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Read this passage to answer questions number 1-7.

Once upon a time, there was a little poor boy came into a little village. He was very hungry and weak.
He knocked at every door and asked for some food, but nobody cared about him. Nobody wanted to
help the little boy.

Finally, a generous woman helped him. She gave him shelter and a meal. When the boy wanted to
leave, this old woman gave him a lesung, a big wooden mortar for pounding rice. She reminded him;
“Please remember, if there is a flood you must save yourself. Use this lesung; as a boat!”

The little boy was happy and thanked the old woman. He continued his journey. While he was
passing through the village, he saw many people gathering on the field. The boy came closer and saw
a stick stuck in the ground. People challenged each other to pull out that stick. Everybody tried, but
nobody succeeded. “Can I try?” asked the little boy. The crowd laughed mockingly. The boy wanted
to try his luck so he stepped forward and pulled out the stick. He could do it very easily. Everybody
was dumb founded.

Suddenly, from the hole left by stick, water spouted out. It did not stop until it flooded the village.
And no one was saved from the water except the little boy and the generous old woman who gave
him shelter and meal. As she told him, he used the lesung, as a boat and picked up the old woman.
The whole village became a huge lake. It is now known as Rawa Pening Lake in Salatiga, Central Java,

1. Which sentence from the story is written in the past tense?

a) "He knocks at every door and asks for some food."

b) "The little boy is happy and thanks the old woman."

c) "The villagers gathered on the field to challenge each other."

d) "The water does not stop until it floods the village."

e) "The generous woman is giving him shelter and a meal."

2. Which verb form correctly completes the sentence in the past tense?

"The little boy _______ shelter and a meal from the generous woman."

a) gives

b) gave

c) giving

d) has given

e) will give

3. What can be inferred about the villagers in the story?

a) They were unkind and uncaring.

b) They were afraid of strangers.

c) They were unaware of the little boy's presence.

d) They were unwilling to share their food.

e) They were curious but skeptical of the little boy.

4. Why did the old woman give the little boy a lesung?

a) To use it as a weapon for self-defense.

b) To provide him with a tool for pounding rice.

c) To remind him of her kindness and generosity.

d) To use it as a boat in case of a flood.

e) To help him find his way back home.

5. Why did the crowd laugh mockingly when the little boy wanted to pull out the stick?

a) They thought the task was impossible.

b) They believed the boy was weak and incapable.

c) They were amused by the boy's confidence.

d) They were mocking the boy's poverty and hunger.

e) They were surprised by the boy's determination.

6. What happened after the little boy pulled out the stick?

a) The villagers praised him for his strength.

b) The villagers became angry and chased him away.

c) Water started gushing out from the hole left by the stick.

d) The boy was rewarded with a large sum of money.

e) The stick turned into a magical object.

7. What lesson can be learned from the story?

a) Kindness and generosity are always rewarded.

b) Courage and determination can overcome challenges.

c) Strangers should not be trusted.

d) Mockery and laughter are hurtful and should be avoided.

e) The value of helping others in need.

This passage below is for questions number 8-14

Once upon a time in ancient Japan, there was a couple who had always wished for a child. Their wish
came true, but they were surprised to see that their son was only as tall as a thumb. They named
him Issunboshi, which means "One-Inch Boy."

Although Issunboshi was very tiny, he had a big heart and was very brave. He wanted to prove
himself, so he asked his parents for a sewing needle, which he turned into a sword. With his tiny
sword, Issunboshi set off on an exciting adventure to find his fortune.

During his journey, Issunboshi faced many challenges and encountered dangerous situations. But he
didn't let his small size stop him. He used his cleverness and bravery to overcome each obstacle that
came his way. He even rescued a young woman from a group of scary ogres, and she became his
faithful companion.

Together, Issunboshi and the young woman arrived at the emperor's palace, where a grand
celebration was taking place. Despite his small stature, Issunboshi caught the attention of the
emperor and his daughter, the princess. The princess was really impressed by his bravery and kind
heart, and she fell in love with him.

Issunboshi and the princess got married, and he became an important member of the royal court.
His tiny size didn't matter anymore. It was a symbol of his incredible journey and his never-give-up

The story of Issunboshi teaches us that true strength comes from inside, and even the smallest
person can achieve great things with determination and courage.

Issunboshi ________ a young woman from a group of scary ogres.

a) rescues

b) rescued

c) rescue

d) rescuing

The princess ________ impressed by Issunboshi's bravery.

a) is

b) was

c) were

d) has been

Why is Issunboshi considered a brave character in the story?

a) Because he is physically strong.

b) Because he overcomes challenges despite his small size.

c) Because he has a powerful weapon.

d) Because he is wealthy and popular.

e) Because he is the protagonist of the story.

How does the story of Issunboshi teach us the importance of determination?

a) By showing that success comes easily to those who are determined.

b) By emphasizing that determination is unnecessary for achieving goals.

c) By illustrating the challenges and obstacles Issunboshi faces on his journey.

d) By suggesting that determination has no impact on one's fate.

e) By portraying Issunboshi as a passive character who relies on luck.

What role does the princess play in Issunboshi's story?

a) She is the main antagonist.

b) She is a damsel in distress.

c) She is Issunboshi's loyal companion.

d) She is a symbol of power and authority.

e) She is impressed by Issunboshi's bravery.

How does the character of Issunboshi challenge stereotypes or expectations?

a) By being physically small but still achieving great things.

b) By conforming to societal norms and expectations.

c) By relying on others for his success.

d) By being a passive character who takes no action.

e) By having extraordinary abilities and talents.

What lesson or moral can be learned from the story of Issunboshi?

a) Size and physical appearance determine one's worth.

b) Perseverance and bravery can lead to success.

c) Only those born into privilege can achieve their dreams.

d) Luck and chance are the primary factors in achieving goals.

e) The story has no clear lesson or moral.

Read the text below to answer questions number 15-23.

"The Legend of Mount Slamet"

Once upon a time, in a village near a majestic mountain called Mount Slamet, there lived a
hardworking farmer named Joko. He was known for his kindness and respect for nature.

One day, while working in his fields, Joko found an injured bird with a broken wing. He felt
sorry for the bird and decided to help it. Joko cared for the bird and nursed it back to health.

To his surprise, the bird transformed into a beautiful goddess named Dewi Sri, who was the
protector of rice and fertility. Dewi Sri was grateful to Joko for his compassion and wanted to reward

Joko, being a humble person, declined any reward, saying that helping the bird was enough
for him. Impressed by his selflessness, Dewi Sri decided to bless the land around Mount Slamet.

After that day, the fields in the village thrived, and the villagers never experienced a shortage
of food. The news of Joko's kind act and the blessings of Mount Slamet spread far and wide. People
from villages came to seek Joko's guidance and blessings.

Joko became well-respected and known for his wisdom. His acts of kindness and connection
with the divine brought prosperity and harmony to the entire Tegal region.

Even today, the people of Tegal celebrate the legend of Mount Slamet and the story of Joko.
They honor the importance of compassion, humility, and the beauty of nature. Mount Slamet stands
as a reminder of the power of kindness and the blessings that come from respecting and caring for
the world around us.

According to the legend, what is the name of the mountain in the region of Tegal?

a) Mount Tegal

b) Mount Slamet

c) Mount Dewi Sri

d) Mount Joko

e) Mount Sumbing

What qualities made Joko well-known in his village?

a) Wealth and power

b) Intelligence and strength

c) Hard work and kindness

d) Beauty and charm

e) Handsome and wise

What did Joko find injured while tending to his crops?

a) A bird

b) A snake

c) A rabbit

d) A deer

e) A fish

What did the injured bird transform into?

a) A mountain

b) A river

c) A goddess

d) A tree

e) A rice

Which aspect of nature did the celestial being, Dewi Sri, govern?

a) Rain and thunder

b) Mountains and valleys

c) Rice and fertility

d) Law and justice

e) Fate and life

What did Joko receive from Dewi Sri as a reward for his kindness?

a) Wealth and power

b) Eternal youth

c) Magical abilities

d) A blessing for the land

e) A beautiful bride

How did Joko's acts of kindness impact the Tegal region?

a) Brought prosperity and harmony

b) Caused destruction and chaos

c) Created a drought and famine

d) Awakened the wrath of the gods

e) Turned a bird into a goddess

What is the type of the text above?

a) Narrative

b) Report

c) Recount

d) Procedure

e) Exposition

What is the social function of the text?

a) To describe about Mount Slamet

b) To entertain the readers with local legend of Mount Slamet

c) To inform the readers about Mount Slamet

d) To describe about a person named Joko

e) To explain to readers what can they do in Mount Slamet

What are the generic structures of narrative text?

a) Orientation – events – closing

b) Orientation – events – reiteration

c) Orientation – conflict – plot

d) Orientation – complication – resolution – reorientation

e) Orientation – complication – events

Which one is included in narrative text?

a) legend

b) procedure text

c) introduction text

d) biographical text

e) experience
Arrange the following words to form a correct past tense sentence.

John – because – late – missed – the bus.

A) Because John missed the bus late.

B) John missed the bus because late.

C) John missed the bus because he was late.

D) Late because John missed the bus.

E) The bus missed because John was late.

After – finished – homework – she – went – to bed.

A) After she went to bed, finished homework.

B) She went to bed after finished homework.

C) After she finished homework, she went to bed.

D) Homework finished after she went to bed.

E) She finished homework after going to bed.

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