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Review of Related Literature

Perfumes have been used for centuries for their fragrance and ability to evoke emotions

and memories. Perfumes are typically made up of a combination of essential oils, aroma

compounds, and solvents. One commonly used solvent in perfume production is ethanol, also

known as ethyl alcohol. Ethanol is a clear colorless liquid that is used in a variety of applications,

including as a fuel additive, solvent, and disinfectant (CDC, n.d.). Ethanol is also a common

ingredient in perfume production because it has the ability to dissolve and stabilize essential oils

and other fragrance compounds.

However, handling ethanol requires proper safety measures to avoid potential hazards.

Ethanol can cause respiratory, skin, and eye irritation if not handled properly (CDC, n.d.).

Therefore, it is important to follow safety guidelines when working with ethanol, including

wearing protective equipment and ensuring proper ventilation in the workspace.

Gumamela (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis) is a flowering plant native to Asia and is known for

its brightly colored flowers. While not commonly used in perfume production, gumamela has a

pleasant aroma and has been suggested as a potential ingredient in fragrances (Missouri Botanical

Garden, n.d.). Additionally, gumamela has been found to have various applications in the fields

of medicine, food, and agriculture. For example, gumamela has been identified as a potential

source of cooking oil due to its high oleic acid content (PCAARRD, 2014). Moreover, the plant

has been found to have health benefits when consumed as a tea, including its potential to lower

blood pressure and improve their health (Healthline, 2022).

The combination of alcohol and gumamela has the potential to create unique fragrance

compositions. However, more research is needed to explore the viability of gumamela as a

fragrance ingredient and to investigate the potential health benefits of gumamela-containing

perfumes. The use of natural ingredients, such as gumamela, in perfume production is becoming

increasingly popular due to a growing interest in sustainable and eco-friendly products.

Moreover, the use of natural ingredients in perfumes has been linked to several benefits.

For instance, natural fragrances are less likely to cause skin irritation or allergic reactions

compared to synthetic fragrances (ChemSpider, n.d.). Natural fragrances are also considered to be

more environmentally friendly compared to synthetic fragrances.

Synthetic fragrances are often made from petroleum-based chemicals and can have negative

impacts on the environment, including air and water pollution (EPA, n.d.).

In conclusion, the utilization of alcohol and gumamela in perfume production has the

potential to yield unique fragrance compositions. However, proper handling of ethanol is

necessary to avoid potential hazards.. Further research is needed to explore the viability of

gumamela as a fragrance ingredient and to investigate the potential health benefits of gumamela-

containing perfumes. The use of natural ingredients in perfume production is becoming

increasingly popular due to a growing interest in sustainable and eco-friendly products, and the

potential health benefits of natural fragrances should be explored in greater detail.

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