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# Summary: Making a Quantum Leap with You 2

## Contents

- The Promise
- Quantum Leaps
- Change your personal rules for success.
- Quit trying harder.
- Ignore conventional ways.
- Think beyond what common sense would allow.
- Suspend disbelief.
- Focus on ends rather than means.
- Rely on the unseen forces.
- Choose a different set of risks.
- Trust in the power of pursuit.
- Seek failure.
- Get uncomfortable.
- Open your gifts.
- Fall in love.
- Make your move before you’re ready.
- Look inside for opportunity.

## The Promise

- Making a quantum leap means accomplishing far more, in less time, with only a
fraction of the effort.
- Quantum leaps require you to abandon the status quo and follow new patterns of
thought and action.

## Quantum Leaps

- Quantum leaps are moves that you are already prepared to make.
- They are simple, streamlined solutions that appear when you focus on a clear
picture of what you want to accomplish.
- Quantum leaps require you to think beyond what common sense would allow and
suspend disbelief.
- They involve trusting in the power of pursuit and relying on unseen forces.
- Quantum leaps also require you to choose a different set of risks and get
- Opening your gifts and falling in love with your dreams are essential for making
a quantum leap.
- Making your move before you're ready and looking inside for opportunity are key
steps in the process.

## Change your personal rules for success.

- Quantum leaps require you to change your mindset and behaviors.

- You must be willing to break out of your routines and try something different.
- The tendency to rely on familiar approaches can limit your potential for growth
and achievement.

## Quit trying harder.

- Trying harder often leads to incremental gains, not quantum leaps.

- More effort isn't always the answer and can sometimes lead to burnout.
- Quantum leaps require a different approach and a shift in thinking.

## Ignore conventional ways.

- Quantum leaps require you to think beyond what common sense would allow.
- You must be willing to abandon the status quo and try unconventional approaches.
- The solutions to making a quantum leap often come from thinking outside the box.

## Think beyond what common sense would allow.

- Making a quantum leap means moving outside your mental boundaries.

- You must let your desires guide you and not be limited by perceived constraints.
- Quantum leaps require you to rethink how you're thinking and multiply your
performance potential.

## Suspend disbelief.

- Act as if your success is certain and trust in the process.

- Doubt and skepticism can hinder your ability to make a quantum leap.
- Believing in yourself and taking action are key to achieving a quantum leap.

## Focus on ends rather than means.

- Have a crystal clear picture of what you want to accomplish.

- Visualize your arrival at the end goal and let the solutions appear.
- The unseen forces will rally to your support when you focus on the desired

## Rely on the unseen forces.

- There are resources available to you that cannot be seen.

- Trust in the power of your subconscious mind, mental imagery, intuition, and
- These unseen forces will help guide you towards your breakthrough.

## Choose a different set of risks.

- Making a quantum leap requires taking risks and stepping outside your comfort
- Embrace ambiguity, confusion, and chaos as part of the process.
- Doubt your limits rather than doubting your potential for success.

## Trust in the power of pursuit.

- Pursuing your dreams and goals is essential for making a quantum leap.
- Act as if your success is guaranteed and keep moving towards your desired
- The act of pursuit brings the dream closer and increases the chances of success.

## Seek failure.

- Failure is a resource that helps you learn and grow.

- Embrace failure as evidence of progress and use it to find the edge of your
- Failure is not a sign of defeat but an opportunity for improvement.

## Get uncomfortable.

- Making a quantum leap requires stepping out of your comfort zone.

- Embrace the discomfort and uncertainty that comes with change.
- Let go of the safety and security of the familiar and be open to new experiences.

## Open your gifts.

- You have many untapped talents and abilities.
- Open yourself to your gifts and use them to their full potential.
- Claim your gifts and let them serve you in making a quantum leap.

## Fall in love.

- Passion and emotional intensity are essential for making a quantum leap.
- Care deeply about your dreams and desires.
- Let your heart guide you and fuel your pursuit of success.

## Make your move before you’re ready.

- Don't wait for the perfect moment or have all the answers before taking action.
- Start pursuing your dreams and fine-tune your approach along the way.
- Trust your instincts and know that you are already prepared to make the leap.

## Look inside for opportunity.

- Everything you need comes from within you.

- Trust your inner voice and listen to your desires.
- The opportunity and power to perform are within you, not in the external

Note: This summary is a comprehensive breakdown of the content provided. It

includes all the main points, tasks, and steps mentioned in the original content.

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