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2015 IEEE 12th International Conference on Autonomic Computing

Towards Security-Aware Virtual Server Migration

Optimization to the Cloud

Bowu Zhang Jinho Hwang Liran Ma Timothy Wood

Marist College IBM T.J. Watson Research Center Texas Christian University George Washington University
Poughkeepsie, NY, USA Yorktown Heights, NY, USA Fort Worth, TX, USA Washington DC, USA

Abstract—Cloud computing, featured by shared servers and workloads to the cloud1 has been technically challenging [18,
location independent services, has been widely adopted by various 14, 13]. One obstacle in way of the massive transition to the
businesses to increase computing efficiency, and reduce opera- cloud is the lack of holistic migration techniques. Existing
tional costs. Despite significant benefits and interests, enterprises tools such as Rackware [28], Racemi [27], and Double-
have a hard time to decide whether or not to migrate thousands of Take [10] are not able to accommodate various requirements
servers into the cloud because of various reasons such as lack of
holistic migration (planning) tools, concerns on data security and
from customers and constraints existing in cloud servers. In
cloud vendor lock-in. In particular, cloud security has become the particular, the concern on migration expense has long been
major concern for decision makers, due to the nature weakness at heart of enterprises due to the fact that the migration
of virtualization – the fact that the cloud allows multiple users process is quite resource consuming because of operations
to share resources through Internet-facing interfaces can be such as topology adaptation, resource right-sizing, and remote
easily taken advantage of by hackers. Therefore, setting up management. Recent works [22, 9, 29] have studied data
a secure environment for resource migration becomes the top migration strategies extensively from the perspective of cost
priority for both enterprises and cloud providers. To achieve the minimization. While the majority of these works focus on
goal of security, security policies such as firewalls and access reducing cost introduced by resource assignment and topology,
control have been widely adopted, leading to significant cost as few have taken the security expense of data centers into
additional resources need to employed. In this paper, we address
the challenge of the security-aware virtual server migration, and
propose a migration strategy that minimizes the migration cost As more and more corporations are aware of the security
while promising the security needs of enterprises. We prove that threats that are emerging, the security issues have become
the proposed security-aware cost minimization problem is NP- the primary concern of enterprises when managing their ma-
hard and our solution can achieve an approximate factor of
chines [1]. Today, cloud users face enormous security chal-
2. We perform an extensive simulation study to evaluate the
performance of the proposed solution under various settings. Our lenges posed by data loss and data leakage due to the complex
simulation results demonstrate that our approach can save 53% computing environment. In order to satisfy the desired level of
moving cost for a single enterprise case, and 66% for multiple security of enterprises, the cloud community has been calling
enterprises case comparing to a random migration strategy. for methods to continuously monitor system activities against
distributed denial of service attacks, and to efficiently control
Keywords—Cloud Computing; Cloud Migration; Cloud Secu- remote access towards resources in response to rising threats
rity; Cost Minimization of data breaches. While a growing body of research [1, 19] has
been devoted to helping enterprises set up security policies for
their existing services in the cloud, few has considered the cost
I. I NTRODUCTION derived from security implementations, while the deployment
of security defenses such as firewall network appliances (one
In the last few years, the cloud computing has emerged of the most expensive resources) can incur a large amount
as a revolutionary approach for enterprises to provide cost of resource consumption in terms of time, complexity, and
effective and reliable services over the Internet. There has been labor. In addition, none of previous work in literature has
an increasingly upward trend that enterprises move their local included security implementations at the runtime of migration,
servers to public/private/hybrid clouds, or at least part of their where the operations would be easy (compared to adding
machines to the cloud (i.e., cloud bursting). This “on-premise- security to services after the migration which may involve
to-cloud” migration not only helps enterprises save capital a large amount of work to “isolate” services in order to not
and operational expenses, but also provides enterprises with affect other services in the same server) and the security cost
elastic resource provisioning and ready-to-use management can be reduced significantly as it would be both time and
services. Today, users can enjoy using the cloud over a one- resource efficient for cloud providers to design a security-
click shop platform with a pay-as-you-go model, which in turn aware migration plan.
tremendously promotes the enterprise migration. Moreover, the In this paper, we focus on reducing the migration cost
diversity that lies in cloud service offerings also attracts great derived from security implementations in the perspective of
attention, further blooming the usage of cloud in industries.
1 The migration in this paper refers to live migration or copy/sync up/cut over
Despite significant interests, migrating enterprise-scale images so that there is minimum down time (minimum service disruption).

978-1-4673-6971-8/15 $31.00 © 2015 IEEE 71

DOI 10.1109/ICAC.2015.45

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a cloud provider by addressing clients’ security needs during ever, there has been a debate over the cloud computing ever
their migration processes. In real world, considering the cost since the first day it was launched, where people are skeptical
and the nature of services, enterprises normally choose to about using cloud due to security threats. The remote-resource-
manually add security protection only for some sensitive sharing feature of the cloud has posed significant challenges
services (i.e., database servers and file servers), while less over the data transmission and storage. The cloud is especially
sensitive components (i.e., middleboxes) are directly integrated vulnerable to attacks against user access and resource confiden-
into the cloud and operated under cloud’s default security tiality as the cloud users do not have full control over network
settings. Considering the fact that a cloud server/pod usually infrastructures. There has been a number of reports recently on
has a capacity that can support multiple services simultane- data breaches on public/private cloud where hackers exploited
ously, as a cloud provider, to reduce the migration cost due the weaknesses of cloud and users’ private data was leaked
to security implementation, an intuitive solution is to group without detection. Security has been a deterrent to prevent
machines with security needs, and migrate them to as few enterprises from migrating into the Cloud. Among enormous
cloud servers as possible. With this stepping-stone idea, in this security issues related to the cloud−network security, physical
paper, we investigate the migration problem in a situation that security, personnel security, availability, application security,
multiple enterprises request to move their servers, databases, privacy, and legal issues [31]− the network security is es-
applications from existing physical/virtual machines to the pecially critical as it directly affects running services. For
cloud. Specifically, we focus on satisfying the security needs instance, while enterprises run a mixture of dev/ops servers and
of customers while minimizing the cost introduced by planned production servers, dev/ops servers tend to open ports (without
security policies in the cloud by grouping servers based on security approval) for the sake of development convenience.
their security needs. To the best of our knowledge, this is the However, a vulnerable server that opens arbitrary ports without
first work in literature that considers the security policy im- strict security protection can expose the whole network space
plementation during the migration process. In addition, this is belonging to the same VLAN (i.e., the same subnets) because
also the first time to include the security cost while considering the server usually has access to other servers. Thus it is
the migration cost. Our contributions are summarized below: important and necessary to implement security policies in the
cloud to monitor and protect services [15]. However, adding
• We provide a problem formulation for the security-aware
security protection introduces extra costs to users as it requires
virtual server migration with an objective to minimize the
long term, constant input from cloud providers and users. To
migration cost, and prove the proposed problem is NP-
address these challenges, we aim to design a migration strategy
hard by reducing the well-known Bin-Packing problem to
that meets the security needs while minimizing the migration
a special case of our problem;
• We propose a greedy algorithm that can provide an approx-
imate solution to minimize the migration cost and guarantee It is important to understand the design of data centers.
the security needs for a single enterprise migration problem, Modern data centers such as SoftLayer mostly are organized
and prove its approximate factor; in Pods, where each pod consists of servers, and is connected
• We also develop a genetic approach to a realistic migration to other servers through routers/switches. A cloud data center
problem in the context of multiple enterprises; built upon Pods can support up to 5,000 servers. This “Data
• We perform an extensive simulation study to evaluate the Center - Pod - Server Rack” design emphasizes individuality
performance of the proposed solution under various settings. and diversity, as servers in different Pods can be utilized for
Our simulation results demonstrate that our algorithms out- various purposes, while it still promises the capability that the
performs the classic random assignment algorithm. In par- cloud can work as a whole if needed. For example, SoftLayer
ticular, the proposed solution improves the single enterprise consists of 13 data centers. Among them, the smallest data
moving cost by 53%, and the multiple enterprises cost by center has 5,500 servers where only one Pod is established. The
66%. biggest one has 40,000 servers that are partitioned into 8 Pods.
Another advantage in this Pod design is that if multiple servers
The rest of this paper is structured as follows. Next section in one Pod have security needs and if they belong to the same
explains background and motivation, and puts our work in enterprise, only one security policy needs to be deployed in the
the context of on-going research efforts. In Section III, we Pod, as we can implement it in the Pod switch. By leveraging
formulate the security-aware migration problem, prove its NP- this “Data Center-Pod-Server Rack” structure, we are able to
completeness, then propose a heuristic approach to provide an optimize data center performances in terms of space, power,
approximate solution and approximation factor, and lastly for network, personnel, and internal infrastructure [30].
a more general case, we provide a multi-user case. Section IV
shows where the proposed algorithms play a role in the Figure 1 illustrates a simplified Pod design in data centers.
migration planning system. Section V illustrates the results of Each Pod has two routers (frontend router and backend router)
our simulation works. A discussion is presented in Section VI that divide network space into public networks (e.g., public
followed by related work VII, and we conclude the paper in IPs with VLAN) and private networks (e.g., 10.x.x.x IPs with
Section VIII. VLAN), and each server has two interfaces that connect both
networks. In this cloud, every Pod can manage up to 4,096
II. BACKGROUND & M OTIVATION VLANs (12 bits are used for VLANs in 802.1q). The entire
Pod package contains an integrated management system and
There has been a fast-growing number of enterprises that an API server that manage the server racks with redundant
move their servers, databases, applications from existing phys- environmental control. In addition, if a security policy such as
ical/virtual machines to the cloud, because of the on-demand a firewall network appliance is provisioned, the firewall will be
service and rapid elasticity offered by the cloud servers. How- directly connected to the frontend router and monitor all in/out


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Fig. 2. Image Migration with Security Requirements (FW = firewall)

A. Problem Formulation
Fig. 1. Pod Design in SoftLayer Data Centers [30]
Figure 2 illustrates the migration process. Considering the
cost and the nature of services, sensitive services (circles in
Figure 2) are migrated into the cloud under the protection
traffic within its Pod only. In addition, since the capacity of of extra security layers, while less sensitive components are
Pod is limited up to 5,000 servers, resource provisioning can directly integrated into the cloud and operated under cloud’s
fail due to the resource limit. Therefore, resource provisioning default security settings. Modern clouds are organized in pods,
should be carefully designed in order to prevent multiple where cloud servers in a pod are connected to the public
firewall network appliances from dominating the total cost. network through a pod switch. When there exist multiple
services of the same client in one server/pod with security
As more and more enterprises are moving their servers, needs, only one security policy needs to be deployed in the
databases, applications from existing physical/virtual machines server/pod switch. Thereby, to reduce the migration cost due to
to the cloud, there have been constant migrations over data security implementation, intuitively, we would group machines
centers, leading to frequent changes in cloud settings. This has with security needs, and move them to as few servers/pods as
posed significant challenges in cloud management. Especially, possible in the cloud. Based on the above idea, we formulate
it is incrementally hard for cloud providers to compose firewall the problem of security-aware virtual server migration in cloud
rules every time for a new client while there exists a number computing as follows.
of firewalls with different settings for other clients [16]. Also,
Consider an enterprise that runs m local machines Li , i ∈
in often cases, customers are left off to manually manage their
{1, . . . , m}. Let SIi be the size of Li where “size” in this
own firewall appliances provisioned with no rules. Deciding
paper represents Li ’s physical and software constraints. In
security needs (e.g., how many firewall appliances are needed,
particular, we focus on 3 components of SIi that are critical to
where to put servers, etc.) and formulating firewall rules are
the performance of a machine: the memory size, the number of
hard problem to solve. Thus it is important to have a set
cpu cores, and the disk space. Let Si be the memory size of Li ,
of well-planned security rules for cloud providers to manage
COi be the number of cpu cores of Li , and DSi be the disk
migration. Moreover, the migration can be costly due to the
space of Li . Assume there exist n servers Di , i ∈ {1, . . . , n}
expense from the process that moves services to the cloud and
organized in h pods Pi , , i ∈ {1, . . . , h} in the cloud, where
the implementation of security policies. As a result, the cost
each pod has n/h servers. Let CAi be the capacity of Di ,
reduction becomes another critical issue that enterprises need
where “capacity” refers to the physical and software capability
to consider when migrating.
of Di . Similar to the local machines, in this paper, “capacity”
In this paper, we address challenges arising from security specifically refers to the memory size, the number of cpu cores,
implementations and cost reductions. The goal is to provide and the disk space. Define Ci the memory size of Di , CRi
an automated planning tool that cloud providers or cloud cus- the number of cpu cores of Di , and DKi the disk space of
tomers can leverge to make a good migration plan considering Di . The local machine Lj can be migrated to the cloud server
security. In particular, we not only consider a single-customer Dk on condition that SIj ≤ CAk . Since we only consider
migration scenario, but also a multiple-customer migration constraints that come from memory, cpu cores, and disk space,
scenario where there exist multiple enterprises waiting to the condition SIj ≤ CAk can be expanded as:
be migrated to the same data center, in various migration
situations. We will formulate our problem in the next section. Sj ≤ Ck , COj ≤ CRk , DSj ≤ DKk ,

In addition, multiple local machines

III. S ECURITY-AWARE M IGRATION A LGORITHMS {Li , Lj , . . . , Lp , i, j, . . . , p ∈ {1, . . . , m}} can be migrated to
the same cloud server Dq , q ∈ {1, . . . , n} on condition that

In this section we formulate the security-aware server k∈{i,j,...,p} SIk ≤ CAq , which can be further written as:
migration problem with the objective to minimize the migra- 
tion cost, and prove its NP-completeness. Then we propose • k∈{i,j,...,p} Sk ≤ Cq
heuristic approaches to provide an approximate solution and 
• k∈{i,j,...,p} COk ≤ CRq
approximation factor. Lastly for a more general case, we 
provide a multi-user case. • k∈{i,j,...,p} DSk ≤ DKq


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Let Fi ∈ {0, 1} represent the security need of Li , where Fi = other words, we need to figure out a migration matrix A to
1 indicates extra security policy needs to be implemented when solve the following problem:
migrating Li to the cloud, and Fi = 0 means there are no
special security needs. For instance, L2 can be moved to D5
when F2 = 1 on condition that SI2 ≤ CA5 expanded as:

S2 ≤ C5 , CO2 ≤ CR5 , DS2 ≤ DK5 , min{t max (A(k, i)Fk )}
A k∈{1,...,m},Di ∈Pj
where CA5 (C5 , CR5 , DK5 ) represents the current capacity m

(memory size, cpu cores, and disk space) of D5 , as the capacity s.t A(k, i)Sk ≤ Ci , ∀i, and
of a cloud server may change constantly due to the migration of k=1
multiple servers during the entire migration process. Besides, m

a security policy such as firewall should be implemented in A(k, i)COk ≤ CRi , ∀i, and (4)
D5 in order to meet the security need of L2 . k=1
We further assume that if there exist multiple machines A(k, i)DSk ≤ DKi , ∀i, and
from one enterprise, all with security needs, and if they are
migrated to the same server, only a single security policy n

needs to be implemented in the server. Moreover, if there exist A(k, i) = 1, ∀k
multiple machines from one enterprise, all with security needs, i=1
and if they are migrated to the same pod (no need to be the
same server), only a single security implementation is needed,
as the cloud provider can operate the security settings in the
pod switch. Let the cost of implementing a single security The above problem not only minimizes the security cost,
policy be t, where the expenses come from adding certain but also leads to a minimized number of pods used for
layers of security, software configuration and maintenance, migration. This is intuitive due to the fact that when there
labor work(hardware management, employee training), etc. exist multiple services (from the same enterprise) with security
Without loss of generality, we assume the cost of setting up needs and migrated into the same pod, only a single security
a single security policy in the cloud is the same for all the policy needs to be implemented (in the pod switch). Thus
clients. This can be easily extended to the case that the cost minimizing the security cost is equivalent to minimizing the
varies according to the requirements of clients. number of pods used. We will prove in the following section
Let A be a m ∗ n matrix that represents the migration rela- that the Eq.4 is a NP-hard problem. A greedy algorithm is
tionship, where the element at row k and column i A(k, i) = 1 proposed in section III to achieve the approximate results.
indicates that Lk is moved to Di , and A(k, i) = 0, otherwise.
Given the capacity constraint mentioned above, we can obtain:

 B. NP Completeness
A(k, i)Sk ≤ Ci ,
k=1 In this section we prove the security-aware migration
 problem is NP-hard by reducing the bin packing problem.
A(k, i)COk ≤ CRi , (1)
k=1 Theorem III.1. Eq.4 is NP-hard.
A(k, i)DSk ≤ DKi .
k=1 Proof: Consider the Bin Packing problem, where we are
given m items with sizes wi , i ∈ {1, 2, . . . , m} and a number
In addition, assume a service can not be migrated to more of bins each with a capacity of c. The question is to find the
than one server, we have: minimum number of bins to place all m items. The problem
is known to be NP-hard. We present in the following that, we
 can reduce the Bin Packing problem to a special case of the
A(k, i) = 1. (2) proposed migration problem Eq.4 in polynomial time.
Let’s consider a special case of the proposed migration
Thus, the cost T of moving m machines to n servers is: problem. Assume every server has the same capacity CA
(Here capacity can refer to any of the memory, the number
 of cpu cores, and the disk space). Our goal is to move m local
T =t max (A(k, i)Fk ) (3) machines with sizes {SI1 , SI2 , . . . , SIm } (Here size can refer
k∈{1,...,m},Di ∈Pj
j=1 to any of the memory, the number of cpu cores, and the disk
space)of an enterprise to n servers with the minimized cost.
Our goal is to move m local machines to n servers in the Assume all m local machines have security requirements. Thus
cloud with the minimum cost and security needs satisfied. In Fk = 1, ∀k. Consequently, Eq.4 becomes


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 Algorithm 1 Cluster Migration ({Li }, {SIi }, {Dj }, {CAj })
min{t max A(k, i)}
A k∈{1,...,m},Di ∈Pj Input:
m • {Li }: machines to be moved
 • {SIi }: Sizes of {Li }, including memory size, cpu cores,
s.t A(k, i)SIk ≤ CAi , ∀i, and (5)
and disk space
k=1 • {Dj }: servers in the cloud
 • {CAj }: Capacities of {Dj }, including memory size, cpu
A(k, i) = 1, ∀k. cores, and disk space
i=1 Output:
h • A: The migration matrix
In particular, the term j=1 maxk∈{1,...,m},Di ∈Pj A(k, i) in • {CAj }: The current available capacities of {Dj }
Eq.5 represents
h the number of pods used for migration. Let
N = j=1 maxk∈{1,...,m},Di ∈Pj A(k, i) be the number of
pods used in the migration. Eq.5 can be further rewritten as 2: Let A be a m×n matrix, indicating the migration relationship
between {Li }and{Dj }. Initially, all elements in A are zero.
3: Let {CAj } represent the current capacities of {Dj }. Initially,
min{tN }
A {CAj } = {CAj }.
 4: Let Θ be the set of servers used for migration. Initially, Θ =
s.t A(k, i)SIk ≤ CAi , ∀i, and φ.
(6) 5: Add all Li , i ∈ 1, . . . , m with Fi = 1 to Ψ, and the rest of
 servers to Ω.
A(k, i) = 1, ∀k. 6: Greedy Assignment(A, Ψ, Θ, {CAj })
7: Greedy Assignment(A, Ω, Θ, {CAj })
8: Output A and {CAj };
9: end function
Since t is a constant that represents the cost of imple-
menting a security policy, in the above equation, we focus
on minA {N }. In other words, we are looking for a migration
D. Approximation Factor
strategy A that assigns m local machines to n servers with
the minimum number of servers. As a result, finding the In this section, we prove that the proposed cluster migration
minimum number of bins to place all m items is equivalent algorithm 1 can achieve an approximation factor of 2.
to a special case of our migration problem. Through above
steps, we successfully transform the Bin Packing problem to Lemma III.1. There exists at most one server in Θ that has
a special case of Eq.4. Therefore, Eq.4 is NP-hard. machines migrated less than half of its capacity.

Proof: Assume there exist two servers Di , Dj in Θ with

C. Approximate Solution machines less than half of their capacities. Without loss of
generality, assume CAi ≥ CAj . Then according to algorithm
In this section, we present a heuristic algorithm to provide 1, items in Dj must have been migrated into Di . Thus the
an approximate solution to the proposed NP-hard problem assumption that there are two servers in Θ with machines less
Eq.4. In our solution, we partition machines into 2 clusters, than half of their capacities does not hold, which in turn proves
with and without security needs based on the consideration there exists at most one server in Θ that has machines less than
that we attempt to implement as few security defenses as half of its capacity.
possible by grouping machines with security needs to reduce
Lemma III.2. The sum of capacities of servers used by the
the cost. Our algorithm consists of two phases: In the first
optimal solution must be greater than or equal to the sum of
phase, we migrate machines with security needs into the cloud.
sizes of local machines.
In the second phase, we migrate the rest of machines to the
cloud. A greedy assignment algorithm 2 based on Best-Fit is
proposed for migration. We first sort machines to be migrated Proof: Assume the sum of capacities of servers used by
in decreasing order of their size SIk (which can be expanded the optimal solution is less than the sum of sizes of local
to memory size Sk , cpu cores COk , and disk space DSk ), machines. Then there does not exist such a solution where we
as machines with large size should be migrated first when can migrate all local machines to the cloud. Therefore, the sum
the resources are sufficient, otherwise, it would be hard to of capacities of servers by the optimal solution must be greater
insert a large machine into small server when big servers are than or equal to the sum of sizes of local machines.
occupied /there are no big servers available. We then sort cloud Theorem III.2. The sum of capacities of servers used by the
servers in increasing order of their capacities CA and always proposed algorithm is approximately less than twice of that
start migration with the first feasible one, as we intend to used by the optimal solution.
fill servers/pods used before, such that we can minimize the
number of servers/pod employed, which in turn will minimize
the migration cost according to Eq.4. Details are described in Proof: Based on lemma III.2, we obtain:
Algorithm 1 and 2.  m

CAi ≥ SIj , (7)
Di ∈Θoptimal j=1


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Algorithm 2 Greedy Assignment Algorithm (A, Δ, Λ, {CAj }) Algorithm 3 Multi-user Cluster Migration Algorithm
Input: ({Lui j }, {SIui j }, {Dk }, {CAk })
• A: The migration matrix Input:
• Δ: The set of machines to be moved • {Lui j }: machines to be moved
• Λ: The set of servers used • {SIui j }: Sizes of {Lui j }
• {CAj }: The current capacities of {Dj } • {Dk }: servers in the cloud
Output: • {CAk }: Capacities of {Dk }
• A: The migration matrix Output:
• Λ: The set of servers used • AR: The migration matrix
• {CAj }: The current available capacities of {Dj } • {CAk }: The current available capacities of {Dk }


2: Sort machines Δ = {Lk } in decreasing order of SIk .  First 2: Let AR = [Aui ]T . Initially, all elements in AR are zero.
sort Δ by the memory size Sk . For machines with the same Sk , 3: Let {CAk } represent the current capacities of {Dk }. Initially,
sort them by the number of cpu cores COk . Then for machines {CAk } = {CAk }.
with the same COk , sort them by the disk space DSk . This is 4: Let Θ be the set of servers used for migration. Initially, Θ =
because in real world applications, most of times, memory size φ.
is the bottleneck. 5: ∀j, add Lui j whose Fui j = 1 to Ψui , and the rest of servers
3: for Lk ∈ Δ do to Ω.
4: Sort Λ in increasing order of CAj .  Similarly, first sort 6: for all ui do
Λ by the memory size Cj . For servers with the same Cj , sort 7: Greedy Assignment(AR, Ψui , Θ, {CAj })
them by the number of cpu cores CRj . Then for machines with 8: end for
the same CRj , sort them by the disk space DKj . 9: Greedy Assignment(AR, Ω, Θ, {CAj })
5: Migrate Lk to the first feasible Dp in Λ. Let Akp = 1 10: Output AR and {CAj };
and update CAp = CAp − SIk . 11: end function
6: if there is no feasible server for Lk in Λ then
7: Sort servers that are not in Λ in decreasing order of
8: Migrate Lk to the first server Dq . Let Akq = 1 and {1, . . . , mui }} be the set of machines of up . Let {SIup k , k ∈
update CAq = CAq − SIk . {1, . . . , mup }} represent the sizes of machines, where mup is
9: Add Dq to Λ the number of machines up has. Denote Fup k the indicator of
10: end if security need of Lup k , where Fup k = 1 means Lup k requires
11: end for
12: Output A, Λ, {CAj }.
protection from the security policy, and Fup k = 1 states Lup k
13: end function has no security need. Let AR = [Au1 , . . . , Aur ]T represent
the migration relationship between machines and servers in
the cloud, where Aup is the migration matrix for user up . The
rest of notations follows the previous sections. We are looking
where Θoptimal is the set of servers used by the optimal for a migration strategy AR that minimizes the migration cost.
solution. On the other hand, lemma III.1 indicates there is Following Eq.4, we can write down the objective function for
at most one server used by the proposed algorithm 1 that has the multi-user migration problem as:
machines less than half of its size. Let Dk be such a server.
We have: m  h

 CAi − CAk min{t max ( max (Aup (k, i)Fup k ))}
SIj > Di ∈Θ (8) AR up ,p∈{1,...,r} k∈{1,...,mup },Di ∈Pj
2 j=1


Combine Eq.7 and 8. The following equation must hold. s.t Aup (k, i)SIup k ≤ CAi , ∀i, and

 CAi − CAk up k=1
CAi > Di ∈Θ (9) n

Di ∈Θoptimal Aup (k, i) = 1, ∀k and ∀up
We can easily rewrite the above equation as: i=1
2 CAi + CAk > CAi (10)
Di ∈Θoptimal Di ∈Θ
In order to solve Eq.11, we design an approximate al-
gorithm similar to the cluster migration algorithm 1. Given
r users and their machines to move, we consider machines
E. Multi-User Migration Algorithm with and without security needs separately. In particular, we
treat machines with security needs but from different users
So far we have considered the problem of migrating
as different sets, while we group machines without security
machines of a single client to the cloud. In this section, we
needs together (no matter which user they belong to). This is
present that our solution can be extended easily to solve the
based on the following considerations: First, for machines from
multi-user migration problem.
different enterprises, their security needs might be different.
Assume there are r users {u1 , u2 , . . . , ur } who need Therefore, they can not be processed as a whole. Second,
to move their machines to the cloud. Let {Lup k , k ∈ for machines without security needs, their performances are


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55 55
     The Proposed Algorithm The Proposed Algorithm
50 Random Aissgnment 50 Random Assignment
( )       
45 45
 $ % 40 40
35 35

Moving Cost

Moving Cost
     !" #     *    
30 30

25 25
      20 20

15 15

10 10

5 5
0 500 1000 1500 2000 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
   The Number of Local Machines ρ

(a) (b)
Fig. 4. (a) Moving Cost vs. Number of Local Machines; (b) Moving Cost
vs. ρ.
Fig. 3. Security Aware Migration Planner Architecture
actual available number of cpu cores in each server is drawn
uniform-randomly from [0, 16], the actual available disk space
in each server is drawn uniform-randomly from [0, 2] (TB),
affected by pods’ positions in the cloud, as long as they are and the actual available memory is uniform-randomly from
in the same cloud. [0, 128] (GB). Following notations in section III-A, let m be the
number of local machines to move in an enterprise, where m
IV. S YSTEM A RCHITECTURE varies in {100, 200, 300, . . . , 2000}. We also draw the number
of cpu cores of each local machine uniform-randomly from
In this section, we illustrate the system architecture where [1, 16], the disk space uniform-randomly from [0, 2] (TB), and
the proposed algorithm can be used as a part of a migration the memory uniform-randomly from [0, 128] (GB). Let ρ be
planner. Figure 3 shows a holistic migration process: 1) the ratio of the number of local machines with security needs
discover the source environment including server specifica- to m. Define Ttotal = T + Textra , the total moving cost due to
tions/dependencies; 2) retrieve the target information such as migration, where Textra represents the cost of implementing
available resources; 3) plan the migration considering security; security policies in extra machines when existing servers in the
4) provision the target environment and execute the migration simulated cluster can not satisfy the user needs. Since it may
(assuming the secure WAN connection is established in this occur during the migration that existing servers are not able to
step). We skip the post optimization and steady-state manage- accept more services, as services migrated earlier occupied the
ment step in the figure, which can be achieved after finishing resources, in order to solve this problem, we simulate a backup
the entire migration process. cloud cluster with the same size (2000 servers in 50 pods),
The goal of the migration planning step (Step 3 in Figure 3) and use it for migration when the primary cloud cluster is not
is to automatically find the best migration planning while able to absorb all the services. We will examine the proposed
considering the security needs. To note, the security aware algorithm by evaluating the moving cost Ttotal under a variety
migration planner not only considers a security problem, of conditions.
but also takes into consideration many other problems such We also implement a random assignment algorithm for
as target resource planning, migration wave planning, cost performance comparison. Given 2000 servers, and m local
minimization and the like. As a migration planner built in the machines, the random assignment algorithm randomly moves
cloud provider’s infrastructure and provided to customers, it local machines to feasible servers. For instance, in order
has a global view that customers can not see. So it is more to move local machine li , the random algorithm will pick
efficient that the cloud provider optimizes global resources servers randomly, until it finds a server dj such that the
based on the migration requests from multiple customers. following conditions are satisfied: Si ≤ Cj , COi ≤ CRj ,
With the discovered data from the on-premise datacenter, and DSi ≤ DKj (Similarly, if existing servers in the primary
we find the servers that require security needs (normally cloud can not satisfy the conditions, the backup cloud would
data protection). Then, the security guaranteed optimization be used).
shown in Algorithms 1 and 3 can provide a way to create a
comprehensive security aware migration planning. B. Evaluation Results
1) Single Enterprise Migration: We first consider a sce-
nario that a single client wants to move his machines to the
In this section we validate the performance of our algo- cloud. Figure 4(a) reports the moving cost vs. the number
rithms over simulations under various conditions. of local machines when ρ = 0.5. We can observe that the
cost T increases as the number of local machines to move
A. Evaluation Settings increases. This is because when ρ is fixed, a larger number
of local machines results in a larger number of machines with
Following the mainstream work [12, 35], we simulate a security needs, which in turn leads to more non-zero A(i, j)Fi
cloud cluster with 2000 servers organized in 50 pods, where terms in Eq.3. Compared with the random assignment algo-
each pod has a switch that connects to 40 servers and other rithm, the proposed approach achieves lower moving cost.
pod-level switches. In our cloud, each server has 16 cpu cores, This indicates that the proposed algorithm is cost-effective
2 TB disk space, and 128 GB memory, while, however, the against the random assignment. Moreover, the performance gap


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150 120
The Proposed Algorithm
The Proposed Algorithm
Random Assignment
Random Assignment The Proposed Algorithm
70 Random Assignment
100 80
Moving Cost

Moving Cost

50 40

Moving Cost

0 0
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
The Number of Users (Each has 100 machines) The Number of Machines
(a) (b)
Fig. 5. (a) Moving Cost vs. Number of Users; (b) Moving Cost vs. Number
of Machines When There Are 3 Users.

between two algorithms increases with an increasing number

of machines, reaches the peak when the number of machines 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1
is 1000, and slightly shrinks afterwards. This phenomenon
is reasonable, because initially, as the number of machines Fig. 6. Moving Cost vs. ρ.
gets bigger, the advantages of using the proposed algorithm
accumulate, thus the performance gap also gets bigger. When achieves a 66% improvement when the number of enterprises
the number of machines to move gradually approaches the reaches 8. This is due to the fact that when there exist machines
capacity of the cloud (2000 servers in the cloud, and the whose Fi = 1 from multiple enterprises migrated to the
actual available number of servers is less than 2000), both the same server, not one but multiple (equal to the number of
proposed algorithm and the random algorithm tend to use all enterprises that have been migrated to this server) security
the servers in the cloud, and therefore, the difference between implementations have to be operated. Therefore, the more
their performances becomes smaller. In general, the proposed enterprises, the more the accumulated advantages using the
algorithm outperforms the random algorithm, and achieves a proposed algorithm, the larger the gap. Our proposed method
53% improvement when the number of machines is 1000. achieves an overall less migration cost in an environment close
to the real world scenario where usually the cloud provider has
Figure 4(b) evaluates migration algorithms when ρ varies. business with hundreds of enterprises.
The number of local machines to move is fixed at 1000.
As can be observed in the figure, the moving cost increases Fig.5(b) reports the moving cost vs. the number of local
monotonically when ρ increases. This is intuitive that as ρ machines when there exist multiple users (r = 3). ρ is fixed at
increases, the number of non-zero A(i, j)Fi terms (Eq.3) 0.5. In general, the proposed method outperforms the random
increases, leading to a larger cost T . In general, the proposed algorithm in terms of moving cost, consistent with Fig.4(a).
method generates less cost under all values of ρ, which further Also the performance gap increases as the number of machines
confirm the superiority of the proposed method. Again, the increases. The reason is explained in Fig.5(a).
performance gap shrinks as ρ increases. This is explained as Finally, Fig.6 presents the performance of migration algo-
follows. Given Eq.3, it is obvious that T mainly comes from rithms vs. ρ where there exist multiple enterprises (r = 3).
machines with security needs. When ρ is small, the proposed Each enterprise has 200 machines to move. Results demon-
algorithm tends to organize machines with security needs strate the superiority of our algorithm when there exist multiple
within a few number of servers, while the random algorithm customers waiting to be migrated. This is consistent with
simply disperses them over 2000 servers, thereby, leading to a Fig.4(b). The above results show that the proposed method has
big performance gap. When ρ climbs up towards 1, the propose a strong ability to reduce the moving cost and outperforms the
method has to employ a much larger number of servers in the random algorithm under various conditions.
cloud, as the number of machines with security needs increases
significantly, while the random algorithm remains basically the
same, resulting in a less difference in their performance. VI. D ISCUSSION
2) Multiple-Enterprise Migration: Next we consider a An enterprise-scale migration consists of multiple steps
scenario that there come requests from multiple enterprises including source discovery, pre-migration wave planning, mi-
simultaneously. Following our previous notations, let r be the gration, post-migration configuration/optimization, and steady-
number of enterprises, and vary r in {1, 2, 3, . . . , 8}. Fix ρ at state operations. However, existing tools are not able to manage
0.5, and assume each enterprise has 100 servers to move. We these migration steps as a whole, as it is really hard to ac-
plot the results in Fig.5(a). First, we observe that the moving commodate various requirements from each step. For example,
cost increases as the number of enterprises increases. This the image-based migration software, Racemi, while it supports
is because when r climbs up, the total number of machines P2V, V2V, and P2P services1 on both Windows and Linux
with security needs increases, thus leading to a higher cost. operating systems, has not been working on other popular
Second, the proposed algorithm achieves lower cost than the platforms, such as Windows 2000 and 2012. Thus, in this
random algorithm no matter how many enterprises exist. This
1 P stands for physical and V stands for virtual. Converting means changing
again shows the superiority of our approach. Third, we observe
that the performance gap between two algorithms increases image formats or adapting a server to the target (e.g., removing drivers that
access hardwares directly).
significantly with an increasing number of enterprises, and


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section, we discuss about issues and limitations rising from the entire migration process [24, 25]. As a part of the migration
cloud migrations, and future directions. problem solution, our contribution in this paper can be applied
to the migration planning stage in that the objective is to
Cloud-born vs. migration: The successful story, among minimize the extra resources and implementation cost.
many, of Netflix open source software (OSS)−100s of mid-
tier services and applications, billions of requests per day,
up to 70 billion events per day, 10,000s of EC2 instances VII. R ELATED W ORK
in multiple regions−ignites flame on cloud-based business This paper is built upon considerable prior work regarding
models. Yet the Netflix OSS is a cloud-born architecture data center migration, and client-server assignment in cloud
considering resource elasticity and location-based replications, computing. In this section, we review the related work in each
whereas the existing on-premise data centers often do not of these fields.
have a cloud-fit architecture. Enterprises have been seeking
ways to adapt their environment to the cloud and migrate into There has been a growing body of research on data
the cloud instead of re-architecting the IT infrastructure in center migration, where energy minimization [34, 4, 6, 4]
the cloud. A fundamental difference between on-premise data and bandwidth utilization maximization [26, 33, 36, 17] were
centers and the cloud environment is that the cloud follows the key areas that have been focused on. Recent work on energy
pay-as-you-go model, which means customers need to manage minimization mainly reduce energy consumption by utilizing
computing resources efficiently. Otherwise a monthly payment the market-based resource allocation, where the theory of sup-
may include unnecessary bills. This is essentially problematic ply and demand in economics was introduced to help achieve
if we migrate the on-premise data centers as they are because the goal. In [8, 7], authors propose such economical models
they are designed based on peak performance usage. Also an based on data center usage expectations and energy costs,
entire on-premise data center is protected by a firewall, but in which requires accurate usage prediction, and efficient in-
the cloud environment, the servers may have to be distributed formation exchange between enterprises and cloud-providers.
across regionally separated data centers or Pods in a data center On the other hand, a number of works discuss the problem
that change the network security configurations. of migration with bandwidth guarantees. Migration strategies
in these work were designed with awareness of the network
Multiple cloud providers: Since Amazon launched the topology connecting servers in the cloud, in order to avoid
AWS service in 2006, many similar Infrastructure-as-a-Service load imbalance. For example, [26] presented a solution to the
(IaaS) companies have jumped in the same business model. bandwidth-aware migration problem based on the maximum-
This means that customers can choose cloud providers based flow tree, where the tree nodes represent the servers, and edges
on their requirements or preferences. Accordingly, there needs stand for traffic. While these work achieved improvements in
to be a cloud moving company that can pack all the resources either power consumption or network utilization, few of them
from one cloud and unpack in another cloud to make them have taken the security need of data centers into account.
operate properly. Unfortunately the current migration offerings This paper addresses the challenge of security-aware data
are not sufficient to satisfy this demand because they move center migration, where we aim to minimize the migration
one virtual server basis and the reconfiguration is left to the cost without compromising the security of data centers. For the
customers. first time, we introduce the security cost into the data center
migration, in responding to the urgent request for security
Migration orchestrator: As explained before, an entire mi- implementations from both individuals and organizations.
gration process is a long lasting task that involves many
steps−source discovery, discovery data analytics and schedul- The client-server assignment problem in cloud computing
ing, target provisioning, source-target secure network setup, has led to extensive discussions recently. Current work on
migration, and remediation and test [14]−and it may take client-server assignment can be classified into three cate-
weeks, even months based on a number of servers and se- gories: 1. assignments with an emphasis on load minimiza-
curity requirements. Currently many different companies offer tion [3, 11, 32], 2. assignments with an emphasis on load
piece(s) of the entire migration process, so that it is really balancing [2], and 3. a hybrid of the former two [23, 37, 5].
hard to manage the end-to-end migration process. There is Prior work that falls into the first category, investigated the
certainly a demand to orchestrate the end-to-end migration assignment problem by representing clients and servers as
process from discoverying source environment and optimize nodes, and communications as edges in a graph. A clustering
the target resources after the migration. algorithm was applied partitioning the graph such that the
total communication would be minimized. Examples of the
To sum up, an end-to-end migration needs a holistic second category includes [20, 21], where a similar idea based
planning, spanning from security to resource management on clustering algorithms was adopted to solve the balanced-
with a goal to achieve the architecture that can leverage an clustering problem over graphs. Authors in [23] considered
elastic resource scalability and regional deployment across data both communication load and load balance among servers.
centers in one cloud provider or multiple cloud providers. The paper modeled the client-server assignment as a convex
While currently there are many separate migration researches, optimization problem, and employed a heuristic algorithm for
there needs to be a migration engine that should combine them approximate solution. Our approach in this paper is similar to
together to provide an end-to-end migration orchestration. the client-server assignment in that while the total communica-
While the end-to-end migration process often requires not tion load is minimized in the assignment problem, we consider
only automated processes and human-driven activities, using a the moving cost is minimized. However, our work is different
business process management software may help to streamline from the assignment problem because we focus on minimizing


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