SPK w6

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1. Why do some people like cooking?

- gymnasts + chronic diseases patients: control meal quality
- strictly follow calorie-controlled diet -> cooking: prepare dishes good for
health conditions
- Ex: diabetic patients
Well, cooking is highly suitable for people adopting a healthy diet, especially
gymnasts or individuals suffering from chronic diseases as cooking supports
them to control the quality of their meals. Such people often strictly follow a
calorie-controlled diet and are careful with the ingredients and food proportions
in a meal, and cooking is appropriate for them to prepare dishes good for
their health conditions. For example, through self-cooking, diabetic patients are
aware of nutritional value in foods and avoid sweets, foods high in saturated fat
and salt. Therefore, they are able to manage their blood sugar in the target
(100 words)
2. Why do some people enjoy reading?
- Children: fairy tales
- Kids like : imagination + immerse in mysterious world
- meaningful messages in folk stories: encourage the young be kind and
Well, I suppose that reading is fascinating with the majority of children,
especially reading fairy tales, which are full of miracles and imaginary
creatures. You know, kids are keen on letting their imagination run wild and
immerse themselves in the enchanting, mysterious world when reading this kind
of book. Many children also dote on folk stories due to the meaningful
messages they convey, which generally encourage the young to be kind and
(73 words)

3. Why do some people like gardening?

- older generations + young people
- aware of clean eating and the benefits of consuming healthy food (pretty
- good way to let their hair down
Well, I think not only older generations but also young people are becoming
increasingly fanatical about horticulture. Maybe this trend is related to the fact
that more people are aware of clean eating and the benefits of consuming
healthy fruit and vegetables that are free of chemicals while buying those things
is pretty expensive. Gardening is also a good way to get away from computer
screens and other devices and help them let their hair down.
(76 words)

4. Why do some people like traveling?

- young adults: suitable time to relax
- Youngster’s lives : time-starved + technology-driven + lack necessary
time to de-stress
- Travel : clear mind + reconnect
Well, traveling is popular with young adults , probably it is a suitable time for
them to relax. Youngster’s lives are time-starved and technology-driven and
it’s not often that they actually take the necessary time to de-stress and truly
switch off. Travel allows them to escape life’s daily demands, dramas and
deadlines and enables them to clear their minds. It encourages them to recharge
their batteries and to truly disconnect from their laptops, Wi-Fi and emails in
order to reconnect with themselves, each other and the natural environment.
(87 words)

5. Why do some people like getting married as soon as possible?

- marriage - an important milestone => live together with love and
- who prefer a sense of stability, have financial stability.
Several individuals tend to get married quickly, simply because it is supposed as
a milestone in their life. It is suitable for those who have financial stability and
prefer a sense of life stability, then they would expect their relationship to be
permanent. Besides, marriage can symbolize a strong feeling of love and a
whole life commitment. So, it is the best time to get married and open a new
chapter with their lover. This assists them to live together with love, support,
responsibility, and companionship, since now they have to care for not only
themselves but also their partner, and their own family.
(100 words)
6. Why do some people like working for a foreign company?
- young people
- get out of their comfort zone
- increase their value in the labor market
Well, there are a host of reasons why many individuals, particularly young
people, are interested in international firms. Firstly working for transnational
businesses enables them to get out of their comfort zone through learning about
different cultures and expanding their understanding of other people. Another
noteworthy benefit is their experience in multinational companies will increase
their value in the labor market. Employers know that they can function well in
an international environment and that they have the right skills to work
smoothly with different people in this context.
(88 words)

7. Why do some people like having a high salary?

- plan for their future and achieve their goals → invest in education,

start a business
- provide a source of passive income

Individuals with high salaries can plan for their future and achieve their goals.
They can invest in their education, start a business, or save for retirement. For
example, they can pursue advanced degrees or certifications to advance their
careers and increase their earning potential. As a result, they can have more
significant opportunities and higher salaries in the future. This can provide a
source of passive income and help them achieve financial independence.
Having a high salary can also support them with the means to save for
(88 words)

8. Why do some people like learning as much as they can?

- develop a sense of personal satisfaction and fulfilment
- pursue education or training in areas
By constantly learning and acquiring new knowledge, individuals can develop a
sense of personal satisfaction and fulfilment, especially in students. Those who
pursue education or training in specific areas that interest them can experience
personal growth and transformation. This can assist them to develop new
perspectives and insights and gain greater understanding and self-awareness.
Overall, personal growth is a key motivation for many people who love
(67 words)


1. When was the first time you used a computer?

- 7 years old, primary school
- computer class once a week
- teacher taught how to turn on the computer + type + carry out basic
I vividly remember it was when I was a seven-year-old child at my primary
school. I had a computer class once a week, and I was excited about this class.
As back in the 2000s, computers were the only modern technological machines,
and a few families could afford them. At that time, our teacher just taught us
how to turn on the computer, how to type and how to carry out some basic
operations such as copy and paste.
(79 words)

2. When was the last time you went on holiday?

- 3 years ago, in July 2020
- a vacation to Cat Ba island for two weeks
- beach breathtaking + crystal clear water
- huge waves crash onto shore
If I recall correctly, it was about three years ago, in July 2020. My family and I
went on a vacation to Cat Ba island for two weeks during the summer holiday.
When we reached there, honestly, the scenery appealed to me a lot, especially
the beach. The beach itself was absolutely breathtaking and the crystal clear
water seemed to stretch endlessly to the horizon /həˈraɪzn/. In addition, from a
distance, huge waves were crashing onto the shore, which sounded like a
melody. I was so excited that I just wanted to jump into the sea right away.
(97 words)

3. When was the last time visitors came to your house?

- 3 weeks, Mid-year Festival
- Laos friend - for dinner
- amazing time talking: culture differences + hospitality + language
- parents adore her -> close friend
As far as I can recall, it was around 3 weeks ago during the Mid-year Festival. I
invited one of my Laos friends to come over to my house for dinner. She and
my family had an amazing time talking about the culture differences, how
hospitable Vietnamese people are, and how the language barriers didn’t prevent
her from getting to know the locals. I must say that my parents absolutely
adored her after that night, and she has become a very close friend to my family.
(86 words)
4. When was the first time you had a mobile phone on your own?
- 5 years ago - about to high school
- dad purchase iphone 7 -> big deal -> so happy
- indispensable device for quite a long time
- entertain + facilitate studying and daily activities
If my memory serves me right, it was about 5 years ago when I was about to go
to high school. I still remember that the day my dad took me to the store to
purchase / ˈpɜːtʃəs/ the iPhone 7, I was extremely over the moon as it was such a
big deal for me. That phone had been an indispensable device to me for quite a
long time. Not only did it help me to entertain, but it also facilitated my
studying and daily activities, with so many tools and applications that assist me
to do my homework efficiently.
(99 words)

5. When was the last time you read a book?

- 3 months ago
- Harry Potter
- Harry + 2 best friends : struggle to kill the Dark wizard
- love the way the author describes magical world
If I recall correctly, it was about three months ago when I read Harry Potter,
which is a fantasy novel. The book describes the life of a young wizard named
Harry Potter and his two best friends, Ron and Hermione. Harry has to struggle
to kill the Dark wizard Lord Voldemort, whose aim is to become immortal and
destroy all those who stand in his way of ruling the world. I really love the way
that the author describes the whole magical world with the magic school,
Hogwarts, and the flying brooms.
(92 words)

6. When was the last time you visited your grandparents?

- 3 weeks ago, Mid-year Festival
- short walk after breakfast-> relax in nature
- discuss thoughts on religion, books writers, movies
- grandparents share heartfelt words + advise how to behave decently
Well, if I recall correctly, it was 3 weeks ago during the Mid-year Festival. We
went for a short walk near the field after breakfast to relax in nature and soak up
some much-needed Vitamin D, which is necessary for elderly people. At their
home, we often discuss our thoughts on religion, books writers, movies, music
and on many other issues. My grandparents also share heartfelt words to me and
advise me on how to behave decently.
(77 words)
7. When was the first time you went to the beach?
- 13 years ago, in 2010
- beach breathtaking + crystal clear water
- huge waves crash onto shore
If I recall correctly, it was about 13 years ago, in 2010. My family and I went
on a vacation to Cat Ba island during the summer holiday. When we reached
there, honestly, the beach scenery there appealed to me a lot. It was absolutely
breathtaking and the crystal clear water seemed to stretch endlessly to the
horizon. In addition, from a distance, huge waves were crashing onto the shore,
which sounded like a melody. I was so excited that I just wanted to jump into
the sea right away.
(90 words)

8. When was the last time you bought a new pair of shoes?
- last week
- love purchasing footwear → order a pair of Nike Air Max → taken out
a subscription to newsletters from world-famous sportswear brands
Well, just last week I ordered a pair of Nike Air Max and had it delivered to my
doorstep to do exercise in the morning. I love purchasing footwear, especially
sneakers or football cleats as they are so much more comfortable should be
expected. I’ve taken out a subscription to newsletters from world-famous
sportswear brands like Nike or Adidas just to stay on top of their latest fashion-
forward items, and I sift through them at least a couple of times per week.
(82 words)

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