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In the book Power Born of Dreams, the author utilized the style of woodcut printmaking, and the

dramatic exaggeration of combing different images together, to further demonstrate the

hardship of the Palestinians through a personal experience and perspective.

The woodcut printmaking style in comics possesses a remarkable ability to authentically convey
the author's personal struggles and the dissonance of the Palestinian experience through its
use of stark contrasts and bold lines. The entire book is presented using the woodcut
printmaking technique, employing only two colors: black and white. This minimal color palette
serves as a visual representation of the challenges faced by Palestinians. The deep, profound
shadows and sharp lines effectively create a palpable sense of tension and unease, capturing
the hardships of their lives. Furthermore, the rough, textured quality of woodcut prints
symbolizes the struggles and adversity mirroring the experiences of the Palestinians. This style
facilitates a raw and gritty portrayal of the disharmony and hardships, evoking a visceral
reaction from readers and accentuating the emotional impact of the story. Through the use of
woodcut printmaking, comics provide a distinctive and compelling portrayal of the characters'
experiences of dissonance and hardship, thereby underscoring the author's and the
Palestinians' overwhelming trials.

Another crucial element at play here is the use of exaggeration. This is illustrated through the
depiction of a figure entangled with both a snake and a car. In this visual, the man appears to be
twisted by the snake, but in reality, the snake represents the bus transporting him to jail.
Snakes, being universally associated with fear across many cultures due to their inherent
danger and venom, instantly evoke a sense of trepidation and peril when used in the form of a
bus. Furthermore, the transformation of the bus into a snake and its coiling around the man
introduces an element of surrealism and exaggeration. This alteration of reality intensifies the
fear, as it deviates from the norm and expected. The portrayal of the author being ensnared by
the snake-bus symbolizes the sensation of entrapment, helplessness, and overwhelming fear,
all of which are common during frightening situations and emblematic of the experiences of
Palestinians at large. Such an image carries a powerful visual impact that can stir deep
emotions in readers, serving as a stark reminder of the oppressive circumstances faced by the
Palestinian population. The amalgamation of exaggeration, surrealism, and symbolism
collectively amplifies the fear depicted in the artwork, making it even more palpable and intense.

Through stark contrasts, bold lines, and the clever manipulation of visual elements, the book
vividly represent the trials and adversities faced by Palestinians. The use of a limited black-and-
white color palette creates a visual metaphor for their challenges, evoking a palpable sense of
tension and unease. Additionally, the exaggeration and surrealism employed in transforming a
bus into a snake, symbolizing fear and entrapment, serve as a poignant reflection of the
emotional and psychological impact of these circumstances. The resulting art captures the
essence of dissonance and hardship with a raw and intense portrayal, eliciting profound
emotional responses from readers.

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