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Person 1: Hello, Steyci, how are you? Would you like to have dinner out tonight?

Person 2: Hello! Sounds good to me, I really want to go out to eat. Do you have a place in

Person 1: how about have chinese food? I heard about a new restaurant downtown. Would
you like to try it?

Person 2: Chinese food? I don't really feel like it.

Person 1: Hmm... Well, how about we try something else? How about we go to "Deli
Chicken", is it a fried chicken restaurant?

Person 2: Hmm... I think it's better not to, they told me that it's not that good and that the
chicken is very greasy. Furthermore, the environment is not the best and people do not know
how to serve you.

Person 1: You're right, I don't think it's a good idea. Why don't we have fast food?

Person 2: Good idea. Do you know any place around here?

Person 1: Of course, I heard about a new restaurant, it's fast food. They say it's very good.

Person 2: really? What is the name of the place?

Person 1: Yes. The restaurant is called "The Corner of Good Flavor." They say they make
the best pizza and delicious burgers.

Person 2: Oh, I heard about that place. They say that the atmosphere is very good and that
the people are very friendly

Person 1: Oh, really?

Person 2: Yes, they also told me that it became a very popular place since it is very quiet
and above all it is a very clean place.

Person 1: Sounds exciting. I already want to go to eat.

Person 2: Yes, I think it will be a unique experience. At what time do we meet?

Person 1: Is it okay if I pick you up at 7pm?

Person 2: I don't know. First I have to present a project from my university. What do you think
if we better meet there?
Person 1: Okay. no problem

Person 2: See you later paolo

Person 1: See you later Steyci


Person 2: Hello Paolo, I'm sorry there was a lot of traffic on the way here.

Person 1: Hello Steyci. No problem. What are you going to order?

Person 2: I'm craving pizza, which one do you recommend?

Person 1: I recommend American pizza, it's delicious

Person 2: That sounds delicious! I'll order a pizza and maybe a small dessert.

Person 1: Great! By the way, they say that one block from here, there is a coffee shop.

Person 2: OH, seriously, I love coffee, it's the best, but what are you going to order?

Person 1: I think I'll order a burger. What do you want to drink?

Person 2: A soda is fine. But is it okay if we order some tea first?

Person 1: Tea? because?

Person 2: yes, a tea, because the hamburger and the pizza have a lot of fat and can harm
us, and the tea helps reduce the fat.

Person 1: You're right. Let's order the tea first and then the soda. How about we order an ice
cream for dessert?

Person 2: I think it's great!

Person 1: What flavor of ice cream would you like?

Person 2: I think I prefer the chocolate one.

Person 1: I prefer vanilla. The chocolate one is very sweet and I don't like it very much.

Person 2: Then we ordered a vanilla ice cream and another chocolate ice cream

Person 1: Sounds good to me


Person 2: The food was delicious.

Person 1: Yes, it was a unique experience, the burger was the best, it was very delicious.

Person 2: What I liked the most was the ice cream. It was artisanal ice cream. It was
delicious and not too sweet.

Person 1: This is one of the best experiences of my life.

Person 2: Yes, this dinner was the best.

Person 1: We have to come to this place again.

Person 2: That's fine with me

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