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Q1: A doctor with a PhD is a doctor of what??

a. Phrenology
b. !Philosophy
c. Psychology
d. Physical Therapy
Q2: Which essential condiment is also known as Japanese horseradish??

a. Karashi
b. Ponzu
c. Mentsuyu
d. !Wasabi
Q3: Who is a co-founder of music streaming service Spotify??

a. Michael Breidenbruecker
b. Felix Miller
c. !Daniel Ek
d. Sean Parker
Q4: Which of these is the name of a Japanese system of alternative medicine, literally meaning "finger pressure"?

a. Ukiyo
b. !Shiatsu
c. Majime
d. Ikigai
Q5: What is the Italian word for "tomato"??

a. Aglio
b. Cipolla
c. Peperoncino
d. !Pomodoro
Q6: Which of the General Mills Corporation's monster cereals was the last to be released in the 1970's??

a. Count Chocula
b. Boo-Berry
c. Franken Berry
d. !Fruit Brute
Q7: Where does water from Poland Spring water bottles come from??

a. !Maine, United States

b. Bavaria, Poland
c. Masovia, Poland
d. Hesse, Germany
Q8: Which country drives on the left side of the road??

a. !Japan
b. China
c. Germany
d. Russia
Q9: Linus Pauling, one of the only winners of multiple Nobel Prizes, earned his Nobel Prizes in Chemistry and what??

a. Economics
b. !Peace
c. Physiology/Medicine
d. Physics
Q10: What fast food chain has the most locations globally? ?

a. KFC
b. !Subway
c. Starbucks
d. McDonalds
"finger pressure"??

d in the 1970's??
hemistry and what??

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