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Indigo DPP-10

1. Who was Rajkumar Shukla? What did he want from 7. The Champaran episode was a turning point in
Gandhiji? Gandhiji’s life. Elucidate.

2. What information did Gandhiji get about the 8. Why was Gandhiji against taking help from Charles
sharecropping system in Champaran? Freer Andrews? What values of life are conveyed by
3. Describe Gandhiji’s visit at Muzzafarpur.
9. How was Gandhi able to influence lawyers? Give
4. Describe the incident related to Motihari. instances.
How can you say that the civil disobedience was 10. “Freedom from fear is more important than legal
succeeded first time in modern India? justice for the poor”. Do you think that the poor of
India are free from fear after Independence?
5. Why is the Champaran episode considered to be the
beginning of the Indian struggle for Independence?

6. Gandhiji’s loyality was not a loyalty to abstractions;

it was loyalty to living human beings. Why did
Gandhiji continue his stay in Champaran even after
indigo sharecropping disappeared?

Hints and Solutions

1. Rajkumar Shukla was a peasant from Champaran. Gandhiji talked to the lawyers about the court cases
He visited Gandhiji in 1942 at his ashram in of the sharecroppers. They brief him about the cases
Sevagram, in Central India. He wanted that Gandhiji and also reported him about the size of their fees.
should accompany him to his village in Champaran Gandhiji chided the lawyers for collecting big fee
district. He described to Gandhiji about himself and from the sharecroppers. He said that it was useless
his district. He told Gandhiji the peasants of to go to the courts when the peasants were so
Champaran were sharecroppers. Rajkumar Shukla crushed and fear-stricken.
was illiterate but resolute.
He had came to the Congress session to complain 4. Gandhiji visited British official commissioner of
about the injustice of the landlord system in Bihar, Trihut division. He tried to bully Gandhiji and
and somebody told him to speak to Gandhiji. At that ordered him to leave Trihut. Gandhiji proceeded to
time, Gandhiji was very busy. Shukla accompanied Motihari, the capital of Champaran. A large number
him everywhere in India. For weeks he never left of people greeted him at the railway station. A
Gandhiji’s side. report came that a peasant had been maltreated in a
Impressed by the sharecropper’s tenacity and story nearby village. Gandhiji decided to go there.
Gandhiji said, “I have to be in Calcutta on such-and- Gandhji was a given a notice to leave Champaran
such a date. Come and meet me and take me from immediately. Gandhiji signed the receipt and wrote
there.” Shukla reached at the appointed spot in on it that he would disobey the order.
Calcutta when Gandhiji arrived. He waited till As a result Gandhiji was ordered to present in the
Gandhiji was free. Then Gandhiji went with him to court the next day. The next morning a lot of
Patna by train. peasants had gathered in the town of Motihari to
support Gandhiji. The officials had to seek
2. The chief commercial crop of Champaran was Gandhiji’s help to control the crowd. However they
indigo. The British landlords compelled all the ten- got the clear message that the Indians couldn’t be
ants to plant 15% of their holdings with indigo and ordered in their own country. The government was
surrender the entire indigo harvest as rent. This was baffled. They wanted to postpone the trial.
done by a long-term contract. Then the land-lords Gandhiji protested against it. He told the court that
came to know that the Germany had developed he was not a lawbreaker, but he had duties towards
synthetic indigo. Now producing natural indigo was his countrymen. In the end the judge said he would
not at all profitable. Very cunningly the British not deliver any judgement for several days. Gandhiji
landlords obtained agreements from the was allowed to remain at liberty. After a few days
sharecroppers to pay them compensation for being the case against him was dropped. The civil
released from the 15% agreement. Many disobedience was suc¬ceeded first time in modern
sharecroppers signed it willingly while the others India.
engaged lawyers. The landlords hired thugs.
Meanwhile, the information about synthetic indigo 5. Gandhiji thought that the problem of the
reached the illiterate peasants. Who had paid the sharecroppers could be solved within a few days.
compensation wanted their money back. But he stayed there for months. The landlords were
compelled to refund some of the money they
3. Gandhiji decided to go to Muzzafarpur, which was extracted from the peasants illegally and also they
en route to Champaran. He wanted to obtain more had to part with their prestige. Eventually they
information about the conditions there. He stayed abandoned their estates which were reverted to the
for two days in the home of Professor Malkani who peasants.
was a teacher in a government school. It was not an The peasants came to know that they had rights and
ordinary thing those days for a government the defender of their rights. Before that the planters
professor to harbour a man like him. In smaller had behaved as lords above the law. The
localities, the Indians were afraid to show sympathy government was compelled to bow before Gandhiji
for the advocates of home-rule. The news of the and the case against him was dropped. The civil
advent of Gandhiji spread quickly to Champaran disobedience was succeeded for the first time in
and Muzzafarpur. Sharecroppers in large number India. Therefore the Champaran episode is
came to see their champion.

considered as the beginning of the Indian struggle Gandhiji’s lawyer friends thought it would be a
for Independence. good idea for Andrews to stay at Champaran and
help them. Andrews was willing if Gandhiji agreed.
6. Gandhiji was able to win the battle of Champaran But Gandhiji strongly opposed it. He said to have
for the poor sharecroppers. They got their land back Mr. Andrews on their side only because he
from the British landlords. But Gandhiji continued happened to be an Englishman is wrong. It would
his stay there. Gandhiji saw the cultural and social show only the weakness of their spirit. They were
backwardness in the Champaran villages and fighting for a just cause and they should believe in
wanted to do something about it. Many of his their strength. This incident showed that self-
disciples joined him in this noble cause. His reliance and self-help are most important to achieve
youngest son and his wife also arrived there from any goal.
the ashram. Primary schools were opened in six
villages. 9. Gandhiji was able to influence the lawyers in
Kasturbai taught the ashram rules on personal several ways. First he came to know about the size
cleanliness and community sanitation. Health of fee they collected from the peasants to fight their
conditions were miserable. Gandhiji got a doctor cases in court. He chided them for that. He told
volunteer. He offered his services for six months. them that taking such cases to courts were not good
Three medicines were available castor oil, quinine when the peasants were so crushed and fear-
and sulphur ointment. Anybody who showed a stricken. When it was feared that Gandhiji might be
coated tongue was given a dose of castor oil; put to prison they consulted among themselves.
anybody with malaria fever received quinine and They realised that if Gandhiji who was totally
castor oil; anybody with skin eruptions received stranger, and yet ready to go to prison for the sake
ointment with castor oil. of peasants; it would be shameful for them to go
Gandhiji’s loyalty was not a loyalty to abstractions; homes since they were not only the residents of the
it was a loyalty towards human beings. His politics adjoining districts but also had claimed to help the
was intertwined with the practical day-to-day peasants. Therefore they decided to follow Gandhiji
problems of the millions. in jail in pairs. In Champaran an Englishman,
Charles Freer Andrews became Gandhiji’s disciple.
7. Gandhiji considered the Champaran episode a The lawyers throught that it would be of great help
turning point in his life. His revolutionary vision to them if Andrews supported them. But Gandhiji
inspired many people. The episode was linked with told that it would show only the weakness of their
day to day problems of the poor peasants of soul to seek help of Mr Andrews only because he
Champaran. They were compelled by the British happened to be an Englishman. They should learn to
landlords to crop Indigo in 15% of their total be self-reliant.
holdings and surrender the whole harvest as rent.
When they discovered that synthetic Indigo had 10. The episode of Champaran represents the
been developed by Germany, they no longer needed exploitation of the poor Indian peasants by the
the harvest of the peasants. But they hid this fact British planters. At that time India was under British
from the peasants. rule. But even after seventy years of Independence
Instead they demanded compensation from the poor there is Champaran everywhere in India. The poor
peasants to release them from the 15% agreement. are still exploited by the bureaucrats, moneylenders
Some signed willingly, while others engaged and politicians. The moneylenders charge
lawyers. The landlords hired thugs. Gandhiji helped unimaginably high rates of interest from the
the poor peasants by protesting and civil farmers.
disobedience. At last, he was successful in freeing No wonder the incidents of suicides by the farmers
the peasants from the exploitation. Many other are on the rise. Our constitution has given equal
movements took place after t that. It also meant the rights to all Indians. But in fact the poor can’t enjoy
victory of civil disobedience for the first time in any of the rights given to them by the constitution.
India. They are remembered only at the time of elections.
Though they had got political freedom yet this
8. Early in the Champaran action, Charles Freer freedom is shameful.
Andrews, the English pacifist became Gandhiji’s
devoted follower. He came to bid Gandhiji farewell
before leaving for his duty to the Fiji Islands.

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