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Quote Sheets

Quote Meaning
“Kendra’s a doctor, you know. First
Indian doctor in BC.”
Kendra corrected her. “Aboriginal.”
Clara rolled her eyes. “Native.
Aboriginal. Call me Indian till they get it
right in the Indian Act.” (2)
“Clara laughed and squeezed the young
woman’s hand. “Mariah’s got a whole
different kind of science. She learned it
here. Didn’t need no fancy school.”” (2)

“It was then that he smelled it for the

first time – that sickly sweet smell. Just
how Brother would smell when he came
for him in the night.” (19)

I laughed. “Like I said, Sister ain’t

looking around these corners. These
are my corners.” (50)

“You were just like that.” He put his arm

around my shoulders and squeezed.
“Like an old woman and a little kid at
the same time.” (67)

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