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The Longing for Intimacy without Shame

The Seven Longings of the Human Heart | Chapter Five

what the enemy offers, we minimize our

Topic Outline: chances of experiencing real intimacy,
● Topic I leaving ourselves open to loneliness even in
● Topic II
the midst of multitudes. In loneliness, Satan
can destroy people much more easily.
 It seems unimaginable that such a great
 Even before, the Father burned with the
God longs to be intimately connected to
desire to have a family, to know them and
broken people. It is really an indescribable
be known by them in a deep and profound
way. That is why He fashioned the human
 Moses wrote Adam and Eve’s story in the
heart to long for intimacy with Him and with
others. early chapters of Genesis. Moses pointed to
the glory of married love when he described
 The One who created everything knows
how God brought Adam and Eve together to
every movement of our hearts and He
become one flesh. He emphasized that they
wants to share His heart with us. It has
were naked and experienced no shame.
been the Father’s dream. God created us
 Paul quoted Genesis 2:18 in Ephesians
with a profound desire to fully know and to
be fully known without shame. 5:31-32, applying it to the spiritual
relationship between Jesus and the Church.
 God satisfies this longing by revealing His
The creation of Adam and Eve to become
heart to us and by communicating how
one flesh is a prophetic picture of the way
much He truly does know us.
that Jesus will be joined to His church. Paul
 Most people live with a devastating sense of
referred to this as God’s great mystery.
loneliness in this life. It is not God’s plan for
Spiritually speaking, being naked and
us to be created in such a way that
unashamed means all the secrets of our
loneliness severely breaks and bruises us
hearts will be fully unveiled. We will have no
and live without sharing our joys and
shame before God when this occurs.
sorrows with anyone just like most of the
 There are times when we have this sin that
no matter what we have done, we always
 Rather, God’s people are meant to have
go back to it which makes us so frustrated
intimacy and unity with each another,
and ashamed. And when we’ve sinned, we
because the Father has permitted Jesus to
are so ashamed to seek forgiveness or talk
pour His glory out on us now in part, and in
to the Lord since we’ve already repented it,
fullness in the age to come.
why are we committing this sin over and
 Because of Jesus, we can have no fear of
over again? Which causes us to distance
being left to experience the mysteries and
ourselves from Him, and can't face him. But
the ups and downs of life alone.
every time we sin, the lord actually wants us
 The Father is the one who first observed
to come for him, we all know that, it’s our
that loneliness is not good for the human
shame that hinders us from coming to our
spirit, remarking in Genesis 2:18 how “it is
father. Because we know that when we go
not good that man should be alone.”
through him he will just shower his love,
 The human heart craves intimacy; therefore, telling us how he loves us which makes us
the enemy seeks to exploit this by bringing more ashamed. We cannot accept his love
us down many avenues that offer a since we messed up again. We think that
counterfeit intimacy which in turn brings the lord must punish us, not embrace us.
shame. The irony is that when we accept
 God still offers a covering for our shame,  The geometry term “ray” is useful in
this time through the sacrifice of His Son. understanding the idea of intimacy with
God was and is fully determined to draw Jesus. A ray is a line that has a beginning
near to us in such a way that we would have point, but no end. Moving from left to right
no shame in our relationships with Him. on the number line, a ray begins and
continues on in one direction eternally.
Intimacy with Jesus is like that in a sense.
FINDING INTIMACY WITHOUT SHAME Looking at a timeline, we can identify a point
 Intimacy was not designed to only find where we began to draw near to Him, to tell
shame in it. In fact, it is possible to Him our secrets and listen carefully to His.
experience an intimacy with God and This is the beginning of intimacy.
people that has no shame in it. Intimacy  The human intimacy is limited in scope,
means so much more than a physical union. intimacy with God continues forever.
It is the empowering confidence people  The depth and length of His love is like a
have in one another that allows them to vast ocean that can never be exhausted.
share the deepest parts of their hearts, their  While everything we know about His
hopes and dreams, their fears and failures, majesty would seem to make Him
their feelings and frustrations. unapproachable, His heart draws us closer.
 God knows the most secret aspects of our It is the ultimate peasant-to-princess story.
lives, especially the areas where we feel  To know Christ and be known by Him
unknown, unnoticed or misunderstood. He means we experience intimacy at levels we
knows what we feel and what we fear. But previously never imagined could take place.
He wants us to invite Him into the deep When invited, He invades every place of our
parts of our hearts each step of the way. hearts and says, “I want to live here, too. I
 They’ve had experiences where they’ve want to know all there is to know about
shared their deepest secrets with another you.” He desires that all things hidden or
person, sometimes even a spouse, and private would be open before Him. In return,
found out later that those secrets were He reveals the hidden things in His heart to
betrayed to others. us.
 We can be sure that intimacy with Jesus is
safe. He will not betray us, He will cover us. INTIMACY IN OUR VICTORY AND PROSPERITY
He will embrace us. He will keep our  By nature of being our Creator, He knows
secrets. fully of what we are capable. But being also
 And intimacy with Jesus is not a one-sided our Redeemer, He knows just as well how
discussion. Jesus has secrets of His own. often we fall short of our capabilities. He is
He has plans, feelings and emotions that simultaneously our greatest coach,
involve us. Intimacy involves our knowledge cheerleader, supporter and defender.
of His secrets as well. He desires to share  When God looks at you, even if you’re not in
with us what He is thinking. As Psalm 25:14 the game yet, He sees the potential He
says, “The secret of the LORD is with those invested in you. While He is fully aware of
who fear Him…” Jesus desires to unveil His your failings, He is looking beyond them to
heart to us because He has confidence in the successes in your future. At a time when
us. all indicators would suggest otherwise, He
 Throughout eternity, Jesus will continue to looks you squarely in the eye and says,
tell us things that move His heart. God has “You’re going to make it.
called only the redeemed into intimacy with  The Lord celebrates the now in us, but he
Him, not the angels. also celebrates the then, when we do well in
the fullest sense. God celebrates us
throughout the entire journey. Our intimacy holds our hand, not as one who strives in
with Him includes a far broader experience vain to understand, but as one who has truly
than what we are doing right now. He been there and who walks through each
clearly sees where we are going in His moment with us.
grand plan for our lives.  Jesus has walked beside us through so
 God alone fully understands our true nobility much sin that it would be scandalous if
and the heights of our greatness in Him. He revealed. In all of it, He covered us,
will experience greatness with us. Jesus protected us and offered us a place to heal.
knows your greatness far better than you  God has walked us through every sin in our
know it. He alone really knows who we are. lives. He forgives us, feels our pain during
 When failure, and protects us by not disclosing the
we are successful, all sorts of people gather vast majority of our sin. He knows our
around us and pat us on the back, but many shameful deeds, yet believes in us and
do so with the intention of leveraging our treats us with the honor we have not
success for their good, or siphoning off our deserved or earned. Now that is intimacy
fame and fortune for their own purposes. with us in our struggle.
They are not sharing our success out of
intimacy; they are manipulating it for their INTIMACY WITH US IN OUR SACRIFICES
opportunity.  Sacrifice is not just demanded during trying
 Like no human can, Jesus rejoices with us times. We’re all called to make sacrifices
when we rejoice. every day.
 The heart of Jesus has drawn near to those
 Not all intimacy is centered on joy or  His eye has been attracted to those who
celebration. have given without expecting to be noticed
 Jesus alone knows the depths of our by other people.
longings, dreams and intentions to love  In intimacy with Him, we find strength to
Him. Even our failed intentions to love Him continue.
are seen and appreciated.  Eventually, through the intimacy with God
 The two most powerful realities that move that accompanies our giving, we will find a
the human heart are beauty and pain. While certain joy in sacrificially pouring ourselves
we will forever be exhilarated with the out.
beauty of Jesus, some of our greatest times  Jesus wants to come alongside us in those
of intimacy with Him will be as we fellowship moments when we wonder if anyone even
amidst suffering (Philippians 3:10), as we realizes what sacrifices we are making and
endure pain and hardship. give us joy in the moment so that we can be
 The pain of persecution and the pain of our glad and rejoice as we are being poured out
failure actually serve as escorts to know and for others. Intimacy with Jesus in sacrifice is
experience Jesus at more intimate levels. by no means limited to this age. In the age
When our hearts are hurting and starving to to come, He will recall each sacrifice we
be comforted, He will be most vivid in our made
experience, if we allow Him. throughout our Christian lives. He will
 Jesus is our Protector and our Rescuer— surprise us as He retells times of giving we
the Man who went before us and gave have long forgotten and how He felt about
everything for love is near to us and us
intimately knows our pain. During our when we were giving ourselves to others for
darkest, hardest times, when most people His sake.
draw away from us, He draws closer. He
INTIMACY IN KNOWING THE PASSIONS OF OUR HEARTS  To a world full of people who are longing for
 The Lord sees the end from the beginning. intimacy without shame, Jesus says, “I am
With intimate knowing, He understands here to meet you. I will rejoice with you in
what excites us and what we are passionate your successes. I will weep with you during
about. your times of failure and heartache. I will
 Psalm 37:4 says: “Delight yourself also in see and understand your sacrifices, and I
the Lord, and He shall give you the desires will celebrate and affirm the passions that
of your heart.” I’ve heard it taught that if you make you unique in time and eternity. I will
love God wholeheartedly, He will drop these be truly intimate with you—I will know you
little blessings your way…that car you’ve and you will know Me, and there will be no
always promised yourself. shame in it.
 The logical extension of this train of thought
is some sort of big swap meet with God, a
“pray for pay” plan that puts Him in the role
of a heavenly Santa Claus rather than a
loving Father.
 What if, at the moment we became a
person, we were hard-wired for certain
pursuits? Could it be that He has, in fact,
implanted the desires of our hearts within
us, not in the form of some conditional
contract, but as extensions of who we really
 There’s a reason you feel a pure sense of
pleasure when you do certain things.
Perhaps they are the things you were truly
made to do. The preacher who is as fulfilled
preaching to five people as to five thousand
was made to preach. The musician who is
as content playing to an empty prayer room
as she is to a room full of worshippers, was
made to play. The businessperson who gets
great satisfaction from a job done well was
created for that labor. God placed those
desires in their hearts and when they
express them, He draws especially near to
them. God intimately knows what is in each
of us. He totally comprehends the passions
that He specifically designed for our hearts.
When we express them, He has joy in His
heart, and He means for us to experience
some of this joy.
 To share in the passions of another’s heart
is an extremely personal form of intimacy,
and leads us to reverse the question: Jesus,
what are the passions of Your heart? What
can I
do that will allow me to feel Your pleasure?

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