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ASSIGNMENT-O1 DLit tne operations of CD) Poocess managernon| W) Fite en Short ton Scheduler dt is a CPU Scheduler | dhe operating Agstemn t diy Mewony management lid Device managemont tum tt is ow Jeb eheduler [fs The major epetations ef he optiabing systorn are 8) Compare thont- beim , madtune- tern amd fong-teim, wheduling H is a porocers susapping Scheduler Specd is jaatereareng | ethos two Speed fe tener than short team Acheduter Shoat and dong tart Aduduter: Ieditumm tein Scheduler, — kpocd tc tn between bith 4t porovides lesser tontxol over the degece of JE control tne degree Ft neducesr the degree of, mulliprogramming Gt Actecta those patocenes which axe ready te erecute © Fe detects porocemes from aueue amd loads them inte memory ff erection: execution com be continued - ft com Ae introduce the psecess Into meomohy oud dys CPU cece 2) Summarize Hu atteria for comparing CPU aaa Kithns are cructal th allocation of, the cpu's os tine ey compe preemies hy ow computer ra Se Giterta. tor ae thae eae he 4) Slbutnate how Hoead achedubing fF dlifgerent [rom proces Sthadubing AeS!- Proce scueduld : Manages the execution 4 ontine proceyes ensideulng factorg like process Pronition omd foirnon- Qnvolves context cuttching between psoceaes whith can Lo slower due to momoy § HOLE change Thread Schedulun “Handles execution o cack Mead unthin a proars- Treads shares Mupweg & ee OS more Leghtwveigt + offictemt 5) Define a deadlock tur a deadtock is o Atuation uno multiple processes axe stuck became eath te waiting for a mespunce hed by cuvotlur , proven | . 5 | amy qoyen in the eceuublon of ov procer | 16) Demenitrate different atnuclaras qf cperating astern uth | neat Akotch « bee Bee Atauckire com be tho E of on the Aba | for connecting amd inco: nq vaso 2} iy tem. onent, Oa ayitem Atructunes ane s- > Bowple Soruckune ap tasjoned Abructie ciiy Monolithic Atrurtune. &) Minoketnel shucture - ob Sireple feaructuse | % if the simplicat opataling sytem douche amd E not well defined OE lack dofynttion amd is only appoopiata, for wage fer tofth a cand sertnicted aon | Thés oxgantrationa) staucture fs wed by Phe Ms=pos | operating Ayitem' > Thee are fo layesa that make up tho MS~ Doc opucting | System amd each Mu ik own det 4 features |> thee tayors tndude Rom Bios device driver , MS-pos device [> The Me-Dos Oe bevels from lmpring because each Jovel dative, 1 apphicedron progam and Aesident wens rye | Cam be defined independents and whan necessary , com Interact uvith one another > f te tte ts buite tn eo 1 tt will be Airuplies. to deviqn 1 manage owd update- > When a User proyam pe » the 0:5 a whole crashes. > Te o- operations me accesible bw ee which com yosule pe Gi) Monolithic Sructure er areca operating ate fs a vouy basic optiating | Syston mM which { rnanagerent i rebenory managenont dei. | management amd proces Pea ane disecty unteolied witht | the ownal: | | > the komel com atcoy all the Adounor present bn the ea an monolittate systems, each component Abe Ov is Contained totthin the Rornal- > the monolithic operating Phe & alto known as the monolithic Renal « This ir an old operating ager vied to pasform Amal tails Uke fe batch promicng amd time skating take In banks. > Te monolithic koma ath os A virtual machine that umbnols all hosdwone pant iy layered Atuctwre 7 On thts Atmuctune , the os ic -ceperated into tayou oF levels. > Me hardware & on the bottorn aaa (layer 0) , while the wer Tnterface & on the top. Hagen (tasjee N)+ These anes anne arranged ih a hicmarchical way in which stu tep Seyel layers vse the Junctionalities 4, thei lowta-level ones > Becaue layered Atructwres are hierarchical debugging is siraplior Rurafore all tower - level Layers ate pete before He upper Layer examined: Ma Raut lke parnient alone has © | be rovvewed gince atl the Lower Joye have already examined « 4) Ugered Stmctine &) Migo-Ranel structure Be poe ta, tee tral scenyy ing all nom - ewental Components of the -homet 9 Bytes amd vies appicationt ate vied ty implement there Optional Reinet components » oe Mao Renal Structure | D Glartate awerage waiting lime ond aneage sbuneround time for te {ottowing Sek of processes veing FF amd RTF CSR | Provide Gavilt chest also fssival time | S| “GO FCFS (Fast come first serve) : Sn Fee the poncess that adsivex fist & executed forse oie Fubseqpont Processes ane executed ta the orden th f “t Qn FeFs, wo comide, Pout hime 4 Ovary potocess Gawtt chart: €) Average walting one Te average amount of time Anat foousser pend wailing tn te seadly qpere before they get & chance to exeutte on CPU» Protane wating tire = The sum of, wnibing time of eah procem Numbee of procs AWT= OF9412 41546415 Prowy Waiting “Line a A, =a6h fe c fs NWT = (3 by fe Pe db fretage Twin asound time The onerage time talon by a process to compete ib execution from the moment tb antes the qpeue t the moment it fontches executing omd exis tw ayshem Pretage tusnancund time (ATAT) = i. 4 teak pr spords CN) SRTF ( hootest Remaining Time first) BE iS a pocemptive cpu Sala Baa vted tn Operatin. pben. bo TY the executiin 4 procser- SRF ats | 45 minimixe the total execution time sf oe the. pacers | with the > Considering the aoaival time, since at time 0 , the prowy fi hos bust time 4 +So the only Poe anailalle is fi amd \t is ¢cheduted. > De arsival time 1, the proce fe have bunt time 5: So, as P has executed t unit ,now the bust time of Pris 6. Thm, we comparc the bwist time of Process PG Po +S the prouss with leat bust tome will be Acheduled fine. > Now, P has least bwist time so i& & scheduled . Mow Te The buat time pxoen Pi, Po, Po, Py are compared As Py have tL Py becomes 0 > At auival time 4 the paces P5 have but time Q. Compare the hast time of fy Po, 3, Pa, Po Here , the burst time of Ps omd fe are Same - nm thic Lore, we jouw CFS. %, f fs ccheduded fist amd thoefme fe buut time beumeg 1. [aft asival tne 5 pte powers fe have bust time t- Compare bust time of Pr to Hore, ain bwut time of Pe amd fe axe sore So by [ptiowing PEAS Pas scheduled frst and therefore f byt tie become o. D Tun , the domnathing bust time are comnpared for each proc omd least pseo bust time of procewes are seduted He: Gomtt chost’ [we [e] [ee [elo Ls] 0 Sciaat Sa ae acmemetgan ft Me ta eo = Sum of Ai tyne blw wnanourd tine ¢ Nlo'of, Procenseg . ig wT = (134-0) +(441- + y-1-2) 48-3) 40-4) 4-9) 6 = lot Ht) = gy — a De waiting tim " 6 T leat but time 16 1S dcheduted firct So the bose time) Sum { dw cxag @ tutnarpund tine tht UtIt> _ se —_— ; AT= 16 $) Dosutbe the impostamee 4 Semaphore « Explain Sclution for bounded buffer powbiem Ysing Sormaphores: tus Jynchwentxation tool kat provide, more sophisticated ee | fer poem be tprchtontze tea onctiviting ma phere ae cuctal sole in Omruning propor tynchsomin ion woordinaben, send wuchial exdluyton Which ane wsertiql for (ey tained tnditiing, deadlocks omd olbes tues The Impertames of temephore os ty ted abslety tox Erswit Mutial Exclusion, Provent dewdlects Wplentoné poocen Gonchiontaabsen ,conbrol acces tp suolntes/ | faclitate po re cte--)- ~ Ore of th dasscal paablons ef sprcuonteation Bounded — Butter proton - Pounded Pujjer poten. Bounded Bujjer prollem 1 i abo called as produces - Comune porobtenn FA potodues tle by twee dati tat om empty Alot of Te buffer» comumsr tier to sumove the dole fron a filled Bot dv the buffer + fh, there shoo frrrcerses won't produce the expected outpwr tf Hey Oo ing ekecuted 5 One solution of Hic porovlen fo bo vce Aomaphores « the H SemaphoAes which wil be vred here ane; mo bina domaphore which is uted to accapire amd selease the Leck. > empty, a wurling 4emaphore whose tnibll Value tb te hoof Alot Be the baffor since otal alt slot; cro tents > full, a couribiing Semaphore whote inittal value is o- At any futamt the oust value of tmp ty sepeerdmts the | move empty ate in Uke baler and full fupreronts the "0 4 | occupied stots tn the bafger ¥ Te dtrucre of the produced prowess do /% produce an Thon tw ext - produced el fate Compty)s macaylres Locke wall (mutex) ; fl parferm inteue epesabon ba a slot feta eee produced tthe buffer “/ [selease Lock Saral (mutend 1 inowmemt pul: Sarat (fully 5 3 while (tue); ) poroduces waits until thou ts atleat one empty sot « > Then it decrements omy! semaphore became theta wilh now be one Ww ompby slot ay tw pradaur ir going be Wert dab tn slot 2 eet oy Leck. fo that torumar comnot otidn tae bt until producer Uenplatas ite aa 7 BIG pexomeng. et: opesatiny a a | ne Structude of the — Consumer process do. wait (futl), f acqpive the lock wait Cmuter) rethosm Aumove operation /tcleme locks C4 P sX Hemove am ikem {rem bupier to heck— touumed 4] Sanat (mutex); 7 Inctornent empty agnat Comply); J conmumu the them fn next Comumed “f Zwhik (due), DF Tee ensue waits untél thew ip atteat one full ot in baffer 3 Then It decomsnls {ult tomapheve, became the moro{ ocurpied Slots uill be deowsased by one ofl Consumer compels io operation] 3 Then the urmumea acqplres lock on buffer amd cornplds the Somoval operatien fo that data frm one of full stot is vernoved > Te wormmec Sobeases the deck: > Frag Abe omy Semaphore 6 Irowmerted by 1, becawe the comune, has ‘we somoved dala from am occupied slot - 9) Define deadlock Dicuurs Deadlock prevention mechanism tn detail: Pen deadinck ic a situation wher multiple procoves QL Abick, becawe each i6 ussite) for a Serre hold oy amothos, » ene ang 4 Progra ‘in the exeudion of a pres. iach an atte if the peer Jour conkitios hol a sai ch Mukual Exdusion Nz hel Deoadtoce Paevombion : Te of vin provent the deadlock fom occuring by porevonting a te four tonditiows that cowed duadtoces > Mo Matuat exchusion dom one proces tom have acon bb w became if It mean, more Single swiource ot Me same Lime: 9's impossi be if multiple proceso * access the Same hospurce simaltanersly , there wit be chaos amd no proces will be completed - So this is not feasible: Hemet » DC cant avoid mutual exclusion - | | | ai) No Hotd amd wait ae ‘ | Te avoid hold amd watt i Showrd acqpire al the Seaytred awources before Arasting Pre execution: eonbie became o pros unl Wea & Angle | put this te abo rot { | Hae supunce UbILxation te lox ovnd owourcee ab a time Hae, | abo prowes doer not now how many ADuntes woud be Keqpirred | | Compete. ah execution « Another aly iA eee have additional susurers tum Since dee aa eee tc holding a suource q work ite must: treo the actapred Aoourer | Ths wo we Tt cm Swale in stasualion diy Rawemption: qa proay that is hotdeng Jome ABouncer N4pats another jarounce that cannot be snnmedtatedy allocated b %t , they aw surourca waruntly being. held oe delened: > Preempted rernwreen ore added to the lise of ruounes for alntch “Uke prow te walling - com Iigain it old > Phocrs wit be sattasted only whon it Durources as wot as the now mos tab te & Departing - o Romoval of Grabar Wait: | Gn creer walt, two proces are stuck in the wate Slate for the Aeoureeg which have been hotd by each other+ BH owed this, we assign a numssical lnleger vabie to alt the iw Tneseasineg usury amd a prowess hor bo acces the Hesource adn: Yo) Elaborate different types {System alu: Pea fustem calk provide on tnbera betworn a proce and om operating apie - Types of open calls There ais mainly five types af sr They ane: © Procy control cit) Device management vy Communtcotion, CM 4nformation maintenance diy File Management Ci) Phocow Control: These Tee Process terminati wih as “poroceas cheabiton calls deal with proces ic abest, “exeoute, ond, load etc» aa: we ure fork sytem call. ; as tipn. oD FG management There Sytem cals are feponsible Joy file man? wation ese Sy Alls Ode ep bv ? Auch as creating {ies deleting ‘le, Suadlsing file , opom close» waite into a ffl 1 get fue altachutis, Sot file attcbuter ete wh) Device Management Thue ayn Cals axe Avspomsibte {or device manipulation Such as heading from device bufhers » waikéng into device» Koqpurt device , Suleare device , att device allatbues, sor device attthulis etc: UY Information maintenance : These stern calls handle information and ib Bromler | between the ora gio and the veer peyem Like get terme or date, sek tive ov date get proc fu a device attibne - | get System dala, sot syptorn dake. Ok =, ©) Communication: - | a iad lose Tata saptorn cal, ou Useful fpr iabuptews communication ot also deol ustth arsating amd deleting a Communicatuin connection + iS 2 3 | forme of the Cxarnpls of all te aleve tyre of duftern calts Be windows and unix ere qe as follows TPS 4 Sptom cals Windows Linux i — t |] Procers control — | Create Process C > | teko | | Exie froceysc> exikO> | | wait fosingl Object uate | FL maragiment | CouataFitecd open) | ReadFile > read) | Write Filec watec> CloceHamdlec > close (> 8ebConsoleModec > foctlC> Deca managpmint | Read Consoler ead Wait torole C9 wie eran GetlurrmtProcs!DC getpider (anion ness Cet Tenancy alam) | Sleep ey Sleepe> 3} 7 peo Coe EdcatePipec> fare CuentaFlemappleg©> shmgetCo MapViaw0f Fite (> map ¢> 4 a ae

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