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Physical Education and Health
10 Questions

1. What is the minimum amount of exercise should you get every week in order to
remain healthy?

A 30 minutes, 5 days a week B 20 minutes, 7 days a week

C 1 hour, 6 days a week D 1 hour, 3 days a week

2. Cardiorespiratory Endurance is

the ability to move a joint through its the body's response to a flexibility
full range of motion program

the ability of the heart and lungs to the body's ability to push or pull with all
supply oxygen to the body its force

3. Why is it important to warm up before and stretch after exercise?

A prevents injury and avoid stiffness B makes ligaments and tendons stronger

increases vitamin and mineral flow to increases blood flow and speeds
tissues recovery
4. Moving a body part through a full range of motion is what element of fitness?

A Body Composition B Flexibility

C Muscular Endurance D Cardio-respiratory Endurance

5. The amount of force your muscles can exert is what element of fitness?

A Cardio-respiratory Endurance B Body Composition

C Muscular Strength D Flexibility

6. The ratio between muscle and fat in the body

A Flexibility B Muscular Strength

C Cardio-respiratory Endurance D Body Composition

7. Benefits of warming up before an activity are:

A Prevents muscle soreness B All of these

C Gradually elevates heart rate D Prevents muscle cramping

8. Which of the following is one of mental benefits of physical activity?

A meet new people B look better

C handle stress better D increased muscular strength

9. The number of times that your heart beats when your not
participating in physical activity is known as?

A resting heart rate B target heart rate

C max heart rate

10. Body composition refers solely to the amount of fat an individual might have.

A False B True

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