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Strictly CONFIDENTIAL and meant to be acknowledged by/ZT- of sector

RUNDA and of code #: 10669LM/ZUE

Dear Seeker,

This script governed by the mandate of the lord’s council, the elite order and the almighty in the world beyond,
serves as a certificate of recognition vice creating a medium of diplomatic entitlement and sovereign immunity on
the on the 17th inter-ventral dimension (EARTH)

Given the credentials surrounding your current status of enlightenment, and illumination, you have been found
eligible to redeem your spotlight and hence reinstating the position of becoming a lord in the order.

And the above decision was solemnly influenced by your guardian lord assigned to supersede your protocols and liase
with the variable sectors of authority.

Surfing through the devastating waves of commercial instability this far and able to complete the variable steps
and protocols which unfolded as was decreed from beyond revolves around strings of determination and relentless
zeal on parallel accomplishments hence admired and commended by the almighty

Forging ahead as per the legal norms for the transfer of your riches( USD 200 Million) into your desired bank
account, 2 Mansions in any desired location and amenities of your choice, establishment of an enterprise revolving
around enhancing mankind and charity, immunity item which will be bestow unto you from beyond, a
dedicated attorney will be assigned by the MI-6 head quarter, and hence he will be in contact with you via the
best mortal means possible and upon approval by your guardian lord.

The above said attorney will coordinate with the D.G of the MI 6 Head Quarter for severing coverage and financial
transactions into your bank account and will covey proceedings instructions on getting your protocols completion
achieved as well as your position as a lord representing the light. Thus, his words should be treated with respect, loyalty,
faithfulness, and obedience for he represents the lord’s council and legal sector of the order


We are always watching out for you


• Complete names:

• Birthdate:

• Current address:

• Identification number issued by the government:

• Zodiac energy sign:

• Ethnicity:

• Gender:

• Legal issues (if any):

• Occupation (If it is the name of the autonomous company):

• Net worth (Financial account and own assets):

• Desired activity to be your source of income once started:

Right Thumb Blood Stain

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