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Team = "Pirates"
_G.FpsBoost = false

getgenv().Chatkill = {
getgenv().Region_Hop = {
["Enable"] = true, -- true/false
["Region"] = "Singapore"
--[[Singapore, United States, Germany, Japan, France, Australia, etc
- Singapore is the best choice for Asia
_G.Setting = {
["Start Hunting"] = true, -- Bro wtf don't turn it off
["Ken Haki"] = true,
["WhiteScreen"] = true,
["FruitStuff"] = true, -- Auto Buy and Store Fruits
["Run"] = 3500, -- As the name, you'll run when the health below ...
["MaxHealth"] = 5000,
["Time&Bounty Counter"] = true,
["Click Delay"] = 0.2,
["SkipPlayerWhenBeingLowHealth"] = false,
["Check"] = {
["V4 Players"] = true,
["Portal Users"] = false,
["Buddha Users"] = false
["Theme"] = { -- You can get RGB colors from "Color Picker" on google
["Default"] = "YaeMiko", -- Use this if you don't know how to customize the
theme, get themes on:
["Custom Theme"] = {
["Enable"] = false, -- Set this "false" if not knowing how to customize
the theme
["Color"] = {
["Title Color"] = Color3.fromRGB(0, 170, 255),
["Title-Back Color"] = Color3.fromRGB(0, 85, 255),
["Button Color"] = Color3.fromRGB(0, 0, 255),
["Stats Color"] = {
["Text Color"] = Color3.fromRGB(0, 170, 255),
["Text Stroke"] = Color3.fromRGB(30, 56, 203)
["Melee"] = {
["Time"] = 1.5,
["Enable"] = true,
["Z"] = {["Enable"] = true, ["HoldTime"] = 1.25},
["X"] = {["Enable"] = true, ["HoldTime"] = 0},
["C"] = {["Enable"] = true, ["HoldTime"] = 0}
["Fruit"] = {
["Time"] = 1,
["Enable"] = false,
["Z"] = {["Enable"] = true, ["HoldTime"] = 1.75},
["X"] = {["Enable"] = true, ["HoldTime"] = 0},
["C"] = {["Enable"] = true, ["HoldTime"] = 0},
["V"] = {["Enable"] = true, ["HoldTime"] = 0},
["F"] = {["Enable"] = true, ["HoldTime"] = 0}
["Sword"] = {
["Time"] = 0,
["Enable"] = true,
["Z"] = {["Enable"] = true, ["HoldTime"] = 0},
["X"] = {["Enable"] = false, ["HoldTime"] = 0},
["Gun"] = {
["Time"] = 0.8,
["Enable"] = true,
["GunMode"] = true,
["Z"] = {["Enable"] = true, ["HoldTime"] = 0},
["X"] = {["Enable"] = true, ["HoldTime"] = 0},

repeat wait() until game:IsLoaded()


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