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Vibrational Spectroscopy 102 (2019) 79–84

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Argan oil authentication using visible/near infrared spectroscopy combined T

to chemometrics tools

Sofia Farres, Loubna Srata, Fouad Fethi , Asmae Kadaoui
Laboratory of Physics of Matter and Radiations (LPMR), Physics Department, Mohammed First University Oujda, Morocco


Keywords: Visible and Near Infra-Red Spectroscopy (Vis/NIRS) technique was investigated as a non-destructive optical
Authentication method in order to authenticate argan oil. This study focuses on the detection and quantification of argan oil
Argan oil adulteration with cheap vegetable oils, using Vis/NIRS associated with chemometric tools in the spectral ranges
Adulteration from 500 to 1000 nm and 1000 to 1700 nm. The results achieved using baseline and first derivative pretreat-
Absorbance and chemometrics
ments before analyzing data set with multivariate calibration methods are the best. Partial Least Squares (PLS)
model has been established to predict the concentration of adulterants in pure argan oil with a correlation of
0.90, Root Mean Square Error of Prediction (RMSEP) of 4.67, Standard Error of Prediction (SEP) of 4.57 and a
bias of 1.26. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) model was established to discriminate samples according to
the type of adulterants. The results show Vis/NIRS efficiency as a rapid and non-destructive method and the
importance of chemometric tools in order to develop accurate models to authenticate argan oil. Less than 1 s run
by NIRS allows the identification of adulterants in pure argan oil from a percentage of adulteration of 0.35%
without needing to prepare or destruct samples.

1. Introduction producer to provide high-quality products. Different companies in

Europe and North America distribute the oil around the globe but the
Food authentication has many sides including adulteration, mis- product is exported only by Morocco [4]. Thus, due to the economic,
labeling and misleading origin [1]. Adulteration of food products is a social and cultural importance of argan oil in Morocco, it is important
current process motivated by economic reasons. It is defined as the to prevent this unfair trade and ensure its origin and quality by estab-
process by which quality of a given substance is reduced by the re- lishing accurate models allowing the detection of possible adulterations
placement of high cost ingredients with lower grade and cheaper sub- in short time [6].
stitutes. Argan oil is one of food that has been subjected to adulteration. Several methods were used to detect argan oil adulteration by dif-
Given its several benefits as an important traditional alimentary med- ferent adulterants. These methods are based on liquid chromatography
icine [2], it has many uses in cosmetics [3]. Because of its high price, [7], inductively coupled with plasma optical emission spectrometry [8],
this oil is considered as a luxury food. One reason why there is always a Fourier Transform Infra-Red spectroscopy (FTIR) [9], Laser Induced
possibility of adulteration by cheap oils. Fluorescence (LIF) [10], Electronic Nose and a Voltammetric Electronic
Argan oil comes from the argan tree (Argania spinosa), a species of Tongue [11].
tree native to southwestern Morocco. Virgin argan oil is extracted from Most of these techniques are usually time-consuming, costly for
the fruits of the argan tree, specifically the kernel contained in its core. routine use in food industry, they require skilled operators and they can
It is traditionally prepared by Berber women following an ancestral, have a high environmental impact. Hence there is a large demand for
multistep process [4]. However, this traditional extraction is carried out rapid, cheap, and effective techniques for food quality control and
in inappropriate sanitary conditions and is time consuming. As a result, especially for food detection adulteration. The most flexible technique,
attempts were made in order to improve argan oil quality by improving however, is NIRS. It is one of analytical tools used in food product
its extraction process [5]. analysis [12,13] as an extremely powerful technique for industrial
Worldwide, health and social improvement in food industry has a quality control and process monitoring. Comparing to other analytical
direct relation with food safety and quality. Consumers are increasingly technique, NIRS has advantages as a simple technique, quick, non-
asking for trusted trademarks in food, and therefore expect the destructive and it require no sample preparation or manipulation with

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (F. Fethi).
Received 16 September 2018; Received in revised form 12 March 2019; Accepted 23 April 2019
Available online 25 April 2019
0924-2031/ © 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
S. Farres, et al. Vibrational Spectroscopy 102 (2019) 79–84

hazardous chemicals, solvents, or reagents [14]. It makes the detection first of all by recording dark (light existing in room of manipulations); it
of possible adulteration easy via multivariate analysis methods is considered as noise that should be eliminated to detect only the signal
[15–17]. In recent years, NIRS has become an important industry for coming from the sample. Then the reference signal I0 is recorded as the
studying food product quality, as well as their authentication [18–22], light irradiating the sample. The absorbance spectrum was detected in
thanks to the availability of light-fiber optics and the development of transmission mode using the equation:
chemometric data processing tools and software.
A = log10 (I0 − ID/ I − ID )
NIRS is distinguished by the possibility of on-site measurements and
remote sampling, in particular because the spectrometer can be placed With:
far from the sample. As another great benefit, it is considered as an ID: Dark light
economic technique, its device is less expensive than other analytical I0: Reference light
techniques device (total price around 3500 euro). I: Transmitted Light
NIR spectra of foods comprise broad band arising from overlapping All obtained spectra were treated using chemometrics tools.
absorptions corresponding mainly to overtones and combinations of
vibrational modes involving CH, OH and NH chemical bonds [23]. 3. Theory
Many studies have been conducted on food products using NIRS such as
: The application of Near-Infrared Reflectance Spectroscopy (NIRS) to 3.1. Near Infra-Red Spectroscopy (NIRS)
detect melamine adulteration of soya bean meal [24], NIR spectroscopy
and chemometric for the discrimination of pure, powdered, purple NIRS is based on the absorption of electromagnetic radiation at
sweet potatoes and their samples adulterated with the white sweet wavelengths in the range 780–2500 nm. This technique has emerged
potato flour [25], Application of Vis/NIR spectroscopy for predicting over the last decade in combination with the development of the fiber
sweetness and flavor parameters of Valencia orange and grapefruit optics, on-line probe accessories and chemometric evaluation proce-
[26], Simultaneous determination by NIR spectroscopy of the roasting dures, as an extremely powerful tool for industrial quality control and
degree and Arabica / Robusta ratio in roasted and ground coffee [27]. process monitoring. NIRS is a physical-chemical analysis method based
In this work, NIRS combined to chemometric tools has been on the interaction of light radiation in the near infrared area and mo-
exploited [17,28–30], particularly PCA [31] and PLS [32] in order to lecules of samples [23,33]. The technique involves subjecting a sample
establish an accurate and robust model allowing the detection of argan to radiation in the near infrared range. For each wavelength, the part of
adulteration by cheap vegetable oils. the radiation reflected or transmitted by the sample is measured using
detectors and converted to absorbance. All these form the absorbance
2. Material and methods spectrum which reflect the chemical composition of the analyzed object
2.1. Samples
3.2. Chemometrics
Virgin argan oil samples (noted AO) were obtained from Agadir
(southwest of Morocco), made by traditional methods (hand-made), the The complexity of NIR spectrum makes spectral interpretation and
quality of the handmade argan oil used in this study is guaranteed, quantitative parameter prediction difficult. Statistical approaches or
whereas the cheap vegetable oils (noted respectively VO1 and VO2) chemometric multivariate analyzes are developed to improve the use
were purchased from a local market in Oujda (North east of Morocco). and the interpretation of NIR spectra.
Before mixing samples, VO1 and VO2 were heated repeatedly in order Chemometrics is defined as a mathematical technique used to ex-
to get a color similar to that of AO. To study the adulteration, a sum of tract useful information from measured physicochemical data. It is
112 oil samples mixture were prepared by mixing pure AO with pure based on the construction and exploitation of a behavioral model using
VO1 and VO2 separately at levels between 0% and 30% (w/w) with a statistical tools and can handle complex and multivariable systems.
percentage rate of adulteration about 0.4% for each sample. Thanks to chemometrics, both qualitative and quantitative data can be
Samples are gotten by measuring AO mass contained in a spectro- included in qualitative analyses and modeled for a qualitative analysis
photometer cell (1 cm) using a high-precision scale (SHIMADZU AUX goal [35]. In order to take into account theoretical gaps and un-
220, Max = 220 g, Min = 10 mg, e = 1 mg and d = 0.1 mg) and adding controlled variations, it is necessary to accumulate spectra of many
VO1 and VO2 by drops using a micropipette (100–1000 μl, digital dial, samples and to treat the spectral collection thus obtained by chemo-
tip ejector), so as keeping the same mass of AO. Samples were num- metric methods [35,36].
bered and classified in an increasing order according to their percen-
tage of adulteration, were stirred in order to homogenize the mixture 3.2.1. Principal Component Analysis (PCA)
and stored in the dark until the day of analysis. To set the model al- PCA is one of the multidimensional descriptive techniques particu-
lowing the detection of the amount of adulterants in pure argan, 80 larly well adapted to the exploratory study of spectral data. This tech-
samples were used in the calibration/validation and 30 samples were nique gives a synthetic representation by providing factorial cards in
exploited to make the prediction. which each spectrum is represented by a point. PCA substitutes the
original variables by synthetic ones called Principal Components (PC),
2.2. Experimental set up which contain the whole information. These new variables are ortho-
gonal to each other and they are classified according to their decreasing
The absorbance of samples is measured using a halogen lamp (5 W, importance. The interpretation of these graphs makes the under-
6 V AC). All NIR spectra of different samples were acquired by a (CCD) standing of analyzed data structure possible and easy. This interpreta-
spectrophotometer (AVS-USB2000, Netherland) equipped with a mul- tion will be based on some numerical and graphical indicators, which
timode fiber (SMA905) with core diameter 400 μm, a length of 2 m help the user to interpret these data objectively [37].
(NA = 0.22) used to guide the light to the detector spectrometer. The
acquisition and storage of spectral data is done via Spectra Win soft- 3.2.2. Partial Least Squares Regression (PLSR)
ware for Windows using an integration time of 100 ms and spectra PLSR is the most widely used chemometrics method in infrared
average equal to 1 as adequate experimental conditions. Measurements spectroscopy field. It consists of relating two data matrices, X and Y, by
were taken at room temperature (25 °C), in the dark within the range a linear multivariate model and modeling their structure. It is based on
500–1000 nm and 1000–1700 nm. The absorbance spectra are obtained the projection of data on new axes that maximize the information. PLS

S. Farres, et al. Vibrational Spectroscopy 102 (2019) 79–84

regression determines spectrum regions where variations of spectrums

are correlated to concentration variations. Its advantages are evident in
its ability to analyze data with many, noisy, collinear, and even in-
complete variables in both X and Y and the precision of the models
parameter improves with the increasing number of relevant variables
and observations [38]. PLS regression has the advantage of treating the
entire spectrum even when the total composition of the calibration
samples is ignored. Only the concentration of the element should be
known, others are implicitly taken into account. Working over the
whole spectra makes the accuracy of the prediction better considering
the baseline. Besides, other spectra estimated by the model can be vi-
sualized, especially the residues, in order to check the spectral zones
poorly covered by the model or to identify aberrant spectra.
When PLS is properly used, the adjusted model is avoided, meaning
that when there is several variables, noise risk to be modeled, because
being a stepwise regression, the process of regression can be stopped
before modeling the error. This chemometric method is particularly
useful for the prediction of a set of dependent variables from a large set
of independent ones. There are two phases to set PLS Model calibra-
tion/ validation:
1- It is necessary to know the concentration associated with every
2- A part of the data is used for the calibration and the rest used in
the validation.

4. Results and discussion

4.1. Data processing

Was performed using the Unscrambler software (version 9.7, CAMO

ASA, Oslo, Norway) before multivariate analysis. The spectral range
500–1000 nm was reduced to 544–900 nm in order to remove noise.
Then, in order to minimize the effect of baseline shifts and noise, the
spectra were pre-processed using pretreatments which objectives are
attenuation and elimination of non-linearity between the dependent
and independent variables, elimination of interference and mitigation
of the random noise related to the experimental conditions [39].
Keeping in mind that it is impossible to know in advance which treat-
ment is the best for a given problem. Consequently all pretreatments are
Fig. 1. (a) Spectra of adulterated argan oil samples without any pretreatments
tested and the one that gives best results is applied.
in the spectral range 500–1000 nm. (b) NIR spectra of adulterated argan oil
samples after baseline preprocessing in the spectral range. 500–1000 nm.
4.2. Spectral features

Spectra were exported from Microsoft office excel format to smoothing, Multiplicative Scatter Correction (MSC), Standard Normal
Unscrambler software for chemometric analysis. Figs. 1a and 2 a re- Variate (SNV), first and second derivative and so on.
present respectively raw spectra of 112 samples of the mixture of pure In Fig. 1b, a strong absorbance exists around the wavelength 545 nm
argan oil with two cheap vegetable oils without any pretreatment in in the spectral range 544–735 nm (visible region) and in Fig. 2a, NIR
two spectral ranges, 544–900 nm and 1000–1700 nm. spectra show major peak around 1200 nm related to C–H second
Spectra are similar to each other, there is a vertical offset between overtone and OeH combination, and two other ones between 1370 nm
them and a little bit noisy, this is due to the different optical paths run and 1450 nm related to C–H combinations [23]. Note that these bands
through by light from sample to another. Thus before applying che- are very wide owing to the recombination of different frequencies of
mometric calculations, these deformations have to be processed by absorbance.
applying chemometric pretreatments. To eliminate spectral variability After preprocessing spectra, chemometric methods were exploited
and improve signal-to-noise ratio, baseline pretreatment was applied on in order to extract hidden information. To do this, spectra were con-
spectra in the spectral range 544–900 nm (Fig. 1b) and baseline com- verted to ASCII data and inserted in UNSCRAMBLER software.
bined to first derivative pretreatment, using Savitzky-Golay method
[40] with a second order polynomial on NIR spectra in the spectral 4.3. PCA results
range 1000–1700 nm (Fig. 2b). Baseline makes the assumption that the
observed spectrum is the sum of a signal corresponding to uncontrolled After pre-treating spectra, PCA was applied to extract the main in-
variations (background) and a "useful" signal containing the spectral formation and reduce number of variables. All of spectra were ex-
information. The correction consists of modeling the background and amined using PCA on both raw and pretreated ones. In Fig. 3a samples
subtracting it from observed signal. First derivative reduces baseline are dispersed in a bi-dimensional space PC1 and PC2 and are divided in
variations and separates absorption bands more clearly. Hidden bands two distinct groups. The group of the top of scores plot is formed by
of NIR spectra are thus exalted. samples of AO adulterated by VO1, noted (group A) and the group in
Before taking baseline and baseline combined to first derivative as the bottom refers to AO adulterated by VO2, noted (group B). The
adequate preprocessing, several corrections were tested such as majority of the information is explained by PC1 with a percentage of

S. Farres, et al. Vibrational Spectroscopy 102 (2019) 79–84

Fig. 2. (a) NIR spectra of adulterated argan oil samples without any pretreat-
ments in the spectral range 1000–1700 nm. (b) NIR spectra of adulterated argan Fig. 3. (a) Bi-dimensional Scores plot of PC1 and PC2 vectors of 112 adulter-
oil samples after baseline combined to first derivative preprocessing in the ated argan oil samples in the spectral range 500–1000 nm. (b) Bi-dimensional
spectral range. 1000–1700 nm. Scores plot of PC1 and PC2 vectors of 112 adulterated argan oil samples in the
spectral range. 1000–1700 nm.

99% of total variance. This separation is due to the strong absorbance of

samples in the spectral range 544–735 nm and this absorbance is sample’s spectrum to the concentrations of the components dosed.
mainly caused by samples coloration. To sum up, it can be concluded Before the PLS regression, the data were pretreated by taking one
that coloration of samples is the factor responsible of this separation. smoothing point. The PLSR method was successfully applied in previous
This means that by this model, it can be determined for an unknown studies to predict the percentage of adulteration of argan oil by dif-
sample the type of adulterant by taking its spectrum and insert it in this ferent other oils [10]. In this work, PLS was applied to predict the
model. Fig. 4a represents dispersion of samples in a tri-dimensional percentage of adulteration of pure argan oil by VO1 and VO2. After
score plot of PC1, PC2 and PC3. outlier removal, sample set was divided at random into two sets,
In Fig. 3b samples are dispersed in a bi-dimensional space PC1 and namely, calibration/validation sets containing 80 samples (Fig. 6a) and
PC2. The majority of the information is carried out by PC1 with a prediction sets containing 30 adulterated samples (Fig. 6b). The ro-
percentage of 97% of total variance and the rest of the information bustness of the calibration model is usually estimated from the corre-
(2%) is carried out by PC2 (Fig 4b represents dispersion of samples in a lation (R), the Standard Error of Calibration (SEC) and Root Mean
tri-dimensional score plot of PC1, PC2 and PC3). Samples are divided in Square Error of Calibration (RMSEC).
two main groups noted group A (AO adulterated by VO1) and group B Calibration model results are illustrated by Fig. 6a with a correla-
(AO adulterated by VO2). Samples dispersion according to PC1 is tion of 0.92, a SEC of 3.22 and RMSEC of 3.24. The accuracy of models
mostly due to the existence of C–H 2nd overtone, OeH and C–H com- can be tested by samples that are not included in the calibration model
binations. In loadings plot (Fig. 5a and b) PC1vectors plot has the shape and whose concentration of adulterant is known, once the model has
of samples spectra which prove that the whole information is contained been established, it can be applied to unknown samples. Keeping in
in PC1. mind that models are acceptable, if the correlation coefficient (R) is
close to the unity and the (SEC), (RMSEC), (SEP) and (RMSEP) errors
are close to each other with low values. In practice, R value greater than
4.4. PLS results
0.9 indicates a good response from NIRS for the parameter, between 0.9
and 0.7 the answer is average and below 0.7 the response is considered
The purpose of PLSR is to establish a mathematical model that links

S. Farres, et al. Vibrational Spectroscopy 102 (2019) 79–84

Fig. 5. (a) Bi-dimensional loadings plot in the spectral range 500–1000 nm. (b)
Bi-dimensional loadings plot in the spectral range. 1000–1700 nm.

Fig. 4. (a) 3D Scores plot of 112 adulterated argan oil samples in the spectral oils. Less than 1 s run by NIRS allows the detection of the percentage of
range 500–1000 nm. (b) 3D scores plot of 112 adulterated argan oil samples in
adulteration of argan oil from 0.35%.
the spectral range. 1000–1700 nm.
It was essential to use spectral preprocessing such as MSC,
Smoothing, first and second derivative to remove noise, deformations
poor. In Prediction, when a new spectrum is inserted, it is compared to and any irrelevant information that could not be processed properly. It
the spectral basis, then the spectra of which is the closest serve in the was demonstrated that PCA is an excellent method to discriminate
realization of a PLS regression. adulterated argan oil samples and allowed the distinction between
Prediction result of the content of vegetable oils in argan oil is il- samples adulterated with cheap vegetable oils. Besides PLSR model is
lustrated by Fig. 6b with a correlation of 0.90, SEP of 4.67, REMSEP of an excellent alternative tool to detect percentage of adulteration in pure
4.57 and a bias of 1.26. Horizontal and vertical axes respectively re- argan oil. Analyzes are made on 112 samples, of which 80 were chosen
present measured and predicted values for the appropriate adulteration to make the model and 30 samples are used for the prediction.
parameter. Good results of PCA models were achieved in both spectral range
The low value of SEP and RMSEP as well as the value of the cor- 500–1000 nm and 1000–1700 nm but ones obtained in the second
relation coefficient which is close to unity proves that this mathema- spectral range are the best, and for PLS, best results were obtained in
tical model obtained by the PLS provides best estimates for adulteration the spectral range 500–1000 nm with a correlation R of 0.90, RESMEP
rate. of 4.67 and SEP of 4.57.
Results prove that combining NIRS with chemometric methods lead
to very successful prediction models that show excellent predictive
5. Conclusion performance.

The main results of this work present a new measurement protocol

using NIRS combined to chemometric tools as a new spectroscopy
analysis in order to assess argan oil adulteration by two cheap vegetable

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