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Giacomo Martinelli

Italian Classical Guitarist


Giacomo Martinelli is an Italian guitarist, coming from Tuscany. He is working with

exponents of various disciplines and is carrying forward his proposal as a search for
modalities in which different languages and forms of expression are encountered with the
aim of favoring a wide availability of cultural heritage and as a development of the
territories and humanitarian themes.
Born in Lucca in 1994, he began his guitar studies when he was very young.
He studied with Maestro Giampaolo Bandini at the Luigi Boccherini Music Institute in
Lucca where he graduated with honors and honors in the rst level Bachelor's degree.
Also in Lucca, he obtained the II level diploma with the highest grade and honors thanks
to a thesis that received great consensus on the rediscovery of the composer William
Walton and on his relation with Astor Piazzolla. He holds in addition a Master in Artistic
Direction and Musical Management (Madamm).
He improved his technique and musicality by participating in numerous festivals
and master classes with guitarists such as Pavel Steild, Oscar Ghiglia, Giulio Tampalini,
Carlo Marchione, Judicael Perroi, Lorenzo Micheli, Zoran Dukic, Adriano del Sal, József
Eötvös, Dariusz Kupinki, Leo Brouwer.
From 2010 to 2013 he held concert activities playing in the formation of a guitar octet
with the Boccherini Guitar Ensamble. During this training, they have been invited to
several concert seasons in Italy: as a member of the Boccherini Guitar Ensemble he won
the "Guitar Ensemble Convention" of Cremona-Fiere in 2011.
In 2016 he was included in the sixth concert festival at the important Salone di
Rappresentanza of Palazzo Tursi in the city of Genoa, playing music by Nicolò Paganini.
He also participated in the same year in the complete composition of the composer's
guitar music, held in the city of Parma, Lucca and La Spezia.
Since 2016, along with three other well-known concert artists in the Italian and
international music scene, he is a member of the Boccherini Guitar Quartet. With this
formation he gets invited for concerts throughout Italy.
In August 2017 he was asked as a guitar teacher for the the rst Yamaha Music
School located in Tuscany.
In collaboration with the Istituto Musicale L. Boccherini he carries on the project
"Boccherini Youth Guitar Orchestra": an orchestra formed by young guitarists. Thanks to
his commitment in teaching, he has created a group for young students who have already
had the chance to pass certi cations in the conservatory and admissions to guitar classes
in musical high schools.
In March 2018 he was invited to play for RAI, the National Television, in the "Sereno
Variabile”, program directed by Giovanni Muciaccia.
In June 2019 he won the Absolute First prize to the International Guitar Competition
“Riviera della Versilia”. For a 2019 summer tour he plays some concerts in Los Angeles:
San Pedro, Playa del Rey, San Diego and Torrance.
After the forced stop for the Covid19 in 2022 he plays in the opera Don Pasquale di
Donizetti in Austria for the Tiroler Festspiele Erl.
He worked in 2023 on his rst album titled “29 Years Later” released in May of the
same year.
He used to perform with a guitar made by Philip Wood eld.

Francois Couperin - The Mysterious Barricades (1717)

Ralph Towner - Green and Golden (2002)
Elia Faccini - Like an elegy (2023)

Sergio Assad - Valseana (1975)

M. Castelnuovo Tedesco - El sueño de la razon produce monstruos (1961)


Astor Piazzolla - Romantico (1981)

William Walton - Bagatella n. 1 (1972)

- Bagattella n. 3

Jan Depreter - Northern Lights (1975)

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