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 Culturally, globalization represents the
exchange of ideas, values, and artistic
What is Globalization? expression among cultures.
The word globalization is bandied about in the  Globalization also represents a trend
news media and elsewhere, often without toward the development of a single
precise definition. We can define globalization, world culture.
though, as the growing interdependence not  Politically, globalization has shifted
only of the world’s economies but also of attention to intergovernmental
populations and cultures. This interdependence organizations like the United
is created by cross-border trade, the transfer of Nations (UN) and the World Trade
technological processes, and flow of investment Organization (WTO).
capital, information, skills, resources, and labor.  Legally, globalization has altered how
It can more narrowly refer to the economic international law is created and
partnerships that nations have forged to facilitate enforced.
the international flow of goods and services.

Globalization refers to the spread of the flow of All theories of globalization have been put
financial products, goods, technology, hereunder in eight categories: liberalism,
information, and jobs across national borders political realism, Marxism, constructivism,
and cultures. In economic terms, it describes an postmodernism, feminism, Trans-formationalism
interdependence of nations around the globe and eclecticism. Each one of them carries
fostered through free trade. several variations.
 Globalization is the spread of products,
1. Theory of Liberalism:
technology, information, and jobs across
nations. Liberalism sees the process of globalization as
 Corporations in developed nations can market-led extension of modernization. At the
gain a competitive edge through most elementary level, it is a result of ‘natural’
globalization. human desires for economic welfare and
 Developing countries also benefit political liberty. As such, trans planetary
through globalization as they tend to be connectivity is derived from human drives to
more cost-effective and therefore attract maximize material well-being and to exercise
jobs. basic freedoms. These forces eventually interlink
 The benefits of globalization have been humanity across the planet.
questioned as the positive effects are
not necessarily distributed equally. 2. Theory of Political Realism:
 One clear result of globalization is that Advocates of this theory are interested in
an economic downturn in one country questions of state power, the pursuit of national
can create a domino effect through its interest, and conflict between states. According
trade partners. to them states are inherently acquisitive and
self-serving, and heading for inevitable
Globalization is a social, cultural, political, and competition of power. Some of the scholars
legal phenomenon. stand for a balance of power, where any attempt
 Socially, it leads to greater interaction by one state to achieve world dominance is
among various populations. countered by collective resistance from other
It puts emphasis on social construction of
masculinity and femininity. All other theories
3. Theory of Marxism: have identified the dynamics behind the rise of
trans-planetary and supra-territorial connectivity
Marxism is principally concerned with modes of
in technology, state, capital, identity and the like.
production, social exploitation through unjust
distribution, and social emancipation through the Biological sex is held to mould the overall social
transcendence of capitalism. Marx himself order and shape significantly the course of
anticipated the growth of globality that ‘capital by history, presently globality. Their main concern
its nature drives beyond every spatial barrier to lies behind the status of women, particularly
conquer the whole earth for its market’. their structural subordination to men. Women
Accordingly, to Marxists, globalization happens have tended to be marginalized, silenced and
because trans-world connectivity enhances violated in global communication.
opportunities of profit-making and surplus
accumulation. 7. Theory of Trans-formationalism:

4. Theory of Constructivism: This theory has been expounded by David Held

and his colleagues. Accordingly, the term
Globalization has also arisen because of the ‘globalization’ reflects increased
way that people have mentally constructed the interconnectedness in political, economic and
social world with particular symbols, language, cultural matters across the world creating a
images and interpretation. It is the result of “shared social space”. Given this
particular forms and dynamics of consciousness. interconnectedness, globalization may be
Patterns of production and governance are defined as “a process (or set of processes)
second-order structures that derive from deeper which embodies a transformation in the spatial
cultural and socio-psychological forces. Such organization of social relations and transactions,
accounts of globalization have come from the expressed in transcontinental or interregional
fields of Anthropology, Humanities, Media of flows and networks of activity, interaction and
Studies and Sociology. power.”
5. Theory of Postmodernism: 8. Theory of Eclecticism:
Some other ideational perspectives of Each one of the above six ideal-type of social
globalization highlight the significance of theories of globalization highlights certain forces
structural power in the construction of identities, that contribute to its growth. They put emphasis
norms and knowledge. They all are grouped on technology and institution building, national
under the label of ‘postmodernism’. They too, as interest and inter-state competition, capital
Michel Foucault does strive to understand accumulation and class struggle, identity and
society in terms of knowledge power: power knowledge construction, rationalism and cultural
structures shape knowledge. Certain knowledge imperialism, and masculinize and subordination
structures support certain power hierarchies. of women. Jan Art Scholte synthesizes them as
forces of production, governance, identity, and
6. Theory of Feminism: knowledge.
International trade acts as a major contributing discourage imports. It stated that an attempt
factor in global economic activity and a catalyst should be made to ensure that only the
of economic growth in developing as well as necessary raw materials are imported and
developed countries. Differences in various nothing else. The theory also propounded the
conditions, like resource availability, natural view that the first thing a nation must focus on is
climatic conditions, cost of production, etc., act the accumulation of wealth in the form of gold
as the motive behind trade between the and silver, thus, strengthening the treasure of
countries. International trade has made it all the nation.
possible and has provided a large number of
employment opportunities as well as several To put it simply, it can be stated that the classical
goods and services for the consumer. Not just economists behind the theory of Mercantilism
this, it has been a major reason for the rising firmly believed that a country’s wealth and
living standards of people all over the globe. financial standing are largely demonstrated by
International trade has been a part of human the amount of gold and silver it holds. Hence,
civilization for a very long time; however, the economists believe that it is best to increase the
past few decades have seen rapid development reserve of precious metals to maintain a wealthy
in cross-border trading. Imports and exports status. For this theory to work, the aim to be
have largely contributed to the growth of GDP, fulfilled was that a country must produce goods
and the credit for the same goes to imports and in such a large quantity that it exports more and
exports. should be less dependent on buying goods and
other materials from others, thereby strongly
encouraging exports and strictly discouraging
What Is International Trade?
International trade theories are simply different
theories to explain international trade. Trade is B. Theory of the Absolute Advantage
the concept of exchanging goods and services
between two people or entities. International In 1776, the economist Adam Smith criticized
trade is then the concept of this exchange the theory of mercantilism in his publication,
between people or entities in two different “The Wealth of Nations”, and propounded the
countries. theory of Absolute advantage. Smith firmly
believed that economic growth in reference to
People or entities trade because they believe international trade firmly depends on
that they benefit from the exchange. They may specialization and division of labor.
need or want the goods or services. While at the Specialization ensures higher productivity,
surface, this may sound very simple, there is a thereby increasing the standard of living of the
great deal of theory, policy, and business people of the country. He proposed that the
strategy that constitutes international trade. division of labor in small markets would not cater
for specialization, which would otherwise
become easy in the case of larger markets. This
A. Mercantilism increase in size fostered a more refined
specialization and thus increased productivity all
The Mercantilism theory is the first classical around the globe.
country-based theory, which was propounded
around the 17-18th century. This theory has Smith’s theory proposes that governments
been one of the most talked about and debated should not try to regulate trade between
theories. The country focused on the motto that, countries, nor should they restrict global trade.
on a priority basis, it must look after its own His theory also encapsulated the consequences
welfare and therefore, expand exports and of the involvement and restraint of the
government in free trade. Also, he firmly directly related to its demand and supply.
believed that it is the standard of living of the Factors which are present in abundance as
residents of a country that should determine the compared to demand will be available at a
country’s wealth and the amount of gold and cheaper cost, and factors which are in great
silver that a country’s treasure has. He states demand and less availability will be expensive.
that trading should depend on market factors They proposed that countries produce goods
and not the government’s will. and export the ones for which the resources
required in their production are available in a
much greater quantity. Contrary to this, countries
will import goods whose raw materials are in
C. Theory of Comparative Advantage
shorter supply in their own country as compared
The theory of comparative advantage flourished to the one from which they are importing.
in the 19th century and was propounded by
David Ricardo. This theory strengthened the
understanding of the nature of trade and E. Product-life-cycle Theory
acknowledges its benefits. The theory suggests
that it is better if a country exports goods in This theory was propounded by Raymond
which its relative cost advantage is greater than Vernon, a business professor at Harvard
its absolute cost advantage when compared with Business School, in the 1960s. The theory that
other countries. originated in the field of marketing proposed that
a product life cycle has three stages, namely,
What Ricardo proposed is that even though a new product, maturing product, and
country may efficiently produce goods, it may standardized product. The theory has a
still import them from another country if a presumption that the production of a new
relative advantage lies therein. Similar is the product will completely arise in the country
case with export, even if a country is not very where it was invented. This theory, up to a good
efficient in certain goods from other countries, it extent, helps in explaining the sudden rise and
may still export that product to other countries. dominance of the United States in
This theory basically encourages trade that is manufacturing. This theory also explained the
mutually beneficial. stages of computers, from being in the new
product stage in the 1970s and thereby entering
into their maturing stage in the 1980s and
D. Heckscher-Ohlin Theory 1990s. In today’s scenario, computers are in a
standardized stage and are mostly
The theories founded by Smith and Ricardo manufactured in low-cost countries in Asia.
were not efficient enough for the countries, as However, this theory has not been able to
they could not help the countries determine explain the current trading pattern where
which of the products would benefit the country. products are being invented and manufactured
The theory of Absolute Advantage and in almost all parts of the world.
Comparative Advantage supported the idea of
how a free and open market would help
countries determine which products could be
efficiently produced by the country. However, the F. New Trade Theory
theory proposed by Heckscher and Ohlin dealt New trade theory (NTT) refers to modern
with the concept of comparative advantage that economic theory that explains international trade
a country can gain by producing products that based on economies of scale, network effects,
make use of the factors that are present in and first-mover advantage. It helps decipher the
abundance in the country. The main basis of main reason behind globalization and intensive
their theory is on a country’s production factors trading between similar economies. In addition,
like land, labor, capital, etc. They proposed that it paves the way for the government’s role in the
the approximate cost of any factor of resource is industrialization of a country
What is The Political Reality of International goods that are allowed to be exported to
Trade? a different country.
 Local content requirements - are a type
 Free trade occurs when governments do of trade protection mechanism that
not attempt to restrict what citizens can depends on the law to create
buy from another country or what they requirements for international
can sell from another country. companies and forces them to produce
 While many nations are nominally or rent a certain amount of goods and
committed to free trade, they tend to services domestically.
intervene in international trade to protect  Antidumping policies - An antidumping
the interests of politically important law is any domestic law designed to
groups. prevent a country's trading partners from
Why do Government intervene? “dumping” goods into domestic markets
at any price that is less than fair.
There are two types of arguments for  Administrative policies - Administrative
government intervention: political & economic. trade policies consist of bureaucratic
rules, laws, and regulations designed to
 Political arguments are concerned with
create serious difficulties for an importer
protecting the interests of certain groups
of goods or commodities into a
within a nation (normally producers),
particular nation.
often at the expense of other groups
(normally consumers). What are the Political arguments for
 Economic arguments are typically Intervention?
concerned with boosting the overall
wealth of a nation (to the benefit of all, 1. Protecting jobs – results from political
both producers and consumers). pressures by unions or industries that
are “threatened” by more efficient
Instrument Policy foreign producers, and have more
political clout than consumers.
There are seven main instruments of 2. Protecting industries deemed important
trade policy. for national security - Industries like
 Tariffs - a tax or duty to be paid on a aerospace or electronics are often
particular class of imports or exports. protected because they are deemed
 Subsidies - a subsidy or government important for national security.
3. Retaliating to foreign unfair competition
incentive is a type of government
– when governments take, or threaten to
expenditure targeted towards individuals
take specific actions, other countries
and households, as well as businesses
may remove trade barrier.
with the aim of stabilizing the economy.
4. Protecting consumers from dangerous
 Import quotas - is a limit on the number
products – limit “unsafe” products.
of imports that can be brought into a
5. Furthering the goals of foreign policy –
particular country.
preferential trade terms can be granted
 Voluntary export restraints - is a self-
to countries that a government wants to
imposed trade restriction where the
build strong relations with.
government of a country limits the
amount of a certain good or category of
6. Protecting the human rights of individual
in exporting countries – through trade
policy actions.



Globalization of Markets their production processes and spread them

across the globe to optimize efficiency and
Globalization of markets refers to the
reduce costs.
process by which businesses develop and
market their products or services globally. It
involves creating standardized products for
the global market, emphasizing universal
needs and preferences rather than specific Key Aspects:
regional differences.
Outsourcing: Companies outsource specific
Key Aspects: tasks or services to third-party providers,
often in countries where labor is cheaper.
Standardization: Global companies often
standardize their products to cater to a Supply Chain Integration: Firms integrate
universal market. For example, multinational their supply chains globally, ensuring
fast-food chains offer consistent menus efficient movement of goods and
worldwide. components across borders.
Mass Marketing: Globalization of markets Specialization: Different countries specialize
involves mass marketing strategies, where in specific stages of production. For
advertising and branding campaigns have example, some countries focus on
global appeal, transcending cultural and manufacturing, while others specialize in
linguistic barriers. research and development.
Global Consumer Culture: As markets
become more global, consumers across the
world start sharing similar preferences and DRIVERS OF GLOBALIZATION
behaviors, leading to the emergence of a CHANGING DEMOGRAPHICS
global consumer culture. Changing demographics, including shifts in
population size, age distribution,
urbanization, and migration patterns, play a
Globalization of Production significant role in driving globalization.
Here's how changing demographics
Globalization of production (also known as
influence the global landscape:
offshoring or outsourcing) involves sourcing
goods, services, or components from
different countries based on cost, quality, or
other strategic factors. Firms can fragment Population Growth and Urbanization:
Increased Consumer Base: Growing
populations, especially in emerging
Youthful Populations in Developing
economies, create larger consumer
markets. Urbanization, with more people
moving to cities, intensifies market Innovation and Entrepreneurship: Young
demands, fostering globalization to meet populations in many developing nations
these needs. drive innovation and entrepreneurship.
These innovations can lead to the global
Infrastructure Development: Rapid
export of technology and startup culture.
urbanization often leads to infrastructural
developments, including transportation and Workforce for Global Industries: Young,
communication networks, enabling easier educated populations become part of the
global trade and connectivity. global workforce, contributing to industries
like information technology, customer
service, and research and development.
Aging Population in Developed
Changing Family Structures:
Demand for Services: Aging populations in
developed nations create demands for Consumer Behavior: Changes in family
healthcare, elderly care, and specialized structures, such as smaller households or
services, encouraging international dual-income families, influence consumer
collaborations and trade in these sectors. behavior. Global markets adjust to meet
diverse family needs and preferences.
Global Retirement Migration: Retirees from
developed countries often move to countries Child and Elderly Care Services: Shifts in
with lower living costs, driving international family responsibilities drive demands for
real estate markets and service industries in international collaboration in child and
those regions. elderly care services, leading to
globalization in these sectors.

Migration Patterns
Global Health Challenges:
Diaspora Economies: Global migration
creates diaspora communities, leading to Pandemics and Health Responses: Global
transnational economic activities. health challenges, like pandemics, highlight
Remittances sent back to home countries the interconnectedness of the world.
contribute to economic globalization. Collaborative efforts in healthcare research,
pharmaceuticals, and medical supplies drive
Cultural Exchange: Migration fosters cultural
globalization in these fields.
exchange, leading to the global spread of
cuisines, traditions, and languages.
hamburgers, potato chips,
hotdogs, and macaroni that are
Culture has been called, “The way of life for an commonly identified as
entire society.” American have made their way
Why do we need to learn the Cultures into the Filipino food culture.
 Religion - Spanish Catholic
Around the World?
missionaries taught Filipinos
Because in this progressive era that we live, it is their customs, language,
inevitable to meet people that has different manners, habits, and trades.
views, beliefs, and norms depending on where Even today, most of the Filipino
they live and environment they grown up with. population carries Spanish
On some cases we may see people doing some family names, such as Reyes,
practices that we are not familiar, so this topic dela Cruz, and Santos.
could give us some awareness to show respect  Language - Chavacano, the
and understand other people’s action. only Spanish-based creole in
Asia, is a mixture of two or more
What is the Role of Culture in languages mostly borrowed
International Business? from Spanish words.
Business is not just a financial transaction. It
goes beyond money as it is all about building
relationship to gain long-term partnership. In B. The Sub-culture within a Society
order to stay in the industry for long, we need to
find that connection and make sure to cherish it. Sub-culture - a group within a society whose
So, we must get-to-know our business partners, behaviors, norms and values differ in some
suppliers, employees and more. They are not distinct ways from the dominant culture.
just mere avenue to success but let’s consider There are different types of subcultures in
them as a companion in attaining our goal. We the world depending on their:
should know what are their practices in terms of
business.  Ethnicity: Bicolano, Cebuano, Waray,
Tagalog etc.
 Religion: Catholics, Born-again
A. Cultural Influences Christians, and other more.
 Geographic location: Farmers
Filipinos have already established Association
trading and diplomatic relations with  Age: Young gamers, skaters, cyclists,
other neighboring Asian countries. and more.
 Foods - Chinese culture  Gender: LGBTQIA+, Women
contributed in culinary arts in organizations
Philippines. We adapted some
dishes such as siomai, pancit,
foods with tofu, miso, toge and C. Influences of Cultures and Sub-
many more. Foods like Cultures
or clients when communicating
International trade is becoming more with them. Some cultures like
focused on cultural knowledge and Asian culture, preferred to be
sensitivity as a result of rapid addressed by their surnames,
globalization. while on American culture, they
 Culture - refers to the set of prefer to be called by their first
ideas, customs, and social names.
behavior of a particular person  Negotiation Styles - The
or society. negotiation style of a company
 Subcultures - groups that are is also influenced based on their
perceived to deviate from the culture. For example, in
normative standards of the American culture, when they
dominant culture for example negotiate, they are very direct in
goths, punks, hippies, emo’s their response whether they
etc. approve or not, while in
Japanese culture, they are very
indirect, the response is even
caressing because the
In business context, culture refers to the
Japanese people find it impolite
behavior that is commonly accepted
to directly say no.
professionally from one location
compared to another. For example,
some business practices that we have D. Variations in Business Sub-
here in the Philippines may not be Cultures
accepted on other countries. Here are
the following factors that plays an Subcultures - groups that are seen to
important role in International Business: break away from the normative
standards of the dominant culture.
 Communication - language Subcultures are formed when that
barrier, is very common on individuals or employees in a company
International Business. They have the same experience, interest or
don't speak the same language values that differ from the dominant
that's why they hire interpreters. culture. Variations of Sub-cultures may
But it goes deeper than that, we be formed based on Job Designation.
also have to be careful how to
deliver it like the tone of how Job Designation
you speak and whatnots.
 Attitude - The way that different  Geographical Separation –
culture’s view business varies subculture formed when the
as well. For instance, Sweden group of employees in one
emphasizes social equality and company operates in another
maintains a flat organizational location apart from the main
hierarchy. In contrast to Japan, business workplace.
where people respect seniority  Departmental Designation – this
and it shows in how they is when the employees are
address one another, they working within the same
spoke to one another in a more department, subculture formed
formal manner there. based on their unique values to
 Workplace Etiquette - Example help them execute tasks.
for that is the way we address
someone. We have to consider
the way we address our peers
E. Family Relationships
The influence of culture on gender roles
Family is also very important to how a and expectations has been immense
person develops because even within over time. Culture plays a pivotal role in
culture, a family forms its own unique dictating the norms and beliefs around
culture, that is, its family culture. This gender and what is expected of
family culture influences members of the individuals based on their sex. In many
family because the culture of a family parts of the world, culture and society
teaches individuals how to handle have specific ideas of what is
conflict, listen, learn rules and acceptable and unacceptable for men
communicate in general. All of these and women, often limiting the way
factors influence how a person behaves people can live their lives.
towards other family members and
towards others in society and are based Cultural attitudes towards gender vary
off what they are taught by their families widely, often making distinctions
between masculine and feminine
F. Society Institutions behaviors and characteristics. Many
cultures strongly define and limit what
men and women can and should do.
Social institutions are mechanisms or
Men may be expected to behave in
patterns of social order focused on
ways deemed more masculine such as
meeting social needs, such as
being stoic and hardworking, while
government, economy, education,
women may be expected to be gentle,
family, healthcare, and religion. Some
submissive and deferential.
sociological methods focus on
Consequently, these beliefs and
examining social institutions over time,
expectations can place limits on a
or compare them to social institutions in
person's freedom to act as they choose
other parts of the world.
and can create an environment of
judgement or prejudice.
G. Education
Society and culture also shape the
Culture and education are two opportunities that men and women
inseparable parameters and they are have, particularly in terms of educational
interdependent. Any educational pattern and professional opportunities. There
gets its guidance from the cultural may be strong views on whether it is
patterns of a society. For instance, in a appropriate or necessary for a woman to
society with a spiritual pattern of culture, pursue higher education or to enter the
the educational focus would be on the workforce, for instance. Attitudes
achievement of moral and eternal towards career opportunities and how
values of life. On the contrary, if the work should be shared within families,
culture of a society is materialistic, then or between men and women, can be
its educational pattern will be shaped for largely informed by culture and vary
the attainment of materialistic values significantly across the globe.
and comforts. A society which does not
follow any culture definitely has no
I. Mobility
definite educational organization. So,
the culture of a country has a very
Culturally mobile describes daily reality
powerful impact on its educational
for people who straddle culture. This
includes Global Nomads, Third Culture
Kids, and racially-blended, culturally-
H. Gender Roles blended, or ethnically-blended people.
For these individuals, culture is not
static. The fluidity that comes along with
traversing the cultures that exist in below their real value, and scraping
different countries, different races, the profits for themselves, thereby
ethnicities and sometimes even cities in increasing social inequality. When
the same country. the proletariat became aware of
their exploitation by the capitalist
J. Class System class, Marx believed it would lead to
societal change & the rise of
is a social hierarchy in which society is communism.
divided up based upon their 2. Pierre Bourdieu – a French
socioeconomic status and cultural sociologist & public intellectual. He
values. At its worst, it causes social creates a very useful
barriers and prejudices that discriminate conceptualization of class that is far
against the lower and working class. less radical and helps to
Class System is categorized in multiple demonstrate how class operates in
ways. One common category is as society to maintain the power of the
follows as defined by Hoult: upper class over the middle-class
 Objective Social Class: all the and working class. Bourdieu’s ideas
aspects of social class that can boil down to a conceptualization of
be expressed in objective terms three types of capital, held by the
such as income, occupation & elites in greater quantities than the
education. working-class:
 Economic Capital:
 Subjective Social Class: how
Economic capital refers to
people choose to perceive and
money and assets, such as
categorize themselves & their
the value in your home. If
class allegiances.
you have economic capital,
you can get a better life by
CLASS SYSTEM THEORY & buying what you want,
THEORISTS going on more holidays,
getting a good education,
1. Karl Marx - was a German-born and so forth. The working-
philosopher, economist, political class owns far less
theorist, historian, sociologist, economic capital than the
journalist, and revolutionary middle and upper- classes.
socialist. Known works is The  Cultural Capital: Cultural
Communist Manifesto, a political capital involves the cultural
pamphlet about history of class aptitudes of an individual or
struggles. He argued that class group. It can include a
conflict exists in every society. In person’s accent (where
industrial societies, this primarily upper-class accents are
occurs between 2 classes: the considered more desirable
bourgeoisie (owners of the means of in job interviews, etc. than
production, such as the factory working-class accents),
owners) and the proletariat (those their tastes (where the elites
who work for the owners and earn a have refined tastes in art
wage for a living). The bourgeoisie and food, for example), and
controls all social institutions. They institutionalized cultural
use control over the social capital, such as possession
institutions and economic capital to of a university degree from
maintain their dominance over the an elite institution which can
proletariat. They exploit the open doors for you.
proletariat by employing them for
 Social Capital: Social capital Communicating across cultures is
refers to the people you challenging. Each culture has set rules
know. Generally, the upper- that its members take for granted. Few
classes and elites know of us are aware of our own cultural
more people in power (such biases because cultural imprinting is
as judges, CEOs, and begun at a very early age. And while
politicians), which can open some of a culture's knowledge, rules,
doors for them through a beliefs, values, phobias, and anxieties
simple phone call that the are taught explicitly, most of the
working-classes cannot information is absorbed subconsciously.
High Context vs. Low Context
High-context cultures (Mediterranean,
Slav, Central European, Latin American,
African, Arab, Asian, American-Indian)
THE 3-TIERED CLASS SYSTEM leave much of the message unspecified,
to be understood through context,
Working Class - The working class nonverbal cues, and between-the-lines
represents those people in society who work interpretation of what is actually said. By
paycheque to paycheque and have minimal contrast, low-context cultures (most
leverage in the labor market. They tend to work Germanic and English-speaking
in low-paid and low- skilled jobs, often which countries) expect messages to be
require physical labor and are in the services explicit and specific.
sector of the economy (ex. blue collar
jobs). Sequential vs. Synchronic
In sequential cultures (like North
Middle Class - This group sits between American, English, German, Swedish,
the working and upper class, where they still and Dutch), businesspeople give full
must work for a living, but also have attention to one agenda item after
disposable incomes, and are often amassing another.
capital through their mortgages and home In synchronic cultures (including South
ownership. People in the middle-class often America, southern Europe and Asia) the
have college degrees and work in flow of time is viewed as a sort of circle,
professional white-collar professions. with the past, present, and future all
Upper Class (Elites) - The upper class is interrelated. This viewpoint influences
the smallest class group and represents the how organizations in those cultures
owners of capital. Often, this group does approach deadlines, strategic thinking,
not need to work for their money, or, as business investments, developing talent from
owners, they delegate responsibilities to the within, and the concept of "long-term"
managerial class for managing their capital. This planning.
class group is reserved for highly successful
large business owners, people with inherited Affective vs. Neutral
wealth, and nobility. They’re defined not just In international business practices,
through their wealth (although this is a primary reason and emotion both play a role.
marker), but also their refined tastes, ample Which of these dominates depends
leisure time, and high cultural pursuits such as upon whether we are affective (readily
playing polo, collecting art, and going at the showing emotions) or
opera. emotionally neutral in our approach.
Members of neutral cultures do not
telegraph their feelings, but keep them
K. Communication Across Cultures carefully controlled and subdued. In
cultures with high affect, people show
their feelings plainly by laughing, sometimes crying, shouting, or walking
smiling, grimacing, scowling, and out of the room.



1. What is Values and Etiquette and Why Business etiquette refers to the requirements
is it Important to Business? and expectations of social and business
behavior, practices and conduct that are
 What is Etiquette? prescribed by social convention, and a code of
is a set of customs and rules for polite ethical behavior among professionals. It
behavior, especially among a particular basically boils down to demonstrating good
class of or in a particular profession. manners.
Etiquette refers to behaving in a socially
responsible way.
 Why Etiquette is important to the Example of Business Etiquette in the
business? Philippines:
Business etiquette is important because
it creates a professional, mutually What to expect on the first meeting:
respectful atmosphere and improves
communication, which helps an office A typical Filipino culture that has gone through
serve as a productive place. People feel many changes is when meetings start.
better about their jobs when they feel Customarily, Filipinos have a term called
respected, and that translates into better “Filipino time,” where one can be late ten to
customer relationships as well. fifteen minutes before any social occasions or
 What are Values? gatherings. Did you know that this habit is not
Values are individual beliefs that just due to generational passing down of
motivate people to act one way or character traits but was a sign of high status? Of
course, this practice is no anymore noticeable.
another. They serve as a guide for
Today, Filipino society makes sure that they are
human behavior. Generally, people are always on time, no matter what position they
predisposed to adopt the values that may have.
they are which translates into better
customer relationships raised with. First-time meetings are significant for building
 Why values are important in better communications and relationships.
business? Filipinos expect a personal introduction for them
Business values are the concepts that to trust you, and you can do so either verbally or
guide your business. Business values by giving a business card.
can help you make decisions, foster a
culture of teamwork and collaboration Filipinos Speak Different Languages:
and create a positive working
environment. Know Which One to Learn

Filipinos generally can speak English as it is one

of the most commonly used languages globally
in business deals. Tagalog or Filipino is another
widespread language that business people in Business Etiquette: China
parts like Metro Manila or the rest of NCR can
speak. On the other hand, if you are dealing with
 Show up on time for business meetings.
partnerships in the Northern parts of Luzon,
Punctuality is important to the Chinese
Visayas, or Mindanao, you may have to learn
and being late is offensive.
other languages in the Philippines like Cebuano,
 Chinese people appreciate
Visayan, Hiligaynon, Ilocano, or Tausug.
a conservative dress code, and you
should avoid physical contact while
All in all, Filipino dialects and languages may conversing.
vary, but many Filipinos can still understand  Always be prepared for meetings.
English or Tagalog predominantly. So, if you Conduct research on the company
want a smoother and stress-free business ahead of time and avoid scheduling a
meeting, you should try to learn Tagalog and not meeting during a Chinese holiday.
rely on English only.
 Enter the room in hierarchical order. The
person of the highest seniority will enter
the room first and the rest will follow in
 Mandarin is the official language of
What to Wear in a Filipino Business China, but there are some other
languages to be aware of, such as
Meeting Cantonese and Shanghainese.
 Avoid firm negatives, such as a simple
Business arrangements in the Philippines “no.” Try to find an alternative, such as
require one to dress conservatively, as Filipino “That’s something I will have to think
society is reserved. What you wear is a direct about.”
reflection of how you respect your Filipino
Business Etiquette: Japan
Men are often dressed in suits, including a
necktie and a handkerchief in the pocket.  Bowing is a typical way of greeting each
Nowadays, Filipinos wear Americanos, modern other. Handshakes sometimes occur,
tuxedos, and formal office attire. Women wear but you should let the Japanese person
formal office blouses, polos, skirts, and slacks initiate it.
for very formal business meetings. But it  The senior member of the group often
depends if you’re dealing with a partnership with leads the business meeting while
variously themed parties. Filipino culture loves younger members, out of respect, speak
parties and enjoying themselves. You may also less. People of similar positions in
have to look for the right attire accordingly. different groups should sit across from
each other; junior employees should
never sit across from senior employees.
A very traditional and formal business attire
would be men wearing Barong Tagalog and, for  Giving gifts is common, but you should
the women, Baro’t Saya. These garments are pay special attention to how you present
reserved only if you’re meeting a government your gift. Never hand out a gift that isn’t
official or if it is required by the venue where the wrapped and make sure you give it to
meeting will take place. the person with both hands.
 When handing out business cards,
make sure you’re using both hands.
Bowing during this exchange is viewed
Examples of Business Etiquette around as a form of respect.
the world:
Business Etiquette: India jeopardize the possible business
 While you can show up to meetings on  Avoid eating meat at business meetings
time, don’t be surprised if Indian if everyone else is ordering vegetarian
business partners are late. meals. Many people in India do not eat
pork or beef for religious reasons.
 Like in China, the word “no” can be
considered rude in India. Try to use  When conducting business in India,
words and phrases like “we will see” or English is the typical language to use.
“possibly” instead of “no.”
 If your business partner offers you a
meal, it is proper etiquette to accept the
invitation. Declining the meal could

Different Cultures in Business encouraged to take risks and

aggressively pursue off-the-wall ideas.
 Clan Culture - Clan cultures offer a very  Market Culture - A market culture is also
friendly working environment where called a “compete culture,” because the
things like relationships, morale, emphasis is placed on results. To put it
participation, and consensus take center simply, people want to win and
stage. accomplish what they set out to do
 Adhocracy Culture - This culture fosters  Hierarchy Culture - is also known as
a very entrepreneurial type of work control culture. This culture is about
environment, where employees are work environment that are more
structured and process oriented.

Does value vary from culture to culture? describe a group's beliefs and behaviors
that are passed down from one
Values are not static; they vary across time and generation to another. Culture describes
between groups as people evaluate, debate, the shared characteristics of the entire
and change collective societal beliefs. Values group, which has been amassed
also vary from culture to culture. For example, throughout its history.
cultures differ in their values about what kinds of  Philosophy - Philosophy is the means by
physical closeness are appropriate in public. which every culture provides itself with
justification for its values, beliefs and
Cultural values are the key principles or morals worldview and also serves as a catalyst
that underpin a cultural group. They may be for progress. Philosophy critically
based on religion, tradition, philosophy, questions and confronts established
collective memory, and custom. Examples of beliefs, customs, practices, and
cultural values include respect for elders, family institutions of a society.
values, individualism, and egalitarianism.  Collective Memory - Cultural memory is
a form of collective memory shared by a
 Religion - There are several ways that
group of people. Cultural memory is
culture can affect religion. First, culture
often stored in objects, such as
can influence what religious beliefs we
museums or historical monuments. To
hold. Second, culture can shape how we
understand culture, humans access a
practice our religion. And third, culture
vast array of cultural symbols, such as
can impact the way we think about and
books. Artifacts of the past provide
experience religious concepts like God,
insights into where we came from.
prayer, and ritual.
 Custom - A custom is a widely accepted,
 Tradition - The main difference between
traditional way of behaving or doing
culture and tradition is that traditions
something that is unique to a specific
society, location, or time. Each society,  Cultural relativism refers to not judging a
religion, and community have its own culture to our own standards of what is
set of customs. Customs are an right or wrong, strange or normal.
important aspect of culture. As  Ethnocentrism is a major factor in the
previously stated, custom can be a form divisions among members of different
of cultural representation. ethnicities, races, and religious groups.
It's the belief that one's ethnic group is
superior to another. Ethnocentrism
compares other cultures by using a
Two Major Reactions Cultural
group's specific culture as the basis of
Difference that comparison, believing theirs to be
superior and the standard to be used in
comparison to other cultures.



Political Systems: Economic Systems:

 Democracy: In a democratic system,  Capitalism: Capitalist systems
power is vested in the hands of the emphasize private ownership of
people, who elect representatives to businesses and a free-market economy,
make decisions on their behalf. where supply and demand dictate prices
Examples include the United States and and production. The United States and
India. most Western countries have capitalist
 Authoritarianism: In authoritarian economies.
systems, power is concentrated in the  Socialism: As mentioned earlier,
hands of a single leader or a small socialism involves varying degrees of
group, and individual freedoms and civil government ownership or control of key
liberties are often limited. North Korea industries and services. Scandinavian
and China (under the Chinese countries like Sweden and Denmark are
Communist Party) are examples. often cited as examples of mixed-market
 Monarchy: In a monarchy, a hereditary economies with strong social welfare
ruler (king or queen) holds ultimate programs.
authority. There can be absolute  Communism: Communism, as an
monarchies (like Saudi Arabia) or economic system, advocates for the
constitutional monarchies (like the abolition of private property and the
United Kingdom). means of production owned collectively.
 Oligarchy: Oligarchies are governed by In practice, this has led to centralized
a small, elite group of individuals or planning. The Soviet Union and China
families who control key aspects of the have experimented with communist
government and economy. They may economic models.
exercise power directly or indirectly.  Mixed Economy: Many countries adopt
Examples include some historical city- mixed economies, combining elements
states and certain contemporary nations of capitalism and socialism. For
with powerful elites. instance, Canada and Germany have
market economies with significant
government involvement in healthcare
and social services.
world religions accord different importance to the
activity of trade. In Islam, for example, traders
Religious Systems: enjoy a very positive reputation, whereas in
Christianity trade is seen more as a necessity
 Monotheism: This belief system centers
on the worship of one God. Examples
include Christianity, Islam, and Judaism.
 Polytheism: Polytheistic religions
Effects of Religion on Trade
involve the worship of multiple deities or Religious belief may influence trade in two ways.
gods. Hinduism and ancient Greek and First, a shared religious belief may enhance trust
Roman religions are examples. and therefore reduce transaction costs between
 Atheism: Atheism is the absence of trading partners. This effect should be
belief in deities or gods. Some particularly important for goods that are sensitive
countries, like Sweden and Japan, have to trust.
relatively high atheist or non-religious
 Secularism: Secular countries separate
religion from government, emphasizing WHY ECONOMICS AND POLITICS ARE
a neutral stance on religious matters. INSEPERATABLE?
France and Turkey have strong secular
 Buddhism: Buddhism, originating in Economics is concerned with studying and
India, is a non-theistic religion that influencing the economy. Politics is the theory
focuses on personal spiritual and practice of influencing people through the
development. Countries like Thailand exercise of power, e.g., governments, elections
and Sri Lanka have significant Buddhist and political parties.
In theory, economics could be non-political. An
It's important to note that these systems are not ideal economist should ignore any political bias
mutually exclusive, and many countries blend or prejudice to give neutral, unbiased
elements from multiple categories. Furthermore, information and recommendations on how to
each nation's unique historical, cultural, and improve the economic performance of a country.
social factors contribute to the development of Elected politicians could then weigh up this
its specific political, economic, and religious economic information and decide.
systems. These systems can also evolve over
time in response to changing circumstances and In practice there is a strong relationship between
societal demands. economics and politics because the
performance of the economy is one of the key
political battlegrounds. Many economic issues
are inherently political because they lend
HOW RELIGIOUS BELIEFS AFFECT themselves to different opinions.
A country’s economic situation is driven by
political policies that govern the land. Policies
can directly or indirectly impact economics.
Effects of Religion on Trade
Example, Fiscal policy is related to government
Religious belief may influence trade in two ways. spending tax money for the citizens. For
First, a shared religious belief may enhance trust example, I pay tax then the government used
and therefore reduce transaction costs between the money to improve and develop the economy
trading partners. This effect should be of the country but sometimes the money we are
particularly important for goods that are sensitive paying for taxes did not used efficiently because
to trust. Second, as we have seen above, the of corruption.
apply individualism to many fields, such as
economics, sociology, philosophy, theology, and
IDEOLOGIES AFFECT ECONOMIC Individualism carries positive and negative
SYSTEM connotations in the political landscape.
Fundamentally, individualism opposes
Collectivism prioritizes the needs of the collectivism, which can cause conflict when it
collective over the needs of the individual and comes to nation-building and governing.
supports the idea that everything within society
is shared equally amongst its members. This
includes the goals people work towards and the
wages they get for their work.
Collectivism also believes true social IDEOLOGIES AFFECT ECONOMIC
transformation can only be achieved through a SYSTEM
collective effort.
Collectivism and individualism are two opposing
political ideologies that have a major impact on the
economic system.
Pros of Collectivism
Collectivism has some positive sides. In theory,
it can lead to a safe and stable society:  Centralized Planning- this is the
everyone shares the same objectives, works government or a collective authority that
towards the same goal, and therefore aims to has great control over production,
avoid conflicts. Collectivism can also be quite distribution, and resource allocation.
efficient; it allows for one or one shared authority Economic plans and decisions are made
to control the production and distribution of work through extensive government
and property within the entire society. Also, in a coordination or a centralized institution.
collectivist society, it is easy to get help when This is to ensure that the production
needed: if one person's problem is everybody's meets the needs of the people and that
problem, everybody is motivated to fix it as the resources are properly adapted to
quickly as possible. Lastly, collectivism the needs of the country.
encourages selflessness for the sake of  Public Ownership- collectivist
benefiting the collective. economic systems often have high
levels of public or high state ownership
Individualism focuses on the latter. As one of
of key industries and resources. This
the founding principles of modern western
may include sectors such as health
thought, individualism focuses on personal
care, education, transportation, and
fulfilment, rights, and self-interest. While this can
help preserve individual rights, it can sometimes
 Income Equality- Collectivist ideologies
be at odds with the interests of others and the
prioritize income equality and often
good of the collective. In this piece, you will find
implement progressive policies when it
how this ideology influences more than just
comes to taxation to redistribute wealth.
behavior and has found its way into politics,
 Social Welfare- typically provide
economy, and philosophy.
extensive social welfare programs,
Individualism emphasizes individual freedom including universal health care,
and personal achievements, independent of a education, and unemployment benefits,
collective (and sometimes disregarding it). It's to ensure that all citizens have access to
considered one of the most important societal basic services and a safety net.
influences today, especially in American and
European cultures. As a concept, you could
INDIVIDUALISM: allows individuals to pursue their
economic interests independently.
 Free Market- Individual ideologies, such  Profit Incentive- is a system in which
as Capitalism, which have a free market people or businesses strive for income
where private individuals and or something they want to get as a
businesses have control over the motivation to do different things in the
exchange of economic products or economy.
services.  Competition- competition pushes
 Private Ownership- individualist companies to be more effective and
economic systems, private ownership of efficient in order to remain competitive
property, resources, and means of when it comes to the market
production is strongly encouraged. It

LECTURE 7: FOREIGN EXCHANGE operates 24 hours a day, five days a

MARKET week, due to the global nature of
currency trading.
MARKET liquid, meaning there is a significant
volume of buying and selling activity at
FOREIGN EXCHANGE MARKET: The foreign any given time. This liquidity allows
exchange market, often referred to as the Forex traders to enter and exit positions with
or FX market, is the global marketplace for ease, and it typically results in narrow
buying and selling currencies. It is the largest bid-ask spreads.
and most liquid financial market in the world.  LEVERAGE: Forex trading often
The primary purpose of the foreign exchange involves the use of leverage, which
market is to facilitate the exchange of one allows traders to control larger positions
currency for another, which is essential for with a relatively small amount of capital.
international trade and investment. While leverage can amplify potential
profits, it also increases the risk of
KEY CONCEPTS: substantial losses.
currencies are traded in pairs. Each currency Exchange rates are constantly changing
pair consists of two currencies, a base currency due to various factors, including
and a quote currency. economic indicators, geopolitical events,
interest rate differentials, and market
 MARKET PARTICIPANTS: The Forex sentiment. Traders and investors aim to
market is decentralized, with profit from these fluctuations by buying
participants from around the world, when they expect a currency to
including banks, financial institutions, appreciate and selling when they
corporations, governments, speculators, anticipate depreciation.
and retail traders. These participants  MARKET PARTICIPANTS' ROLES:
engage in Forex trading for various HEDGERS: Entities like multinational
reasons, including hedging against corporations use the Forex market to
currency risk, conducting international hedge against currency risk by locking
trade, and seeking speculative profits. in exchange rates to protect against
 TRADING CENTERS: Unlike traditional adverse movements.
stock exchanges, the Forex market
 SPECULATORS: Traders and investors SPOT MARKET: Transactions demand quick
speculate on future exchange rate payments at the prevailing exchange rates. It
movements to profit from price requires immediate currency delivery or
fluctuations. They aim to buy low and exchange on the spot- often within 48 hours.
sell high or sell high and buy low. Spot transactions are those in which currency
 ARBITRAGEURS: Arbitrageurs seek to exchange occurs two days following the contract
profit from price discrepancies between date.
different currency pairs or markets by
FORWARD MARKET: The forward market
buying low in one market and selling
involves transactions in which exchange takes
high in another.
place at a specified date in the future for a
 MARKET ANALYSIS: Fundamental
specified price. In other words, the forward
analysis and technical analysis are two
currency market entails making a contract today
common approaches used to analyze
to purchase or sell foreign currency in the future.
the Forex market. Fundamental analysis
involves studying economic, political, FUTURE MARKET: A futures contract is another
and geopolitical factors that can version of a forward contract traded publicly on a
influence exchange rates. Technical futures exchange. It includes the price and the
analysis, on the other hand, relies on time in the future to buy or sell an asset, just like
historical price data and chart patterns a forward contract.
to make trading decisions.
 RISK MANAGEMENT: Due to the SWAP MARKET: Swaps allow the exchange of
inherent volatility of the Forex market, two streams of cash flows in two different
risk management is crucial. Traders currencies. Swaps, or double transactions, are
often use stop-loss orders and take- operations in which a purchase or sale of the
profit orders to limit potential losses and same currency for forwarding delivery follows a
secure profits. simultaneous sale or purchase of spot currency.

OPTIONS MARKET: Options are derivative

instruments that allow a foreign exchange
FUNCTIONS OF FOREIGN market operator to buy or sell a foreign currency
EXCHANGE MARKET at a predetermined rate (strike price) on or
before a specific date (maturity date). A call
1. TRANSFER FUNCTION option allows traders to buy the underlying
asset, whereas a put option allows them to sell
- Primary function of foreign exchange market
- facilitates the transfer of purchasing power in
CURRENCY CONVERSION is the process of
terms of foreign exchange between the
exchanging one currency for another at an
countries that are involved
agreed-upon exchange rate. This exchange can
2. CREDIT FUNCTION occur for various reasons, such as travel,
international trade, investment, or financial
- Implies the provision of credit in terms of transactions. Currency conversion is essential
foreign exchange for the export and import of for conducting business and travel in countries
goods and services. with different official currencies.
TYPES OF FOREX MARKET Here's how currency conversion typically works:
The foreign exchange market features different EXCHANGE RATES: Exchange rates represent
modes of trading, and they are embodied as the value of one currency relative to another.
follows: These rates can fluctuate due to various factors,
including economic conditions, interest rates, exchange rate available, you may first convert
geopolitical events, and market sentiment. USD to EUR and then EUR to GBP.
Exchange rates can be quoted in different ways,
EXCHANGE RATE MARGINS: It's important to
such as spot rates (current market rates) or
be aware that currency exchange services,
forward rates (future rates).
including banks and currency exchange
CURRENCY EXCHANGE SERVICES: Currency counters, often charge a margin or spread
conversion can be done through various above the market exchange rate. This difference
channels, including: represents their profit or fee for providing the
service. As a result, the rate you receive for
currency conversion may not be the same as the
Banks often provide currency exchange
market rate.
services, both at physical branches and through
online banking platforms. They may charge fees CONSIDERATION OF FEES: When converting
or offer different exchange rates. currency, consider any fees associated with the
conversion. These can include service fees,
ATM withdrawal fees, and credit card foreign
Airports, hotels, and tourist areas often have
transaction fees. It's a good idea to compare
currency exchange counters where travelers can
rates and fees from different providers to get the
exchange money.
most favorable exchange rate.
An ECONOMIC THEORY is a model that is
WEBSITES: Many online platforms and mobile
used to explain how economies function as well
apps offer real-time exchange rate information
as describe various economic phenomena.
and allow users to convert currencies. Some of
Some well-known economic theories are
these services may charge fees or offer less
classical economics and Keynesian economics.
favorable rates.
EXCHANGE RATES are generally determined
ATMs: When using an ATM in a foreign country, by the market forces of supply and demand for
you can typically withdraw cash in the local foreign exchange.
currency. The exchange rate used for the
conversion is usually determined by your bank suggests that exchange rates should adjust so
and may include fees. the identical goods have the same price in
different currencies when expressed in a
CONVERSION PROCESS: To convert currency,
common unit. PPP is based on the law of one
you typically need to provide the amount you
price, which states that in a frictionless market,
want to exchange and specify the currencies
identical goods should sell for the same price.
involved (e.g., converting USD to EUR). The
currency exchange service will then calculate PPP can be expressed in two forms
the equivalent amount in the desired currency
based on the current exchange rate. Fees and
commissions, if applicable, will be deducted Absolute PPP states that exchange rates should
from the amount exchanged. equal the ration of price levels between two
countries. In mathematical terms, if P1 and P2
CROSS-CURRENCY CONVERSION: In some represent the price levels in two countries and E
cases, you may need to perform a cross- is the exchange rate, then E = P1/P2
currency conversion, which involves converting
one currency into a second currency by way of a
third currency. This is common in international
finance and trading. For example, if you want to
convert USD to GBP, but there is no direct
The LAW OF ONE PRICE states that in that a country’s balance of payments influences
competitive markets free of transportation costs its exchange rate. Specifically:
and barriers to trade, identical products sold in
different countries must sell for the same price  A current account surplus tends to
when their price is expressed in terms of the appreciate the domestic currency.
same currency.  A current account deficit tends to
depreciate the domestic currency.
According to the BOP Approach
Relative PPP accounts for changes in price
levels over time. It posits that the percentage CURRENT ACCOUNT SURPLUS: A current
change in exchange rates should be equal to the account surplus implies that Country A is
difference in the inflation rates between two exporting more goods and services than it is
countries. In mathematical terms, if ΔE importing.
represents the percentage change in the CAPITAL ACCOUNT AND FINANCIAL
exchange rate, and ΔP1 and ΔP2 represent the ACCOUNT: The capital account and financial
inflation rates in two countries, then ΔE = ΔP1 – account represent financial transactions
ΔP2. involving assets and liabilities.
suggests that the difference in interest rates country's central bank often intervenes in the
between two countries should equal the forward foreign exchange market to stabilize its currency.
premium or discount on the exchange rate. IRP
is based on the idea that interest rate The FISHER EFFECT is an economic theory
differentials should be offset by changes in the that describes the relationship between nominal
exchange rate to ensure that investors receive interest rates, real interest rates, and inflation. It
similar returns regardless of where they invest is named after American economist Irving
their funds. Fisher, who formulated this theory in the early
20th century. The Fisher Effect suggests that
According to COVERED INTEREST RATE nominal interest rates in an economy move in
THEORY, the exchange rate forward premiums tandem with expected changes in the inflation
(discounts) nullify the interest rate differentials rate, meaning that higher inflation leads to
between two sovereigns. In other words, higher nominal interest rates.
covered interest rate theory says that the
difference between interest rates in two Here are the key components of the Fisher
countries is nullified by the spot/forward Effect:
currency premiums so that the investors could
not earn an arbitrage profit.
interest rate is the interest rate as typically
UNCOVERED INTEREST RATE THEORY says stated by banks, lenders, and financial
that the expected appreciation (or depreciation) institutions. It represents the actual rate at which
of a particular currency is nullified by lower (or money invested or borrowed grows, without
higher) interest. In the given example of covered considering the effects of inflation.
interest rate, the other method that Yahoo Inc.
REAL INTEREST RATE (r): The real interest
can implement is to invest the money in dollars
rate is the nominal interest rate adjusted for
and change it for Euro at the time of payment
inflation. It reflects the actual purchasing power
after one month. This method is known as
of money invested or borrowed. It is calculated
uncovered, as the risk of exchange rate
as follows:
fluctuation is imminent in such transactions.
Real Interest Rate (r) = Nominal Interest Rate (i)
- Inflation Rate
considers the relationship between a country’s
current account, capital account, and official INFLATION RATE (π): The inflation rate is the
reserves to determine exchange rates. It posits rate at which the general level of prices for
goods and services rises, leading to a decrease The BANDWAGON EFFECT is a specific aspect
in the purchasing power of a currency. of investor psychology related to herd behavior.
It occurs when individuals make investment
The Fisher Effect is often expressed as an decisions simply because many others are doing
equation: the same, rather than conducting their own
Nominal Interest Rate (i) = Real Interest Rate (r) research or analysis. Key points about the
+ Inflation Rate (π) bandwagon effect include:

INVESTOR PSYCHOLOGY AND THE Follow-the-Crowd Mentality: Investors may buy

BANDWAGON EFFECT are essential concepts or sell assets because they see others doing so,
in the field of behavioral finance. They describe regardless of their own beliefs or analysis.
how emotions, cognitive biases, and social Fear of Missing Out (FOMO): Investors may fear
influences can affect investment decisions and missing out on potential profits, especially during
market behavior. market rallies, leading them to join the
INVESTOR PSYCHOLOGY refers to the bandwagon.
psychological factors that influence individuals' Market Bubbles: The bandwagon effect can
investment decisions. It recognizes that contribute to the formation of market bubbles,
investors are not always rational and that where asset prices become detached from their
emotions play a significant role in financial intrinsic values due to excessive buying driven
markets. Some key aspects of investor by herd behavior.
psychology include:
Market Crashes: Conversely, the bandwagon
Overconfidence: Many investors tend to effect can lead to market crashes as panic
overestimate their own knowledge and abilities. selling sets in when the herd suddenly changes
They may believe they have an edge in the direction.
market, leading to excessive trading and
suboptimal investment decisions. Peer Pressure and social media: social media
and online forums can amplify the bandwagon
Loss Aversion: Investors often feel the pain of effect by rapidly disseminating information and
losses more strongly than the pleasure of gains. influencing investor sentiment.
This can lead to risk-averse behavior, such as
holding on to losing investments too long or FREE TRADE based on laissez faire meaning
selling winning investments too early. allowed to do. This philosophy is about letting
people do as they please. It is a trade policy that
Herd Behavior: Herd behavior occurs when removes restrictions on exporting and importing.
investors follow the crowd and make investment It was developed by British economists Adam
decisions based on the actions of others rather Smith and David Ricardo.
than their own analysis. This behavior can lead
to market bubbles and crashes. WORLD TRADE ORGANIZATION: This is an
organization that encompasses most of the
Confirmation Bias: Investors tend to seek nations in the world. This organization is
information that confirms their existing beliefs described as free trade but it is not accurate. It
and ignore information that contradicts them. still allows tariffs and government protection. It is
This bias can lead to poor decision-making. more accurate to call it a system of laws that are
Anchoring: Investors may anchor their decisions dedicated for fair, open, and undistorted
to a particular price or value, even when new competition.
information suggests they should adjust their FREE TRADE AGREEMENT: A pact between
expectations. two or more nations to reduce barriers when
Regret Aversion: Investors often make decisions importing and exporting goods. Free trade policy
to avoid feeling regret, which can lead to will reduce or remove tariffs, subsidies, and
conservative or risk-averse choices. prohibitions between trade.
FREE TRADE AREAS variances between gems and their respective
colors, but typically, the deeper and more vivid
EUROPEAN UNION: Most of the countries in the color, the higher the value.
Europe are borderless when it comes to trading.
The process of trading is smoother because of CLARITY: The more inclusions (flaws) that a
other countries adopting euros. gemstone has, the lower the value. Gemstones
that are eye-clean, meaning there are no visible
U.S. FREE TRADE AGREEMENT flaws, exhibit the best brilliance, and thus,
This involves: North American Free Trade demand the highest price. Diamonds with
Agreement - Canada, Mexico, Spain, and the excellent clarity are most often expensive
United States because of their popularity and the sparkle they
countries in Central America. This agreement CARAT WEIGHT: Despite popular belief, carat
makes half of the tariff of goods that enters the weight is not the most important factor of
United States free and the average import tariff gemstone value. With rare or precious
is 2% gemstones, the higher the carats, the more
expensive. However, lower-value gems like
AFRICAN CONTINENTAL FREE TRADE AREA quartz can be fairly heavy and affordable.
(AFCFTA): Contains Most countries in Africa. Sometimes a heavier carat weight works against
This is the largest free trade area after the world a gemstone if there are visible inclusions. In this
trade organization. This agreement's goal is to case, you could get a lower-grade diamond or
successfully remove tariffs in the whole sapphire with a higher carat weight for less than
continent of Africa. The most recent thing that a higher-quality, smaller stone.
they did is the Pan-African payment agreement
and settlement system which allows companies CUT AND POLISH: A skilled gem cutter will
to pay using their local currency. remove any weight that contains inclusions, and
leave only the cream of the crop. Ultimately, the
There are more than 200 varieties of gemstones facets (cuts) of the gem should be clean and
in the world. The more popular varieties — well-polished to be valuable.
diamonds, rubies, emeralds, and sapphires —
fetch prices that reflect their high value. On the SHAPE: A gem's shape has a heavy influence
lower spectrum are affordable gemstones like on its value because it signifies what's in
peridot or citrine. What makes one gemstone demand. Round brilliant-cut gemstones are
more valuable than others? Factors like the always the most valuable because they take
gemstone type, color, cut, and clarity all weigh precision to retain the best parts of the stone
into the gem's overall value. without losing excessive weight.


VALUE general rule of thumb, treated gems always
have a lower value than natural gemstones of
The type of gemstone – Precious gemstones
like ruby or emerald will be more valuable and equal size, color, and clarity. That said, most
expensive than quartz or amethyst. gemstones are treated to enhance their
appearance. Untreated gemstones of the
COLORED VS. COLORLESS GEMS: Color is highest quality are typically far too expensive for
perhaps the most important factor of pricing a most buyers, unless you choose a lower-value
gem because the most desired are deeply gemstone, like garnet or spinel.
saturated and vivid. If a gem is lighter in color,
it'll typically be less expensive. Pricing ORIGIN: The quality of a gemstone isn't always
gemstones by color is tricky because the contingent upon its origin, although strategic
spectrum is so broad. When valuing a marketing will lead buyers to believe otherwise.
gemstone, we look at the hue, tone, and
saturation of the color. There's a multitude of
POPULARITY: Prices of gemstones are only
worth what the market is willing to pay for them,
and that's where popularity plays a large role. A
gemstone trending now, for example, pink
diamonds, is going to be more valuable because
it's in demand. Unfortunately, trends come and
go, and the value of a gemstone will heavily
relate to its popularity in the market.

SUPPLY CHAIN: Buying gemstones online is a

great way to cut out overhead costs of buying
from a jeweler. In many cases, the more hands
the gem touches, the higher the price will be to
accommodate the brokerage and distribution

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