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San Simon School Theme: indefinite pronoun

Area: Humanities
Subject: English Date: _________________________________________________
Grade: Eleventh
Term: Third

I. Choose the correct answer

1. ___ can speak all the languages in the world.
a. Everybody b. Something c. Nobody
2. I believe there's ___ at the door.
a. something b. somebody c. anybody
3. "Where are my keys?" "I've seen them ____ but I can´t remember where."
a. anywhere b. somewhere c. nowhere
4. Would you like ___ to eat?
a. nothing b. somewhere c. something
5. Does ____ know where I put my iPod?
a. anybody b. nobody c. somebody
6. You can find mobile phones ____ in the world.
a. anywhere b. somewhere c. nowhere
7. I need ____ to drink. Have you got some water?
a. something b. anything c. nothing
8. ____ needs love.
a. Nobody b. Everybody c. Somebody
9. My husband and I always tell each other ____.
a. something b. anywhere c. anything
10. Come and have dinner with us." "I don't want to go ____."
a. nothing b. anywhere c. somewhere
II. Choose the correct answer
11. There is __ in the bathroom at the moment.
a. anybody c. something
b. somebody d. some
12. I am bored, there isn't __ to do here.
a. everything c. something
b. nothing d. anything
13. I am bored, there is ___ to do here.
a. everything c. something
b. nothing d. anything
14. I can't find my keys ___!
a. anywhere c. nowhere
b. somewhere d. everywhere
15. ___ at the party had a great time.
a. Anybody c. Everyone
b. Somebody d. All
III. Fill in the blanks with indefinite pronouns
16. There is _________________________________ in the clothes basket. It is empty.
17. I've tried phoning but every time I tried there was ___________________________________________ in.
18. I have prepared _______________________________________ for dinner which you will like very much.
19. Would you like _________________________________________ to start with before the main menu?
20. He sat at the table but didn't have _____________________________________________________ to eat.
21. You can do _________________________________________ .I don't really care.
22. I met _________________________________________ you know last night. She told me she had missed you very much.
23. That's a very easy job. ________________________________________________ can do it.
24. Did you turn the oven off? I think I can smell ____________________________________________________ burning.
25. ________________________________________ offered help. They probably didn't have time.
26. ________________________________________ arrived in good time and the meeting started promptly at 3:30.
27. When the show finished there was complete silence. _______________________________________ clapped.
28. ____________________________________________ likes being poor.
29. ____________________________________ told me that Tom was leaving London but later I found out that it was not true.
30. Of all the people I met in my life, ___________________________________________ is more important to me than you.
IV. Complete the sentences using the correct indefinite pronouns.)
31. I can’t find my mobile phone .......... .
a. anybody c. somewhere
b. anywhere d. nowhere
32. The glass is empty. ......... drank my orange juice.
a. Somewhere c. Somebody
b. Nobody d. Anybody
33. Do you know ......... who has got red hair?
a. anybody c. nobody
b. somebody d. something
34. ....... is wrong with my mobile because I can ’t hear you.
a. Something c. Nothing
b. Anything d. Somebody
35. All my friends are ill. ........ is healthy.
a. Anybody c. Nothing
b. Somebody d. Nobody
36. The music is too loud. I can’t hear ......... .
a. somewhere c. anything
b. something d. nothing
37. ..... is looking at us. It’s Sarah.
a. Nobody c. Anybody
b. No one d. Somebody
38. This room is empty. ....... is left.
a. Anything c. Something
b. Nothing d. Nowhere
39. Rolling Stones is a very popular band. ....... knows it.
a. Everyone c. Someone
b. Everything d. Anyone
40. I didn’t do ...... wrong.
a. anything c. something
b. anyone d. nothing
41. Pat and Tim are in the middle of the desert and they have ......... to hide.
a. nowhere c. someone
b. anywhere d. anybody
42. A rubber is ........ in that drawer.
a. anywhere c. somewhere
b. nowhere d. something
43. Don’t worry. ….. will be fine.
a. Anybody c. Everything
b. No one d. Nobody
44. We don’t know where is our favorite book. We’ve searched ....... .
a. anywhere c. nowhere
b. everywhere d. anybody
45. The fridge is empty. Mary has eaten ...... .
a. something c. everyone
b. everywhere d. everything
46. You can’t go ............ . You’re grounded.
a. anybody c. nowhere
b. somewhere d. anywhere
47. Kate was born ........... in Africa.
a. someone c. anywhere
b. anyone d. somewhere
48. It was pitch-dark in the attic. I could see .......... .
a. nothing c. anybody
b. anything d. somebody
49. We are alone. .......... is here.
a. Anyone c. Anybody
b. No one d. Someone
50. Fast food can be bought almost .......... .
a. nowhere c. everywhere
b. everything d. anywhere

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