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[ evidence in practice ]


Interpreting Outcomes 1—
Change and Difference:
Linking Evidence to Practice
Downloaded from at University of Sydney on May 1, 2019. For personal use only. No other uses without permission.

J Orthop Sports Phys Ther 2019;49(5):357-358. doi:10.2519/jospt.2019.0703

cientific writing is by nature technical, so getting terminology gets the study treatment, but they are
and wording right is important. When there is inconsistency in different from the treatment effect and
definitions, or misuse of words, problems follow. Inconsistency are not the treatment response.
Copyright © 2019 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.

can come about when there is no universally accepted

definition for a concept or simply due to sloppiness on the author’s part. Difference requires data from 2 groups of
But this is more than just a problem of problem comes when within-group mean people. The between-group difference is
semantics; when the same words are used change is called the “treatment effect” or the mean score on an outcome measure in
to describe different concepts, study re- the “response to treatment.” treatment group A minus the mean score
sults can be easily and unknowingly As mentioned in a previous Evidence in group B. Typically, it is either the dif-
misinterpreted. in Practice article,1 change from base- ference between scores at follow-up or the
Inconsistency is common when de- line to follow-up includes changes due difference in change between the 2 groups.
scribing outcomes. Outcomes, whether to the natural history of the condition, The difference can reasonably be called
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®

assessed at baseline, during or post treat- regression to the mean, nonspecific ef- the treatment effect or treatment response,
ment, or at follow-up, can be measured fects, and the effect of treatment. This because (assuming the study is well de-
in various ways.2 But there is a critical isn’t the place to go into the intricacies signed) the size of the difference does not
division that is always relevant, and in- of all these, but suffice it to say that all include natural history, regression to the
terpreting the findings of a study is not are relevant, regardless of the condition mean, and nonspecific effects. Critically,
possible unless the reader understands and the treatment; that is, this applies the “treatment effect” is a comparative ef-
which side of a metaphorical fence the to every study! Within-group change fect. It is what can be expected if a patient
numbers are on. The 2 sides of this fence over time is not the same as the treat- got treatment A compared to what can be
can be called change and difference. ment effect. Often, a person with a large expected if that patient got treatment B.
The distinction between change and change in outcome is called a respond- So, the “effectiveness” of (or response to)
difference is critical with respect to inter- er to treatment A, but this language is treatment A, as reported in a particular
preting the results of studies of treatment misleading, too, because it is very likely study, is interpreted in the light of what
effectiveness. The 2 types of findings give that the same person would also be a treatment B involved. The difference in
the reader different kinds of information. responder to treatment B. This is basic outcome scores between groups quanti-
stuff, but it is extremely tempting to at- fies the treatment effect (FIGURE).
Change tribute all the observed change to the Things become tricky here for readers
Put simply, change is the score on an out- treatment, and terms such as treatment of research because authors sometimes
come measure (eg, at follow-up) minus effect, treatment response, and responder report conclusions based on within-
the score on the same measure at an ear- feed the temptation. This is not to say group changes in randomized controlled
lier time point (eg, at baseline). This is that change scores do not provide use- trials (RCTs). This usually happens when
change within a person, or mean change ful information. They are an estimate of there is no difference between the groups.
within a group of people over time. The what is likely to happen when a patient For example, they might conclude that

School of Public Health, University of Sydney, Camperdown, Australia; Centre for Pain, Health and Lifestyle, Australia. t Copyright ©2019 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical


journal of orthopaedic & sports physical therapy | volume 49 | number 5 | may 2019 | 357
[ evidence in practice ]
treatment A is effective, or that both mean, and nonspecific effects. Interpret- includes natural recovery, regression to
treatment A and treatment B are effec- ing the findings of an RCT in this way de- the mean, nonspecific effects, and treat-
tive, based on within-group improve- feats the purpose of randomization and ment effects. The latter is the treatment
ments. Stating that both treatments are having a comparison group. effect.
effective is almost never a valid conclu- Most of the time, the information
sion from an RCT, except in some very In Sum necessary to answer the question is in
special circumstances. Within-group When reading the results of a study, the study methods and requires a work-
change in an RCT is no more the “treat- you need to be able to answer the ques- ing knowledge of how the study was per-
ment effect” than are the results from a tion of whether the authors are talk- formed, and what different methods and
Downloaded from at University of Sydney on May 1, 2019. For personal use only. No other uses without permission.

single-group (uncontrolled) study: it still ing about a within-group change or a analyses can tell us. The important thing
includes natural history, regression to the between-group difference. The former for someone reading an article is not so
much identifying whether an author is
Treatment A mean change: 85 – 44 = 41 using “correct” language but determin-
100 Treatment B mean change: 85 – 19 = 66 ing the true meaning behind the words
used. t
Between-group difference
(treatment effect): 44 – 19 = 25

Copyright © 2019 Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®. All rights reserved.

1. K
amper SJ. Engaging with research: linking
evidence with practice. J Orthop Sports Phys
Ther. 2018;48:512-513.
0 2. 
Kamper SJ. Fundamentals of measurement:
Baseline Follow-up linking evidence to practice. J Orthop Sports Phys
Ther. 2019;49:114-115.
FIGURE. Change and difference. jospt.2019.0701
Journal of Orthopaedic & Sports Physical Therapy®

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