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Here are some more useful expressions for you to learn.
Learning lots of expressions will improve your level of English,
and help you with exams such as First Certificate, Advanced
and Proficiency, which test your knowledge of these things.
The images will help you associate the expression with its
meaning. Look at the definitions, then try the exercise.
(Answers on page 44.)

Be above board
To be honest and legal.

Accept something as gospel (truth)

To believe that something is completely true.

More by accident than by design

Because of luck and not because of skill or
ability. Exercise
Complete each sentence with the correct expression. You may have
to change some of the forms, or parts of the words. Remember,
Be brought to account after a preposition, the verb is in the gerund (verb,-ing).
Be forced to explain something you did
wrong; or to be punished for something you 1. ___________ must you show this document to anyone.
did wrong.
2. People who commit acts of violence should be __________.

On no account must you… 3. A: What would you like to eat?

You must never do X.
B: Oh, I’ll just have what you’re having – don’t make anything
special _____________.

Take something into account 4. The deal was completely honest and _______________.
To think about something or someone when
you are making a decision or a judgement. 5. I’ve only been working here for a couple of days so you’ll have
to take my experience ___________ when judging the work.

Do something on somebody’s 6. You shouldn’t accept everything you read in the newspapers
account ______________.
If you do something “on somebody’s account”,
you do it because of that person. 7. A: I love this new hat I’ve bought.

B: Personally, I think it’s horrible, and I’d never wear it; how-
There’s no accounting for taste ever, there’s _____________.
This is something you say when you cannot
understand what someone has done. 8. The goal I scored was ________________ – I just kicked the
ball without thinking and it went into the goal.

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