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Name: Ms. Crislinne C. Lim Date: September 24, 2023

Submitted to: For. Christopher V. Famor Year/Section: 1st Year/BSF1-F1

Equity, Equality, Inequality, and Justice are some of the terms that should be
observed in terms of the concept and aspect of forest management, development,
and sustainability to better understand and ponder the importance of its purpose in
our environment. It is crucial to navigate these concepts to understand how to
manage forest resources and materials that are both beneficial and fair for both
parties, environment and humanity. These terms hold an important understanding
and interpretation of how to properly address a dilemma in every aspect. In
addition, it should also be noted that not everything could be justified by providing
equal resources or allocation for everyone, but also taking into consideration the
factors that will be affecting the certain action taken. In managing forest resources,
for instance, equality should not just be the only thing that should be uplifted but
also the concept of justice to provide a more sustainable and balanced
relationship between the producers and consumers of the society and

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