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Task: Assignment - Around my City


Huanuco Quispe Jonathan Diego

Student A is a tourist in Paris, and Students B and C are local residents:

*Student A (Tourist):*
You've just arrived in Paris and are excited to explore the city. You have a map of
Paris and some specific places you're interested in visiting.

*Student B (Local Resident):*

You are a local resident of Paris, knowledgeable about the city's attractions,
neighborhoods, and culture.

*Student C (Optional - Additional Local Resident):*

Another local resident who can provide additional insights or alternative suggestions
to Student A.


*Student A:*
"Bonjour! I'm so thrilled to be in Paris. Can you recommend some must-visit
attractions? I'm particularly interested in historical sites and places with a great view
of the city."

*Student B:*
"Bonjour! Bienvenue à Paris! Of course, you must visit the Eiffel Tower for a
breathtaking view of the city. It's an iconic symbol. Also, the Louvre Museum is a
must for history and art lovers. Don't forget Notre-Dame Cathedral and the Sainte-
Chapelle for some beautiful architecture and history."

*Student A:*
"Merci! Those sound amazing. Any recommendations for a charming neighborhood
with local cafes and shops? I'd love to experience the Parisian lifestyle."
*Student C:*
"Salut! Absolutely, you should explore Montmartre. It's a bohemian neighborhood
with narrow streets, artists, and lovely cafes. Place du Tertre is a must-visit. Also, Le
Marais is another fantastic district known for its trendy shops and historic charm."

*Student A:*
"Sounds perfect! How about transportation? What's the best way to get around the
city? I have my map, but I want to make sure I can navigate easily."

*Student B:*
"You can use the Paris Metro; it's efficient and connects all major attractions. The
buses are also a good option for a scenic route. And, of course, walking is a great way
to discover hidden gems in the city."

*Student A:*
"Great advice! One last question: any local food recommendations? I want to try
authentic French cuisine."

*Student C:*
"Absolument! You must try a croissant from a local boulangerie for breakfast. For
lunch or dinner, try a classic dish like coq au vin or boeuf bourguignon. And, of
course, don't forget to indulge in some French pastries like macarons or éclairs!"

*Student A:*
"Merci beaucoup! I can't wait to explore Paris with these recommendations. I
appreciate your help!"

*Student B and C:*

"De rien! Have a fantastic time in Paris! If you have any more questions, feel free to
ask. Bon voyage!"

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