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Written by Drew Williams

This is a custom reference for the inhabitants of Restwell (The Keep on the Borderlands), as suggested by Gary Gygax in 'Preparation for
the Use of the Module' section of Dungeon Module B2 The Keep of the Borderlands (pages 5-7). Most details herein only embellish on those
already included in the module, and are fully compatible. Where some details do differ, precedence is to be given to the custom changes
included here. The Keep Map included has been slightly modified to show the few additions indicated.

1c. MAIN GATE: 2 men-at-arms from area 2. Two Guards stand

PEOPLE OF THE KEEP together beside the short stone walls of a ramp. A broad
thick oak drawbridge has been left lowered, and rests flush
1a. THE APPROACH: The wide dirt road rises above the valley to in a niche of the ramp that spans a steep crevasse left
the keep. Probability of encountering merchants and between the fortress' sheer cliff wall and the top of the road.
travelers. See the Road Encounters Chart. Portculli within the gatehouse are also left open, as meager
traffic passes through regularly. But everywhere the shadows
1b. BUTCHER'S LANE: A shantytown where hunters and trappers of well armed soldiers indicate that the defenses are well
deal with furriers and meat sellers. 3 main buildings: a tavern manned. These two Guards will be among the older and
called "The Snare Trap", A butcher's collective called the wiser of the garrison, being well acquainted with their duties
"Blood Pit", and a notorious Pelt Trader's Warehouse run by a and each other. Crossbow wielders on the towers above,
cruel woman named Magg. Tents and lean-tos of various and halberdiers within the gatehouse tunnel, will all defer to
impermanence crowd between these structures and against the gestures of these first two. Strangers and infrequent
the cliff base. It is always occupied by 60-80 visitors and semi- travelers that are not recognized, as well as the occasional
permanent residents. See Butcher's Lane Map and Butcher's subject, are challenged to declare their origin and purpose.
Lane NPC Sheet. If the party approaches this area, they Restwell maintains a policy of arms that bars most from
should quickly recognize that it is an unsavory crowd. Many carrying more than a single dagger within the walls, and a
hunters grumble and keep to themselves, but skinners and portion of the fortress Warehouse (5) is secured with an iron
trappers only stay to either do business or get drunk. The sight cage for checked weapons. Each weapon surrendered
of a brawl tumbling into the muddy lane from the front incurs a fee, separate from the gatehouse toll itself. Though
entrance of The Snare Trap is a common one. If any players these two guards do not collect these effects, they ensure
are seeking gambling, or unsavory employment, The Snare that the party accepts that they must abide by these
Trap is where it will be found. If a player would like to sell raw standards before being permitted to cross the drawbridge.
pelts or the meat of fresh kills, the Pelt Trader or the Blood Pit Draw these guards randomly from the NPC sheet.
will be willing to pay a price. The skinning of fantastic
creatures for trophy could also be arranged for the right
price. Roll a 1-3 on a d8 for 2-4 Restwell Watchmen to be
Procedure for Interviewing New Arrivals:
present at a given time. When no patrol is present,
"Where are you coming from?"
probabilities for brawls, thefts, or worse, increase. "What is your business in Restwell?"
Butcher's Lane exists due to edicts established many years "Do you have coin with which to pay the Bailiff?"
ago, that bar many of the numerous hunters and trappers of "Are you prepared to pay all dues required?"
the region from entering the Keep without enduring fines. "Are you prepared to obey the Kings Law within these walls?"
"Do you have any lawful goods to claim?"
"Do you have any claims to salvage you wish to report?"

1gp toll per head for entry.
2gp for each weapon surrendered.
2gp to stable each animal.
1gp for each night stable after.
1gp for each wagon or cart.
3sp for each barrow.
1% assessed value tax on incoming goods.
10% assessed value tax on reported salvage.

The guards are very observant and thorough. Privileges

and unmolested passage are given to known local subjects
who are already documented for and pay other taxes. But
newcomers, mercenaries, and scavengers, are treated as a
source of revenue. Licensed Merchants and Traders from the
Realm will often have papers showing where and when fees
on transported goods have already been paid. Envoys of
state are given free passage so long as their documentation
is in order.

Though the senior guards are poorly educated, the best of

them are experienced enough to be able to read and
evaluate the most common sorts of paperwork. Though
there is a (Check Int) possibility of passing using forgeries,
assuming they are not also reviewed by the Scribe Watt (3.),
or the Bailiff (6.).

Haggling or bartering for passage is seldom tolerated.

Arrivals who are unable to pay their assessed fees in coin at

the gate. usually turn up in Butcher's Lane to either gamble a loft above the cage. Draw the Lackeys randomly from the
for more coin, or to sell off their property. NPC sheet.

6. BAILIFF'S TOWER: Bailiff Radulfus (58yo, haughty, confident, tall,

hook nosed man wearing a long blue houppelande and a
2. FLANKING TOWERS: Barracks for 26 men-at-arms (13 bunks red dagged edged chaperon.) and Scribe Watt (48yo, stern,
each) A mix of experienced and inexperienced guards are cynical, stooped, wearing spectacles and layers of brown
posted on the tops of the flanking towers, and can be seen robes) and 12 men-at-arms barracked upstairs. The Bailiff of
holding crossbows at the ready. Small stools and tables are Restwell, is appointed by the Castellan. He is responsible for
used by each shift, and the watch is frequently rotated from overseeing the legal proceedings among the people within
the soldiers living below. The middle floors of the towers serve the Outer Bailey, including contracts of sales, taxations, rents
as modestly furnished barracks, and connect directly to the and leases, and the collection of all fines and fees. He has
armories on the lower floors and the winching chambers of direct command over the Officers of the Watch and the
the gatehouse in the middle. Draw these guards randomly Watchmen, and may also direct Guardsmen as he sees fit
from the NPC sheet. unless the Keep is under a siege. Draw these guards randomly
from the NPC sheet. Radulfus and Watt both work and reside
3. ENTRY YARD: The Corporal of the Watch, Tybalt, with Scribe, in the first floor, and also use the cellar below for additional
Watt, and 2 men-at-arms* Though Tybalt is only sometimes space and records keeping.
assisting Watt (6.) with gatehouse duties (he is often called on
to resolve other guard issues) the Scribe is very diligent, and 7. PRIVATE HOMES: The Keep of Restwell is technically a
keeps to his task most of the day. There may be times when possession of the King, but residents within the walls of the
newcomers arrive at the gatehouse and Watt is not present Keep are those permitted to pay a fee to reside there. Many
(roll 1-5 on d8 for Tybalt to be present, roll 1-7 on d8 for Watt to agreements are honored by surviving families, so some
be present). At such times there can be an awkward wait as tenancies can be generational affairs. No persons may take
visitors and guards are left standing and waiting for someone up residence without either joining in a contract with the King,
to fetch the Scribe. NOBODY is permitted entry without their or a sub-contract with someone else who is in contract with
accounts written down in a large leather-bound ledger. Watt the King (Though the Crown does not concern itself with the
collects all fees, notes all properties, and directs guards in details of such pithy matters.) The Bailiff, acting as an agent to
securing any checked weapons in the Warehouse (5). A small the Crown, is the arbiter and records keeper of all such
child or two ( Mott and/or Terry (7k.)) typically stand just contracts, and the collector of all fees, and he keeps all of
behind Watt holding either his large leather-bound ledger, or these records either in the cellar below his residence (6.), or, if
an old black tun to collect coins in. Draw the two guards too old, turned over to the Keep Archives (24.). Typically the
randomly from the NPC sheet. Take careful notes of all articles buildings are leased to notable figures within the community,
surrendered. who, in their part, lease the upper floors to others to offset
their costs.
4. COMMON STABLES: 8 Lackeys and 1 Groom. The common
stables are always occupied with 3 to 6 of the 8 Lackeys that 7a. THE JEWEL MERCHANT: Walter (26yo, stressed, clean shaven,
tend it. The Groom, Meal ( 29yo man, scruffy, with messy blue eyes with dark rings, dressed in dark blue tights and a red
blonde hair, wearing a yellow tunic, a large dagger, and a doublet) nagged by his young wife Mille (19yo, pouty,
leather coinpurse) is an unfriendly and cowardly man who chubby, round faced girl wearing a fine quality pink or purple
beats on the young Lackeys regularly, and drinks to excess in dress) and dominated by his mother-in-law Nansaidh (52yo, a
the evenings. He keeps a regimen of sobriety in the mornings fat, selfish, unapologetic shrew wearing a red dress and a tall
however, and has a great affection for most horses (more so wimple). His family lives on the ground and second floors, and
than any people). He would make a good living if he didn't house two private guards in the cellar.
spend most of his earnings at the One Eyed Cat (15.) or the Walter is a fatigued young man, whose livelihood largely
Snare Trap (1.). He covets many young women in the Keep, depends upon commissions from the Castellan's family or the
none of whom would have him, and sleeps in a loft above Curate (or visiting priests or merchants). He strives to satisfy a
the stables. His Lackeys are left to collapse in the hay at night. nagging young wife and his Mother-in-Law, who commands
When 'The Green Man' (14.) is full, and visitors scramble to the Guards and oversees his affairs, as well as those they
avoid being escorted outside the Keep at curfew, it is Meal lease to upstairs. Nansaidh has crowded the top three floors
that most will turn to for a quick and dirty place to sleep. with tenants to collect as much rent as possible.
Because Meal has no consideration for comforts, and is
greedy, overcrowding in the stables can occur. Because of 3rd Floor Front: On the front of the third floor live a
this the Watchmen tour the stables regularly, always prepared Watchman's wife Ivetta 24 and their 3 young children. Ivetta
to intervene in drunken scuffles and accusations of petty strives to raise her twin sons (13.) and her infant daughter Dora
theft. If a guest should be taken from the stables by the in safety. As she sees to their meals and clothes, she leaves
Watch during the evening, Meal will not return the payment. her sons to operate the winch of the outer bailey well for
Meal will likely not even stir from his cot. Draw the Lackeys copper pennies.
randomly from the NPC sheet.
3rd Floor Rear: To the back of the third floor lives a young
5. WAREHOUSE: Garp the Tallyman (38yo stout man with a thick Taylor. 'Tolly (21yo, skinny, honest, unassuming, courageous
black beard and hairy arms, wearing a blue tunic and often a but weak, wears a blue tunic and green liripipe). is newlywed
leather satchel containing his current ledger) is in charge of with his expectant wife 'Tatty (20yo small, sweet, wears a grey
accounting for all goods and properties stored in the dress) . Tolly and Tatty Taylor are a hopeful couple scrounging
Warehouse, and is the ONLY turnkey with access to the cage for work. They typically only work on mending and patching.
built into the northern side of the Warehouse. He shares
responsibility with Tybalt and Watt over the records-keeping, 4th Floor: In the attic live 4 Stevedores, Jurdy (26yo heavyset,
and all three answer to Bailiff Radulfus. Garp keeps the goods dim, bald, yellow beard), Bart (28yo short, dark, shrewd), Jake
that enter the Warehouse stacked high and tight. He employs (24yo, stout, grouchy, suspicious), and Tam (23yo, blonde,
the regular Stevedores for most of the heavy lifting, and laughing, eager), all sharing a single room. They often say that
sometimes the Lackeys from the Stables for the more tedious they are saving for greater goals, but in fact spend most of
chores. Garp keeps an old guard dog called Clench, who is their earnings at the One-Eyed Cat. They are all Neutral thugs
part deaf, very loyal, and quite fearless. Together Garp and with a low sense of humor, but are above crossing the law,
Clench sleep inside the Warehouse. A modest bed is kept on and are always available for hire as laborers. Garp the
Tallyman (5.) keeps them overworked and underpaid much

of the time, but they offer their labor to visiting merchants as 3rd Floor: The Rat Catcher Hudd (26-46yo, silent, smiling,
well. They often charge a silver piece per cartload, but might ruddy, wiry, wears tattered salvaged clothes of different
require more for difficult jobs. colors, carries his tools everywhere) lives in the attic. Hudd is
a beaming fellow of few words but many smiles. His age is
7b. CHAPEL GUESTHOUSE AND HOSPITAL: The Guesthouse for the indeterminate, at once spry and also wizened. He keeps a
Chapel of St. Cuthbert is currently dominated by a visiting very tidy home upstairs, with a cupboard of good foods, and
Priest named Godefroi (47yo, jovial, overfed, incompetent, a cabinet of fine books. It is accessed by a rickety wood stair
wearing rich priestly garments and carrying a well polished along the outside of the building. The Bacti Cat Patches*
shepherd's hook), who is accompanied by 3 devout Acolytes resides here, accustomed to slipping through the front
from the Realm: Raymundus (21yo, dark skinned, window at will. As a Bacti, Patches is in fact a very rare
apprehensive, inquisitive), Bartle (18yo, shy, quiet, obedient), magical species of cat that can talk in its own language.
and Tibald* (27yo calm, observant, tall). Each of the acolytes Bacti has a chance of being understood by some Rangers,
wear plain robes. Elves, and magic Users. Bacti understand common speech,
The staff that keep the house include 1 cook, Marty (36yo f, have opinions philosophical and political, but are otherwise
plump, impatient, sweaty, serious, quick to laugh and quick to much the same as average cats. Hudd suspects Patches to
stop laughing) , 2 servants, Poll and Neil (26yo f, 32yo, Dull, be more than he seems, but has no knowledge of Bacti and is
gormless, young adults of Borderland farmers), 1 Nurse, satisfied in simply regarding him as a friend. Glad to meet
Bridget (62yo f, experienced, patient, tireless, no-nonsense, such a patient companion, Patches considers Hudd a close
Mother to Beatrix (14.)), and 1-4 patients (selected randomly friend in return. Patches appears as a calico cat with one
from the NPC lists). eye.
Godefroi, a priest of St. Cuthbert, is a merry, generous, but
naive man of privilege. He is on errand from the Realm to Hudd is a tireless worker, who could be mistaken for a
report on the progress of the new Curate and to assess the beggar, living from his tips. Though residents in Restwell only
logistics of building a new abbey in the region. He is give him a copper piece each, whenever he is seen
commanded to send a written report by messenger each performing his duty, few would ever guess that he had
week. He has been at Restwell for several months on, and hoarded a small fortune in this fashion. The two bottom
though confused as to why he has been told to remain for so drawers of his cupboard are filled to the brims with loose
long, he does not complain. coppers. If ever counted, they would equal 200gp.
The true purpose of his visit is as an unwitting cover for
Tibald, who is an advanced agent to the Bishop, sent to Part of Hudd's regular rounds involve delving into the sewer
uncover a diabolic presence in Restwell. Intercepts have drain that runs in a wide square beneath the Outer Bailey.
indicated that forces of Chaos rely on an agent at work within Built into the masonry of the Keeps construction hundreds of
the walls, but who and for what purpose is unknown. The years ago, the tight and narrow passages smell terrible, in
other two Acolytes are also clueless, and are relative spite of a regular flushing from the Keep's Cistern (24.).
cowards. Godefroi truly puts Cook Marty to task serving full
meals each day. The dim young servants Poll & Neil suffer the *PATCHES THE BACTI CAT
most, as they are expected to support Marty, as well as Patches true Bacti name is Meearoo, but few would ever learn of
tending the infirmed with Nurse Bridget. that fact or care to. Longer lived than common cats, Patches
arrived in the Borderlands many years ago as the loyal
companion of a Wizard hired by the younger Gregory to aid in
*AGENT TO THE BISHOP ridding the countryside of Chaos. The Wizard died soon after
Tibald guards his identity and his mission very closely, and will not
arriving, needlessly, in a simple brawl with unsavory drunkards at
likely share any information with the party unless extraordinary
the One-Eyed-Cat. Stranded, and with no one to talk to, Patches
circumstances convince him that they could and should help.
attempted to leave Restwell on his own, but found the road
He is a Cleric of St. George, from a great Cathedral, and is at
alone too challenging. Attempts to endear travelers passing
Restwell on direct orders from the local Bishop. Two years earlier,
through never worked as planned. Gradually, he surrendered to
a Cleric of St. Cuthbert returned from a quest to eradicate Chaos
a dull life of ease, and satisfied his need for companionship with
in a dark corner of the lands to the North. With him were two
important finds, an amulet and a small ivory scrollcase. The scroll
If the party has a Wizard of some learning, the player of that
within the case translated simply, "A false son of light, and no new
character may roll for a Lore Check on whether they have
dawn is rising. Their hearts already feel the cold, and our seeds of
knowledge or understanding of Bacti. If they encounter Patches,
despair shall grip them from within at the perfect hour. The dark
and are able to communicate with him, he may be persuaded
bridge is almost complete, and ready for your fated task. Come
to join the party.
join us in praise to Orcus." How this intercept related to Restwell
Patches is an important NPC due to the fact that he has the
remained a mystery until it was discovered that the amulet was
potential to have witnessed many secret plot points within
once a unique possession of the late Curate. Tibald keeps this
Restwell, and possesses the natural ability to gather even more
amulet with him in case the legitimacy of his charge should be
information upon request.
questioned by those who knew the Curate.

7d. THE CANDLEMAKER'S: Otis (57yo, crippled widower and

7c. THE BAKER'S: Baker Angus (33yo, stout, balding, often
father) with 2 Watchmen's Families living upstairs. Otis is a kind
laughing and singing while working, fair minded, dressed in
but broken man who was once a brave fighter, but lost his
white tunic and apron on most days) runs his business with his
arm to a horrible encounter with Frost Giants many years
wife Ruth (34yo, thick set, round faced, honest, suspicious,
before. He clumsily manages his tasks in tallow-work with one
wears green dresses with a wimple and apron, and often
arm, and prefers not to talk about his past. If pressed, he can
carries baskets of breadstuffs), and his son Leod (10yo, direct,
relate 'The Tallowman's Tale'* Otis works on the ground floor,
lonely, awkward, hard working, observant). Baker Angus is
uses a small cellar to store his supplies, and lives with his grown
almost as jolly as the Priest Godefroi, but not so naive. He
daughter, Kaylee, in the attic. Kaylee lovers her father, and
begins work in his basement before the morning dawn, the
loves to help him at work, but feels restless, and pains her
smell of baking wafting from his half-window in front. By
father by behaving as foolish and adventurous as he once
daybreak his wife Ruth can be seen delivering baskets of
did in his own youth.
breadstuffs to the Tavern, the Guesthouses, and the Fortress.
His wife and son open the shutters, sweep, and mind the front
2nd Floor: Gail lives with two young boys, Kip and Art, on the
through the day as he bakes even more for supper. Angus's
second floor, and sees her husband for three nights of every
younger sister Lenora is married into the Mason family (7m.)
three nights.
where he has two adorable nieces that he bakes special
treats for.
3rd Floor: The young Audric (19yo, thin, eager, quick,
impatient, kind) lives on the third floor with his father, a

seasoned soldier named Brayden, and hopes to one day join reality he loathes Raynald's sons, who bully his Colbert, and
the Borderlands Patrol. Until then he keeps himself productive tries to avoid encounters with the foolish Beatrice whenever
helping Garp the Tallyman (5.) as a stevedore, or assisting the possible. Tedric works on commissions in Rowland's Smithy (8.)
Tylers (7n.) with extra jobs outside of the Keep. As an old across the street, mostly for the Corporal of the Watch (3.)
Sergeant, Brayden has leave to sleep outside of his barracks and sometimes for the Captain of the Guard (18). Tedric lives
much of the time. Brayden can be found assisting Corporal with Colbert in the top floor and the attic. Colbert's mother
Drugo (23.) in most matters of training and discipline. was a handsome shepherds daughter from Outremer, who
Audric and Kaylee have begun a young love affair that the Tedric fell in love with while on Pilgrimage. She was forced by
otherwise quiet Otis would hotly disprove of. They sometimes her community to hide her son's birth from her family. Tedric
try to escape to hidden glades outside of the Keep, but in plans to tell his son about her soon, but worries that he might
such as small community their secret will not last long. leave on adventure to find her.

*THE TALLOWMAN'S TALE *The party could learn the deeper secret that Tedric is being
With much persuasion, the Candlemaker Otis will tell about how, pursued as a peer of the Realm by both those wishing to install him
when he was a young man, he came to know a sage who told for their own gain, and some who want him dead to ensure that
him about a map to a deserted Dwarf Mine in the mountains, never happens.
and invited him on an expedition to retrieve any discarded
wealth that was rumored to be there. 7f. THE COOPER'S: Dunmoor (52yo, bald, red beard, fit but
He joined that expedition with confidence, but his group
sweaty, shaking, and irritated, afflicted with gout in one foot)
never made it to those Mines. On the journey, they became lost
in a whiteout and unwittingly stumbled onto an ancient and
wife Emma (35yo, dark, willowy, elf-like, patient, with a slight
forgotten mountain pass to the East. For a time they believed and often wry smile on her lips), 2 sons (Ewan and Rand), and
that they had found their road again, but after a distance it 1 apprentice Beavis (20yo, lean, swarthy, serious, observant,
became clear that they had found an older road they had not dedicated, discreet). Dunmoor is an intense man of middle
expected. years who is never satisfied. His passion for his craft is not
Desperate due to the weather, Otis' group of explorers did not reflected by his first son Ewan (16yo, red haired, gormless
hesitate to enter a ruined and abandoned fortress located
expression, lazy manner, often daydreaming, easily
beside this road. But once within the broken boundaries of the
outpost, a band of massive and vicious Frost Giants erupted
distracted. Wants to be a travelling minstrel and see the
from beneath the large unspoiled drifts of snow, and with Realm) and his second son Rand (6yo, dark, elf-like,
complete surprise on their side, grabbed each of his obedient, sullen around all but his mother, who makes him
companions and rent them apart. laugh) is still too young to do more than basic chores. The
Otis himself was not excepted from this fate, as one particularly Angusy, observant, and collected Emma knows little of
cruel Giant grabbed his arm with both massive hands, and coopery, but can still calm and reassure her family whenever
quickly shattered all of the bones in his grasp, and flung him anxieties run high.
against a wall with a snap.
Only dumb luck and the fortitude of his warrior youth saved
Otis alone. Forgotten behind a broken wagon covered in snow, 3rd Floor: Cartwright Ansell (43yo, pale with brown hair,
he saw the Giants rip his companions apart and eat them on shaven, gregarious, fake smiles) is the only tenant Dunmoor
the spot, the blood painting the snow all about in red gore. can stand, as he shares many of Dunmoor's interests and
Blinded with pain, his arm horrifically mangled beyond values, particularly in matters of craftsmanship. Dunmoor does
recognition, Otis fumbled away from the ruins. Not knowing not suspect that Ansell covets his Emma, and secretly plots to
which way to go, he desperately trudged through the forests, replace him somehow. An otherwise upstanding member of
and simply chose going downhill at every turn, never stopping
until he arrived at Restwell.
the Restwell community, if an opportunity to remove
So Otis knows about that ruined fortress in the mountain pass, Dunmoor is presented, Ansel just might take dire steps, if he is
and that during blizzards and whiteouts, lost travelers can prepared to keep such a dark secret.* He is already treated
expect a grisly end if they attempt to shelter there. What is not as a member of the family by the others. Dunmoor's
so commonly known is that Frost Giants can lay motionless for apprentice Beavis, is natively alert to subtleties, and has
months, and that they are the reason the route to the East has privately grown suspicious of Ansell. He says nothing however,
been forgotten and abandoned. keeps to his work, and hopes for a future as a cooper himself.
Otis does not have helpful knowledge of the Dwarf Mines he
was originally set to explore. The details of that goal died with
the expedition. *Cooper Dunmoor may be found dead of apparent anxiety and
stress (heart attack) and an impromptu suit over inheritance over
the Coopery license could get ugly, with the gregarious Ansel and
7e. THE BUTCHER'S: Butcher Raynald lives with his wife Beatrice, the Deliberate Beavis each holding out claims that they can do
and 2 sons. Raynald and his two grown boys collect their the job. Suspicions of foul play may then fall on Ansel when
meats from their contacts in Butcher's Lane, but make most of evidence of poisoning with Hellebore (A medicine provided by
their cuts on the blocks in their shop. Some small pools of Nurse Bridget to treat Dunmoor's gout.) is found. Suspicion may
blood gather at their frontage. Much less that what is seen in also fall on Emma, who is revealed to have some secret motives
Butcher's Lane. His two sons, Crank and Kolb (large 20yo and ample opportunity. But none suspect Ewan, who quickly buys
twins), known as the 'Butcher Boys', take after their mother as a lute and announces that he is leaving for the King's Palace to
begin training as one of his minstrels. Such a mystery adventure will
naturally mean people. Raynald privately despairs of them, only be offered to characters the community recognizes and
but outwardly keeps himself busy and counts himself lucky trusts. It will not to be offered to a new party.
that his boys are at least hard workers. Too often however, the
Butcher Boys stay out gambling and drinking with unsavory
friends at the Snare Trap, only to return as curfew is lifted the 7g. THE WOODWOORKER'S: Braden (48yo, stern, virile, large
next morning, bringing the days catch. The fat Beatrice is at auburn mutton chop moustache) and wife Adanna (46yo,
once permissive of their cruel natures, scolding of any dusky émigré from a distant land, welcoming, kind,
foolishness such as gambling, and blames her husband for opinionated, wary), ), his son Harry (15yo, bronze complexion
any perceived failures. They live together on the second floor, and curly dark hair, restless and active, always running
and work on the main floor and in the cellar. somewhere on an errand or to play) his 2 brothers-in-law Apio
(28yo, dusky émigré from a distant land, Tall, easily distracted,
3rd Floor: The Weaponsmith Tedric (48yo, tall, broad, blonde, opinionated, values justice and honor) and his twin Amadi
bearded, modest, unflinching) lives with his son Colbert (14yo, (28yo, dusky émigré from a distant land, gentle, forgiving,
tall, lean, dark haired, dark complexion, quiet, kind, brave, frailer than his brother, but brave and compassionate) and
but cautious). Tedric is a bastard of noble heritage* who takes Apio's daughter Ayoo (16yo, dark skinned, willowy, subtle,
pride in his 14yo son as an apprentice, and teaches him the observant, justice seeking, judgmental, fair, brave). Braden
codes of chivalry and honor, and dreams of him becoming a treats his neighbor Dunmoor as a fellow craftsman and
squire to a Knight (something his mother disapproved of). In woodworker, but Dunmoor looks down on Braden for not
keeping his standards high enough. Braden is not bothered *Should Tendai's past catch up with him in Restwell, he will find little
however, and in fact does brisker business than Dunmoor, protection in Athelard beyond the rule of law. IF a seizure of Tendai
being a more generalized worker. In fact his business is doing should be proven legal, the Barrister will do little to stop it.
so well that he has employed all the member of his family to Tendai is a man of many great secrets, however. In exchange for aid
in escaping repatriotization to suffer execution, he can offer tempting
perform work, and even with such a household working maps and instructions to where great treasures may yet remain
together, he still finds himself in need of skilled labor. He looks hidden.
to potentially poach the services of Dunmoor's dutiful
apprentice Beavis (a budding love between Beavis and his 7i. THE COBBLER'S: Elger (43yo, quiet, pipe smoking, bushy white
young niece Ayoo could help make that happen). Apio is moustache, balding, Dutch accent) and his brother Fritz (37yo,
happy and glad to be a part of the home and the business, similar, with a beard and less gray) and Fritz's daughter Girdrud
and urges his sister's husband to take on more work from (19yo, ruddy but handsome, sharp, no-nonsense, pleasant to
around the Borderlands. Concerned about Chaos threats, strangers, regional accent) Elger the Cobbler almost never
Braden is cautious. But Apio has taken to making the riskier speaks. His brother Fritz (also a shoemaker) speaks only a little
and less profitable jobs work. more. It is Fritz's daughter Girdrud, who speaks the most in the
family, and at first seems to be the one in charge of the
3rd Floor: Alice the Ferrier (58yo, broad, ruddy and wrinkled business. Ordering supplies and collecting payments.
skin, unkempt graying hair, leather armor, club and dagger at
her side) is a weather worn wagoner who works in the The family is originally from another Kingdom shattered by
caravan business between Restwell and the Realm. She is a war many years ago, and were fortunate to secure a lease in
gruff and no nonsense veteran who increasingly relies on the the Keep with what fortune they arrived with. Without any heir,
strength of her grown son Miles (23yo, strong, fresh sharp their lease will likely lapse and be taken by others one day.
black beard, suspicious, honest) . They need for little, and Whether Girdrud will marry, or succeed the cobbler license
save most of their earnings for Mile's future after he survives his herself, remains to be seen.
3rd Floor: Clothier Lucente (31yo, swarthy, effeminate, moody,
7h. THE BARRISTER'S: Athelard (65yo, Tall, dark haired, long face, artistic, outgoing, justice seeking, weak wristed but strong of
widower, arrogant, disdainful, intelligent, knowledgeable, heart, wears bright leggings, a well pleated doublet, and a
honest, cynic, wearing lavish dark blue robes and an feathered hat, latin accent, carries a knife) is a recent tenant
elaborate purple liripipe) with a new wife Adcok (21yo, for Elger's family, and has much in common with them, as well
youthful, innocent, naive, unsure, distraught) and 1 daughter as Tendai (7h.). Also an émigré from a different Principality, he
Emonie (22yo, severe beauty, Dark hair, piercing gaze, narrowly avoided a petty assassination plot in his home
perceptive, suspicious, angry) Athelard is a notoriously selfish country.* Knowing the deep pockets of the Merchant Princes
person, but defends the honesty of his career. Never a friend who conspired to see him dead, he gave up his former life and
to anyone, he pours all of his considerable intelligence has hidden here.
towards knowing and executing the law. Exceptional at both
defense and prosecution, he is the man to go to in Restwell *Unlike Tendai, there is little likelihood that anyone would seek Lucente
for serious legal matters, and is often seen in consultation with out, as the Merchant Princes he once opposed had been cast down
the Bailiff and the Scribe. (With them, he chairs a regular long ago. Should he learn of this, he might feel compelled to return to
community meeting for the airing of disputes and grievances. his home, and reclaim his inheritance, where he himself was in fact an
The Court of Restwell is held on every new moon, and is inheritor of a valuable trade empire. If the party develop a friendship
with Lucente, acting as his entourage for his return journey may serve as
officiated by the Castellan at different locations depending
a strong bridge to new adventures elsewhere.
on the agenda and the weather.) Athelard keeps his grown
daughter, Emonie, close by him, to make his meals and tend
7j. THE PAWNBROKER'S: Ellis (54yo f, bitter, fake cheerfulness,
his home. He has recently RE-married to a woman even
selfish, secretive, dressed in leather armor and carrying a long
younger than his daughter, Adcok 21yo, to warm his bed and
dagger ) and her live-in Mercenary muscle Grott (Orcish 37yo,
bear him sons. Both women feel trapped in their lives, but
veteran, broad, imposing, gentle hearted but dim witted,
have no one to turn to. Secretly Athelard hides in Restwell to
wearing dark studded leather armor and a mace at his side).
avoid the wrath of certain persons whom he had prosecuted
Ellis is a stingy moneylender who will do anything she can to
in the past, but who are now released from prison and seek
gather coin, save breaking the law. When Jacobus (11.) turns
his neck.* Otherwise he would still be plying his trade in the
people away, it will be to Ellis who they next turn for extra coin.
courts of the Realm.
The only three people she is seen to speak with when not
haggling exploitive bargains, is the Barrister, and her hired
3rd Floor: Scrivener Tendai (56yo, dark skinned émigré, tight
Muscle, Grott, who lives in her cellar. Few locals have a kind
curly graying beard, bald, thick Moorish accent, brilliant, kind,
word for her, but she does not mind them. Her best customers
but cowardly) resides in the upper floor in both immaculate
are visitors, so she makes an extra effort to snare any
and yet spartan style. He is versed in many languages, and
newcomers, and only leers at people she knows can't be taken
prides himself in the accuracy of his hand when writing.
in. Grott is an orcish man who gave up the life of a Bandit
Athelard keeps him as a tenant to ensure his ready service
some years ago, "What good is wealth if you are too dead to
with the multitude of documents that his profession requires.
spend it?". Grott hopes to save his earnings enough to build a
Tendai has much in common with Athelard; He is in hiding for
defensible home in the Borderlands one day.
fear of his life. Once the trusted servant of a Prince in his
homeland, Tendai was sentenced to death for being a
3rd Floor: Locksmith Arnest (46yo, long dark beard, widower,
witness to dangerous state secrets.* Athelard does not know
methodical, quiet, heartbroken, wearing leather working apron
the details of these matters (nor wants to), but does
and a wood toolbox in a leather harness, brown skullcap)
appreciate that for his confidence, Tendai can provide rare
raising a quiet young daughter by himself. Grite (6yo, obedient,
top notch services.
caring, shy) is made to follow her father whenever he leaves
the home, often to places outside of the Keep. Though
*Athelard's worst fears might come true, when a small band of
criminals from the Realm, enter the Keep disguised as low level
residents have offered to watch over Grite for him, Arnest
Merchants, complete with forged papers of their guild membership. prefers to keep her tethered to a leash, too afraid to let her out
Their real cause would be to kill Athelard, in such a fashion that he of his sight.
would know who it was that killed him, and why.
7k. THE POTTER'S: Aileen Potter (32yo f, widowed, athletic, stern,
sometimes laughing in sadness, dressed in average clothes
and a dirty working apron) is the young widow of a Restwell

House Knight who died in service as a member of the Patrol unaware as the Priest Godefroi, that the proposed Abbey is
several years ago. She herself was once a Guard, but made merely a ruse, and that no serious plans are being
the choice to spend her savings on a life as a potter (her late considered. It is an unfortunate consequence that Wyatt has
father's trade) when she bore her first child. Sadly she also lost been caught up in the scheme that conceals the secret
her infant son to disease soon after her husband fell. church agents agenda. Within time, his wasted efforts will
Heartbroken but stubborn, Aileen pushes forward with her life bankrupt him.
and her career, taking extra interest in the welfare of her
tenants. Her only remaining family is her older sister, Eppie
(7m.). She is handsome and able bodied, and is a close friend 7m. THE STONEMASON'S: Gillis Mason (52yo, widower, large, bald
to Beatrix (15). Though typically unarmed, she still has the with a growing tummy, wears pleated blue houplande and
Castellan's grace to bear arms in the service of Restwell, and a broad red beret, often carrying scrolls for plans) The gruff
keeps a full suit of armor and preferred weapons in a locked Master Stonemason Gillis holds a life contract with the
chest. If dangers threaten the Keep, Aileen will be seen Crown, which was passed down to him from his Father, who
dressed for battle and ready for action. secured it from his Father before him. The Mason family are
rumored to have been trimming stone blocks since the Keep
3rd Floor: Corporal Drugo (23.) keeps his family here. His young was first erected hundreds of years ago (Though that is not
wife Laya (26yo, the Miller's daughter, seeming exhausted yet true). He regularly meets with the Architect Wyatt (7l.),
dauntless) is nursing her infant daughter while chasing after sometimes to discuss work, and sometimes to discuss life.
her two hyperactive little boys, Mott (8yo, eager, wants to be Though Wyatt is the cleverer designer of the two, it is Gillis
a guard like his father, inquisitive, becoming a bully) and who holds the Royal contract, and holds a family tradition of
Terrey (7yo, follows his brother everywhere, attention seeking, sound construction. Gillis has recently survived his beloved
likes to play with wooden swords together). Though she does Marla, who left him five sons: Brodie (31yo, stern and
not like the Scribe Watt (6.) very much, she is happy to see her humorless, loyal and stalwart, one of the largest men in the
boys working for him from time to time (3.). Borderlands, shepherd to his younger brothers), Laurent
(29yo, bookish, romantic, kind-hearted, most deeply
4th Floor: Watchman Derric (24yo, stern and handsome affected by the death of their mother, is tall and broad,
soldier, with ambitions to become a Guard) serves under deep chest from a life of lifting stone), Cinead (27yo, lean
Goraidh (12.). His newlywed bride Alona (19yo, a swineherds and anxious, playful, restless, eager to please and be
daughter, nursing red raw knuckles and elbows from her new noticed, convinces Jamie to do carefree activities with him)
life of endless chores) is filled with affection towards Aileen for , Hugo (25yo, heavy set, slightly obese, with a large broad
midwifing the birth of her new infant son. Both wives take turns beard, acts like Brodie in public, but is in fact a big softie),
helping Aileen with her work or watching each other's and Jamie (23yo, slight build, kind, daring, restless, not
children. Neither woman shares Aileen's martial experience or interested in the family business. Dreams of adventuring
prowess however. abroad).

7l. THE LEATHERWORKER'S: Tanner Darius (Wife Gemma, son All of the Mason Boys but for Jamie are large and imposing
Jonas) with Seamstress (1 daughter) upstairs. Darius (57yo) is men, who's work ethic and tradition of teamwork are
the Keeps most demanded leather-worker. He creates most renowned. Even Jamie shows a good effort when Gillis sends
of the new pouches, travel rolls, caps, and belts seen in and him to work on a job. They posses little real fighting ability
about Restwell. he also provides the leather components for however, so the community doesn't rely on them as they
all of Rowland's (8) armor product, and collaborates with might trained soldiers. This suits Gillis's family well.
Tedric (7e) on many scabbards. He grown son Jonas 21yo,
and his wife Gemma 32yo, work together with Darius to meet Of the Mason Boys, Brodie, Laurent, and Hugo, each have
all of these demands. Jonas is hard working, and considers wives and children:
himself capable of inheriting the business from his father in
good time. Gemma has become the negotiator for new Brodie is married to the Baker's sister Lenora (31yo, robust,
hides in recent years. But unfortunately, in the process of red faced, jolly, as swift to scold as to forgive, a generous
meeting with the crowd on Butcher's Lane, she became hugger), mother to two girls, Ally (7yo, round and rosy,
infatuated with a certain handsome and daring Hunter who consistently clumsy, eager to help the family business, Loves
lives outside of Restwell. If she should pursue her interest in her uncles, seeks to please her father) and Julie (5yo, round
him, and Darius were to find out, there could be trouble. and rosy, depends on her older sister to show her the ropes,
they are never seen apart). Lenora never needs for her
3rd Floor: Architect Wyatt (47yo, widower, weathered husband to smile. She measures his heart by his deeds and
complexion, splendid brown beard, socially awkward, always finds him to be the most admirable man she's ever known.
distracted by thoughts of work, dressed in fine green and
orange garments, pretends to be wealthy), with his daughter Laurent is married to the old Potters Daughter, Eppie (36yo,
Ruth (16yo, slightly gaunt, gentle, kind to strangers, disdainful tall, handsome, fit, commanding, thoughtful, self educated),
of the Borderlands) and 1 nephew, Ealan (25yo, thin, anxious, Aileen's (7k.) older sister. They have a young son, Denic (6yo,
attentive, cowardly). Wyatt is a new resident from the Realm, precocious, loves bedtime stories and can already read),
with a license from the Crown to submit building designs to who tries to play with his cousins Ally and Julie often.
the Castellan. He has brought his Nephew with him as his
apprentice, and his young daughter in tow. Though he is still Hugo is also married to the Miller's daughter Libby (27yo,
hopeful of securing better work, so far the Borderlands have jovial) and is determined to have children soon.
only provided commissions for countryside barns and
cottages. One of the most demanding tasks for the Mason family is
the annual foray to the Restwell quarry, where the traditional
His nephew Ealan shares his Uncles best hopes, but is terribly limestone is harvested in large blocks back to the fortress.
nervous about the dangers of living on the fringes of a lawful The task becomes a tedious ordeal when a detail of soldiers
civilization. His daughter Ruth shares much of the same must also accompany them for their protection, the quarry
concern, plus the added resentment of missing the being on the edges of the patrolled lands.
conveniences of the town lifestyle she was brought up in.
7n. THE TYLER'S: Gipp Tyler (55yo, large, strong, calm, hairy, wears
Wyatt is mostly preoccupied with ambitions for the erection brown tunic with a blue apron), lives with his wife Flora (44yo,
of a new abbey (7b.), a handsome commission that would attentive, bright, jumpy, handsome, wears a light blue dress
justify his gamble in moving to Restwell. Unfortunately, he is as an apron, and a close wimple), his 2 sons Martin (22yo), and

Watt (25yo), and 1 daughter. Gipp Tyler is a very healthy forward employment, along with their basic supplies needs.
man in his prime, the sole roofer for Restwell, and a respected Indeed, Badcock learned from his father, how to gauge the
figure in the community. He employs both grown sons, Birk capacity of a troupe of adventurers based upon what supplies
(23yo, moody, lean) and Bean (24yo, thick, easy going) , as they ask for. He will normally honor payments offered. But, ever
well as his good wife Flora (44yo, observant, hopeful) to fulfill his father's son, if an opportunity presents itself to cheat
their duty to maintain all of the rooftops of Restwell. For this outsiders, and keep wealth for himself, he will. He is not above
reason, all of the roofs are of the same red slate. As a conspiring with the moneylender Jacobus (11.) to trick a party
precaution against the use of fire during a siege, no building is of fools into making a risky acquisition with little to show for it.
permitted to use shingle or straw. Gipp and his sons, the Tyler With silver candlesticks and silk wall hangings in the living
Boys, are large but gentle men. Soft spoken but generous, quarters upstairs, a visitor might imagine good money may be
their assured and stable workload helping to keep their lives found in Badcock's coin chest. But a successful attempt will
predictable and comfortable. In manners, they are the only reveal a pittance being shrived over by the greedy Elder
opposite of the Butcher Boys in most respects, and have been Badcock. All of the household wealth is in the goods they
known to stand up to the pair when they would otherwise furnish the home with, and the stock and trade of their business
cause trouble. downstairs.

Martin and Watt are very protective of those in need, but

none as much as their beloved sister Adeline (16yo) who is 10. THE TRADERS: Merchant Lambard (2 sons) in residence
newly engaged to Renfrey (11.). When Adeline is not helping (Room for many more upstairs!)
her Mother in her duties, she is stealing away to learn the ways Lambard is a large red-bearded widower who pushes his
of a warrior from the soldiers who rent in their home. two sons Barkus (22yo), and Silus (18yo), to help him in being
the most lucrative general merchant in Restwell. He strives to
3rd Floor: 2 Watchmen's families share the 3rd floor. make generous deals for everyone he meets, in hopes to
Watchman Armin (26yo) with Wife Thelma (22yo) and 1 son ensure their return business, and he is the singular force
Alec). Watchman Payne (24yo) with expecting Wife Megge. behind encouraging sellers and buyers to meeting at the
weekly market (13.) To the wide eyed Lambard, all activities
4th Floor: Veteran Patrolman Thorold 62yo lives in the attic are measured by whether they are good for business or not.
here. Armin's wife Thelma, already raising a boy toddler of her And so he may quote generous prices, if he is convinced that
own, shares chores with the Payne's expecting Megge. Both the efforts the party are planning to embark on could mean
scold Adeline for her wayward thinking and try to encourage an increase in trade for Restwell. Lambard does not take
her to help with child-rearing. They imagine that her falling in indefinite tenants, choosing instead to lease the many rooms
love with Renfrey (11.) could help in this, but mistake him for a of his upper floors to travelers for better rates. Though he
simple Clerk. Adeline is much more a friend to the older charges rates higher than found at The Green Man (14.), the
Thorold and enjoys his tales of life as a fighter. And her love for rooms are well appointed and include a small amount of
Renfrey is fuelled by his secret taste for adventure. daily board. In business Lambard deftly plots to corner
supplies that the Castellan may eventually need in the
garrisoning and patrolling of the Keep and the Borderlands.
8. THE SMITHY: The Keep Armorer and Blacksmith is Rowland Inexorably, and apart from Gregory's wishes, soldiers
(49yo, perceptive, worldly, in his prime (wife, 1 son) and 2 eventually turn to Lambard to see themselves well equipped.
Apprentices in residence. One of the better respected
residents of Restwell, Rowland. Unlike other residents, his life 11. THE MONEYLENDERS: Banker Jacobus (single m) with Clerk
and career in the Keep is contracted with the Castellan Renfrey (engaged), a large guard dog, and Mercenary in
directly. He brought his wife Emma (33yo) to the Borderlands residence Jacobus is a tall and stoic middle aged man who
at the start of his contract ten years earlier. Their son Arthur never lies. Though he is hardly a paragon of virtue either, he
(12yo) has no memory of his life before coming here. Though primarily sees all discussions as a preamble to a transaction,
Rowland is proud to include Arthur in smithing tasks, he and all transactions must be clad in fidelity. Never having
maintains a professional tutelage with his Apprentices Serl need for a family life, Jacobus maintains the Bank of the Keep
(27yo) and Mundus (30yo). He depends on their strength and upon direct invitation from the Castellan, being one of the
skills to keep up with orders, and is also obligated as their few faces known to him in his years before in the King's Court.
Master Smith to prioritize them. The trio have developed a Unlike Gregory however, Jacobus is free to leave the
strong professional bond, and work together seamlessly. Borderlands and resume his life at court. Why he has not yet
Emma adores Rowland, but has not grown into her life on the done so is a mystery to all.
Borderlands, and grows frustrated. When not attending her The Skittish Clerk Renfrey (19yo lean, jumpy, brave) is a
tasks, she occupies herself with her sons welfare. curious character, having a background as a wizards
apprentice in his youth, but opting instead to learn the
9. THE PROVISIONER: Merchant Badcock Jr. (Wife Audry, 1 son, 1 banking trade as an adult. Though he admires and respects
daughter, Grandfather, Servant) with Corporal Drugo's Family Jacobus, and desires to build a stable life for himself, his
(Wife, 1 daughter, 1 son) upstairs. mystical past haunts his dreams and makes him restless.
Badcock is thought of as the wealthiest of the commoner
residents in Restwell, but he is not. He inherits the provisioner's If pressed, Renfrey may divulge how he witnessed the
trade from his Grandfather, who still meddles in the business horrors of his former master perishing by misadventure with
affairs in a miserly fashion, often arguing with his daughter-in- diabolical forces. In his job he is very meticulous however, and
law Audry over the minutia of daily life. The house is indeed earns Jacobus' unflinching trust if not his friendship. Renfrey is
one of the largest in the Outer Bailey, and has many rooms very excited to be engaged to the young Adeline Tyler (7n.) ,
worth leasing. But the prevailing wishes of Badcock the Elder, but is unsure how he will pay for their new life together. It
whether sensible or deranged, are that too few can be trusted might be possible that he could be encouraged to go on
to live within their walls. And so they live resplendently in the adventure, but would risk much in doing so. Jacobus would
second and third floors, with floor coverings, hearthfires, a certainly disapprove. As unimposing as Renfrey appears, he is
kitchen, a library, and a house servant Maddy (52yo). These well accompanied however; the large guard dog Sturdy is, in
costs, and their meeting of their fee to the Crown with little aid fact, his former masters familiar, and his closest companion. A
from renters, keeps their actual wealth much leaner that it huge alaunt vautre breed, Sturdy fled after the fate of his
would seem. Badcock schemes to improve this situation by former master with Renfrey, and protects Renfrey's person
exploiting the willingness of any visiting mercenaries or and his interests valiantly. Renfrey might not have learned
scoundrels to fetch for himself items of antiquity. So this would that familiars normally die when their bonded masters die.
be the first place a band of 'adventurers' might find straight

That Sturdy lives on is, in fact, a certain indication (to those seriously. Their son Austin (12yo, brown haired, freckled,
learned in the mystic arts) that his former master yet lives. forward, curious, unabashed), 2 daughters Elana & Dolly (7yo
Special Note: the Bacti cat Patches (7c.) knows that Sturdy and 8yo, sometimes serious, sometimes mischievous),
is a magical animal of some intelligence, but dislikes him as a grandparents Owen (71yo, stubbled and grey, healthy, quiet,
stupid dog nonetheless, and refuses to talk to him. Sturdy, for lighthearted, confident) & Bridget (7b.)) in residence. The
his part, thinks of Patches as just another annoying cat, and Maid Gail (7d.) helps to serve the boarding in the mornings
barks at him consistently for this offense. and evenings, often with her two boys Kip and Art. Elana and
The Mercenary in residence, Doug 34yo, is handpicked by Dolly playfully feud with Kip and Art every day. The two pairs
Jacobus, and is also quite loyal, though hardly smarter than "hate" each other immensely.
the dog. An estranged brother to Beatrix (14), Doug found no
interest in his family business, but felt no fraternity within the Though Beatrix attends services in the chapel
ranks of the garrison either. Paid a good wage, Doug hopes regularly, she is not very devout. She is, in fact, a
to accompany Jacobus back to the King's Court as his priestess of Herne, and conducts ancient rituals on
bodyguard, and patiently waits for that day to come. certain hours of the year in a secret grove in the
wood, not far from the limestone quarry. She is a
12. WATCH TOWER: Captain of the Watch Goraidh and 12 men- semi-retired4th level Cleric with some divine spells.
at-arms in residence. All other matters of the Inn can be found in the
The southwestern watchtower is the office and residence of original module content.
the Captain of the Watch, who reports directly to Bailiff
Radulfus. Goraidh is a bitter man who treats vagrants cruelly, .
and measures his treatment of people by what they can do
for him. Permanent residents and notable citizens have but to 15. THE TAVERN: "The One-Eyed Cat" Tavernier Bodkin (Wife Tilda,
ask, and Goraidh will frame and imprison anyone with too few 1 Son, 1 Daughter) Pot Boy Olly, Wench Amabel, Scullion Dob
ties in the community. He does not welcome visitors who do in residence. Bodkin is the owner and operator of this tavern,
not show a clear purpose for being in Restwell, and will and is also the only Brewer in the Borderlands. He looks
conspire against them if he believes he could get away with forward to a day when his custom brew, "One Eyed Cat",
it. In some cases, the simplest way to keep Goraidh off a becomes popular throughout the Realm. In the meantime, he
visitors back is for that visitor to be sponsored by a notable and his wife Tilda host the local watering hole, and also
resident such as Arnaldus (16), Abelard (17), or Gipp (7n). If he provide supply to the Snare Trap (1). They are often the last to
feels himself and his watch outmatched, he will seek out the enforce the Outer Baily curfew each evening.
help of the guardsmen of the Inner Gatehouse (18). He would
ask Captain Murrone for aid if she is present, but prefers the Bodkin is a short stout bald man with deep and old scars
Grifon for his similar sense of justice and humor. drawn over his scalp. Though an expert archer from ages
past, his treasured bow and quiver is left to collect dust high
13. TOWN SQUARE: (Sometimes called the "Market Square") The up on a peg above his prep area. He immediately sizes up
Tavern, Inn, and several other buildings crowd over three sides troublemakers for what they are, but never takes action
of this large cobblestone clearing, and the bailey walls and unless absolutely necessary. Though he personally enjoys
Watch Tower dominate the back. A large stone well is in the brawls, he loses too much money when they occur.
center (2 boys operate it*), surrounded by merchant stalls. On
off days the larger, semi-permanent and weathered wood 16. THE GUILD HOUSE: Guildmaster Arnaldus (single) with 2 clerks
stalls remain in place, but bare. During Market hours, the (single) Peter & William, 2 servants (single) Adam & Emma, 4
tables are covered with lively drapes, canopies, produce, men-at-arms in residence. Arnaldus is a thorn in the
and merchandise, and many equally colorful but smaller Castellan's side, but one he can do nothing about. Revenues
temporary stands are crowded about. The door to the Watch for the Keep are made second in priority to the guild fees that
Tower is large and reinforced with heavy bandings and a visiting and residential traders must pay. Enforcement of such
grated shutter in the middle. Beside it will be 2-4 of the fee collections are also made the Castellan's charge
Watchmen, always prepared to screen or announce whenever the Guild Master's armed guards aren't enough for
audiences with Goraidh, whose office and bunk are inside, to any single task. Arnaldus represents the Guild Council from
intervene in any scuffles that may arise outside the inn or the the Realm, and collects fees and membership registries to
tavern, or to manage the merchants on market days. those guilds that have seats on the Council. These Guilds
The two boys who operate the well are Ivetta's twin sons, include: Stonemasons, Drapers, Vintners, Brewers, Coopers,
Gilpy and Hurdy (7a.). Though mischievous in nature, they are Furriers, Barbers, Wainwrights, Arnaldus is one of the few
honest and alert. As sons of one of the Watchmen serving people who actually greet adventurers as potential recruits
under Goraidh (12.), they enjoy an unofficial permission to for security details, or even for secret "shake-downs" of
work the well winch for copper pieces. Though no one is merchants who are suspected of withholding fees.
obligated to pay for their services, most do. Other children
are left to help themselves, and the boys ask for nothing from 17. CHAPEL OF SAINT CUTHBERT:
the elderly. Curate Abelard (63yo) and
Because the twins spend long hours in the Square, they 3 acolytes (celibate)
have become very knowledgeable about the schedules of Vincent, Algar, and Seward
those that pass through it. They also insist that they can hear in residence (Seward is a
noises from deep down in the well, but are dismissed for Chaos spy). Weekly services
having a child's imagination. Only Ivetta knows her children to hold rou- ghly 200 standing
be too honest to make up such stories. individ- uals. Abelard
conducts an early morning
14. THE TRAVELER'S INN: Known locally as "The Green Man", due to ceremony for the residents
a sculpture of a large painted Green Man's leafy face of the Out- er Bailey, a late
mounted above the main door, this Inn is the center of social morning ceremony for those
activity for most visitors to the Keep. the Innkeeper is a hardy from the countryside, and
and formidable woman named Beatrix (37yo, thick, robust, an afternoon ceremony for
healthy, observant, quick witted, restless, hard working), who the Castellan, his family,
is regarded as one of the unofficial leaders of the community. guests, and advisors, as well
Her Husband Lucan (40yo, braided blonde beard, dark eyes, as elements of the guard. He and the Acolytes also run a
confident, discreet) is a large and gentle man with a schooling program on the floor for some of the children of
bemused smirk, who never seems to take matters too Restwell. Grammar Geography, Math, Astronomy, and Choir.

Acceptance is determined by Abelard, but several youths by Laws. In front of the Inner Gatehouse, beside the Bill and
who are taught trade skills follow a lighter practical skills the Stocks, is a small wooden platform where any sentences,
education track. laws, writs, or news from the Realm, are announced by a
Abelard is a seasoned curate assigned to minister to Cryer three times during a day.
Restwell after the former curate Edghann, perished
confronting undead several years ago. 19. SMALL TOWER: 8 men-at-arms in residence. These soldiers
The Crypts of Restwell are accessed through a set of double have standing orders to be prepared to reinforce both the
doors to the back of the chapel cellar, but are actually deep inner and outer gatehouses as called upon. Between
below the grounds of the Inner Bailey (21.). Though the Curate readiness for those contingencies, and the regular practice
and the Acolytes have occasionally entered the crypts to drills at their Ballista on top, they are among the busiest
inter members of their ministry who pass on, only Seward guards in the fortress.
knows them extensively.
20. GUARD TOWER: Corporal of the Guard Harkin and 24 men-
*Seward is an agent of the Temple of Evil Chaos, and is trusted with the at-arms in residence. Among his other duties, Harkin shares
task of reporting on the defenses of Restwell to the Temple Priests, and the overseeing of training in the Inner Bailey (21.) with
preparing to summon the dead from within the Keeps own Crypts, at Corporal Drugo (23.). Harkin is a lanky and sallow faced
the appointed hour. He had arrived in Restwell with forged orders
several years earlier, and has since established himself as a skilled
Veteran who respects Malal and shares crude jokes and
healer and a reliable servant. He made certain to be entrusted as the drinks with Sergeant Grifon. He has no patience for foolishness
current caretaker of the crypts, and has one of two keys to its vaults. during training, and can be short of temper when any events
The other being held by Abelard. Occasionally, Seward ventures to the do not occur as planned. He wears standard issue, and
Haunted Barrow to make his reports and receive instructions in carries 14 GP, 3 SP, 3 dice, and a gold ring in his pouch. The 24
Necromancy. soldiers housed here drill regularly on two ballistae and one
catapult mounted on the parapet.
The Death of the Curate Edghann was in fact the result of a well
planned ambush. Though Seward was supposed to have remained in
the chapel, he was actually present at the Haunted Barrow to commit 21. INNER BAILEY: A large grassy courtyard between the Inner
this treachery himself. Gatehouse and the Keep Fortress. Dirt patches around areas
reserved for martial exercises, and a path between the gates.
18. THE INNER GATEHOUSE: Captain Murrone 34yo (f), Sergeant On most days, soldiers of the Guard and the Watch, as well as
Grifon 445yo and 24 men-at-arms in residence The men-at- the occasional Knight, will be seen practicing their martial
arms who quarter in the Inner Gatehouse work closely with skills in designated areas here. Many will be in scheduled
Captain Murrone and Sergeant Grifon, and carry out their groups, with one of the Officers supervising. Only soldiers of
orders without question. They are among the busiest soldiers in the Keep may practice in these areas. Outsiders are only
the Keep, as they oversee the Stocks, the management of permitted by expressed permission from the Castellan. If a
the General Armory that supplies the other towers, and visitor interferes in any way, they may be immediately thrown
carefully supervises the traffic permitted up and down the into the dungeon (24.) and given an audience with Lord
ramp into the Inner Bailey. Gregory to defend their actions a day later. Residents of the
Captain Murrone is a Knight of the Borderlands and Outer Baily seldom visit these grounds except to pass through
arguably one of the bravest soldiers under Lord Gregory's to the Keep Fortress on specific business. The one exception is
command. She is possessed with firm convictions and a during the regular Tournaments, when the courtyard is
seething hatred for all things Chaos. Though usually far too dressed for the spectacle of the lists and the tilt. At night the
busy to leave her post during the day, she frequently visits grounds are slowly patrolled by 2 pairs of Guards, and little
locations such as The Green Man (14.), The One-Eyed Cat other activity is permitted. If a visitor is found on the grounds
(15.), the Common Stables (4.), or even the Snare Trap (1a.) after nightfall without an escort, they may be immediately
during the evening, incognito. Guards and residents who thrown into the dungeon (24.) and given an audience with
recognize her know to leave her alone at such times. But if Lord Gregory to defend their actions within a day later.
she should choose to intervene in any encounters, or
announce herself to any visitors, any soldiers nearby will 21a. JOUSTING LISTS: A timber grandstand, fencing, racks, and
rapidly come to her side. well trod dirt are set up near the Cavalry Stables. The area is
Though vigilant in ensuring that criminals and Chaos used for both mandatory training, and exhibitions. The
servants have not entered Restwell, she does not hold to the grandstand and other benches looking over this area are
paranoia that has gripped her Lord Gregory. This means that typically left empty, but for the occasional soldier or knight
she has a slightly better opinion of 'adventurers' than most, that is resting between bouts, or adjusting their harness. During
having been one herself, long ago. For Captain Murrone, a Tournament, the structures are draped in colorful tapestry
anyone brave enough to fight Chaos is an ally to some and flags, and from its center, Lord Gregory will overlook the
degree. This being said, her trust is not earned easily. contests along with his family and special guests.
Sergeant Grifon is her grumbling, stubble chinned, aid in all
things martial and managerial. A stout fighter and veteran, he 21b. MELEE LISTS: This is a large stockade in which hand to hand
gladly defers to Murrone in all things because of her force of training and contests are resolved. Soldiers may be seen
character and her prowess. But apart from her influence, sparring in pairs with blunt weapons, a selection of which rests
Grifon is just as capable of carrying out unsavory orders. For on the ground on the perimeter. During a Tournament, this
this reason, Malal prefers to call on him for help at managing stockade is used to field a Grande Melee a Pied.
the Stocks positioned just outside the Inner Gatehouse, beside
a bill where legal notices and writs are also displayed. 21c. ARCHERY RANGE: A set of standing targets and hay bales
The Stocks can accommodate up to six individuals in various serve for archery practice here. Soldiers are most often seen
positions, and are sometimes watched over by a single man- practicing the use of the crossbow at various ranges. During a
at-arms from the Inner Gatehouse. On occasion, individuals Tournament, this area is cleared away to make room for the
will be scheduled to be tormented by the community, and so pavilions.
residents may gather at an appointed time to throw dung
and spoiled foods at the prisoner. Judicial sentences involving 22. CAVALRY STABLES: 2 Lackeys, 2 men-at-arms *
death are seldom, and if ordered, are conducted in a The military heart of the Keep is its garrisoned walls. But
specific fashion within the Inner Bailey (21.). Though Murrone second to that is the Lord Castellan's Calvary Stables. Were
has no patience for evildoers, the actual use of the Stocks some costs may be left unattended in other areas, no
sometimes displeases her. Malal and Sergeant Grifon expense is spared to ensure that the Knights of the
however, have no reservations in the use of such mild torture Borderlands have well tended mounts, and their barding in
to demonstrate that Restwell is a community firmly governed perfect order. The Lackeys, Harry (22yo) and Munch (25yo),

who service the Cavalry Stables, day in and day out, are
equal to the Groom Meal (4.) in ability, and much more
professional in character. They are friendly with all of the
guards who post here, and deferential and helpful to each
Knight and Lord. The Knights (24.) maintain a strict regimen of
caring for their horses themselves, and so may also be found
alone or in pairs here at any given time, though possibly
unarmored. A small Banded door connects the Cavalry
Stables directly to the Knights Armory in the Keep Fortress
(24.). No visitor is permitted in the Cavalry Stables unescorted.
If any visitors should argue when either of the Lackeys or
Guards challenge them to leave, they may be immediately
thrown into the dungeon (24.) and given an audience with
Lord Gregory to defend their actions a day later.

Up above the stables is a tower that most popularly refer to

as "Knights Tower". The parapet and top floor are occupied
with a catapult and associated shot. The lower floor serves as
the stables storehouse and modestly furnished home to the
Lackeys when the Knights are not relaxing in it themselves.
During off hours, 2-4 of the Knights might be found here,
drinking and gambling outside the view of their Lord. During a
siege, or when scanning the country, this is the preferred
gathering place and overlook for the elite warriors.

23. GREAT TOWER Corporal of the Guard Drugo (35yo, dark eyes,
tightly trimmed brown beard, courageous, quick to laugh)
and 24 men-at-arms in residence. Among his regular duties,
Drugo shares supervision of training in the Inner Baily (21.) with Through the door on the right (to the East) is a rustic Dining
Harkin (20.) Drugo is a patient teacher, and a relaxed leader Hall dominated by a broad stone fireplace, connected
to his men. Being given leave to reside with his family (7k.) . To through doors in the far corners to the north and south are
facilitate this, he alternates evenings of each week with his the Kitchens and the Knights Armory respectively. The Armory
trusted veteran Sergeant Brayden (7d.) who also enjoys this is functional and is used for the storage and maintenance of
privilege. the Knight's personal harnesses. The Kitchen has a stair
leading down to the Pantries in the cellar. The Armory has a
24. KEEP FORTRESS: 12 Cavalrymen (Knights) of the 'Borderlands strong barred door leading out to the Calvary Stables (22.),
Patrol', 2 Couriers, 3 Cooks, 2 Minstrels, and 4 Jailers in and a stair leading up to the Knight's well decorated parlor
residence and sleeping chambers. The Kitchen is dedicated to feeding
The heart of Restwell is the main hall of the Keep Fortress (see of the Castellan's House Knights here. Though their Lord may
Keep Fortress map). occasionally choose to dine with his elite warriors in this wing,
he more often dines with his family, advisors, and guests, in
The first room behind the solid iron door in front is a 30 ft wide the smaller Dining Hall on the West side, and is content to
semicircular antechamber with a vaulted 12 ft ceiling have his finest try all of the days preparations before he does
supported by 4 rough gothic columns. 20 ft across the floor (This is partly Malal's strategy for ensuring against poisoning.).
opposite the solid iron door is an equally large iron bound oak
double door. Two smaller studded doors lead off to either In the chambers above, the Knights and their Squires reside.
side. The room is furnished with aged tapestries, iron braziers, Among them is a hierarchy, with traditions for the assessment
and several small stools on which those attending the Lord of rank and privilege within the Patrol. Most notable is the
Castellan's Court may wait in queue. On normal days, this regard given to Knights of Noble houses in the Realm, as
room will have between 1-3 of the Knights, and the Scribe opposed to Knights risen from the commons. A less
Jordie, to negotiate the schedule of audiences Gregory must meaningful pecking order of the same nature exists among
give (or refuse). their Squires.

Beyond the oak double doors is a 30 ft wide, 40 ft long,

Great Hall with a vaulted 30 ft ceiling supported by 6 more
rough gothic columns near the middle, and 6 more on the The Knights:
sides running up the walls. The Great Hall is normally
decorated with more aged tapestries and iron braziers, as Sir Gaylen of House Marcus (42yo) with his Squire
well as a faded blue floor covering leading to a stepped 5 ft The nominated leader of the Patrol. 3rd in line to his house.
high, 30 ft wide dais. On this dais are 7 ornately carved and Loyal to a fault. Whatever the Castellan says, is what will be
painted oak thrones, and 4 smaller oak chairs, all abreast. A done.
heavy painted oak table sits before the 2 smaller chairs on
the right. Sir Florence of House Scrope (28yo) with his Squire
A happy and hopeful warrior with a heart of gold. He takes
On normal days the Castellan will be seated in the center- issue with many of Malal's choices, and prefers to encourage
most throne, and several of the other seats could be empty. his Lord into action.
Family members, Malal, the Bailiff, the Barrister, the Curate, or
other officiates may also be seated here as required, with the Sir Signus of House Amberley (35yo) with his Squire
smaller seats reserved for Scribes, Squires, Acolytes, etc.. Larger than most, Signus is the immovable shield of the Patrol.
Posted in the chamber are 2-4 Knights to guarantee the Gruff and haughty, his attitude towards loyalty parallel Sir
security of all attending. There is a small banded door Gaylen's.
stepped down on each side of the dais, through which the
Court often enters in curt ceremony. in the center of the walls Sir Galeron of House Dugal (38yo)
on each side are two more strong banded doors leading to Full of contempt, Sir Galeron is impatient and ready to fight at
the East and West wings of the first level. any time, for any cause.
soldiers have superior morale and attentiveness. Gregory
Dame Trillian (29yo) actively promotes their position as a goal for other guards to
A merchant's daughter, and the most recent addition to the aspire. A technique that helps to shape and improve
Patrol, Trill is ceaselessly required to prove herself to her performance through all of the lower ranks.
colleagues. She wishes for more time with the Captain of the
guard, but it instead regularly sent out on patrols by Sir 26. CENTRAL TOWERS: 12 men-at-arms, Scribe Jordie, and Advisor
Gaylen. (elf) Malal in residence The Elf Malal (230yo) is a tall willowy
fellow with ivory skin, who is seldom seen unarmored. A close
battle-brother of wars past, he keeps close to Gregory's side,
Sir Harold of House Amherst (37yo) and is in fact one of the architects of the Castellan's growing
This knight is a seasoned veteran of battles and an expert inadequacy. Always encouraging him to act timidly, and to
swordsman. Slightly arrogant and proud, he both wishes to do nothing that might risk the security of the Keep itself, Malal
spend time among commoners, and yet can never councils his friend towards inaction most of the time. Though
remember any of their names. Malal can be described as a brave veteran fighter, and his
advice as well meant, his own haunted past has taught him
too much caution in respect to confronting Chaos. Malal
Sir Morholt (50yo) frequently tours the battlements and will give orders if he
A crude mercenary of countless battles in the Holy Land, Sir believes that he is speaking for the Castellan. This especially
Morholt is a cynical, jaded, and pragmatic warrior with a gruff rankles Captain Murrone (18.), who is anxious to fight Chaos
demeanor and a strait forward way of fighting. He does not much more vigorously, and resents Malal's arrogance, his
consider walking away from a fight a failure, and is not above ideas of 'patience', and his influence on the morale of her
dishonorable tactics. guards.

Sir Ewan (30yo) 27. CASTELLAN'S CHAMBER: Castellan Gregory (68yo) and
Once an ambitious adventurer, Sir Ewan is beginning to Family (Wife, 1 Son, 2 Daughters) The Castellan is a veteran
realize the dead-end nature of his position in Restwell. He of wars long forgotten, and once a favorite Knight of the
fancies Dame Trillian, but his affections are rebuked. King. But courtly intrigue forced him to accept the
indefinite charge of Castellan in Restwell, and he nurses
Sir Gareth of House Dennis (25yo) old grudges as he carries out his duties. Many years ago,
7th in line for the Earldom of Kenney, Sir Gareth chose service when he first assumed his position, Gregory created the
as a House Knight to taking Orders or going on Pilgrimage to Borderlands Patrol, and personally lead them about the
the Levant. He is easily influenced by the other Knights. region to cleanse the wilderness of Chaotic forces. He
even led an expedition to exterminate all that dwelt in the
Sir Donald (36yo) Caves of Chaos. But after many seasons Gregory learned
The Fisherman's son is famous around the Keep on the that his pains were in vain. All his gains were quickly lost,
Borderlands for his excellence of character and martial and his expenses were never replenished adequately.
prowess. One who embodies the essence of Chivalry. Today the Castellan is a much more cynical man, and
proceeds in every matter out of simple diligence. Though
Sir Lorne (31yo) he proudly maintains and wears his armor and sword, he
This House Knight is a brash bully and willing muscle to Sir seldom trains and no longer leads the Borderlands Patrol
Gaylen and Sir Signus. When discord arises between the he had founded.
Patrolmen, Sir Lorne helps to tip the scale with his whole fist. Castellan's wife Winifred (43yo) is an emotional wreck,
and someone who desperately needs a rest. The
Sir Griflette (24yo) challenges her husband has faced over the years in
A naive son of a local farmer, his horsemanship is commanding such an outpost as Restwell have left her
unparalleled. exhausted with worry. To the people of Restwell, she holds
up an austere manner. But most who get to know Winifred
learn to appreciate her as a simple woman, crippled with
indecision and an abundance of simple kindness. It is
On the left there is a small dusty library, a second meeting Gregory's private hope that his kind wife can survive him in
room, a ceremonial room, and a storage chamber for comfort, living in the old capital of the Realm again. To this
ceremonial items and furniture. end, he carefully skims from Restwell's revenue, and eyes
Above the left are chambers for the Lord's family and any any wealth as a possible means to exceed his Knightly
guests. Spiral stairs lead up through both of the 60 ft towers on wage.
the southern corners of the Keep Fortress, each accessing the The Castellan's only surviving son, Sir Destrian (22yo), has
two floors, the cellars, and the upper parapets. never known a life outside of the Borderlands, and has
adopted a cowardice and nervousness that his father
Cellar: The stair descending on the East corner accesses the strains to overlook. Though he was instated as a member
stores, including a cistern, a wine cellar, and a large pantry. of the Patrol, he looks for any excuse to avoid riding out
Here too are housed the servants and staff. The stair into the wilderness with the other soldiers. Ironically, Sir
descending on the West corner leads down to the dungeon Destrian has perfected his martial skills on the practice
and the torture chambers. Housed on this end are the jailers ranges, and his father takes pride where he can, in hosting
and the Lord's headsman. The Cistern connects to the sewer tournaments where his son can be seen to succeed in
drains under the Outer Bailey, for the purpose of flushing archery or at the tilt. But all know him to be a coward at
accumulated waste. A little known secret exit is in the corner heart, and an unlikely warrior.
of the wine cellar, behind an immense cask. The two daughters, Molina and Sophie (15yo and 16yo),
are precocious and troublesome, tease their older brother
25. TOWER: 12 men-at-arms in residence The Guardsmen who mercilessly, and coyly flirt with the Butcher Boys in
garrison the Keep Fortress are housed in the four towers defiance of their Mother and their Governess.
crowning the structure, and are equipped almost as well as The Castellan is a brave and noble old warrior at heart,
the knights, and answer to orders from the Castellan, Malal, or but his leadership over the years has sunken. At first he
the Knights. In general they are not to leave their posts at the only surrendered to despair of ever ridding the
Keep Fortress unless commanded to. Each barrack is well Borderlands of Chaos. But as time wore on, he became
heated, and sufficiently tabled. A Guard of the Keep Fortress fixated on simply surviving, and now sees any real progress
is the highest post in Restwell before Officers or Knights. These against the elements of Chaos as a threat, and will always

seek to stop such efforts as quietly as possible. Publicly Arnaldus. Jordie or Watt are typically on hand to record
however, the Castellan will celebrate and reward any important details in ledgers and on scrolls.
successes, and wait for an opportunity to blame
'troublemakers' if and when their deeds appear to yield
bitter fruit. 1. Brawling- 1 day at the pillory
Gregory is a Knight of the Realm and holds the Royal 2. Failure to Pay for Services 1 day at pillory and just seizure
power to mete out justice in the King's name. He holds the 3. Failure to Pay for Privileges 1 day at pillory and just seizure
4. Failure to pay for Taxes 2 days at pillory and just seizure
power to grant knighthoods as well, though he can only 5. Failure to Repay Debt 3 days at pillory and just seizures
exercise that power within limits, negotiating with the 6. Theft of Ale- 2 days in stocks
crown for each permission in documentations that the 7. Theft of Goods- 3 days in stocks
Scribe Jordie (26.) drafts and manages. The Knight- hoods 8. Theft of Bread- 2 days in stocks, public torments
that he grants are notorious however, for they are seldom 9. Theft of Wealth- 3 days in stocks, public torments, and just
attached to any holdings, and instead install the recipients seizures
10. Theft of a Weapon- 3 days in stocks , and just seizures
as House Knights and members of the Borderlands Patrol.
11. Theft of a Chicken- 3 days in stocks, public torments, maimed
Gregory commands the patrol to limited ends in their 12. Theft of a Goat or Sheep- 3 days in stocks, two fingers cut
duties, seldom rides into danger with them, and could 13. Theft of a Pig- 3 days in stocks, four fingers cut
even send them to certain defeat if it suited his political 14. Theft of a Cow or Bull- 3 days in stocks, left hand cut
needs. Even so, the opportunity to become a Knight of the 15. Theft of a Dog- 3 days in stocks, public torments, left eye cut
Borderlands attracts strong applicants, and even those 16. Theft of a Horse- 3 days in stocks, left eye and right hand cut
that are found wanting, will sometimes remain in Restwell 17. Killing of a Horse, Cow, Bull, or Dog- Death by Hanging
18. Murder of a Man- Death by Hanging
to fill the ranks of the garrison.
19. Murder of a Woman or Child- Death by Mutilation, and Hanging
In fact, the only Knights to be issued land have been 20. Murder of a Noble- Death by Rack, Gutting, and Quartering.
those that Gregory deemed to be too much trouble to 21. Treason or Espionage against the Crown- Death by Torture,
keep close by. On occasion he has sent brave warriors Flaying, Rack, Gutting, and Immolation.
and their new retinues to secure old deserted or over-run 22. Necromancy- Immediate Death by Immolation.
outposts in the name of the King, only to be soon lost to 23. Diabolic Conference- Death by Decapitation, and Immolation.
the unknown threats within a few years or even a season.
Though this cynical scheme has eliminated popular thorns
in Gregory's side, it still fuels the aspirations of hopefuls that
In addition, If the accused is found guilty, they also pay 1 GP fine
they could yet become lords of property. And that helps
to the court. If an accuser is found to be false, they pay the 1 GP
to attract foolhardy newcomers.
To maintain the garrison, and to invigorate Restwell's
community and attract taxable wealth, Gregory holds
Upon deliberated council after sentencing, long term residents
sanctioned Tournaments designed to select new Knights.
could expect leniency in punishments that would call for bodily
These events crowd Restwell to bursting with Mercenaries,
harm. Residents who do not receive such leniencies are typically
Soldiers, and Merchants of all kinds. Though a pale
exiled from the community soon thereafter, having been
imitation of the Tournaments held in the Realm, they still
maimed and branded.
do much good to the vitality of the Keeps defense.
Any accused found guilty of theft are compelled to repay three
times the value of that which was stolen, or to return that which
APPENDIX I: was stolen plus double it's value. This repayment is made in coin
or in property. If the thief does not poses the estimated value, a
RESTWELL LAWS judicial council may set an extended term it the stocks, or bodily

Chain of Command in the Keep: Licenses:

1. Castellan (Advisor Malal and Scribe Jordie assist) Within the Realm, licenses are required items to be born at all
2. Captain of the Guard Murrone times, under penalty of Law. They cost a fixed fee, and to be
3. Sergeant of the Guard Grifon found without one could incur added fines and/or punishment.
4. Corporals of the Guard Harkin and Drugo Common licenses include, "Right to Bear a Blade", Right to Bear
5. Bailiff Radulfus (Scribe Watt assist) Full Armor", "Right to Mete Out the King's Justice" as well as, "Right
6. Captain of the Watch Goraidh to Be the Blacksmith", "Right to Sell Weapons" or, "Right to
7. Corporal of the Watch Tybalt Operate a Tavern".
However, on the Borderlands, these Laws are enforced very
Knights (Patrolmen)- Calvary Guards who patrol the Borderlands. selectively, and often overlooked. Unfortunately, that
Well paid, and competitive. inconsistency leads to abuses, such as surrendering ones weapon
Guardsmen- Soldiers that Garrison the Inner Bailey and the walls for entry into the Keep, and then being required to present
Watchmen- Soldiers that secure the Outer Bailey and the documentation to reclaim it later. For general purposes, most
immediate area outside the Keep. licenses cost 20 gold pieces, and are managed by the Bailiff with
oversight by the Barrister and the notary.
Officers of the Guard outrank Officers of the Watch
Bailiff Radulfus answers directly to the Castellan but may not
command officers of the guard. Taxes:

Crimes and Punishment: The taxes due to the Crown are collected and managed by
the Castellan himself. As a martial outpost, Restwell provides
All arrested are detained in the Dungeon (24.) for one or two generous deductions, and at least half of these dues may be
days until a hearing is convened. If the accused surrenders to the paid by use of goods, sent to the Crown by guarded caravan
mercy of the Court, the Castellan has authority to mete justice quarterly. For most tenants and subjects of the Keep on the
and mercy as he see's fit. If the accused protests their innocence, Borderlands, the leases and fees account for the Kings taxes.
a trial is scheduled. The trial is adjudicated in council by the
Castellan, the Barrister, the Bailiff, the Curate, and one "Guest of Curfew:
Honor" such as the visiting Priest Godefroi, or the Guildmaster

Technically, no subject is permitted to stay within the walls after 8. Woodsman Borderland Trees are large and plentiful, but the
curfew without a contract to a bed. Occasionally the Bailiff turns threats lurking in the wild keep most woodsmen gangs to the
a blind eye to exceptions such as the Lackeys who sleep in the fringes of the forest.
stables with the horses, or the guests of a gracious host. But for 9. Miller There are only two millers in the Borderlands; The Wheel
most, the hour of curfew is a nightly routine of evictions for non- Mill on the river, and a Windmill further upland from the Keep. The
residents, and the sounds of the gatehouse gates closing up meager grain harvest demands no more.
behind them. The Green Man (14) and the One Eyed Cat (15) 10. Fisherman There are only a few fishermen in the Borderlands
both have the Bailiff's leave to room, bed, or board however and they all tend to focus on the Northern banks of the river, or in
many guests they wish. But if these businesses must turn anyone smaller tributary streams. The misty waters of the marshes down-
away, those poor souls must be escorted out (Watchmen begin river are deemed too dangerous.
their curfew tours in these two establishments). Typically, those
unable to stay in the Keep end up collapsing in the rowdier
'Snare Trap' in Butcher's Lane (1b) down the hill.

The punishment for evading curfew is banishment from the Borderlands Agriculture: An Analysis
Keep! A procedure is offered to lift such banishment, but it
involves an audience with the Bailiff, and a steep fine, all of As Gary Gygax expressed many times his views about typical
which can be tedious to arrange from outside the walls of the fantasy setting as being filled with petty landowners and
fortress. freeholders, as opposed to slavery or serfdom, we should
assume farmers are included: owners of a farm, paying a
The Court of Restwell: yearly rent to the Castellan. These farms would scattered
throughout the landscape, the Keep being the only real
The Court of Restwell is a semi-official audience for petty “village”, as Gary refers it (p. 2).
grievances held on every new moon, is overseen by the
Castellan, and chaired by the Bailiff, the Barrister, and the Bailiff's To feed the more than 400 people living in the Keep, around
Scribe. 160 farms surround the Keep in a one-mile line of sight from
its towers. No more than 15 people dwell in each farm.
At this meeting, citizens and subjects may bring disputations to The farms are held by a farmer and its small family,
this council for judgment. Though the structure is largely informal, accompanied by many daily workers and some guards, as
all participants are obligated to abide by the councils majority the region is dangerous.
judgment. To contest a judgment, an appeal must be presented
to the Castellan, and an official audience must be held in his hall. The Tavern’s (15) list of meals can be used as an indicator for
local production. Local people use bark tea as a warm
APPENDIX II: drink. Wine is obviously imported from the West, as two tuns
of wine are available in the common warehouse (5). But ale
and beer can be local, which indicates than barley and
GREATER RESTWELL COMMUNITY hops are produced around the castle. The cool and
contrasted climate suggest wheat as a prime cereal, so
these farmers likely practice shift of crops: one year with
People Outside of the Keep: wheat, one year with barley and one year with legumes,
most probably carrots and cabbages. These are the one
The total Population of Restwell Keep is roughly 300 souls, 23 of you can expect in the Tavern’s soup or stew. Fruits could be
which are children and 180 in the permanent garrison. To support apples, the most common, and seconded by pears.
this central population, there are roughly 2,000 souls living in Raspberries and cherries are also very common in farmer’s
roughly 130 farms within visual range of the Keep. Roughly 800 personal orchards.
more souls live within 1 days walk of the fortress. This number
includes settled Foresters, Farmers, and Trappers. the Castellan's Honey mead is likely made from local bees, though its price
Borderlands Patrol tour this larger Borderlands area infrequently. two times higher. Various quotes about meat are not so
(See " Borderlands Agriculture: An Analysis", below.). useful, as stew and roasted joint could be from any animal,
while roasted fowl could mean almost any bird. It is
1. Farmer Farms grow succulent vegetables and alternate short suggested is that the most common fowl is Turkey, while the
crops of hardy wheat, barley, and legumes in a yearly cycle. most common meat is hog. Mentions of a hard cheese
However, the Borderlands wet weather can often threaten crops located in the Ogre's cavern, and the fact that cheese is
with blight from too much rain. sold by wedges at the Tavern strongly suggest it is a cow’s
2. Goatherd Goats and Sheep are hardy livestock and thrive in milk cheese, probably a variety of Cheddar. So cows are
the Borderlands climate. But wool and textile production is not a probably raised in the lands surrounding the Keep, but for
strong feature of the Borderlands economy. Only very small milk purpose rather than meat. It seems no textile is
flocks and individual Kids are taken to graze along the slopes produced in the Borderlands, as clothes are also listed as
beside Restwell Keep, close to safety. products for merchants in the warehouse. This, combined
3. Cowherd Cattle are few and harder to maintain in the with the close proximity of threat, indicates that sheep
Borderlands. Most are kept for dairy (a local cheese is becoming herding is not likely.
distinct), and fresh beef cuts are relatively rare.
4. Swineherd The most popular livestock in the Borderlands is the So, the common Borderlands’ farm is probably like a little
pig. Restwell swineherds favor a hardy domesticated breed of keep, as the keep is like a little village: a yard for the
boar. Some boar are reserved to hunt for truffles. Farmer’s private house and another for his workers, with a
5. Trapper Most Trappers meet up at the Snare Trap in Butcher's common room, a barn, the pig-house and building for cows
Lane, and rarely bother to enter the Keep. They have a mixed and turkeys, all being surrounded by stone walls to protect
relationship with the Borderlands Patrol. against raiders.
6. Hunter Hunters also prefer the company in Butcher's Lane, and
will often spend days alone in the wilderness. Some hunters (and
trappers) serve as freelance scouts for the Patrol. Adapted with liberties from, "Borderlands Agriculture" by Nicolas Dessaux.
7. Furrier A couple reside and work in Butcher's Lane, a few more
keep households in the valley. They are among the busiest
tradesmen outside the walls of the Keep.

APPENDIX III: 61. The Cobbler's daughter turns heads as she carries leather back
to the shop.
62. Cheating: Gemma (7l.) sneaks away with her lover the Hunter.
RANDOM RESULT CHARTS 63. Lenora takes young Ally and Julie (7m.) to treat at her brothers
64. Molina & Sophie (27.) flirt with the Butcher Boys, inspecting their
beefy arms and giggling in spite of themselves.
Random Restwell Events in Day: 65. A local Ogre is drinking and gambling at the Snare Trap after
selling furs and 'greenskins' to Magg (1b.) He is not permitted
1. Rat Catcher (7c.) showing young Otto how to set a trap. inside the Keep, and is not welcome by most to be in Butcher's
2. The Jovial Priest(7b.) and two Acolytes visiting the Baker Lane either.
3. The Stevedores (7a.) loading furs onto a cart. 66. A known Hill Giant has tripped over a fresh pile of logs on a farm
4. A one-eyed cat, Patches (7c.). in the outskirts of the Restwell clearing, and he is crying over a
5. Poll (7b.) going to the Baker (7c.) with an empty basket to fill. split and bloodied toe.
6. A Patrol of Knights (24.)burst through and out of the keep in a 67. The Castellan (With Jordie and Malal) tours the countryside with
rush. the Patrol, meeting with the subjects and taking careful census
7. A caravan of goods from the Realm arrives. of any changes.
8. A caravan of Dwarves arrive with ore to sell to Abelard. 68. A caravan from the East has arrived, but was separated from
9. The "Bee Man" arrives, selling his wares. A rare visit. half their number in a whiteout up in the mountains pass.
10. Meal (4.) is beating one of his stable lackeys mercilessly. 69. Arnest (7j.) walks past with his daughter Grite on a leash.
11. Acolyte Tibald (7b.) leaves the Keep alone. 70. A farmer was abducted by devils in a thunderstorm.
12. Audric and Kaylee (7d.)are seen meeting secretly, and run off. 71. Three dog people stole all of a farmers hens and eggs.
13. Beavis escorting Ayoo (7g.), holding hands and exchanging 72. A caravan of exotic traders arrive with news that 1/2 of their
smiles. number were left behind in an ambush.
14. Alice and her son Miles hitch a pair of carts for the road (7g.). 73. Trappers are finding their traps tampered with again.
15. Apio and Amadi (7g.) prepare for a fence building job on a 74. A legendary beast is haunting the Tugleywood.
farm. 75. The Patrol are infighting, and Malal has sent part of their number
16. The Barrister, Bailiff, and Scribe meet to draw the minutes. abroad to patrol the hold.
17. The Barrister, Bailiff, and Scribe convene the Court of Restwell. 76. Godfroi parades around the Outer Bailey and many of the
18. The Bailiff erects a table to receive all uncollected rents. farmsteads giving alms.
19. Three suspiciously thuggish Merchants arrive in Restwell (7h.). 77. Gipp Tyler gathers his family together with two carts of supplies
20. An envoy arrives from Tendai's (7h.) homeland. to go to work on the windmill.
21. Arnest (7j.) packed for his work, leaves home with Grite tied to 78. Two groups of Watchmen and Guardsmen begin a brawl in the
him. One Eyed Cat, and the fricassee tumbles into the Town Square.
22. Ellis and Grott (7j.) muscling a resident to pay money owed. 79. Elger and Fritz Cobbler (7i.) argue loudly in their native language
23. Lucente (7i.) excited to receive a shipment of rare fabrics. until Girdrud interrupts.
24. Lucente (7i.) being Lucente. 80. A giant hairy goblin deliberately startled someone's horse and
25. Mott and Terrey (7k.) run and play with wooden swords. caused them to tumble and for their mount to bolt away.
26. Ally and Julie take their cousin Denic (7m.) to visit Uncle Angus 81. Renfrey and Adieline (11.) go to the chapel to prepare their
(7c.). marriage arrangements. Sturdy follows, but is not permitted
27. Mason and Architect discuss building plans and costs. inside.
28. The Tyler Boys stand off against the Butcher Boys. 82. A brawl turns into a riot down in Butcher's Lane, and many
29. Badcock Elder seen acting stingy and miserly with a merchant. soldiers are dispatched to clear the grounds and secure the
30. Jacobus & Athelard discuss legal matters in low murmurs. rabble-rousers.
31. Malal tours the Keeps parapets and towers, inspecting soldiers. 83. Sir Harold becomes intoxicated, and proceeds to treat
32. Architect Watt leaves the Keep with Godfroi to inspect Abby everyone gregariously (and mistaking everyone's names).
site. 84. Braden's family (7g.) prepare their supplies for a job repairing
33. Young Love; Audric and Kaylee are noticed together. the watermill. They will be working there for four days.
34. Butcher Boys tease Audric. 85. It is Market Day, and a local ogre arrives to pay gold coins for
35. Dawn: Butcher Boys stumble home from a night of gambling. rare herbs and seasonings, but is turned away at the gatehouse.
36. Butcher Boys tease Colbert. 86. Hunters have been murdered by a brutish band of beastmen.
37. Murder Mystery: The Cooper is discovered DEAD! The Patrol is called upon to retaliate.
38. Young Love: Beavis and Ayoo rendezvous (7g.). 87. A letter is delivered into the hands of a farmers child by a small
39. Mystery: Athelard's worst fears, assassins disguised as merchants devil. It is a sealed note for the Castellan. A ransom note.
(7h.). 88. A caravan arrives with dozens of new guests, and the inn is
40. Mystery: Tendai (7h.) making many compromises to make room for them.
41. Farmers arrive with news of arson and banditry to be 89. The Curate Abelard (17.) goes from door to door inquiring to all
investigated. parents for their children's education at the chapel.
42. Captain Estrella tours the crowds of visitors in disguise. 90. Fishermen report seeing a dragon at the edge of the Black
43. Gilpy & Hurdy twins (14.-7a.) join Kip & Art (14.-7d.) to tease Bogs.
Elena & Dolly (14.). 91. An elderly, wandering, cavalier arrives, seeking *gasp*
44. Visiting thieves are cruelly exampled at the pillory (18.). "adventure". Having only heard of highway banditry, the Caves
45. Butcher Raynald (7e.) recieves a full side of beef from a farmer. of Chaos promise to offer more than he could handle.
46. Beatrix (14.) readies for a secret ritual to Hern in the forest. 92. Clench (5.) becomes enraged and chases Patches (7c.) all over
47. A nearby guard tower runs battle drills all day. the Outer Bailey (Patches has spent hours working him up.)
48. Rowland and his men (8.) load up a cart full of armor for the 93. A murder took place over gambling down in the Snare Trap,
stores in a particular tower. and the accused is expected to be hung for the crime.
49. Mille (7a.) Walks about the bailey being a pest. 94. The fortress guards and watchmen are in high spirits. An annual
50. Ivetta (7a.) shops for food to take home to make a porridge. event among the garrison is about to happen, the "Goblin Toss".
51. The 4 Stevedoers (7a.) are more drunk than usual and missing The war engine crews compete to hitting targets out in the
their work. farmland. Farmers whose property is struck and damaged
52. The 4 Stevedoers (7a.) enter into a loud disagreement with a receive generous compensation from the Castellan.
merchant about their fee for loading up her cart. 95. A thief is pursued by the Watchmen.
53. Kaylee (7d.) delivers a basket of soap for her father. 96. A band of local hunters, who rarely enter the keep, find
54. Nurse Bridget (7b.) receives a large bundle of bleached linens. themselves ejected from the keep for their behavior.
55. Baker Angus (7c.) can be heard singing while working again. 97. Nurse Bridget (7b.) pays a house call for Megge (7n.) who is
56. Patches catches a rat. expecting a child any day.
57. Tallyman Garp (5.) is rushing through to round up help with a 98. Megge (7n.) walks down the street to do chores, but looks
new shipment that must be stored. Carts are backing up. overdue to deliver, her belly having grown very large.
58. Athelard scolds Adcok (7h.) to return home and prepare 99. The sounds of anguish in the night as Megge delivers twins!!
supper. 100. Elder Badcock berates his son in public.
59. Lucente (7i.) finds a random citizen to dress up in his latest
60. Braden (7g.) gatheres his family and supplies for a job outside of
the Keep.


1. The Castellan's daughter Sophie, is desperate to escape the

Keep and run away to civilization. She will attempt to seduce or
otherwise manipulate a PC if she thinks it might achieve her goal.
Her father is naturally very protective. The Butcher Boys are her
first choice, but a poor one. If she follows through with them, she
may end up in a hostage situation (or worse!) that is entirely
outside of what the Butcher Boys would intend. Sophie's younger
sister would disagree, but would not betray her confidence
easily. Consider the Bandits (Wilderness 3) or even the Temple of
Evil Chaos and the Cultists' need for a virginal sacrifice!

Borderlands Weather: 2. The Temple of Evil Chaos has a long tradition of abducting
young men and even boys into their cult. Their work with the
Weather blowing from the South and East of the Realm collides undead and the other chaos factions is risky, and their long term
with the higher elevation of the Borderlands. Trapped by the goals have required a tradition that could perpetuate their
mountain ranges, most of the clouds that gather envelop the brotherhood through the generations. At higher levels, when the
valley in mist and fog, or drenches everything in rain. (Winter party is prepared to engage the Cultists, the mystery of those lost
Weather is largely the same, but marked with frost, hail, and to the temple could be unraveled. A key point in the mystery is
sleet.) the active curse laid upon the sacrifice artifacts found in the
Chapel (Keep 55).
Roll D4 for number of weather changes in a day. Roll D20 for 3. There is a narrow secret passage that snakes through the Keep,
each condition. connecting 2d4+1 vital areas. No adults know of it, only a few
± 1-4 Foggy- The air is still and thick with fog. children who recently discovered it while playing. It need not be
The shape of objects or identity of mapped. They are unintended structures. These are very narrow
approaching figures can be obscured as gaps between cellar walls and other structures from when the
close as five to twenty yards. Outer Bailey was first erected so many years ago. This adventure
± 5-10 Misty- Cool patches of mist drift through could draw the players to areas beneath the keep that they
the valley, sometimes obscuring vision as might not have entered otherwise, such as the oldest crypts, or
close as five yards away, and sometimes the dungeon beneath the Guild Hall.
breaking to show the blue sky above.
± 11-14 Showers- Gentle curtains of light rain 4. The orc prisoner in the hobgoblin cave is Bud, The Bloody Fists
drench the landscape. Winter and higher up Chieftain's oldest whelp. He hates his father and will cooperate
the mountains, snow flurries. with the PCs to slay him.
± 15-17 Thunderstorm- Sheet lightning crashes
into the surrounding hillsides and trees, the 5. Driven by desperation for supplies, the raiders (wilderness area
thunder startling all. Rain pours suddenly and #3) are conspiring to launch a joint raid with the Orcs of the Fang
floods the land. Winter and higher up the Fingered Clan. The goal is to overrun and loot the outer bailey of
mountains, snow covers all. the keep in a daring night raid, assisted by spies from the inside.
± 18-20 Clear and Windy- Stiff breezes sweep Though it is an act that the Priests would not approve of, If
away the mists and the clouds to reveal the successful, the Fang Fingered Clan reputation would improve,
Borderlands wooded reaches, and the snow attracting more Fang Fingered Clan orcs from the mountains,
covered mountains looming above. and bolstering their numbers with 4d6 more orcs within 2d4
weeks. (Note: Seward could be seen to earnestly fight to repel
the invasion.)
Corporal of the Watch options:
a. The Corporal of the Watch (Keep #3) is a spy for the Chaotic
raiders in the forest (Wilderness #3).
1. A merchant, imprisoned in the caves, will reward his rescuers. b. The Corporal isn't terribly evil, just stupid and greedy- he
2. The "Caves" are really ancient tombs of a long lost kingdom. doesn't think the raiders are a real threat and excuses himself with
3. Devils of many kinds inhabit the caves, but all serve Satan. “ Just about everyone in the Keep does something shady for a
4. A chef lives in the Tugleywood and feeds all the bandits. little extra money on the side. Why should I be left out? Times are
5. Goblins will not kill. All they want are prisoners for their ransoms. tough!”.
6. The dead of kingdoms past are restless in the Valley of Kings c. The Corporal of the Watch (Keep #3) is a spy for the Chaotic
7. Farmer's children are abducted by goblins every 3rd year. raiders in the forest (Wilderness #3).
8. A small haunted barrow in a clearing within the Tugleywood. d. The Corporal is a good man, and is only betraying the Keep
9. A vast Goblin Kingdom lays deep under the Borderlands. because the raiders have his daughter. He believes the girl to be
10. Terrible sounds can be heard on the Black Bogs at night. an innocent hostage, but in fact she is with the raiders willingly
11. A giant wanders into the Tugleywood each year to hunt. and is the Leader's lover.
12. The caves are inhabited by dog people that eat babies.
13. There are hordes of tiny dog-men living in the ancient tombs. 6. One of the ethnic residents (grandparent/aunt) is an old gypsy
14. The Castellan doesn't want troublemakers going to the caves. woman, who will tell anyone's fortune for a gold piece. This could
15. Dog people can't resist a basket of freshly laid eggs. take the form of a tarot session for the character. The results
16. Black devils haunt the Black Bogs, seeking to drown children. should be random, and interpretive, but ALSO influential to the
17. The serious threat to the highway is from normal bandits. rest of the campaign.
18. The Mad Hermit, who lives somewhere to the north, is a Saint.
19. The Devil is prowling the valley, waiting for Restwell to fall. 7. A daring thief scales the walls of the keep fortress and steals a
20. The Keep was built upon a much older fortress from long ago. prized treasure from the Castellan himself. He escapes when the
alarm is raised, but is believed to be hiding somewhere in the
keep. If the party seem keen for a domestic mystery, or an

opportunity to be seen in good light by the Castellan, this would
be a good adventure for that.

8. If the party befriends or helps Tendai, he will gift them with a

treasure map (The map is the handout from the beginning of
Module x1: The Isle of Dread). The adventure should be chosen if
all the players appear prepared to progress onto another

9. The Evil Priest has a box in his chamber, which contains a very
detailed map of the Keep and a journal that details the major
personages of the Keep, their habits and schedules, and
shockingly accurate details of the Keep's defenses. The journal
was obviously penned by a longtime inhabitant of the Keep. But
who, when, and why?
Use this adventure hook if the Cult is eliminated too easily, and
the party are still itching for bigger fish to fry (that aren't a

10. Druidism is still worshipped by a few in the Keep, and many

more among the tenant farmers. A small portion of the
population make monthly nighttime excursions out of the keep
on nights of the new moon. Two among the populace are the
secret priest and priestess who conduct these rituals. But one of
the two is, in fact "consorting with the devil" just as Abelard or
Godfroi would decry.

11. The party discovers the Bailiff (Keep 6) bloody and naked on
the rack in the hobgoblin's macabre “Playroom” (Caves #24). But
if this guy is the real Bailiff... then just who is the “Bailiff” back at
The Keep?

12. The caves are inhabited by dog people that eat babies.
13. There are hordes of tiny dog-men living in the ancient tombs.
14. The Castellan doesn't want troublemakers going to the caves.
15. Dog people can't resist a basket of freshly laid eggs.
16. Black devils haunt the Black Bogs, seeking to drown children.
17. The serious threat to the highway is from normal bandits.
18. The Mad Hermit, who lives somewhere to the north, is a Saint.
19. The Devil is prowling the valley, waiting for Restwell to fall.
20. The Keep was built upon a much older fortress from long ago.

Written by Drew Williams

This is a custom reference for adventures in the Borderlands , as suggested by Gary Gygax in 'Adventures Outside the Keep' section of
Dungeon Module B2 The Keep of the Borderlands (page 12). This reference adds modifications and expansions to the original content.

scant few rumors among

the trappers that nothing
which enters its shadowy
eaves ever comes back
out again. There are five
adult Black Widow
Customizations for Page 12:
Spiders and six young. The
webbing throughout the
The "Realm" of Gwyneth is to the west, off the map. The road
trees here are laid out in
branches, one path to the KEEP ON THE BORDERLANDS, the other
such a way as to prevent
leading off into the untamed highlands of Alba, beyond the ken of
creatures from going
backwards once they enter. Trip wires throughout the wood
alert the spiders instantly. The venom of the young is only
The forest to the north and west is known as the Tugleywood. It
excruciatingly painful and causes 2d6 wounds, whereas the
spans for miles northward to skirt the Scawfell Mountains.
venom of the adults is lethal, and induces paralysis. Even if
saved vs. poison, the paralysis effect may be experienced in
The river is called the Black Course or Blackwater, and the fens that
part (Test Con -2).
pool in the center of the valley are referred to as the Black Bogs. It
tumbles to the southwest. There is an ancient bridge crossing it, just
3. RAIDER CAMP: The leader of the Chaos Thugs is "Captain"
off map, to the east.
Cormack, a large though clever brute, with a very sadistic
streak. He loves to torture people for information as well as for
The road is called the Old Aclud Highway, and connects the
pleasure. He fancies himself well connected with powerful
Realm of Gwyneth to the Lost Kingdom of Aclud and the barbarian
allies in the Caves of Chaos, but is in fact only a pawn in the
wastes of Iden. It is impassable in the winter, and preyed upon by
schemes of the Temple of Evil Chaos. If loyalty will not keep
bandits and monsters.
him from turning on the evil priests, dread will. For Creed has
witnessed their necromancy first hand, and knows that they
Area Map Encounter Areas:
serve Satan in some degree.
The second in command is "Lieutenant" Gordan, a cynical
veteran who shares a dark and bloody past with Cormack.
Fangiss is the leader of this small
Gordan is Cormack's muscled enforcer, and seldom has an
band of Lizard Men. 8 males 6
original thought, but executes Cormack's orders to the letter.
females (including an oracle) and
The other Thugs are all mean spirited bandits who nurse
two Troglodyte bodyguards.
short-sighted desires to see the Keep on the Borderlands burn
Within the warrens of their
(An event Cormack promises will one day come to pass.) Until
underground nest are 8 young
that time, Cormack's raiders are satisfied in preying upon
and dozens of eggs incubating
occasional travelers. Other bandits names include, Luag,
under piles of composting grasses.
Maon, Gormal, Osgar, Ross, Ulrag, Tim, Fionne, Earc, Danny,
Though Scarl had brought this
Arty, and Una.
band to live in the Black Bogs
many years ago, Lizard Men live
4. THE MAD HERMIT: The notorious Mad Hermit is named Kenneth,
long and slow lives, hibernating a great deal. Only now are
but few ever learn of it. He is instead known as the "Bee Man"
the latest eggs nearing their time to hatch, and Scarl has
and keeps to himself in the Tugleywood, living in the hollow of a
commanded his hunters to seek outside the bogs for greater
large oak tree deep in the forest, where he tends to several
sustenance, though, being nocturnal water dwellers, they only
bee hives which he nurses with ritual. Some believe him to be
prowl about Restwell on the stormiest of nights.
an old priest who has grown to become a wise prophet (false),
At all times, the mound under which they live is guarded by
and rumors that God protects him in the form of a mighty Lion
two sadistic Troglodytes, who conceal themselves in the
(true). A few even wonder whether he might be a Saint.
terrain with skills and chameleon-like abilities (surprise on roll of
Twice a year, the Bee Man visits the Keep to trade his honey
1-4 on d6). Before revealing themselves, they exude a foul
for necessities. He smiles much but speaks very little, often
smell that nauseates anyone near unless they save vs Poison.
mumbling, snickering, and being pleasant but unintelligible.
Those affected suffer a -2 penalty on anything they attempt to
The secret of Kenneth is that he was indeed once a priest, but
one among those of the Temple of Evil Chaos. His mind was
Only if the troglodytes engage in a fight that they appear to
irrevocably broken when he surrendered himself to an
be losing, will Scarl and 6 of the other Lizard Men come out to
elaborate ritual that brought him into direct contact with Orcus.
help (2 males, and the females would remain underground). If
Suffering as he did, his entire personality, and indeed his own
Scarl should die or lose his morale, the Lizard Men will retreat
memories and sense of identity had been altered. Since that
into the nest behind traps positioned in the entrances. The nest
event, he has not been Chaotic Evil but rather Neutral. The last
has several passages and chambers, and two additional exits
act he ever did before losing his senses, was to rebuke Orcus,
that lead out underwater. With little planning, Scarl will direct
and invoke the name of his Savior ( As he was taught when he
some hunters to attack from the water's edge (from the rear).
was young), thus shattering the fragile ritual. When his former
The Oracle is a Priestess and Scarl's first council. She can cast
brethren sought to chase him down in the forest, the Lion
Darkness and Fear twice per day. The names for other Lizard
appeared and attacked all who approached him with malice.
Men are Hibis'kis, Kresst, Hee'la, Krikta, Ri'kit, Si'lith, Ya'rik, Tarsik,
The beast has not left his side since. Thus he has been blessed
Ra'tok, and Ra'kuur. The Troglodytes are named Lor and Anol.
with a guardian, even though he is too crippled in mind to
understand that fact.
2. SPIDERS' LAIR: : This is a tall wooded island in the middle of the
Black Bogs. It is known as the Deathwold, and there are a
If Kenneth could be made to recall his life from years before, revive, and sap the power and influence of the Temple of Evil
he would know all of the past details about the Temple of Evil Chaos and Orcus.
Chaos and their plans. Unfortunately he is a lunatic. EVIDENCE of the death of the late Curate Edghann can be
found here. This is the place where Seward led and trapped
Beyond the stone doors of this passage (one side of which is
recently worn) is an ancient temple carved from the living rock.
The walls depicting visions of human sacrifices and rewards of
bounty from the ancient gods. At the front of the temple is a
massive, blocky, and crude statue of a figure, the chest of
which is a large empty space and a narrow opening at the
bottom between the legs. About the feet of this statue is a
semicircular pit. As before, the face of the figure has been
shattered, but the parts remain scattered on the temple floor.
To either side of the temple are narrow passages carved
through the stone. One leads into a small empty chamber, The
other leads into a large space furnished with chairs and tables
5. CAVE OF THE UNKNOWN: The Cave of the Unknown is an
There is a narrow wedge shaped passage that leads from the
Ancient burial mound that had been robbed in an era long
small chamber all the way to the dungeon beneath the Guild
past, and has since then become a den of evil. A labyrinth of
Hall in Restwell. There is a larger passage to the back of the
passages had been built into the ridgeline beneath the mound
other chamber that connects to area 51 of the Caves of
over a century before. Large stones and grassy mounds
surrounding the ancient burial site are subtle evidence of those
Brethren of the Order of Evil Chaos have been here on
old excavations.
multiple occasions, conducting rituals to animate bind the
The upper level of the barrow is slightly more elaborate than
thousands of ancient dead found here. The passage to area 51
most, with many crude stone passages and chambers. Broken
of the Caves of Chaos is used as a repository for all those that
hunks of statues and crypts lay strewn about the floors.
have been animated thus far.
There is 50% a chance that the barrow is being used as a
A veritable army of tireless corpses, some shuffling, others
temporary shelter by someone or something when the party
standing motionless, wait in this long, dark, 20" wide corridor.
This is NOT an enemy recommended for a standard adventure
In the back is a small ancient shrine to The Horned God. Behind
party encounter. If the party does choose to engage this Army
the altar is a secret chamber and an alcove with a crude
of the Dead, roll 2d4 to generate the number of undead that
peephole concealed among the stone decorations. The
come forward to attack. If/when those are defeated, roll a new
passage leads to a steep spiral stairway down into an even
2d4 for the next wave. To eliminate the Army of the Dead in this
more ancient catacomb littered with bones.
manner, the party would need to repeat these steps 200 times.
On this level there may be encountered ghosts and wights.
A task that should take approximately 7 hours.
To the back of one of the crypts in this catacomb is an open
passage. it's stone slab cap discarded and broken to one side.
A cool damp air can be felt blowing from within. Beyond, a
Supplemental Random Wilderness Encounter Table:
wide carved passage becomes a broad slope that gradually
becomes steep and slippery until invariably those using it may
Roll a d6 for every 6 squares traversed, or a d6 for every 4 hours in a
slip and slide to the bottom. Though there is evidence that steps
day. A result of 6 indicates an encounter. Consult the table below.
were carved into the stone millennia ago, the passage of
countless feet have reduced them into a bumpy chute offering
01-06. 2d4 wolves
little to no purchase.
07-10. Black bear and 1d4 cubs
At the bottom of this ramp
11-21. Trapper on his rounds
is a natural cavern littered
22-32. d3 hunters following a trail
with hundreds more sets of
33-44. d3 hares or stoats
bones. Many of them held
45-49. 1 fox or pine marten
together with leathery sinew
50-59. d4 elk or deer
and many more laying loose
60-64. Raiders from area 3
and scattered. A placid
65-74. Borderlands Patrol*
grotto occupies one side of
75-84. Odd Restwell resident encounter*
this cavern. a very sparse row
85-95. Caves of Chaos encounter*
of stepping stones form the
95-97. Lizard men from area 1**
only bridge to the other side.
98-99. Jabberwocky***
There, more skeletons litter
00-00. Hill giant***
the floor, though they are
cleared to allow a path * Use corresponding random tables from the other supplements.
** Only in wet weather and/or at night.
across to a wood scaffold *** Only when within the Tugleywood.
stair that rises to meet the
frame of a large ancient
stone doorway. The door is
decorated with the dragon form of Crom Cruach, with a large .
break in the stone where his head would be. This head is still in
the chamber, hidden beneath the bones.
Many of the whole skeletons (29) scattered in the grotto are
cursed to animate and attack any intruders. The trigger for this
curse is placed upon the middle stepping stone. The skeletons
may not exit the grotto but may attack and grasp from over
the thresholds of the large door and the worn stair. They will lay
themselves back down if no living souls are in the grotto for over
an hour.
If the head of Crom Cruach is restored, and the chamber is
re-consecrated as a place of his worship, the old gods may
Written by Drew Williams

This is a custom reference for the inhabitants of The Caves of Chaos, as suggested by Gary Gygax in 'Notes for the DM on the Caves of
Chaos', 'Ransoming Prisoners', 'Tribal Alliances and Warfare', and 'Monsters Learning From Experience' sections of Dungeon Module B2 The
Keep of the Borderlands (page 14). The first parts of this reference expand on the suggestions provided. The remainder lists all of the
numbered areas of the Caves of Chaos, and describes any specific changes to the rooms or the behavior of any monsters found there. of
the Most details herein only embellish on those already included in the module, and are fully compatible. Where some details do differ,
precedence is to be given to the custom changes included here unless otherwise noted.

THE CAVE AREA: The ravine valley is an ancient burial tomb site particular grove, a flock of stirges nest. The residents are
from the same period as the other ancient burial mounds that accustomed to avoiding them. A custom Caves of Chaos exterior
pepper that landscape. Only instead of built up into mounds map (DM and Player versions) will have all keyed locations. Tables
covering jointed masonry, these were dug through into the living for wandering monsters and scout vigilance also provided.
stone and earth lining the walls of the chasm. The capstones
(doors) of countless tombs rank in 4 rows, with subtle broken foot RANSOMING PRISONERS: Though it is a matter that the Castellan
paths leading between many of them. Much of the terrain is either and Malal have strove to keep unspoken, they have gradually
overgrown with brush and trees, or collapsed in small landslides established an expectation, among the denizens of the Caves of
with stone and gravel littering in piles at the bottom. With some Chaos, that some ransoms might be paid (often in the form of
patience and attention, some of the tombs can be seen to have foods and/or supplies) if those captured are either of noble rank or
their capstones removed, and the ruts of frequent traffic in the valued members of the local community (the people petition for a
earth before them. ransom be paid). Consequently, some faction leaders have
The regional lore describes this ancient site as the "Gleann standing orders that prisoners should be captured whenever
Rìghrean" (glee-on rech-ree-on), the "Valley of Kings" but since the possible, and then interrogated to help consider whether a ransom
days of King Arthur, a new name has grown common; " Uamhan should be asked for, or they should be killed. In most cases,
Upraid " (oom-han oop-ra-eed), the "Caves of Chaos". prisoners would be made of lone stragglers, or party members who
were separated from the group. The most likely means of capture
Random Encounters Table of the whole party is if all members are defeated together. They
might then later awake, terribly wounded, imprisoned, and
1 in 6 chance of encounter by day. stripped of all their belongings. Any belongings removed will have
2 in 6 chance of encounter by night. a logical course of dispersement given the amount of time the
There is no encounter if the rolled result on table party was imprisoned (NOT conveniently secured in a nearby
differs from the game (exe. all bugbears were chest.). Should the defeated party regain their liberty, they would
already killed). likely not see any of their belongings again.

1. 2-12 stirges TRIBAL ALLIANCES AND WARFARE: The Priests of the Temple of Evil
2. 1 lone hobgoblin messenger* Chaos are at the top of the order among the factions among the
3. 1 lone orc messenger* Caves of Chaos, but they largely keep to themselves in their
4. 1 lone goblin messenger* temple, and send letters or words to the leaders of the other
5. 1 lone kobold messenger* factions using those other leader's messengers (A small network of
6. 2-12 kobolds messengers await outside the gates of the temple for instructions.)
7. 2-9 goblins Beyond the Priests schemes, faction in-fighting will occur whether
8. 2-5 hobgoblins they wish it or not (This is the principle reason that they require the
9. 1 bugbear intervention of their Demonic Lord to galvanize these disparate
10. 2 gnolls groups into a single force*.).
11. 1 ogre In general, it should be assumed that there is a long standing
12. 1 owlbear feud occurring between the goblins and hobgoblins against the
orcs. The gnolls are known to help the orcs for sport. The ogre has
*DM rolls for both surprise AND initiative; If the been known to help either for payment, though most often for the
enemy gains both, they have avoided being goblins. The kobolds try to avoid being involved in the conflict. And
seen, and will quickly report their sighting of the the bugbears and minotaur hold back and wait to exploit the
adventure party to their respective leader. conflict to their advantage for loot or tasty victims.
The default status of this feud is one of a tension filled "truce",
SPECIAL NOTE: In this campaign, the sex and age of all often initiated by the influence of the (surely exasperated) Priests.
goblins hobgoblins, and bugbears is indeterminate, as they But use the Random Faction Interaction tables below to generate
are just twisted and malformed fairy-kind, and do not lead any changes to this status.
true mortal lives. When-ever expressing roles of male, female,
or parent, goblins are only imitating (sometimes in mockery)
what they see mortals do. RANDOM FACTION INTERACTION
Ogres, Orcs, and Gnolls are NOT goblinoid, but instead
variant "beast-men", and as such do indeed breed and
reproduce as animals. Life for the residents of the Caves does not wait for a
Creatures such as minotaurs are singular cursed souls, and party of adventurers. Politics and events transpire, and
though they may be compelled to covet or even rape these charts are used to randomly generate results.
mortals, but do not truly breed, not be of a kind. FACTION CONFLICT CHECK: After each visit to the caves
by a party of PCs, make a faction conflict check. Roll 1d6.
On a roll of 6, conflict has broken out between the
WOODS: Though there are various trees and shrubberies all over factions. Roll twice on the faction table to determine
the sides, and especially across the bottom, of the ravine, the map which two factions have come into conflict. (If you roll the
indicates some areas that feature dense groves and copses that same number twice, the faction experienced some sort of
form tangled and forbidding barriers to normal movement (slow, internal strife.) Then roll on the Conflict Resolution Table.
single file). Within the shadows of these lurk different scouts from Use the notes for each faction and faction leader's
some of the factions that reside in the labyrinths below. In one motivations to help determine any specifics.

EMPTIED AREAS: When areas of the Caves of Chaos are "cleared",
Factions in the Caves of Chaos they can be quickly taken over by neighboring factions, or
repopulated in a given amount of time. Various monsters do not
Die Roll (d12) Faction simply wander by looking for a vacancy to fill. And presence of
most intruders to the Caves of Chaos will be repelled by those still in
1 Kobolds (A) residence. The only effective arbiters, of who may occupy a
2 Orcs of the Bloody Fist (B) "cleared" area of the dungeon, would be the Priests of Evil Chaos. If
3 Fang-Fingered Orcs (C) they choose to not interfere, a neighboring faction will expand into
4 Goblins (D) the area within 1 week. If they choose to barrack a new fighting
5 Ogre (E) force, one may be attracted to the opportunity within 1 month.
6 Hobgoblins (F)
7 Owlbear (G) Encounter Areas:
8 Bugbears (H)
9 Minotaur (I) Random Encounters Table
10 Gnolls (J)
11 Evil Priests (K) For every 30' distance walked down a lair passage, roll for
12 Wandering Adventurers random encounter on a d6. Encounters occur on 1 in 6 for
the daytime, and 1 in 3 for the nighttime. If an encounter
(“Wandering Adventurers” refers to an NPC party entering the results, secretly roll for both surprise and initiative. The side
Caves of Chaos.) that achieves both surprise AND initiative gets to choose not
to be seen, if possible, by ducking behind a corner (or if a
Conflict Resolution Table thief, Hide in Shadows). To spawn a random encounter, roll
1d4 for the number of persons, and roll a d6 for each
Die Roll (1d8) Outcome numbered area described as occupied. The numbered
area with the highest number is the one from which the
1 Stalemate Skirmish encounter is drawn. Be sure to make a note of where they
2 1 Faction Damaged come from.
3 1 Faction Crippled
4 1 Faction Destroyed DM Encounter Rules Reminder:
5 Both Factions Damaged
6 Both Factions Crippled 1. DM rolls 2d6* (multiply result by 10 for number of
7 Both Factions Destroyed feet) to establish distance to monsters.
8 Factions Unite 2. DM rolls 1d6 for both monsters and party to
check for surprise.
3. DM secretly rolls 1d6 for both monsters and party
MONSTERS LEARNING FROM EXPERIENCE: That the different factions to check for initiative.
in the Caves of Chaos will try to react to any adventuring intruders 4. DM rolls 2d6 for monster reaction. Disguises etc.
to the best of their abilities (including planning for retaliation, add +1 to the players advantage. Combat
sending scouts, laying new traps, etc.), there remains a question as posture etc. subtract -1 to the result.
to their inherent competency to execute those plans.
2 Immediate attack
Roll 1d12 for any complex choices they may need to make. A 3-5 Hostile, possible attack
failed roll empowers the DM to act in the party's favor, describing 6-8 Uncertain, monster confused
foolish or stalled actions on the part of the monsters. 9-11 No attack, monster leaves or considers offers
12 Enthusiastic friendship
Goblins are occasionally clever but usually stupid. The Goblin
Chieftain will exercise the very best choices for himself and his clan *Use only 1d6 when in corridors.
on any result below a 7. His Captains would succeed to do the
same on any result under a 5.
Hobgoblins are both crafty as well as cruel. Any one of them will A. KOBOLD LAIR: There are 8 kobold
choose to act on an opportunity, or create a sadistic trap, on any guards in hiding in the trees
result below a 10. above the entrance. On a 1-2 on
Kobolds are cautious but scheming and cooperative. The kobold 1d6, they will spring down and
Chieftain will coordinate elaborate traps or team activities on any attempt to drive the party into
result below an 8. kobold leaders may do this on any result below the entrance, into the pit trap.
an 8. Individual kobolds will likely panic and seek out others to help The guards from area 1 might be
on a roll of a 5 or higher. alerted (4-6), but they would hold
Orcs are Mean, Spiteful, Impatient, and spoil for a good fight. The back to see whether the party
Orc Chieftain will lead the best possible tactic for victory on any falls into the trap. They will only
result under a 9. Otherwise he will simply attack (or run away). Any hold back from attacking out of
orc captain or individual would act the same with any result under fear that they might not be
an 8. enough numbers. They will wait to
Gnolls are dim witted and malicious. If an opportunity to exploit hear the trap door spring open,
a clear weakness is revealed, they will pounce immediately, and only then will jump into
pausing only to watch suffering. If called upon to think tactically action after they hear it go off,
they will only choose to do something effective on a result of a 6 or anticipating at least some of the
less. intruders have been
Minotaurs are fiendishly clever. There is very little that gets past incapacitated. In both cases, they will bark and cry for the
one. All planning and strategies of a minotaur will be accurate and guards from area 1. to assist. As long as the sounds of combat
merciless on any roll under an 11. within the entrance, or the sound of the trap door occur, 1d20
Ogres are clever and selfish. They have a strong ability to plan to giant rats from area 2 will join in combat within 2 rounds. These
their best advantage, whether that be to attack, lay a trap, or rats have a 2 in 6 chance, per round, of triggering the trap door
feign friendship. An ogre will only fail to attempt the best approach under themselves, if there are more than 5 positioned above it.
to a situation on a result of 12.

1. GUARD ROOM: The strategy of these guards is to throw small 8. THE WATCHER: No additional notes.
spears at their opponents before closing in. When possible, they
will remain on the other side of the spring trap and continue to 9. BANQUET AREA: Tapestries adorning the walls signify that this is a
throw spears. Each guard has 5 spears from area 1 to use. The hall of the Bloody Fist Clan. There is a 2 in 6 chance of the Orc
6th guard will not enter combat for 2d6 rounds while first fetching Chief holding court here in the early evening, before dispatching
for aid from areas 4 and 6. night patrols and messengers outside. In which case all but 2 orcs
from each of the other rooms will instead be feasting in this
2. GIANT RATS: This is the trash and refuse chamber, as well as the room. In all other times of day, there is a 2 in 6 chance of 1-4 orcs
rat kennel and toilet. The awful smell of this chamber can be being in here (drawn at random from other locations).
detected almost as soon as the party walks towards it from near
area 1. Kobolds do not mind the stench, but characters must roll 10. COMMON ROOM: There are 22 warrior orcs in this chamber who
vs poison or be incapacitated with nausea that renders them -2 share 8 sows among them. 8 orclets are also here. The warriors
in effectiveness for most tasks. Any rats not killed a melee at the will fight before the sows, but if their numbers fall, the sows will
entrance or area 1 or otherwise will be here and will attack on charge in. Though poorly equipped, the sows have higher hp
sight. If their morale is broken, they will flee to hide or find their and morale. The orclets have low hp and morale, but will fight
masters in areas 3-6. fiercely alongside any sow.

3. FOOD STORAGE ROOM: This room is LOCKED behind a 11. STORAGE CHAMBER: No additional notes.
reinforced wood door with an iron latch. Yawrp-yap has the key.
12. ORC LEADER'S ROOM: The Mighty War Chief Billy Ghotrag! Billy
4. GUARD ROOM: These guards are extra tough as kobolds go, is an immense orc, covered with many scars of combat. He
and they will do everything to give their chieftain the opportunity receives challenges from invaders with the same cheer that he
to devise a plan to repel any invaders if given the chance. They accepts challenges from orcs within his own clan. Two of the
may be accompanies by 2 of the 18 pet rats from area 2. If orclets in area 10 are survivors of his past litters. He has great
found here peacefully, they will stand at the ready for a fight. If desire to take a valuable prisoner for ransom, and will scheme
observed in secret, they will be playing games, play acting a to achieve this, even if in combat, or having taken heavy losses.
scene of the ogre eating an orc with salt and pepper. To Billy Ghotrag, the ransom of a valuable prisoner would be
more than just compensation for many losses, and could even
5. KOBOLD CHIEFTAIN'S ROOM: The Chieftain Yawrp-yap, is a help to fuel his own ambitions. When the party approaches Billy,
crafty little guy who like to trick mortals into helping him. He will what he will see is a small group of walking sacks of gold. In
resort to bargaining (either with wealth or with information) if he combat, he will spare no punches to subdue. But if everyone is
sees any means to it. Evidently a nasty little pervert, Yawrp-yap put down, he will quickly make certain that the party is healed
will be otherwise intent on buggering the 8 other smaller kobolds to 1-2hp again.
also living in this area with him. There is a large old bed covered Billy is accompanied by 2 large flabby sows who will likely grin
with furs, as well as broken chairs and tables that look to have with anticipation in watching him crushing someone's face in. If
been gnawed upon. he should begin to fail, they will be shocked but also enraged.
Much like the sows in area 10, they are poorly equipped
6. COMMON CHAMBER: There are 48 kobolds nested in this (improvised furniture weapons), but have higher hp and morale
chamber, though the smaller 8 of them will only cower and try to than orc warriors, and will not flinch from combat. As they fight,
flee if they can. In the event that they had not been warned of Billy will take the opportunity to dash behind the tapestry to slip
any invaders, they will pounce upon the party in mass numbers through the secret passage to area 13. Should he escape to
as they enter the room, using spears in triple ranks to maximum meet with Porgie Kruntz of the Fang Fingered Clan, Porgie will
effect. Another strategy they might employ, is to give way to one mobilize his warriors to establish an ambush at entrance B.
flank, to tempt the party to enter the room, so to possibly clear Meanwhile, Ever the more precautious leader, Porgie himself
the door and then all escape to a better position. If they learn of might choose to establish a very deadly trap outside the secret
Yawrp-yap's death, they might despair and attempt to flee the door to area 13.
lair entirely, taking their pet rats with them. This room is dark and If Billy is found in his chamber during the daytime, roll d6; 1-4
musky with cloth and fur nests, small sacks of common items, asleep, 5 breeding, 6 up late/early writing. He is only fully armed
dirty bowls and cups, and little discarded items of kobold on a roll of 6, and completely naked on a roll of 5.
C. ORC LAIR: Orcs of the Fang Fingered Clan. These orcs are from
List of kobold names for use in areas A: an old clan known for their gluttony and their clever use of
Yap R'yip
Rowr Ow-ow 13. FORGOTTEN ROOM: This is a secret chamber used by Billy
Yip-yip Rawrf Ghotrag and Porgie Kruntz for meetings.
Yap-yip Yaproo
Rip Rahp 14. COMMON CHAMBER: Use additional rules from area 10.
R'yap Heeoorf
Awoo Awarf 15. COMMON HALL: No additional notes.
Arff Yippur
Rowp Awrrr 16. LEADER'S ROOM: Porgie Kruntz is an equal to Billy Ghotrag in
Yip-yap Rrriff stature, bearing, and cruelty, but wears his greed and
Awrf Rrruff indulgence around his waist in both physical girth and material
Rawr-riff Woo-woo-yip wealth. His chamber is well appointed. Accompanying him
Ah-ro-ro-ro Arooo here (or elsewhere) is an uncharacteristically lean sow named
Roof Rharf Becky. She possesses a crossbow which she uses to guard
Aroof Rah-urf Porgie from behind with.

List of orc first names for use in areas B and C:

B. ORC LAIR: Orcs of the Bloody Fist Clan. These orcs come from an
ancient clan noted for it's ferocity. Jack Morgan
Tom Ellis
7. GUARD ROOM: No additional notes. Ollie Joel
Harry David

Jim Riley result of 1, it might be possible that the ogre will invite the party
Charlie Fred to try his latest creation instead of fight. With a result of 2-5, it
Bill Riley could be possible that the ogre will talk to the party before
Dan Alex attacking them.
Sam Reece
Alfie Mason 19. COMMON ROOM: There are 30 goblins in this area, 6 of which
Ben Isaac are sniveling cowards and 10 of which gain +1 to hit and
Joey Logan damage.
George Toby
Callum Bradley
Jake Noah 20. CHIEFTAIN'S ROOM: Behind
Ethan Nathan this iron bound door is the
Luke Aaron Goblin Chieftain and eight
Harvey Mike guards. The Goblin Chieftain
Liam Lucas Meedoc lives in some luxury,
Harvey Eddie and buys the guards favor by
Bob Archie allowing them to indulge
Jamie Oscar themselves when here.
Meedoc is under some stress
List of orc last names for use in areas B and C: however, as he is quickly
running out of supplies with
Gludbog Ulgar which to bribe the ogre and
Drutrug Thokgor his best warriors. (He does not
Brugnab Mashnak realize that the Hobgoblins
Thughnab Odbog have been ripping him off.)
Drurk Brubbak Each night he dispatches a band of hunters to raid and forage
Mubmak Trobmag for new supplies. If he hears any news about the adventure
Kukpug Blokpug party, he will send dozens of his goblins to capture as many as
Kratruk Krorgash they can, using trip lines, nets, spears, and poisoned darts in
Muzrub Trogburz blowpipes. He will immediately sell off all of his prisoners
Tromburz Ghud valuables to the other factions in exchange for goods, and
Thorg Grurk send a letter to Restwell via raven for a payment of ransom.
Murghud Thug
Kuz Marthug 21. STORAGE CHAMBER: No additional notes.
Bugbuz Brulbag
Goshog Lurg List of goblin names for use in area D:
Muzag Ghak
Ugzak Urg Griphook Figo
Rugrab Morg Gringott Blattlug
Thrushzod Sogrunt Filius Ib the Fart
Dungash Grabug Ragnuk Squib
Odpug Tugzog Eargit the Ugly Bad Stonemuck
Scablock Snudbog Urg the Unclean Squeak
Ug the Unreliable Killface
Alguff the Awful Baga Baga
Brodrig the Boss-Eyed Gnish
Ragnok the Pigeon-Toed Sizzle
Bogrod Gornuk
Nagnok Geko
Gofflank Drek
D. GOBLIN LAIR: The random encounter rules for D. Goblin Lair: Milkcurdle Ukko
supersede those posted at the top of this custom reference
When standing near the entrance to area D, there is a 1 in 3
chance of the party smelling food preparations wafting from E. OGRE CAVE: Aguste le Hunfrey is one of the "kinder and gentler"
area E. ogres in the world. Though he is just as much an eater of people
as any other ogre, he also values conversation, good wine, and
17. GUARD CHAMBER: No additional notes. good company. Whereas most ogres are selfish to the point of
gluttony, Aguste is consumed with hubris over his skills as a chef,
and his quest for perfection in the kitchen is matched only by his
18. GUARD CHAMBER: The payment to the ogre in area 22 is not in hopes to have it recognized. If he were a terrible cook, this
gold coins but, rather, in food. The ogre is a tireless cuisine who would make for an awful experience. But in fact his preparations
strives to perfect his art in the kitchen. To this end, he is invited are among the greatest in the Realm, and perhaps in all of
by the other factions to fight for them. For this service, his price is Albion.
known; quality cuts of fresh meat, sacks of flour, imported Aguste travels to civilization to trade for precious cooking
spices, fresh and dried herbs, fresh cream, cheeses, etc.. Thus, supplies, and occasionally, to seek work in a kitchen. But being
in area 18, the room is always stocked with a few food items an ogre causes the world to shut most doors in his face. "Just
with which to bribe the ogre with. The goblins on hand might because I know how to make the very best 'lait rôti enfant', does
not know the ogre's particular needs or tastes however, so there not mean I would have the poor taste to serve it to them."
is a possibility that the bribe will not work, or work poorly. Roll a Compliments on Aguste's cooking can add +2 to any reaction
d6. A roll of 1 indicates that the offering was insulting, causing rolls. If the party befriends this monster, he can be a valuable
the ogre to lash out and attack the goblins. A roll of 2 up ally, but with limitations: If left poorly fed for more than 12 hours,
through 6 indicate an increasingly acceptable offering, with 6 his appetite may stray to thoughts of eating members of the
being impressive and inspiring the ogre to hurry with his task so party. Given time, his nature will make him an enemy to the
that he may return to his kitchen as soon as possible. With a party because of this. Also, Aguste is very fond of his kitchen and

his garden. He will not help the party to do anything that might
threaten his kitchen, or his guarantee of ingredients to cook with. 31. GUARD ROOM: No additional notes.
His residency in the Caves of Chaos is welcomed as he serves
as the communities resident chef, and provides all of the List of hobgoblin names for use in area F:
chieftains with excellent food. Messengers from each faction
know the route through the ogre's thicket, and by this rout, Argo Mogat
retrieve preparations in exchange for payment in coin or raw Artemis Forgrath
Assglare Glorbad
22. THE KITCHEN: This is an old crypt has been converted into a Balt Horroc
large over-scaled kitchen, complete with a broad fireplace, a Chultz Rank
spit, pots, cleavers, cutting boards, tall tables, cupboards of
Bandi Mudrake
cutlery, a stone pantry of food, and a cabinet of seasonings. A
large stone sarcophagus is set on it's end against the Liham Krig
westernmost wall. With sufficient strength, the capstone can be Belig Nanraak
pulled aside to reveal this to be a makeshift cold storage for Biletooth Nathak
Aguste's meats. Cured flanks and hocks of different creatures
are hung here on hooks. Some possibly orc, or boar, or maybe Bilk Neth
even man. Bruck Nesk
To the back is a tombstone draped with several furs, which Bitch Nogo
serves as a bed, and near the front entrance is a dining table
Drizzt Nok
and chairs, dressed with half melted candles stopped in old wine
bottles. Cabal No-Nose
Outside, the door is concealed behind a very large thicket of Nick Ogrok
nearly impassable trees and brambles. A specific narrow path Druck Omgoore
winds for 40' from the kitchen to the outside of the thicket, but it's
entrance is concealed to those who do not know where to look Wartsnak Outhound
(secret doors). Immediately around the passage is a small but Eartalk Pondmuk
admirable garden, which the ogre takes great pride and Feelsick Assrake
pleasure in tending in the spring and summer months.
Forgath Rankass
A secret passage is located in the back wall of the sleeping
chamber, between a large wooden dresser and the ogre's Yellowtooth Razzle
bed. Garud Madbog
Gar-Yak Lukewurm
F. HOBGOBLIN LAIR: When standing near the entrance to area F,
there is a 1 in 3 chance of the party smelling food preparations Gedreth Rumple
wafting from area E. Glourgrim Skrang
If the trapped entrance attracts the guards in area 26, they will Glibhook Snig
resort to using their crossbows as much as possible at first, whilst
Ghotrag Srubaash
sending for more aid.
Gim Needle
23. COMMON ROOM: There are 15 hobgoblins here, 3 of which are Giznat Dump
small and will avoid combat. Glixx Scibor
hobgoblin torturer Grimhook and his assistant Smiles, practice Gorbag Mogg
their art in this area. They are taking their time torturing the Grock Verlmak
prisoners they have bound here, awaiting word on whether
there will be ransom to be paid for any of them (the merchant
Jules and his wife Margaritte in particular). IF the party
G. SHUNNED CAVERN: The party may smell an awful stench wafting
encounters this area without freeing the prisoners, given enough
from the entrance to G, long before they would see it through
time afterwards, they will later be found in the ogre's kitchen,
the 4200 square feet of thicket and trees that surround it.
being prepared for a hobgoblin feast. Or perhaps much later,
being served at the feast itself.
32. EMPTY GALLERY: No additional notes.
25. COMMON CHAMBER: There are 18 hobgoblins here, busily
33. SHALLOW POOL: No additional notes.
preparing the large chamber for the coming feast. 9 of them are
smaller and not prepared to fight.
34. OWL BEAR'S DEN: The Owlbear that nests here is raising 2 cubs,
and brings back fresh kills as well as carrion for them to devour.
26. GUARD ROOM: No additional notes.
She is in a state of caution and vigilance, as she coaxes her
young to avoid the grotto on the other side.
27. ARMORY: No additional notes.

28. STOREROOM: No additional notes.

H. BUGBEAR LAIR: When rolling for wandering monsters, results that
indicate that they come from the prisons mean that 1-4 slaves
29. GUARD ROOM: Four hobgoblin guards are here.
are engaged in an errand or chore. Most will be too frightened
of the bugbears to attempt escape, unless they know that the
30. HOBGOBLIN CHIEF'S QUARTERS: Gnash the Boil is one of the
bugbears have been killed.
cruelest denizens of the Caves of Chaos, who could stand toe-
to-toe with either of the orc chiefs. But unlike the orcs, Gnash, as
35. GUARD ROOM: No additional notes.
with most hobgoblins, does not fight rashly or fairly, but with
cunning and malice. He is the leader most well regarded by the
36. CHIEFTAIN'S ROOM: The bugbear Chieftain Leech Withertooth
Priests of the Temple of Evil Chaos, and Gnash anticipates
is always quite happy. As with most bugbears, everything is a
favoritism from them in the form of a future generalship once the
cruel and nasty joke to them, even their own deaths. He is
anticipated war begins.

usually attended to by 1d4 of the slaves from areas 40 and 41. 48. LOCKED ROOM: DM Note: Be prepared to pour out wine for
Leech is content to reside players to get drunk on during the game. Test each character's
here and terrorize the wisdom, then a d6 result of anything under a 6 indicates they
region at night. He is not must roll a 1d4. The result is to indicate quarters of a wine glass,
even certain that he with 4 being full right up to the lip!
would do any of the
things he promised to the 49. COMMON ROOM: No additional notes.
Priests from area K.
Though he probably will if 50. GNOLL CHIEFTAIN'S QUARTERS: Gnarla is the Matriarch of this
it looks to be fun. He gnoll tribe, and she is a fierce and merciless defender. She has
really doesn't care. He very little interest in obligating herself to the Priest's cause, and is
just keeps on smiling. merely using the Caves of Chaos as an opportune place to build
up her brood. And after all, she has been here for many years,
37. SPOILS ROOM: No additional notes. and still the Priest's just talk. Gnarla will take great umbrage to
her tribe being culled in any number. She is never interested in
38. COMMON ROOM: There are 13 bugbears of various sizes in this prisoners or ransoms. Her tribe only stop from killing if it means
area. having some relaxing fun toying with their victims. Gnarla
councils with the Orc Chieftains, but does not tell them that she
39. GUARD ROOM: No additional notes. intends to leave with all of her tribe if and when the Priests
execute their long unfulfilled plans.
40. SLAVE PEN: Select Names for the slaves from the existing name
lists. The men present are merchant traders captured on the List of gnoll names for use in area J:
road many weeks ago.
41. SLAVE PEN: Select Names for the slaves from the existing name Gurll
lists. The men present are merchant traders captured on the Arll
road many weeks ago. Rawrf
List of hobgoblin names for use in area G: Aowrumf
Grumph Bandersnatch Urrll
Lumpy Scuttlebutt Ruff
Snaggle Bumbiter Urf
Gulp Boilburst Graal
Croop Hamhand
Blart Beebottom
Argh Applesauce
Loop Dingledong
K. SHRINE OF EVIL CHAOS: Though most of the tomb entrances in
I. CAVES OF THE MINOTAUR: No additional notes. the ravine are roughly similar and often nondescript, this one
stands out. Though it appears to be just as ancient, the frame
42. STIRGE CAVE: No additional notes. shows ancient weathered carvings, and figures long since
defaced. The entrance is blocked, not by a single capstone or
43. FIRE BEETLES: No additional notes. banded door, but by a pair of stone doors, also covered with
weather-worn carvings. This was either an ancient temple to
44. FIRE BEETLES: No additional notes. long forgotten gods, or a tomb to a mighty leader, or the
catacomb for a dynasty. Black and twisted dead trees line the
45. THE MINOTAUR: This ancient earth about this entrance. The door is well balanced, and can
minotaur is known as Korax, and be pushed open with a modicum of effort and the sound of
was summoned from over great grating stone.
distances to join in the service of
the Priests of Evil Chaos. They Unless other areas of the Caves of Chaos have been removed
intend for him to act as an or severely distress during the game, there should be an
effective field general when the additional 1 in 6/1 in 3 chance of encountering an emissary
hour comes. Time is of little lurking nearby this entrance. They are often preparing to deliver
meaning to Korax, and he is supplies, receive missives, or exchange correspondences
content to remain in this lair until between the other faction leaders.
he is called to serve a purpose.
Once a pact is made by a 51. BOULDER FILLED PASSAGE: There are no boulders here in this
Minotaur, he will not leave until all campaign. Instead, the passage is empty and long, extending
peoples and places involved on into blackness. 20' down the passage, and unseen barrier
faded into dust. holds anyone back, unless they wear the robe and amulet of the
temple, and speak the words, "Mortem Omnibus" (Mo-er-tem
J. GNOLL LAIR: This entrance, like all entrances in the "Valley of om-nee boos).
Kings" looks like an ancient and run down tomb with the
capstone cast aside in pieces. DM note: This barrier should not be described as physical, but
rather an uncanny and unsettling experience among the
SPECIAL NOTE: For purposes of this campaign gnoll females are characters of not finding the will to move their bodies beyond it's
dominant to gnoll males (in imitation of hyenas) , and their threshold.
fighting statistics are reversed.
If the party makes sufficient noises there can be a 1 in 3
46. GUARD ROOM: No additional notes. chance that it will attract 12d6 aimless zombies and skeletons
that are skulking in the far distance of the passage. However
47. GUARD ROOM: No additional notes. they would be unable to proceed past the barrier without it
being dispelled.

Chaos is the focal point for this complicated ritual, which is
These represent the horde that the Temple Priests have been ongoing. The adventure party could have the opportunity to
slowly accumulating in preparation for their prophesied "Dawn of interrupt this ritual, and postpone Orcus' prophesized arrival.
60. GUEST CHAMBER: No additional notes.
This passage connects to the ancient temple at the bottom of
the Cave of the Unknown. 61. TORTURE CHAMBER: No additional notes.

62. THE CRYPT: No additional notes.

52. HALL OF SKELETONS: This chamber looks to be a great 63. STORAGE CHAMBER: This room is filled with a large amount of
ceremonial crypt, with the remains of ancient warriors clad in arms and armor for the equipping of an army. All effects are well
bronze armor lining the walls between decorative pillars. On the stored and cared for. The room also contains large stores of
throne itself sits a skeletal figure, also wearing the same type of other supplies for the temple priests. Everything from linens for
armor, it's right hand resting on the pommel of an old bronze their own bedding, to soap, and extra robes.
The skeleton temple is sealed behind an ancient stone door. DM Note: The gelatinous cube is absurd and is NOT present.
The desiccated corpses within are not simply skeletons, but
heroes, who's names are known, and as such, are imbued with 64. CELL: The prisoner in this cell is reserved for an NPC that
the cognizance of their past selves. A horrific curse that brings develops in the course of the adventure.
immense pain to the resurrected. A pain which they would do
anything to end, including the Priest's bidding. With such undead
as captains, the ranks of their Army of the Dead could be lead
from the front with precision.

53. GUARD ROOM: This chamber also includes various materials

used in the rituals for animating the dead.

54. ACOLYTE'S CHAMBER: No additional notes.

55. CHAPEL OF EVIL CHAOS: No additional notes.

56. ADEPT'S CHAMBER: No additional notes.

57. HALL OF UNDEAD WARRIORS: This chamber also includes

various materials used in the rituals for animating the dead.

58. TEMPLE OF EVIL CHAOS: No additional notes.

59. THE CHAMBER OF THE EVIL PRIEST: The evil priest was once a
humble friar known as Bartholomew. But long ago he sold his soul
to Satan, and since then has born the name Nuntius. He is the
third in a long line of priests to continue the work of this unholy

The Priests of the Temple of Evil Chaos are summoning chaotic

creatures to this area in preparation to overwhelm Restwell and
make it the fortress base from which to invade the Realm. The
disorganized rabble assembled in the Caves of Chaos could
only be ready to fight together under the leadership of a Demon
of Chaos. The summoning of such an infernal leader is at the
pinnacle of the Priests ambitions, and the key to their grand plan.

In addition to the plans for the Chaos forces residing in the

mines, the Priests are also
raising up and army of the
undead. Skeletons and
Zombies have been
summoned from the tombs
beneath the Cave of the
Unknown ( Once an
ancient repository of
1,000+ sacrifices to Crom
Cruach), There is also a
crucial scheme to awaken
all the corpses within the
catacombs beneath the
Restwell Chapel. The risen
dead of Restwells loved
ones, to claim the living
they once left behind.

The demon they worship and appeal to is Orcus, the Dark

Prince of the Undead. Their ambition is to bridge the gulf to the
Abyss and summon him into the mortal world. The Temple of Evil

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