin animo- and/or chronic renal failure) are also the ones that
glycoside (PAN) nephrosis[I06] and early passive can expect the greatest benefit of ACE inhibition.
Heymann nephritisJI07] Thus, in experimental re- Therefore, ACE inhibitors should not be withheld
nal disease, ACE inhibitors and AT I receptor antag- in these patients, but treatment should be carefully
onists may have a somewhat different profile with titrated, considering dosage, volume status and the
regard to beneficial as well as adverse renal effects. responses of blood pressure and renal function.
In humans, however, the renal effects of AT I This allows minimisation of the risks of treatment,
receptor antagonists and ACE inhibitors reported and thus to favourably affect the risk-benefit ratio
thus far are more or less similar with respect to for the individual patient.
short term renal haemodynamic effects and reduc-
tion of proteinuria, supporting the assumption that Acknowledgements
the renal effects of ACE inhibitors are mainly me-
GIDS is part of the research school Groningen Utrecht
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