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Newspaper Editorial and Opinion Vocabulary & Translation

19 October 2023
1. Closing the sustainable energy gaps in Asia and the Pacific.
2. Talking is the only way out. When dialogue fails, confrontation becomes
3. A new threat to citizens’ privacy. New system of phone surveillance raises alarm ahead of the election.

Closing the sustainable energy gaps Antonyms: one-dimensional, simplistic,

in Asia and the Pacific. narrow
-the-sustainable-energy-gaps-asia-and-the-pacific-3446781 5) Infusion (noun): তরল েদাপর্ি ক্ষিজাপনা, কার্.
1) Encapsulated (adjective): সংক্ষিপ্তরূপে, the introduction of a new element or quality
সারাংপে. enclosed within a capsule or into something.
covering. expressed in a few words. Synonyms: addition, injection, influx
Synonyms: enclosed, enclosed, encased Antonyms: removal, extraction, reduction
Antonyms: revealed, disclosed, exposed
6) Trajectory (noun): গ্রহনিপের ক্ষনক্ষদিষ্ট আবক্র
2) Exacerbates (verb): তীব্রতা, বক্ষধত
ি করা; ের্; গ ালা-গুক্ষল, ধূ মপকতু ইতযাক্ষদ গে ের্ ধক্ষরয়া োয়; -
ক্ষবরক্ত করা; ক্রুদ্ধ করা; makes a problem, bad the path followed by a projectile flying or
situation, or negative feeling worse. an object moving under the action of given
Synonyms: aggravates, worsens, forces.
intensifies Synonyms: path, course, route
Antonyms: alleviates, mitigates, improves Antonyms: standstill, stagnation, inaction
Antonyms: content, satisfied, complacent
3) Bolster (verb): সমর্িন; support or
strengthen. 7) Reskilling (noun): েক্ষরবতিনেীল
Synonyms: reinforce, fortify, buttress প্রপয়াজনীয়তার সাপর্ খাে খাইপয় গনওয়ার জনয নতুন
Antonyms: undermine, weaken, diminish দিতা গেখার বা ক্ষবদযমান দিতাগুক্ষল আেপেট করার
প্রক্ষক্রয়া। the process of learning new skills or
4) Multifaceted (adjective): বহুমুখী- having updating existing ones to adapt to changing
many facets or aspects. job requirements.
Synonyms: diverse, varied, complex Synonyms: retraining, relearning, upskilling
Antonyms: deskill, unskill, stagnant skillset

8) Halfway Mark (noun phrase): মাঝেপর্,

মাঝখাপন- The point equidistant from the street-view/news/talking-the-only-way-out-3446821

beginning and the end of a specific period, 1) Nascent (adjective): নবজাতক- Just coming

journey, or process. It signifies the midpoint into existence and beginning to display signs

or middle stage of a particular endeavor or of future potential.

timeline. Synonyms: emerging, budding, developing

Synonyms: midpoint, halfway point, middle Antonyms: mature, established, fully
stage, center developed

Antonyms: starting point, endpoint,

2) Impasse (noun): কানা ক্ষল; অচল অবস্থা;
completion, conclusion
অবযাহক্ষতহীন অবস্থা; বন্ধ ক্ষল; কাণা ক্ষল; একমুপখা রাস্তা;

9) Elude (verb): এক্ষ়িপয় োওয়া, োলাইয়া োওয়া - গকাণঠাসা অবস্থা; চরম সংকট; A situation in

To evade or escape from, typically in a which no progress is possible, especially

skillful or cunning manner; to avoid or because of disagreement; a deadlock.

evade something or someone, especially in Synonyms: deadlock, stalemate, standstill

a clever or elusive way. Antonyms: resolution, breakthrough,
Synonyms: evade, escape, avoid, dodge, progress

shake off
3) Confrontation (noun): সংঘর্ি - A hostile or
Antonyms: confront, face, encounter, meet,
argumentative situation or meeting between
opposing parties.

10) Strides (noun): অগ্র ক্ষত, উন্নক্ষত - Significant Synonyms: conflict, confrontation, clash
progress or improvements made in a Antonyms: harmony, agreement, concord
particular situation or endeavor; long steps
taken in walking or running. 4) Straddle (verb): ো ফাাঁক কপর দা়িাপনা বা হাটা;

Synonyms: progress, advancement, দুই ো ফাাঁক কপর দা়িাপনা বা বসা To sit or stand

development, improvement, progress with one leg on either side of; to be on both

Antonyms: regression, setback, stagnation, sides of an issue or situation.

standstill Synonyms: bridge, span, cover

Antonyms: divide, separate, isolate

Talking is the only way out. When

5) Lopsided (adjective): িারসামযহীন; সমতাহীন;
dialogue fails, confrontation becomes সামঞ্জসযহীন; একপেপে; একোপে গহপল-র্াকা; কাত
inevitable. হপয়-র্াকা; Uneven or unequal in shape or

position; biased in favor of one side or Antonyms: weakness, ineffectiveness,

group. powerlessness
Synonyms: uneven, asymmetrical,
imbalanced 10) Solidify (verb): ঘনীিূ ত করা; ঘনীিূ ত হত্তয়া;
Antonyms: symmetrical, balanced, equal To make or become firm, stable, or solid; to
strengthen or reinforce.
6) Vindicate (verb): সতযতা বা োর্ার্িয প্রক্ষতোদন Synonyms: strengthen, fortify, consolidate
করা - To clear someone of blame or Antonyms: weaken, destabilize, undermine
suspicion; to justify or prove the worth of
11) Reluctant (adjective): অক্ষনচ্ছুক- Unwilling
and hesitant; showing doubt or
Synonyms: justify, defend, prove
Antonyms: condemn, accuse, criticize
Synonyms: unwilling, hesitant, resistant
Antonyms: eager, willing, enthusiastic
7) Embrace (verb): আক্ষলঙ্গন; বন্ধন; আপের্;
েক্ষররম্ভ; বন্ধ; অক্ষির্ঙ্গ; গকালাকুক্ষল; গকাল; ;
12) Attitude of Accommodation (phrase):
/verb/আক্ষলঙ্গন করা; েরস্পর আক্ষলঙ্গন করা; অন্তিুিক্ত
বাসস্থাপনর মপনািাব- Willingness to adjust,
করা; সাগ্রপহ গ্রহণ করা; গেচ্ছায় গ্রহণ করা; মাক্ষনয়া
adapt, or cooperate; a mindset of flexibility
লত্তয়া; অবলম্বন করা; করা; To accept or support
and conciliation.
willingly and enthusiastically; to adopt or
Synonyms: flexibility, compromise,
take up.
Synonyms: accept, adopt, welcome
Antonyms: stubbornness, inflexibility,
Antonyms: reject, refuse, decline

8) Arch-rivals (noun): ক্ষচরপ্রক্ষতদ্বন্দ্বী - Long-

13) Political Deadlock (noun phrase):
standing and bitter opponents, especially in
রাজননক্ষতক অচলাবস্থা- A situation in which
a competitive field.
opposing political parties or factions are
Synonyms: adversaries, enemies,
unable to reach a resolution or make
progress on important issues due to a lack
Antonyms: allies, friends, collaborators
of agreement, compromise, or cooperation.
Synonyms: impasse, gridlock, stalemate,
9) Dint (noun): আঘাত - Force or power;
standoff, logjam
Synonyms: impact, effect, force

Antonyms: resolution, agreement, more parties. েচ্ছতা, সততা এবং উপেখপো য এবং
consensus, breakthrough, cooperation অর্িবহ ক্ষবর্য়গুক্ষলপত গফাকাস দ্বারা ক্ষচক্ষিত একক্ষট
আপলাচনা বা কপর্ােকর্ন। রাজননক্ষতক আপলাচনার
14) Net-Zero (adjective): ক্ষনমিল বায়ু - প্রসপঙ্গ, এক্ষট এমন একক্ষট কপর্ােকর্ন গবাঝায় ো েচ্ছ
producing no emissions of greenhouse gases. এবং উপেখপো য ক্ষবর্য়গুক্ষল সপম্বাধন কপর, জক্ষ়িত
Synonyms: carbon-neutral, climate-neutral, দলগুক্ষলর মপধয গবাঝাে়িা এবং অগ্র ক্ষতপক উত্সাক্ষহত
zero-emission কপর। A discussion or conversation
Antonyms: carbon-positive, emissions- characterized by transparency, honesty, and
positive, non-sustainable a focus on substantial and meaningful issues.
In the context of political discussions, it
15) Moderating Rhetoric (noun phrase): implies a conversation that is both
িার্ার মাো কক্ষমপয় আনা - িার্াপক আরও সংেত, োন্ত transparent and addresses substantial topics,
বা নাক্ষতেীপতাষ্ণ উোপয় বযবহার করার কাজ, ক্ষবপের্ত fostering understanding and progress
জনসাধারপণর বক্তৃতা বা গো াপোপ র গিপে। এর মপধয between parties involved.
এমন একক্ষট সু র গ্রহণ করা জক্ষ়িত ো কম Synonyms: transparent and meaningful
আক্রমণাত্মক, প্রদাহজনক বা দ্বন্দ্বমূ লক, আরও conversation, honest and substantial
েক্ষরমােপো য এবং সম্মানজনক সংলাপের লপিয। The discussion
act of using language in a more restrained, Antonyms: superficial talk, shallow
calm, or temperate manner, especially in conversation, deceptive dialogue
public discourse or communication. It
involves adopting a tone that is less 17) Ensuring an Open Civic Space Where
aggressive, inflammatory, or Dissent is Respected (noun phrase): না ক্ষরক
confrontational, aiming for a more সমাপজর োধীনতা ক্ষনক্ষিত করা - জন ণ োপত অবাপধ
measured and respectful dialogue. জনজীবপন অংেগ্রহণ করপত োপর এবং তাপদর মতামত
Synonyms: temperate language, restrained প্রকাে করপত োপর তা ক্ষনক্ষিত করা, এমনক্ষক তারা
speech, diplomatic communication সরকাপরর সাপর্ ক্ষদ্বমত গোর্ণ করপলও Creating an
Antonyms: aggressive rhetoric, environment within a society where public
confrontational language, inflammatory areas, both physical and virtual, allow for
speech the free expression of differing opinions and
criticisms. In such a space, individuals are
16) Open and Substantive Dialogue (noun encouraged to voice their dissenting views
phrase): গখালা ও সারবক্ষস্তক আপলাচনা - a frank without fear of repression or retaliation,
and meaningful discussion between two or promoting a healthy democratic society.

Synonyms: promoting freedom of Synonyms: Privacy infringements, violations

expression, fostering open discourse, of confidentiality, intrusion
encouraging dissenting opinions Antonyms: Privacy protection,
Antonyms: suppressing freedom of speech, confidentiality, secrecy
restricting dissent, stifling opposition
3) Anti-state and anti-government
conspiracies: Terms used to describe
A new threat to citizens’ privacy.
activities or plans perceived as threats
New system of phone surveillance
against the state or government.
raises alarm ahead of the election.
4) Silencing dissent (Idiomatic Phrase /
alone=1&device=desktop Descriptive Term): ক্ষবপরাধী দৃ ক্ষষ্টিক্ষঙ্গ বা
1) Cloak of legality (Metaphorical Phrase): সমাপলাচনার প্রকােপক বাধা গদওয়া বা বাধা গদওয়া।
ববধতার চাদর- Refers to the appearance of Refers to the act of suppressing or
legality or legitimacy that a system might preventing the expression of opposing
have, even if its true intentions and viewpoints or criticism. It signifies efforts to
applications are questionable. It suggests quell or eliminate dissenting opinions,
that something is presented as legal or thereby limiting free speech and inhibiting
lawful, providing a disguise or cover, but the open exchange of ideas.
beneath the surface, there might be ethical Synonyms: Suppressing opposition, stifling
or moral concerns about its implementation. criticism, muzzling disagreement
Synonyms: Facade, veneer, semblance Antonyms: Encouraging debate, promoting
Antonyms: Transparency, openness, candor dialogue, respecting dissent

2) Breaches of privacy (Legal Terminology): 5) Surveillance (noun): নজরদাক্ষর- The

গ ােনীয়তা লঙ্ঘন- Instances where privacy monitoring of behavior, activities, or
rights are violated or compromised, as information for the purpose of influencing,
discussed in the article. It refers to actions managing, directing, or protecting people.
or events where an individual's personal or Synonyms: observation, scrutiny,
sensitive information is accessed, disclosed, supervision
or used without their consent, leading to a Antonyms: ignorance, neglect, indifference
violation of their privacy rights.

6) Implications (noun): প্রিাব- The possible a lack of protection, making it easy for
effects or results of an action, decision, others to take advantage of the
event, or situation. vulnerability, leading to potential misuse or
Synonyms: consequences, repercussions, harm.
outcomes Synonyms: Prone to exploitation,
Antonyms: causes, reasons, origins susceptible to misuse, open to
mistreatment. liable, susceptible, exposed,
7) Tenuous (adjective): দুবল
ি - Very weak or unprotected
slight; insubstantial; having little substance Antonyms: Protected, fortified, safeguarded,
or validity. strong, secure, safe
Synonyms: flimsy, fragile, shaky
Antonyms: strong, solid, substantial 10) Arsenal (noun): অস্ত্রেপস্ত্রর িান্ডার- a
collection of weapons and ammunition.
8) Democratic Principles (noun phrase): Synonyms: Stockpile, repository, collection,
ণতাক্ষিক নীক্ষতমালা- Fundamental beliefs and armory
values associated with democratic Antonyms: Scarcity, depletion, lack,
governance, such as equality, freedom of disarmament, demilitarization
speech, and the protection of individual
rights. 11) Profound (adjective): িীর- having a
Synonyms: democratic values, democratic great or important effect or influence.
ideals, democratic norms Synonyms: Deep, significant, meaningful,
Antonyms: autocratic principles, thoughtful
authoritarian values, tyranny Antonyms: Shallow, superficial, trivial,
9) Vulnerable to abuse (Descriptive Term /
Adjectival Phrase): অেবযবহার বা গোর্ণ গ র আর্টিকেকের সম্পূ র্ি অনু বাদ (PDF) আমাকদর ফেসবুে
সম্ভাবনা- Indicates a situation, system, or গ্রুপ অথবা Telegram ফথকে ডাউনকোড েরকে
individual that is susceptible to being পারকবন।
mistreated, exploited, or harmed. It suggests

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