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 the act or an instance of taking one's own life voluntarily and intentionally (deliberate act)

 death caused by self-directed injurious behavior with intent to die as a result of the behavior

 from Latin word, suicidium: sui – “oneself”, and cidium – “to kill”

 common risk factors associated with suicide include: family history of suicide or child
maltreatment, previous suicide attempt(s), mental illness, alcohol or other drug misuse, expose
to violence, barriers to accessing mental health treatment, and loss (relational, social, work, or

 there are four types of suicide according to Emile Durkheim

Four Types of Suicide

1. Egoistic Suicide
- seen from the absence of social integration
- one destroys or see himself as an outsider himself when he feels socially isolated
- individuals are unable to find their own place in society, and have problems adjusting to groups
- suicide is seen as a solution to be free from loneliness

2. Altruistic Suicide
- occurs when social group involvement is too high
- one destroys himself when he is too willing to die for the sake of others
- individuals are so close and intimate that they sacrifice their own life in order to fulfil some
obligation for the group
- suicide is seen as a beneficial act to the society

3. Anomic Suicide
- caused by the lack of social regulation, and it occurs during high levels of stress and frustration
- one destroys himself when he is unable to face sudden and unexpected changes in situations
- individuals suffer extreme financial loss, the disappointment and stress
- suicide is seen as escape to stress

4. Fatalistic Suicide
- occurs when individuals are kept under tight regulation
- one destroys himself when he feels he cannot keep up with the high expectations
- individuals are placed under extreme rules or expectations, which removes their sense of self
- suicide is seen as escape to pressure

 On a global scale, suicide stands as a significant public health concern. The World Health
Organization notes that nearly 800,000 people lose their lives to suicide annually.

 It's estimated that for each completed suicide, there are numerous unsuccessful attempts.

 Suicide rates can exhibit significant variation by country, with certain regions experiencing higher
rates than others.

 54 percent of children expressed negative emotions such as sadness, fear, and worry.
 41 percent of children confirmed that caregivers have used either physical and psychological
 84 percent of children felt worried for themselves and their families.
 19 percent of children are unaware or unsure about child protection services.
 Furthermore, the statistics from UNICEF and WHO are alarming:

10 percent to 15 percent of Filipino children aged 5 to 15 are affected by mental health problems.

16.8 percent of Filipino students aged 13 to 17 have attempted suicide at least once within a year.

One in four students have seriously considered attempting suicide, and one in five students have actually
attempted suicide according to a study by the Department of Education (DepEd).

These figures highlight the critical need for accessible and effective mental health services, especially for
children and adolescents. The shortage of child psychiatrists, particularly in rural areas, is a significant
concern. It emphasizes the necessity of developing policies and interventions that are child-centered and
inclusive of all regions.



There was a case where, a singer committed suicide due to exhaustion to keep up with society’s rules
and regulations. A K-pop celebrity Kim Jonghyun, a former member of SHINee, ended his life at the age
of 27, due to severe depression and the pressure of being in the spotlight as he felt that he could not
fulfil the society’s expectations of his performance (Lee, 2018).

Local 1

A college student, named Kenneth Ramos, of Don Honorio Ventura Technological State University, has
ended his life, after knowing that he failed to join the graduation, due to “no grade” in 15-20 units.

Local 2

Another student who is grade 11, ended his life, due to the pressure and difficulty to study, during the
COVID-19 pandemic. The family stated that the student worked part-time jobs at the age of 11 just to
pay his school fees.

Corsetti, G. (n.d.). The origin and meaning of “suicide”. LinkedIn.

Four Types of Suicides. (2020, March 30). MDIS Blog.


Risk factors associated with suicide - suicide prevention center NY. Suicide Prevention Center NY - New
York State Office of Mental Health’s Suicide Prevention Center. (2019, March 19).

Share, Twitter, Twitter, & Twitter. (n.d.). DepEd-SoCot “shocked, sad” over suicide of Grade 11 learner.

Springer Publishing Company. (2023, August 20). Ethical and philosophical issues in suicide. Springer

Student commits suicide after being barred from graduating. Facebook. (n.d.).

Wang, A. B. (2021, December 1). K-pop star’s suicide note reveals pressures of Fame, depression that
“consumed” him. The Washington Post. stars-suicide-note-
reveals-depression-that-consumed-him-pressures-of- fame/

World Health Organization. (n.d.). Suicide. World Health Organization.


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