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ROME E KIbBc. sackieg of eum + Leomias Agustus = last roman emperor vv the _ we) ne Reasons for deci 9 Aawasient by barbarian tribec ki shen Pome @ | Bean troubles 4c - 446 A @\t eof the west eastern Empie (1H Byzantine Empire) Blevecespansicn and millary overspendina D1 Gorecommt corruption aad palilicad cnstabili —— 2 he_arrivel. the Huot and tne ugrahon of the barbarian tribes S| Chrithaaity and he less of tradibenal values ) | Weatining of the roman Legions Lemans Pacbariane i Luk eigemzed , proper govemance a ty Le sunporbive § juycb 4 laws eke. Among Neuselves ~~ le: fen agra faci 8 they wien’ weil organise | id they lected obawily ameoe, Lmate locked proper goaieone) A thesetves : ~ Be. + ml + m “ilk nn] a Bee. S| Shee! GERMAN kiNGpOMs iN Le a 9 Barbas 7 — | umlean i et Lente aa [coon or_the wrong Ape of _ebrishan a Ee | el Name of some barbarian vil ee | Ks - celts [EE cranes = Vandals eT = Vis. goth = Ostroaoth a empire kingdoms were all over. | europe. __ | spain = Visigotss Br ecb, the begining 2 Sth c6ntury viSigoths crossed the pye nes an. spied most of spe Sh » + |Visigoths founded kouns in spai the visigoth. kin thedone Il muslims invaded in the _€th century and they lasted till 'S tle cenke Lombards in Tbaly Lombards came to italy duting Ihe ‘Git century (40 nerthern ‘tell and they built three kingeloms Lombards tint barbarians who tried to have Cennecbon 1 with roman church: meas visigoths lived wdh I remans ,theic cultures mixed Spread of cheshani, and better _connechon ( tombards atceptec) ronan _ talbure , language ete. yi they First made _connethons with the church, important becnure - é Sf polite Teasene) | ike other barbarian tribes Yay assimilated 4o__France They gare _their_name to frame’) century te northern Francs | mest leader __“elow's" .- converted 40 _chrishanity ane bis py faa “| first barba tibe who _acceped _chrichant comple tel accepted pope Pranks became strongest ot all_barbarinn skates Anglo - sewons ia €nglane Dunag the 5th and 6H cenbur they built kingdoms ta britian £ | After Franks Hoey accepted eheitian society in Euga PeUpaLism C1 -IBth cent = tom they lived _& treated (cach other sles De ep pnecans a oon RIE bb Hierarchy oF _ feudaliem by king hood & Periodilization of tne middle cee: ie 40th = 13th sntury Eurcpean a naedival. wher A gecial hierarchy was _ establish: ba: tocal__administrhve contol 3 the distaibytion of land into _unils Cheb) A landermer (iord) gave _a fh along il anne mrillaty are) legel prolechen stn cetun {era protection | aayment of some kind trom the person robo recieved i Cvassal) - peop | who york orcs _ fields. Eo «| eudalan devtliped ait of peoples need for _prolesian _anqinss Fe inudderse wan dies tandommsress need Jer dekcmas aaa ial Feadaliem Ze] ‘ a | palltical and _econome system / agreement dependent on land | comecthip and enonal erally loyally «| Hierarchies developed less powerful__nobles became __vessals persons under the protection of a feudal ruler) of the more powerbal (0 FEUDAL SystéM KINGS land s, loyal dy fh fees loyalty flee) fac Support Lorps land tp Fees oval enicneats Protection teers, tovalty labor seRes Feudal system was made especially for !-“ PROTECTION }§—__# | E “ near total au within fieb .. He was in charge ———“r~1 = the fet for | tes = mounted «| FICE Céte)= land granted to a _vesal_or_kaght to evemee {| ~ dive_on | take care of the tc tand in exchai for fet, armored cavalr + | seees/peasmurs = bound to the land , could not leave i¢ nd all theiy labor produced belonged 40 the lore! DB Rinadom of Franks Merrvingia ry ly tartlingjan (byes \echartec Martel (Ne and hi aemy year 129 sth et France i muslims were stepped became famous io europe Abies bw Aiter charles Mevtel came Chievlemann, & pore tee Wi crowned Charlemagne sas the holy ronan Cmpess ‘River drina = iy cenlury eaten & western pump epg horde Later mestern empire fel) ated beame Frankch empee pa tec empire became the Gnend Pome besl Byz A Laster —compice Corthedes theistaa) , Hastern ény fe J city in conctontingals had built ao. caps the cupen on the site of the greek city Byzantium the 6, empire arese trom this side Mewmbile , the eastern Reman empire veas ship. enistagce and nie known as the Bysintine empite Bech constnbnople, wai ona peaiacula cverleobing the Bosporus. q strait connecting the black cea to 4 “_conwal_ location the tity controted. Mediterranean sea Fem key trade routes that linked éuroge and Asia Byzantine _empre : mice wwalthy matt shedg enpice in europe at the time CAiteccoce. behseer) Western CFraokish . Barbarians) Odehoyed by invaders D Society (mired pecause of barbarians. Eastern (2: ine) \0 sate, new protected D Soritty (related 40 winad eniowe) Fo Feudal Speen [® centralized gevernment Cont Oe, one enpaor ‘one reteren) ried to a ar foiled sRiowh be diel expood £0 some paid tb title the “tad roman" On the route of the silk read. + traded ! Horses, thoroughbred camels, oStnches © danned hides courage ® Leyalty were importa to these tribes + the building vas used for _@ peace meeting between difterent clans [bribes « + Muhammad was born here in AD 570 Cth century) — Tre _ Frog Muhammad = Been info powerful Meccan Fam «He became an orphan by age four, and Wis uncle (the clan/ tribe leader) raised bin + He married a eveally merchant + Around tne ge ef 40, he recieved a call from the Angel Grabrie) Clibril) 40 proctain him the messenger of Allah.

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