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I'm sure that, being as young as you are, sleep is probably the least of your worries.
However, it's interesting to take a look at this aspect to see if you're developing any
bad habits or routines for the future.

How many hours do you typically sleep per day on a regular school day?
● 6 hours or less (0p)
● 7 hours (0,75p)
● 8-9 hours (1p)

Please indicate which of the following activities you typically do just before going
to bed.
● Read a book (1p)
● Check my email (0p)
● Use social media (0p)
● Play video games on console or mobile (0p)
● Watch TV (0p)

Do you usually wake up in the middle of the night?

● Yes (0p)
● No (1p)

How do you typically feel after waking up and being awake for 15-20 minutes?
● I feel tired and want to go back to sleep (0,5p)
● I feel good and well-rested, sometimes I don't even need to turn off the
alarm because I wake up before it (1p)
● I feel okay, but it takes me quite some time to become active (0,75p)

In the past month, how many days have you had trouble sleeping for any reason
(such as getting too few hours of sleep, worrying, staying awake, etc.)?
● None or only sporadically (1p)
● A couple of days or three (0,5p)
● It happens occasionally, once a week or every two weeks (0,75p)

How often do you feel sleepy during the day?

● Often (0,5p)
● Rarely or never (1p)

Do you usually take naps? If so, how long are your naps?
● No (1p)
● Yes, no more than 15-30 minutes (1p)
● It depends on the day, some days I don't nap, and other days it varies
until I wake up. (0,5p)
● Yes, between 30 and 60 minutes or more (0,5p)

In general, do you consider yourself a morning person or a night owl?

What time do you usually go to bed?
● Between 10:00 PM and 11:00 PM (1p)
● Between 11:00 PM and 12:00 AM (0,75p)
● After 12:00 AM (0,5p)

Do you wake up easily, or do you need to snooze the alarm several times?
● I get up as soon as the alarm sounds (1p)
● I snooze the alarm for 5 or 10 minutes (0,75p)
● I snooze it multiple times until I can finally get up (0p)

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