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Group Members

- Diva
- Fakhira
- Marisah
- Nabila
- Nabilah
- Nazwa
School refusal, a concerning issue among
students, demands our attention and
understanding. This analytical exposition
will delve into the causes of school refusal
and propose potential solutions to address
this complex problem.
Causes of School Refusal:
A. Anxiety and Fear: Many students experience
intense anxiety, fear, or stress related to school,
which can lead to school refusal. These emotions
may result from bullying, academic pressure, or
social challenges.
Lea rn in g D if ficu lt ie s: S tud en ts w h o
strugg le a ca d e m ic a ll y m ay d e ve lo p
a sense of inadequacy, leading to
sch o o l re fu sa l a s a co p in g
Bullying and Peer Pressure:
Bullyin g a n d p e e r p re ssu re can b e
detrimen ta l to a st ud e n t' s m e n ta l
we ll-b e in g , le a d in g th e m to a vo id
schoo l to esc a p e su ch d is tre ss in g
He a lt h Is su e s: P h y si ca l o r m e n ta l
health p ro b le m s ca n d is ru p t a
student's re g u la r att e n d a n ce .
Ch ro n ic il ln e ss e s, su ch a s m ig ra in e s
or de p re ss io n , m a y co n tr ib u te to
school avoidance.
Solutions for School Refusal:
a. Early Intervention: Schools should be proactive in identifying students at
risk of school refusal. Early intervention and counseling services can help
students cope with their issues and develop strategies to overcome them.
b. Supportive Environment: Creating a supportive, nurturing school
environment is essential. This includes promoting a culture of acceptance
and empathy, as well as addressing bullying and discrimination.
c. Individualized Learning Plans: Tailoring education to meet the needs of
each student, including those with learning difficulties, can boost
confidence and reduce the desire to avoid school.
d. Parental Involvement: Encouraging parents to engage with their child's
education and communicate with the school can make a significant
difference. In some cases, family therapy might be necessary.
In conclusion, school refusal is a complex issue
with various underlying causes. Addressing it
requires a multi-faceted approach involving
schools, parents, and the community. By
understanding the reasons behind school refusal
and implementing appropriate strategies, we can
help students overcome their challenges and
foster a positive learning environment.

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