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Vocabulary Grammar 1 Podpisz obrazki nazwami z ramki. 3. Uléé zdania. Uzyj czasownika be w formie czas. past simple. cable car hovercraft hotair-balloon be hovaroret 1 you /be / ate / for school this morning? moteritce, hetcoptes, underground Were you late for school this morning? 2 it/ not be / cold /last Saturday a f es 5 Goaasic ircton vate piety 4: this kite /be / my favourite toy B how many people / be / at the park / today? 4 2 5 : 7 CB CBD 4 Uzupetnij zdania podanymi czasownikami wformie ezasu past simple. 2 Uzupetnij wyrazy zwiazane z transportem. 1 We _arrived _ at the station at two o'clock. 4 texi 4 me (arvve) i 5 ie, 2 We to York by train. (go) 3 ta 6 ba 3 She. @ return ticket. (buy) CB 4 The bus at the traffic lights. (stop) . 5 We the living room. (tidy) ‘Speaking 6 Theplane over our house. (fy) CB 5 Uzupetnij tokst czasownikami z ramki w formie czasu past simple. 6 Ponumerui kwestie dialogu we wlaschwe) kolejnosci. Tom dike a ticket to Manchester, please. 1 Tom Here you are. Which platform is it? Tom Single, please. Clerk Thank you. I's number 5! Clerk Single or tum? Clerk That's £17.50, please, - be read amive buy be wait = The train !__was late because of the snow. = We? our tickets, and |? a CB magazine. We for the train for nearly two hours Listening When it? 07 o'clock, we weren't very 8 ¢)02 Postuchaj nagrania. Zakresi wlasciwa — ee odpowiede. CB 41. Ben stayed with his@ousinB/ grandparents last week Ben travelled tothe island by ferry / hovercraft. ‘On the island, the weather was het / foggy Ben saw some rice boots / boats. ‘The vilage they vsted was on the isan /a hil Ben went tothe vilage by cable car / on foot DEERE © ostecsvesiy Press ate Steps Plus 6 @ Unit1 Testa 4 ow. * Reading 7 Prasczytaj tekst. Oznacz zdania jako prawdziwe (/) lub fatszywe (X). Writ Jessica travelled with her father. xK Jessica was on The Pink Lady for seven, ‘months. ‘She didn't have any problems during the journey. 7 It was hot all the time. ‘The waves were very big, ‘There wasn't much fresh fruit on her boat. CB 9 Ulét zdania z potaczonych wyrazeri z ramki A. i ramki B, Polacz te wyrazenia spéjnikami and, but, or, s0 i because. Extra 10 Uzupetnij wyrazy. 4 The train to York laaves from platform _ 2. 2. Christopher Columbus was an 3. Slovakia is s, of Poland 4 Meg so when she saw a bat. 5 Lublin isin the e. of Poland. 6 | didnt pay. It was f ' CB 14. Uzupetnij dialog wyrazeniami z ramki, running late never mind good news change trains riesed justin time Jo What a joumey! First | . missed the bus, 601 thought I was going to miss the train too, but twas? Lisa That was ! Jo Then Ihad to% because there wai problem atthe station. Lisi - Youre here ow and youre the film starts CB in S minutes, A B 4 Wewentinio ‘athe weather there town is often cold 2 Do you prefer the mountains ‘orange juice were beautiful 3 Hove England © Iwasn't late for 4 The bus was on school time, d-had lunch ina 5. Ann took a photo cals 6 Theywentona | | e they did some boat, fishing lemonade? 41 We went info town and had lunch in a café. 2 3 4 5 6 DERE © Screens cone Steps Plus 6 @ Unit1 TestA 2 Coal DEERE © ostecsvesiy Press ate Steps Pus 6 penis TestA 3

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