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Case No. 2156

JOANNA MARIZ B, YAZON For: Falsification of llubilc Documents
Defendant, i

Xi I

1. The complaint filed in this use is for the alleged falsification of private documents.

i. School Assessment fonn

ii. Purchase receipt of electronic device.

2. In the Statement of complaint, Plainfiff/s claim/s the Defendant/s owe/s him/her/it the F rinc'|P al
amount of P w% interest rate of 995 computed, as follows:

i. Sum of money sent by the plaintiff to defendant by using Paypal online payment.
ii. Sum of receipt of purchased of electronic device.
3. In the Response submitted, Defendant/s interposed the following defense:

i. The defendant indeed pays the amount involved for her sch ool fee she owed before the
incident happened.

The defendant paid the said amount to S'i'i and presented evidences through exhibits.

4. On JUNE 01. 2023 (date), both Nrties:

[v] Appeared in the hearing by using a representative.

Decision on Faisification Decision, Page 1 of 3

Private documents
DEC|SlON: JUNE 9 2023

5. In establishing the small claim, Plaintiff/s presented the following documentary evidence:

Receipt of the money.

Receipt of purchased electronic device.
. Falslfied documents
Conversation between parties
Conversation between parties including school administrators.
s aaaa. Statement of confession of the defendant.

6. In defense, Defendant/s submitted the following documentary evidence:

i. Screenshot of the conversation between school administrators and defendant

confirming that they received a certain amount of money from the debtor.
ii. Receipt of the payments made online via GCASH.

7. With the same having been submitted for judgment, this court finds:

[v] The claim ofthe Plaintiff/s is meritorious.


These are three related criminal cases for the crimes of falsification of public documents and estala
committed by means of falsification of public documents. in which the accused Joanna Mariz B.
Yazon. late student of STI Munoz Cubac. Quezon City, resident of Pahinga None I. Quezon
Province. Should conviction be sustained, Yazon will receive sentences totaling eleven years and
ten months of imprisonment until the settlement has been fully recovered.
The charge in the case against Joanna Mariz B. Yazon relates to the falsification by the accused of
school and electronic device receipt. for the alleged purpose of deceit to get money to a foreign
national. in relation to lhe crimes of estafa committed by means oi falsification of public documents,
whereby ii is alleged Yazon able lo colleci lhe sum of P49.851 .72 as per diems for two fictitious
receipts. Since lhe facis of all oi them are closely interwoven, for convenience sake a general
statement will firsi be made, leaving for special mention certain circumstances affecting parlicuiar
‘Considering that even though in the falsification of public or official documents. whether by public
olficiais or by private persons, it is unnecessary that there be present the idea of gain or the intent
lo injure a ihird person, for the reason that, in conlradisiinclion to private documents. if1e principal
thing punished is the violation of the public faith and the destruction of the truth as therein solemnly
proclaimed, it must. nevertheless. be borne in mind ihal the change in ihe public document must
be such as to afleci ihe integrily of the same or to change the effects which ii would oihemise
produce; for, unless that happens. there could not exist the essential element of the intenlien lo
commit the crime which is required by article 1 of the Penal Code; considering that the fact that
Joanna Yazon set out the payments and purchased as of a dale prior to that on which they eclually
occurred. and therefore incorrectly. the remaining pari of the document being true. neither
affected the integrity or lrufh of said proceedings not affected in any essential way their results or
effects. ii is necessary to conclude that the criminal intent mentioned in the previous observation
was absent; considering that, even though the accused consciously attached incorrect dates lo ihe
proceedings. nevertheless that act does not lake on the characier of a crime. and for that reason
lhe Regional Trial Court erred in convicting ihe accused‘

Decision on Falslflcation D¢c|5|o|-L page 2 Of;

Private documents

‘This Court Orders JOANNA MARIZ YAZON to pay in JEFFREY MICIMEL WIIJEIT the amount
ofP (state the monetary award or damages) without interest of untilfully paid. "

The compulsory counterclaim of the Defendant is devoid of merit.


Counterclalm lacks substance, validity, or legal foundation. It suggests that the Defendant's counterclaim
is weal: or unfounded and is unlikely to succeed In a legal context. The statement implies that there is no
convincing or compelling argument supporting the Defendant's counterclaim. It is an assertion that the
counterclaim holds no legal weight or credibility.

The actlon is dismissed without prejudice.


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'- ren Mfhlafinez

Judge / H d§
'6‘ “J2

Copyfumlshed: fl
All parties .’
0fflceoftheClerkofCourtoflITl3l3Indilifii "J

Decision on Falsilication Decision. page 3 of;

Private documents

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