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Complete the crossword puzzle below

1 2 3

5 6

7 8





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4. Data is used to ensure confidentiality 1. What term is used to describe concealing data in
7. Which of the following ciphers are created by another file such as a graphic, audio, or other text file
shuffling the letters of a word a) rotor b) rail fence c) 2. Which of the following cipher is not a type of poly
vigenere d) hill alphabetic cipher? a) Rotor b) Hill c) One time pad d)
10. On Encrypting “thepepsiisintherefri” using Vignere Affine
Cipher System using the keyword “HUMOR” we get 3. Under DES, the data encryption standard took a
cipher text- 64-bit block of data and subjected it to__ levels of
11. In AES the 4×4 bytes matrix key is transformed encryption
into a keys of size __ 5. Which of the following is a type of substitution
12. In which type of encryption is the same key used cipher a) poly alphabetic b) transposition c) columnar
to encrypt and decrypt data? d) rail fence
13. The 4×4 byte matrices in the AES algorithm are 6. Use Caesar's Cipher to decipher the following
8. Monoalphabetic ciphers are stronger than
polyalphabetic ciphers: True or False
9. 15. What is the term used to describe the science
of making and breaking secret codes
11. DES follows which structure

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