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English Language Institute (ELI)

Mid Term Examination Trimester: Fall 2021

Course Code: ENG 1013 Course Title: English II
Time: 1 hour 45 minutes Total Marks: 30

Name of the Student Section

Date of the SL
Student ID
Section A-Reading
Read the following passage and answer the questions below.
Did you ever see the movie “Arrival”? It’s about an encounter with aliens. But more
importantly, it’s about the magical experience of learning a new language. And while learning
a new language does not generally allow you to see the future (as in the movie), it certainly
opens up a new world to the learner. In addition, it has benefits for the brain. For example,
research has shown that aging adults who speak more than one language are less likely to
develop dementia. And the bilingual brain becomes better at filtering out distractions, and it
improves creativity.
One benefit of learning a language is that it opens people's eyes to a way of doing things
that is different from their own. Language learning inevitably involves learning about different
cultures. Students pick up clues about culture both in language classes and through meaningful
firsthand experiences. For example, they might visit countries where the language is spoken
and interact with users of the language. Therefore, language learners develop new types of
practical intelligence that will help them communicate across cultures. Students learn to think
critically about differences between cultures relating to food, appearance, and conversation
A second benefit of language learning is learning to be comfortable in unfamiliar
situations. It is not difficult to see why this may be so. Conversations in a foreign language will
at first include many unknown words. It would not be a successful conversation if one of the
speakers constantly stopped to say, "Sorry-I don’t know that word. Let me look it up in Google
translate." Encountering the unfamiliar helps students become less anxious in social
interactions. Moreover, they usually become more optimistic, innovative, and open to taking
risks. So, apart from improving communication and social interaction, these qualities help them
get better jobs and higher salaries.
To conclude, learning a language has personal and social benefits for an individual.
And it is healthy for the brain. Moreover, knowledge of different languages is important in
today’s world. It leads to open-mindedness and the ability to understand and accept different
cultures. In addition, it helps companies compete successfully and work collaboratively with
partners across the globe. (356 words)
1. Match the definitions (a–e) with the vocabulary.

_______ Dementia a. To work and communicate with others

_______ Interact b. To avoid
_______ Filter out c. A disease of the brain
_______ Encountering d. Being positive
_______ Optimistic e. Facing different situations

Dementia: A disease of the brain

Interact: To work and communicate
Filter out: To avoid
Encountering: Facing different situations
Optimistic: Being positive

2. Write true, false or not given.

a. In Arrival, learning a new language would give you the power to see the future.
b. Bilinguals do not develop dementia at old age. _____F______
c. Practical intelligence can be developed by communicating across cultures. _____T_____
d. Learning a new language makes one come out of their comfort zone. _____T_______
e. Language learning has double-fold benefits. _____T______

3. Write answers to the following questions.

a. What are some of the benefits of language learning?
b. How can language learning help students be more comfortable in different situations?
c. What does "practical intelligence" mean?
d. Why is the ability to communicate in more than one language important in today’s
e. What is the primary goal of language learning in your opinion?

4. Summarize the passage below in no more than 60-70 words

Why I like the

One of my favourite websites is It is great because you can learn English
while you listen to your favourite songs. You choose a song and then listen to the song and
complete the lyrics. You can also watch the video of the song.
The good points include the fact that there are lots of up-to-date groups you can listen to such
as The Script or One Direction. In addition, you can choose the level: beginner, intermediate
or expert, depending on your level of English. Another good feature is that you can repeat a
line of the song as often as you want, until you know the missing word. Also, the website is
very easy to navigate and you can listen to songs in different languages, for instance in Spanish,
German and Italian.
One of the drawbacks is that some songs aren’t on the website. Another bad point is that there
is a lot of advertising on the website. However, you can just ignore it.
To sum up, I think this is an excellent website if you like music and you want to improve your
English. You should check it out!
Section B- Writing
1. Identify the following mistakes in the given paragraph and correct them in the given
One is done as example
WW= Wrong form of word
RO= Run-on
SVA= Subject Verb Agreement
Sp= Spelling
Cap= Capitalization
EW/ RW= Extra/ Repeated word
Art= Article
F= Fragment
T= Tense
Lc= Lowercase
Num= Number
Pre= Preposition
a. On April 2002 an event took place which b. demonstrate one of the many applications of

information theory. The space probe, Voyager I, launched in 1977, had sent back c.

espectacular images of Jupiter and Saturn and then soared out of the d. solar System on a one-

way mission to the stars. After 25 years of exposure to the freezing temperatures of e. deep

space the probe was beginning to show its age. Sensors and circuits were f. in the brink of

failing and NASA experts realized that they had to do something or lose contact with their

probe forever. The solution g. were to get a message to Voyager I to h. instruction it to use

spares to change the failing parts. With the probe 12 billion kilometers from i. earth, this was

not an easy task. By means of a radio dish belonging to NASA’s Deep Space Network, the

message was sent out into the depths of space. Even travelling at the speed of light, it took over

11 j. hour to reach its target, far beyond the orbit of Pluto. Yet, incredibly, the little probe

managed to hear the faint call from its home planet. k. And successfully made the


a. Prep. Correct Answer: In

b. T. Correct Answer: demonstrated c. SP. Correct Answer: spectacular
d. Cap. Correct Answer: Solar e. RO. Correct Answer: space, the probe
f. Prep. Correct Answer: on the brink of g. SVA. Correct Answer: was
h. WFW. Correct Answer: instruct i. Cap. Correct Answer: Earth
j. Num. Correct Answer: hours j. F. Correct Answer: planet and successfully
2. Write a paragraph on ANY of the following topics showing the steps of idea
development through a diagram (spider, table, flow, or chart) within 150-200 words.
a. Descriptive: A Cosy Corner
b. Narrative: My First Presentation at the University
c. Process: How to Ensure Good Scores in the Exam
d. Classification: Types of People at the Gym

Title: ___________________________________________

Topic Sentence:
Supporting Points:
1. ____________________________________________________________________

2. _____________________________________________________________________

3. _____________________________________________________________________

Concluding Sentence:
Start writing our paragraph below this line

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