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*Cutting Tree and getting desired results with Tantra*


Changing the outcome of an event with Tantra is like cutting a tree . The wood cutter has to be strong,
the appropriate tool is to be used, and the tool needs to be applied with proper force in prescribed
manner. If the wood cutter is weak, he/she might harm herself using the tool, if the tool is blunt then no
matter how much effort goes in the tree will not fall, and if the tool is not used properly the desired
outcome is not there and wood cutter might also be in trouble.

Mantra is like a tool. There are a set of methods to be understood and practiced to properly work with
that mantra. Also the tantric using it should have the capacity to use it. So to change an outcome in
nature forcefully, the tantric should be skilled with the mantra, should apply the right force in the
prescribed manner, and then use the right mantra.

So please understand that mechanically chanting a set of words as mantra, would not bring a specific
forced outcome in nature. For less than 1% it might work at times, due to force of faith and force of
bhakti, which is never repeatable or skilled. When you ask me for a mantra for mechanical chanting to
change an outcome it only shows ur immaturity. If you want to force an outcome in nature, pls
understand that having the tool alone is not enough. You have to put effort to learn it properly and
practice. You have to be the skilled woodcutter, who knows how to use the tool.


*Woodcutter Strength and Tantric Prayoga*


Everytime a woodcutter tries to cut the tree, he/she will get weak. Again the woodcutter has to gain the
lost energy to stay fit. Same applies to tantric. When you try to change an outcome for yourself or
others, you are making a karmic impression which weakens your own sadhana. So ensure you do your
daily sadhana as recharge.

There are many people in pain. As a tantric you cannot go and save everyone. Choose the battles you
want to fight. If you are not confident that they will do the parihara you suggest, then best to avoid. For
astro consulting, if the person directly impacted is not coming then I don't take it up. Similarly when you
reach out about your relative, I always say let them contact directly or let them contact someone they
trust. Why make your devata do work and put your sadhana effort for someone even remotely
interested in divinity.

Changing outcome is also a childish act.

really don't know the big picture. Nature knows what is best. So don't try messing with it. Only when
really needed, try changing outcomes.

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