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Customer Engagement: Exploring Customer Relationships Beyond Purchase

Article in The Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice · April 2012

DOI: 10.2753/MTP1069-6679200201

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3 authors:

Shiri D. Vivek Sharon Beatty

Eastern Michigan University University of Alabama


Robert M. Morgan
University of Alabama


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Customer Engagement: Exploring Customer Relationships
Beyond Purchase
Shiri D. Vivek, Sharon E. Beatty, and Robert M. Morgan

Using qualitative studies involving executives and customers, this study explores the nature and scope
of customer engagement (CE), which is a vital component of relationship marketing. We define CE as
the intensity of an individual’s participation in and connection with an organization’s offerings and/
or organizational activities, which either the customer or the organization initiate. We argue that it is
composed of cognitive, emotional, behavioral, and social elements. Finally, we offer a model of CE, in
which the participation and involvement of current or potential customers serve as antecedents of CE,
while value, trust, affective commitment, word of mouth, loyalty, and brand community involvement
are potential consequences.

In its 2006–2008 Research Priorities, the Marketing Sci- brand choice. This focus would also include postpurchase
ence Institute (MSI) called for a better understanding activities of purchasers.
of “engagement.” As “rapid changes in communications Since the early 1980s, pioneers have proposed that
technology as well as globalization of markets are creat- relationship marketing (RM) involves “attracting” (Berry
ing communities of customers and prospects rather than 1983, p. 25; Berry and Parasuraman 1991, p. 133) and “es-
a multitude of isolated customers . . . companies are tablishing” (Gronroos 1990; Morgan and Hunt 1994, p. 22)
discovering new ways to create and sustain emotional relationships while also enhancing, developing, retaining,
connections with the brand . . . thus engaging custom- or maintaining relationships. However, our exploration
ers through innovation and design” (MSI 2006, pp. 2, 4, shows that the actual RM research focus in the past two
emphasis added). Customer engagement (CE) continues decades has been aimed primarily at enhancing, retaining,
to be a research priority of MSI in 2010–12. MSI considers and maintaining relationships with existing customers,
CE “customers’ behavioral manifestation toward a brand with little attention given to attracting new customers.
or firm beyond purchase” (MSI 2010, p. 4). In our view, in- The interactions in such customer–company relationships
terest in engagement “beyond the purchase” suggests that are driven by the firm, and the outcomes of these interac-
researchers need to focus on individuals who interact with tions are measured in terms of the exchange of goods and
the brand, without necessarily purchasing it or planning services. Thus, we believe that incorporating CE within
on purchasing it, or on events and activities engaged in the RM literature will encourage more research that goes
by the consumer that are not directly related to search, “beyond the purchase” and that is focused on customer
alternative evaluation, and decision making involving (and noncustomer) experiences with the brand or product
than we currently see in the area.
Given that CE is a construct not yet fully developed in
marketing, we first collate the growing body of literature
Shiri D. Vivek (Ph.D., University of Alabama), Assistant Professor
on engagement in education and psychology; CE in practi-
of Marketing and Supply Chain Management, College of Business, tioner literature, information systems, and marketing; and
Eastern Michigan University, Ypsilanti, MI, employee engagement in psychology and management. We
Sharon E. Beatty (Ph.D., University of Oregon), Reese Phifer then argue that CE is a component of RM, which is appli-
Professor of Marketing, Culverhouse College of Commerce and cable to both offensive and defensive marketing strategies,
Business Administration, University of Alabama, Tuscaloosa, AL,
Robert M. Morgan (Ph.D., Texas Tech University), Professor of
Marketing and Executive Director for Innovation Initiatives,
Manderson Graduate School of Business, Culverhouse College of The authors gratefully acknowledge the contribution of the three
Commerce and Business Administration, University of Alabama, anonymous reviewers. Without their constructive comments, this
Tuscaloosa, AL, paper would not have taken its present shape.

Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice, vol. 20, no. 2 (spring 2012), pp. 127–145.
© 2012 M.E. Sharpe, Inc. All rights reserved.
ISSN 1069-6679/2012 $9.50 + 0.00.
DOI 10.2753/MTP1069-6679200201
128 Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice

aimed at attracting, building, maintaining, and enhancing pride, and challenge), and absorption (concentration
relationships with potential and existing customers. The and engrossment) (Schaufeli et al. 2002); attention and
findings from several qualitative inquiries, including field absorption (Rothbard 2001); and the opposite of burnout
interviews of executives and exploratory data from cus- (Maslach, Schaufeli, and Leiter 2001). Kahn (1990) suggests
tomers, aid in the development of an understanding and three psychological conditions for employee engagement:
definition of the nature and scope of CE, including a 2 × 2 meaningfulness (value of a work goal), psychological safety
classification matrix identifying the foci of engagement. (ability to employ one’s self without fear of negative con-
We finally provide a model of CE and relate it to other sequences), and availability (belief of resourcefulness to
important constructs. engage the self).
As discussed above, researchers in the 1990s looked at
BACKGROUND OF work and role engagement and defined it as a state of mind
CUSTOMER ENGAGEMENT that affects behavior. We now discuss the literature that
focuses on the study of engagement in marketing.
We begin with a discussion of the existing conceptualiza-
tions of engagement and CE. The Appendix summarizes a Customer Engagement
selected set of existing literature on these constructs from
the fields of psychology, management, information systems, From the Gallup CE11 metric (2001), the Economist Intel-
marketing, education, and practitioner literature. As the Ap- ligence Unit report (2007), and the special issues of the Jour-
pendix shows, researchers and practitioners in a number of nal of Service Research and the Journal of Services Marketing
disciplines, including marketing, address engagement, but on CE in 2010, the concept has evolved among practitioners
its domain and definition are far from consistent across as well as academics. A collection of definitions in Table 1
these disciplines and researchers. In psychology, several suggests that there are differing conceptualizations of the
researchers define engagement, either generally (Schaufeli term customer engagement. Practitioners look at CE from
et al. 2002) or in the context of work (Maslach, Schaufeli, the perspective of the organization and define it as activi-
and Leiter 2001), role (Watkins et al. 1991), or employment ties facilitating “repeated interactions that strengthen the
(Avery, McKay, and Wilson 2007). A review and synthesis emotional, psychological or physical investment a customer
of the elements of engagement in the last column of the has in a brand” (Sedley 2010, p. 7). But academics in infor-
Appendix table show that engagement is a cognitive, affec- mation systems look at CE as the “intensity of customer
tive, behavioral, or social construct. Next, drawing from participation with both representatives of the organization
the Appendix, we briefly review the literature on employee and with other customers in a collaborative knowledge
work and role engagement, followed by the research on CE. exchange process” (Wagner and Majchrzak 2007, p. 20). A
Each description in the table is further classified in regard more recent framework of CE in marketing segments ex-
to these elements (i.e., cognitive, affective, behavioral, and isting customers based on their transactional relationship
social) to indicate the broad use of the construct of engage- with a brand (Bowden 2009). Bowden (2009) provided a
ment in the literature. conceptual framework of CE that, although focusing only
on existing customers, suggests that customer–brand re-
Engagement lationships and strategies for engaging customers might
differ based on whether the customers are first-time or
Work and role engagement has been primarily studied in repeat purchasers.
psychology. Kahn (1990) was the first to apply the concept Considerable conceptual and descriptive work on engage-
of engagement to work. Describing the behavior of en- ment across various disciplines exists. However, there are
gaged employees, he suggests that employees vary in their gaps as to what engagement means to marketing and its
expression of selves in work roles. Those who perceive stakeholders. It is evident from the review of the literature
more supportive conditions for authentic expression tend that no agreement exists as to the exact nature of engage-
to be “engaged.” However, Maslach, Schaufeli, and Leiter ment and its role in marketing. However, practitioners ap-
define work engagement as “persistent, positive affective- pear to relate it to building relationships with customers
motivational state of fulfillment” (2001, p. 417). Researchers through programs aimed as getting individuals involved
characterize engagement in various subfields of psychol- with and connected with their brand. Thus, next we ad-
ogy as involving vigor (energy and mental resilience), dress how CE can aid in filling the potential gaps in RM
dedication (sense of significance, enthusiasm, inspiration, research priorities.
Spring 2012 129

Table 1
Current and Expanded Domain of Relationship Marketing

Relationship Marketing with

Customer Engagement Incorporated
Current Research Emphasis of (Morgan and Hunt 1994; Prahalad and Ramaswamy
Relationship Marketing 2000, 2003, 2004; Vargo and Lusch 2004, 2008)

Focus Customer–organization relationships; retention of Value configurations of customer and prospects, communities,
customers as well as organizational networks; acquisition and reten‑
tion of consumers
Basis of Value Exchange/goods and services Use/experiences of existing or potential customers/process of
Interactions Driven by organizations Driven by existing or potential customers, prospects, and
potentials (as well as organizations)
Outcomes Exchange-centric Experience-centric (exchange value determination is provisional
upon experience)

RELATIONSHIP MARKETING AND (2000, 2002, 2003, 2004) emphasize the importance of
CUSTOMER ENGAGEMENT experiences of both existing and potential customers
and the resulting value configurations (Vargo and Lusch
Fornell and Wernerfelt (1987, 1988) and, later, Fornell (1992) 2008). The approach of Vargo and Lusch and Prahalad and
suggested that marketing strategies can be categorized as Ramaswamy suggests that RM research should address the
either offensive or defensive. Activities aimed at obtain- experiences of both existing and potential customers, as
ing additional customers, encouraging brand switching, well as the value configurations derived by these individu-
and increasing purchase frequency are offensive strate- als and experiences.
gies, whereas those aimed at reducing customer exit and Based on the writings of different researchers, Table 1
brand switching are defensive marketing strategies. In early indicates the focus, basis of value, interactions, and out-
conceptualizations of RM, researchers proposed that the comes of the current research emphasis of RM versus RM
domain of RM includes both offensive as well as defensive with CE incorporated, which stresses the interactions with
marketing activities, directed at “establishing, developing and experiences of both existing and potential customers,
and maintaining successful relational exchanges” (Morgan who subsequently derive value from these experiences and
and Hunt 1994, p. 22). Despite the initial broad conceptu- interactions. The service-dominant logic supports this per-
alization of RM as encompassing attracting new customers spective, within which lies the construct of CE. We expand
and retaining existing customers, subsequent RM research further on these ideas below.
has been largely limited to the study of defensive activities The greater incorporation of CE into the RM literature
aimed at enhancement and retention of existing custom- will encourage researchers to consider some of the following
ers in buyer–seller relationships based on exchange. To aspects that need greater research attention. First, businesses
substantiate this point, we searched RM articles published spend billions of dollars on potential or future customers,
from 2006 to 2011 in 20 marketing journals, identified as aimed at extending the value of their brand. For instance,
either top marketing journals (e.g., Journal of Marketing) Microsoft and Apple provide computers to schools, creat-
or other journals most likely to address relationship topics ing goodwill and positive brand reinforcement. Clinique
(e.g., Journal of Relationship Marketing). Of the 140 empiri- organizes makeup workshops, called “Attracted to Color,”
cal articles identified as relevant, only 12 included potential twice a year to enable anyone who wishes to have an op-
customers in their research. This clearly shows that although portunity for one-on-one consultation with its makeup
the pioneers of RM included attracting the customer as a experts. These efforts aim to establish CE with the brand,
goal of RM, subsequent research has largely ignored this whether or not a purchase is an immediate prospect. Sec-
aspect. The focus of research on defensive strategies has led ond, many current programs are not purchase focused and
to the neglect of the study and use of RM principles in of- instead focus simply on achieving engagement with all
fensive marketing strategies aimed at customer acquisition, interested parties. For example, American Express, through
even though the service-dominant logic (Vargo and Lusch the Members Project, urges card members “to dream up,
2004, 2008) and the writings of Prahalad and Ramaswamy and ultimately unite behind, one incredible idea. American
130 Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice

Express will bring it to life with up to $5 million” (http:// ration draw from grounded theory (Corbin and Strauss 2007). The primary researcher initially obtained references
rallying-members-to-do-some-good-for-the-world.html). from colleagues and personal contacts and later asked early
Third, existing and potential customers often interact interviewees for further referrals (i.e., snowball sampling).
among themselves. This interaction strongly influences The primary researcher contacted the interviewees by phone
their consumption decisions, given that other customers or e‑mail and scheduled interviews at a date, time, and place
may be more influential than company advertising. For ex- convenient to the participants. Most of the interviews oc-
ample, potential customers often read online reviews from curred in the respondents’ workplace. Twenty-seven execu-
other customers and product review Web sites (e.g., www. tives were contacted, of which 18 (12 men and 6 women) before buying a product. Fourth, CE within agreed to be interviewed. These executives are drawn from
the RM research will allow for consideration of the oppor- a range of industries; represent either business-to-business
tunities provided by organizations for interactions among (B2B) or business-to-consumer (B2C) relationships involv-
customers and prospects focused on helping them share ing services, goods, and both online and offline contexts
experiences and solve one another’s problems, such as the (such as marketing consulting, cosmetics, logistics, hospi-
baby birth or cancer seminars in many hospitals that bring tality, and retail); and are at different hierarchical levels (su-
patients together who are in similar life situations. The lit- pervisors, managers, senior managers, and vice presidents).
erature on customer communities addresses some of these They range in age from 29 to 67 years, and in experience
issues, but the construct of CE as an important construct from 6 to 27 years, and across multiple states. Given the
housed in the RM paradigm allows for a richer view of the exploratory nature of this study, convenience and snowball
interactions among organizations, organizational networks, sampling techniques are appropriate (Ferber 1977). The
and existing and potential customers, in what Vargo and researchers asked the interviewees two questions:
Lusch (2008) call “value configurations.” This construct
1. In your opinion, what is customer engagement?
(1) should be based on the experiences of all individuals
How would you define it?
interacting with the brand, including possible customers
2. At what point would you consider a customer “en-
(i.e., individuals interacting with the brand who are not yet
gaged” with your company?
in the decision-making stage), potential customers (those
who may be considering the brand), or current customers The researchers used several methods of analysis to
(those who have purchased the brand), and (2) should arrive at the key findings from the interviews discussed in
capture the participation of these individuals within and the next section. These techniques include text analysis
outside the exchange situations. This is important because of the notes taken during the interviews, coding of the
with CE incorporated within the RM literature, relation- interview transcripts, key word search, and comparison
ships are not just between buyers and sellers, but between of themes identified by two independent researchers
any combination of (and among) potential and existing (with the third researcher acting as a judge in case of
customers, noncustomers, society in general, their extended disagreements). The analysis increased our understand-
relationships, and sellers. It is through such engagement ing of the elements of engagement strategy, the nature
that trust, goodwill, and commitment are developed and, of engagement as seen by managers, and the expected
subsequently, relationships between individuals and brands outcomes of engagement initiatives. We briefly discuss
are formed (regardless as to whether they are “purchasers” these findings here.
of the brand). For example, schoolchildren may become The term customer engagement is already popular in prac-
engaged with Apple or with Apple’s computers when the tice (Economist Intelligence Unit 2007; Verhoef, Reinartz,
company provides schools with computers. CE meets the and Krafft 2010). The questions asked aimed to elicit the
above requirements and thus can contribute to ensuring interviewees opinions as to the need for the construct and
that RM research focuses on this broader domain. its meaning to them and their business. Emphasizing the
affective element of CE, the respondents noted that en-
gaging the customer is about building the relationship at
multiple levels:
If you have layers, multiple layers of the relation-
To understand the views of managers in regard to CE, we
ship . . . also having multiple touch points with the
conducted in-depth interviews with a series of executives. customer. (Group account executive, B2C, 13 years’
The data collection and analysis procedures for this explo- experience)
Spring 2012 131

Other respondents’ statements support this view, suggest- company, which many firms do by appointing key account
ing that engagement involves having a relationship with the executives for larger accounts in B2B relationships.
firm that is deeper than just making purchases (i.e., going Executives suggest that putting value into each com-
beyond the purchase). Firms build such relationships by un- munication with the customer is important in producing
derstanding the customer’s business (in a B2B context) and successful engagement. Further, the initiatives have to be
their needs (in a B2C context). Several interviewees brought relevant to the customer to be successful. The customer
out the full range of engagement dimensions (cognitive, will only be engaged if the initiatives are designed with the
affective, behavioral, and social) in their discussions: customer’s needs in mind and presented with a genuine
emphasis on their relevancy to the customer. This relevancy
By having the relationship so strong with a client on can only occur if the company understands the client’s
a level outside of the day-to-day that if a competitor
business or the customer’s needs well.
comes in that client is engaged with me as a person
and has me as the face of the company or what we Field interviews also confirmed that engaging the cus-
deliver. And my goal is to make sure that that client tomer can lead to successful marketing outcomes, such as
likes me on a genuine level. To me, aside from the word of mouth, receiving value, loyalty, share of wallet,
obvious of continuously bringing and delivering of
and cross-selling:
new and innovative ideas, I think that builds a defi-
nite engagement with my client. . . . I probably am
the most informal person when it comes to building They’ll be more proactive ambassadors of your brand.
relationships. I go right to the personal side, and (Senior director, B2C, 25 years’ experience)
many times that actually helps. I have never lost any
major business. (Account supervisor, B2B, 14 years’ Because they feel they are receiving value from you
experience) greater than they are giving. (Account general man-
ager, B2B, 15 years’ experience)
Customer engagement refers to the combination of
behavioral responses with an emotional context. The importance of engaging customers is ensuring
So the emotional context is confidence and trust, that ultimately you keep them longer, you encourage
commitment, the behavioral context is action. So them to talk about your brand or product, and that
it’s looking or logging onto Web sites, continuing to the customer spends more across the range of goods
transact, engaging in a dialog on an ongoing basis. and services that you offer. (Vice president, global
It’s thinking about my brand. So of these, some are loyalty, B2B, 7 years’ experience)
measurable, some are hard to measure. (Vice president,
global loyalty, B2B, 7 years’ experience) Interviewees also suggest that organizations need to
understand what behaviors and emotional responses they
Although relationships are two-way, underlining the are seeking from the customer in order to translate that
social element of CE, often the organization takes the into value added to the bottom line. The quotation below
initiative to engage the customer. The individual customer suggests that although the term customer engagement is
may react in various ways to attempts at relationship- popularly used among practitioners, managers include not
building or engagement initiatives: only existing but also potential customers in their thoughts
on the topic:
Relationships require a t wo-way, they are very
dynamic, but I would relate the concept of cus- I could be very engaged in Maserati but I’m never go-
tomer engagement to folks more on what you as ing to buy one, it’s just too expensive. But I love the
an individual or a company could do to try to brand. I love the cars, so I am engaged, but that’s not
facilitate the building and the strengthening of those creating value for that organization, other than I talk
relationships. Again, recognizing that it’s a two-way about that brand with car aficionado friends of mine.
avenue. (Vice president and group account director, So, what does engagement mean to the organization in
B2C, 10 years’ experience) the broad context of creating value? (Vice president,
global loyalty, B2B, 7 years’ experience)
The interviews uncovered elements of a successful en-
gagement strategy. The interviewees emphasized the need CUSTOMER-DRIVEN PERSPECTIVE OF
to be genuine in building strong rapport and a trusting CUSTOMER ENGAGEMENT
relationship with the customer, often going beyond the ob-
vious business relationship to produce deeper connections In a second exploratory study aimed at consumers, we con-
with and engagement by the customer. It is also important ducted a two-pronged study. First, the primary researcher
for the company to ensure that the client has a face for the conducted two focus groups with senior undergraduate
132 Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice

Table 2
Classification of the Foci of Customer Engagement

Provider Initiated Customer Initiated

Offerings Initiated Engagement initiated with offerings (brands, goods, or Engagement initiated with offerings by consumers.
services) by organizations. Examples: brands, goods, Examples: yard sales, flea markets, consumer auction
services, movies, celebrities, thrift stores, Habitat for Web sites, consumer donations
Humanity, museums, political candidates

Activities Initiated Engagement initiated with programs, events or activities Engagement initiated with activities by consumers.
(beyond the organization’s offering) by organizations. Examples: shopping, photography, hobbies, blogging,
Examples: skill development programs for consumers cooking, traveling, music, gardening
(e.g., learning video making), baby birth or cancer
seminars at hospitals, interactive activities on company
Web site

business students in a southeastern university as part of respondents were female, and their ages ranged from 19
classroom activity. The researcher first introduced the idea to 38. The responses were text analyzed to identify the foci
of engagement to these groups. The researcher asked the of engagement.
individuals to think of something (e.g., a brand, product, The obtained examples of the foci of engagement sug-
or an activity) with which they felt engaged and why they gest a broad scope for CE. CE appears to be best explained
felt this engagement. All personal experiences of engage- by two dimensions—interaction with offerings versus
ment revolved around products, services, brands, activities, more general activities and initiation by customer versus
or personal relationships. As the discussion progressed, the provider. Interactions with offerings involve a product
researcher asked the first group to develop a statement that or a strong brand that people use and seem to connect
reflected their engagement. The researcher then asked a with; activities include those things that people might do
second group how well this statement reflected their idea and feel a strong emotional connection with, which may
of engagement. The second group suggested minor revi- or may not involve a specific brand. The differentiation
sions in the statement. The final statement is “I enjoy _____ derives from what initiates the engagement. First, the of-
because _____.” fering (or product or brand) drives the customer to engage
Second, in a paper-and-pencil survey, the researcher asked in an activity or interaction with the offering while in
62 respondents to think of goods or services (such as iPod, the second case, the activity drives the customer to the
makeup, hotels) or organized activities (such as beauty product or brand.
workshops, home improvement clinics) that they enjoyed Second, either the provider (or organization or firm) or
being involved and engaged in. An example involving the the customer may initiate the interaction, recognizing that
use of an iPod was provided. Participants listed their own ex- interactions are two-way, again with the focus being on the
amples by completing the following sentence: “I enjoy _____ point of initiation. Based on these two dimensions, a 2 × 2
because _____.” In addition, they were asked to elaborate on matrix provides the four derived categories of CE foci.
how and why they felt engaged with this thing. Table 2 includes interactions with offerings, such as
Using convenience sampling, we collected 178 incidences goods, services, and brands, where the organization or
of engagement from 62 participants from different back- provider initiates the engagement. Most commonly found
grounds and ages to capture the whole range of foci of CE. here are offerings that allow the customer to play an active
Surveys were distributed and participation sought until the role in creating a unique experience, or receiving intrinsic
results stabilized and additional data provided no new in- value from an offering. Besides high-technology products,
formation, as recommended in qualitative research (Corbin simpler gadgets such as digital video recorders (DVRs),
and Strauss 2007). The 62 participants include 36 senior TiVo, and cell phones, and even knitting needles and sew-
undergraduate marketing students, 7 doctoral students, ing machines can be engaging for the customer because
and 19 nonstudents. The student sample was obtained in of they allow the customer to use his or her imagination
classroom or seminar settings, and the nonstudents were and meet individual needs. Super-premium brands can
contacted through e‑mail or in their homes. Twenty-eight engage individuals by their status value, just as philan-
Spring 2012 133

thropic brands or political parties can engage people by is a consumer initiative, although the company originated
their humanitarian or social value. Table 2 presents several the page. The two-way interaction between providers and
other examples of provider-initiated offerings with which customers is, of course, at the heart of CE. Further, in
individuals interact. situations of high enthusiasm, there may be little action-
Table 2 also shows activities initiated by the provider, response time lag.
focused on programs or events that go beyond the firm’s In addition to the proposed two-dimensional classifi-
offerings. This category derives heavily from customer cation, a number of additional ways to classify the foci
participation in activities such as skill development and of customers’ engagement emerged during our research
creative events with the firm, often on the Internet. A de- investigation. The engaging offerings and activities might
cade ago, Whirlpool urged homemakers to design an ideal come from profit-making businesses (e.g., Sephora) or not-
refrigerator for themselves, just as Nokia recently invited for-profit organizations (e.g., public libraries). Engagement
customers to design a cell phone for themselves. In addition might be in the presence or absence of other customers (e.g.,
to innovation and new product development, customers interacting with other pregnant moms at baby birth semi-
may participate in events at malls and retail stores. Other nars or creating playlists on the iPod), or online versus the
examples include the “experiential in-home marketing real world (e.g., Apple lovers blogs versus Sephora beauty
events” (Trent 2008, p. 22) by customers of direct market- workshops). Customers might be engaged either at the orga-
ing businesses such as Tupperware and Avon or attendance nization’s premises (e.g., customized retail experiences) or
at various company-sponsored seminars. in other than the organization’s premises (e.g., self-esteem
The last column of Table 2 suggests that certain custom- workshops by Dove in a customer’s home). Organizations
er-initiated offerings engage other customers. Examples of might engage customers directly or through third parties,
customer-initiated offerings are yard sales and flea markets, as is common online. These contexts of engagement are
which engage customers in large numbers and over time. only indicative of the scope of engagement and certainly
Discussions with several regular visitors to such sales sug- do not exhaust the possibilities. A listing of these contexts
gest that visiting garage sales or flea markets is like a ritual suggests a consumption environment where the customer
to them because they meet and socialize with other people has transcended from the state of being a passive audience
and find things they do not need but would love to have. and welcomes opportunities for connecting with objects,
A similar form of engagement occurs with various online events, people, and institutions.
sites that are customer initiated (e.g., Schau, Muñiz, and
Finally, Table 2 shows engaging activities initiated by CUSTOMER ENGAGEMENT
customers, involving the use of goods, services, or orga-
nizations. A recurring example in this category is window Before moving into how CE relates to other constructs,
shopping or browsing. Other examples include hobbies based on our literature review and exploratory work, we
such as photography, gardening, and fishing. Further, these first define and delimit the nature of CE. CE is the intensity
activities obviously involve firm offerings but the activity of an individual’s participation in and connection with
is the focus and initiation point and the use of a firm’s an organization’s offerings or organizational activities,
offering follows. Several businesses have recently started which either the customer or the organization initiates.
supporting such customer initiatives through sponsorships. The individuals may be current or potential customers. CE
For example, Home Depot runs weekly in-store and online may be manifested cognitively, affectively, behaviorally, or
home improvement clinics and workshops to support cus- socially. The cognitive and affective elements of CE incor-
tomers with home improvement projects. porate the experiences and feelings of customers, and the
In several situations, however, these four categories behavioral and social elements capture the participation by
may interrelate and overlap, especially as time passes. For current and potential customers, both within and outside
example, when Coca-Cola initiates a Facebook page for its of the exchange situations. CE involves the connection that
fans, fans quickly make use of the opportunity and gener- individuals form with organizations, based on their experi-
ate a large amount of comments and content, thus moving ences with the offerings and activities of the organization.
quickly from provider initiated to consumer initiated (or Potential or current customers build experience-based rela-
engaged). Moreover, since user-generated content makes up tionships through intense participation with the brand by
the bulk of the CE initiative in this situation, and Coca-Cola way of the unique experiences they have with the offerings
remains in the background, the impression may be that it and activities of the organization.
134 Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice

Next, we discuss the relationship of CE with other im- (Petty and Cacioppo 1986), and increases in product trials
portant marketing constructs, differentiate it from other (Krugman 1965; Robertson 1976). Sephora and Clinique
constructs, and present some propositions. Although the organize free beauty workshops aimed at providing con-
propositions are grounded in theory and literature, some sultation to anyone walking in. By providing opportunities
are unavoidably speculative. Furthermore, the variables for risk-free interaction, these companies enhance their
noted certainly do not exhaust all possibilities. We focus relevance in the consumers’ minds, which is likely to lead
on this set because (1) marketing practitioners and academ- to more engaged future customers. Such examples lead us
ics have consistently deemed them important, and (2) we to the following proposition:
believe that CE is either affected by them or affects them
Proposition 2: An individual’s level of involvement will
in important ways. Specifically, we focus on customer
be positively associated with the intensity of his or her
participation and involvement as antecedents to CE, and
focus of engagement.
value, trust, affective commitment, word of mouth, loyalty,
and brand community involvement as consequences. The As the theory of consumption values (Sheth, Newman,
theoretical model appears in Figure 1. and Gross 1991) and the consumer values perspective
Our research emphasizes the centrality of participation (Holbrook 2006) suggest, consumers’ motivations toward
from involved parties in engaging the customer. While par- engagement depends on the value they expect to receive
ticipation is integral to CE, it is also distinct from CE and from the experience. Values may be intrinsic or extrinsic.
precedes it. Customer participation, defined as the degree to When the consumer appreciates an engagement initiative
which the customer is involved in producing or delivering for its own sake “as a self-justifying end in itself” (Holbrook
the service (Dabholkar 1990), engages the customer in an 2006, p. 715), he or she derives intrinsic value from it. But, if
interactive situation that is of common interest to the firm an initiative enables the individual to perform some activity
as well as the customer. This interaction can produce higher better, he or she derives extrinsic value. Due to the active
levels of enthusiasm and subsequently greater engagement process of coproducing and participating in the design and
with the entity (Bagozzi and Dholakia 2006). For instance, production process (Garber, Hyatt, and Boya 2009), such
building teddy bears at a Build-A-Bear Workshop or through as when customizing the iPhone to one’s needs, greater
their online site (where there were 7.8 million registered ava- engagement will be associated with perceptions of greater
tars in 2009; Ashby 2009) positively influences a customer’s value received, producing the following:
interaction and subsequent engagement with the resulting
Proposition 3: A highly engaged individual will derive
product as well as the company. Therefore, we propose
both intrinsic and extrinsic value from his or her focus
that customer participation can positively influence CE.
of engagement.
MSI argues, “the brand engages prospects and customers
by identifying itself with their common interests” (2006, CE also creates opportunities for interaction between
p. 4), providing support for this idea. Thus, we propose marketers, consumers, and society, creating a macrolevel
the following: feedback loop (Garber, Hyatt, and Boya 2009). Reciprocal ac-
tion theory suggests that one party will reciprocate actions
Proposition 1: An individual’s level of participation will
taken by another party in a relationship because each party
be positively associated with the intensity of his or her
anticipates the possible guilt if the norm of reciprocity is
focus of engagement.
violated (Li and Dant 1997). Thus, individuals will return
The construct of involvement is the “perceived relevance good for good, in proportion to what they receive (Bagozzi
of the object based on inherent needs, values, and interests” 1995). The labor undertaken in association with a brand, be
(Zaichkowsky 1985, p. 342). Involvement is a cognitive, af- it the assembly of Ikea furniture, writing product reviews
fective, or motivational construct indicating state of mind online, or attending a do-it-yourself workshop at Lowe’s,
(Smith and Godbey 1991) or perceived personal relevance, makes the consumer feel invested in a brand. Thus, based
but it is not viewed as a behavior (Celsi and Olson 1988; on our qualitative findings and the norm of reciprocity, as
Richins and Bloch 1986; Zaichkowsky 1985). Thus, its the customer perceives that he or she receives greater value
heightened level of interest and caring suggests that it is an from an offering or activity, the customer in turn becomes
antecedent to engagement. Involvement produces greater more involved and participates more with the offering or
external search (Beatty and Smith 1987), greater depth of activity, producing a feedback loop. This discussion leads
processing (Burnkrant and Sawyer 1983), more elaboration to the following proposition:
Spring 2012 135

Figure 1
Theoretical Model of Customer Engagement

Proposition 4: Increased value perceptions by the in- individuals will feel that the company cares about them
dividual will be positively associated with his or her and has their best interests at heart, which leads to our
(a) participation and (b) involvement with the focus of next proposition:
Proposition 5: CE will be positively associated with an
According to Morgan and Hunt, trust exists “when one individual’s trust in the organization he or she associates
party has confidence in an exchange partner’s reliability with his or her focus of engagement.
and integrity” (1994, p. 23). In the evolutionary model
Affective commitment is “the psychological attachment
of relational exchange, trust is important because it acts
of an exchange partner to the other and is based on feel-
as a relational governance mechanism assuring partner
ings of identification, loyalty, and affiliation” (Verhoef,
reciprocity and nonopportunistic behavior (Ganesan
Franses, and Hoekstra 2002, p. 204). Bansal, Irving, and
1994; Morgan and Hunt 1994). Research also indicates
Taylor suggest that affective commitment is a “desire-based
that positive interactions in extra-exchange relationship
attachment” (2004, p. 236). Affective commitment reflects
interactions contribute to trust in the exchange relation-
a psychological bond, such as that of Harley-Davidson mo-
ship (Ganesan 1994; Lambe, Spekman, and Hunt 2000;
torcycle owners, with the company, which motivates the
Parkhe 1993). Dove successfully engages customers (or
customer to remain in a relationship with an organization
potential customers) by inviting them to participate in its
because he or she genuinely wants to be there. Higher levels
campaign for real beauty, just as American Express builds
of benefits that result from engagement with an organiza-
customer trust through its Members Project. Dove’s cam-
tion’s offerings or activities will tend to produce greater
paign aims to help in building the self-esteem of teenage
affective commitment toward the firm (Bendapudi and
girls. Similarly, American Express, through its Members
Berry 1997). Therefore, we propose the following:
Project, donates millions of dollars to projects voted on
by potential or current customers. When firms engage Proposition 6: CE will be positively associated with an
customers, there is an opportunity for interactions that, individual’s affective commitment toward the orga-
if satisf ying, can lead to trust. Thus, higher engagement nization he or she associates with his or her focus of
should produce more trust in the relationships because engagement.
136 Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice

Organizations view word of mouth as a promotional suggest that CE is as an antecedent to loyalty and offer the
tool (Bone 1995; Feick, Price, and Higie 1986). Favorable following proposition:
word of mouth may include “relating pleasant, vivid, or
Proposition 8: CE will be positively associated with
novel experiences; recommendations to others; and even
an individual’s loyalty to the brand, organization, or
conspicuous display” (Anderson 1998, p. 6). Brown et al.
offering he or she associates with his or her focus of
(2005) and Matos and Rossi (2008) argue that satisfied and
committed customers are highly effective facilitators of
positive word of mouth. Matos and Rossi (2008) also show Muniz and O’Guinn (2001) note three core components
that highly committed customers are more likely to provide of a community: (1) consciousness of kind, the intrinsic
positive word of mouth and act as an advocate of the brand, connection members feel toward one another and the
such as’s Kindle owners’ or Apple’s iPad or collective sense of difference from those not in the com-
iPhone owners’ strong advocacy for their brand. Thus, when munity; (2) presence of shared rituals and traditions; and
customers are highly engaged with a brand, they are more (3) a sense of moral responsibility to the community as
likely to pass along positive word of mouth and act as an a whole. Through the notion of shared understanding,
advocate of the brand: shared concerns, and shared beliefs, “members feel part
of a large unmet, but easily imagined community” (Muniz
Proposition 7: CE will be positively associated with an
and O’Guinn 2001, p. 419).
individual’s word-of-mouth activity in regard to the
McAlexander, Schouten, and Koenig (2002) suggest that
organization he or she associates with his or her focus
the primary basis for the identification of brand commu-
of engagement.
nities is either brands or consumption activities. They see
Brand loyalty is “the biased behavioral response ex- brand communities as customer-centric. In their model, the
pressed over time by some decision making unit, with brand and the product are granted “community member
respect to one or more alternative brands out of set of status” (McAlexander, Schouten, and Koenig 2002, p. 39),
such brands, as a function of evaluative psychological equivalent to the customer and the marketer. In brand
processes” (Jacoby and Chestnut 1978, pp. 80–81). This communities “product adoption is necessary to become
conceptualization of brand loyalty focuses on the psycho- fully situated in the experience” (McAlexander, Schouten,
logical as well as the behavioral components of loyalty. and Koenig 2002, p. 41). However, in our view, ownership
CE is distinct from brand loyalty in that it does not make or purchase of a product or brand is not a prerequisite of
a comparative evaluation of brands, nor does it involve engagement or even of community involvement. Exposure
behavioral decision making with respect to a transaction may come through seeing information on the company or
or repurchase. The cognitive, affective, behavioral, and brand, through various social media or through friends or
social components of CE are with respect to an experience family, using the brand in some form, perhaps borrowing
and not an exchange. Thus, although CE is distinct from it from someone, using it at work, leasing it, or in some
brand loyalty, the engaged individual builds a strong con- way becoming aware of the brand and its imagery. Consider
nection with the company or brand he or she associates that a large percentage of Harley-Davidson “fans” are not
with the engagement. This connection strengthens the owners of a Harley-Davidson motorcycle but simply iden-
psychological processes and increases the likelihood of tify with the free spirit imagery associated with the brand.
a positive behavioral response toward the brand or orga- Positive experiences that connect an individual to a brand
nization (Jacoby and Chestnut 1978). CE strengthens the and to others who are engaged with a brand will increase
classic hierarchy-of-effects notion of loyalty proposed by the likelihood of subsequent membership or involvement
Oliver (1999). Oliver proposed that consumers first pro- in a brand community. Therefore,
cess information to form beliefs, next use those beliefs to
Proposition 9: CE will be positively associated with greater
form attitudes, and then make behavioral decisions based
brand community involvement with the brand that is
on relative attitude strength. An engaged consumer is
the focus of his or her engagement.
likely to transition faster on the belief-attitude-behavior
continuum. Moreover, an engaged individual may develop Based on our fieldwork and the analysis of the interviews,
more favorable attitudes toward a product, company, or we suggest that groups of engaged customers strengthen
brand he or she associates with the engagement, and conse- brand communities that can further influence the design
quently, may feel more loyalty to the entity. We therefore process in the firms. Such involvement creates a feedback
Spring 2012 137

loop between brand communities and customer participa- This research provides an initial model of CE, articulat-
tion. When Harley-Davidson discovered that its fans were ing important antecedents and consequences and clearly
increasingly customizing their motorcycles after purchase, differenatiating it from many of these concepts, which are
the company involved its customers in developing various sometimes confused with CE itself.
custom accessories, and these customizations are still widely
offered and used today. MANAGERIAL IMPLICATIONS
Proposition 10: Increased brand community involvement Managers have been interested in CE for about a decade now.
by the individual will be positively associated with his A large number of companies are providing platforms for
or her (a) participation and (b) involvement with the customers to come together, but are not sure where or how
focus of engagement. to target their efforts. This paper suggests that researchers
need to align their perception of the scope of engagement
RESEARCH CONTRIBUTIONS not only with existing customers but also with noncustom-
ers and potential customers. It is critical for practitioners to
This research attempts to provide a comprehensive under- realize that customers engage with a wide range of goods,
standing of CE. We make several important contributions services, and activities. All these foci of engagement are
by combining the existing literature on engagement with not necessarily high involvement; even low-involvement
a set of executives’ views of engagement, as well as a group foci can be highly engaging to individuals. Furthermore,
of customers’ perceptions of what engages them. We focus individuals, as well as organizations, can initiate these of-
on CE from the customers’ perspective to give organiza- ferings and activities. Thus, there is a great opportunity
tions a better understanding of what engages customers. For for organizations to engage existing or potential customers
example, our matrix provides an initial classification of the by supporting customer-initiated engagement. Evidence of
foci of engagement in marketing: provider versus customer this is in the organizations’ support of customer-generated
initiated and offer versus activity oriented. Our analysis material on the Internet and sponsorships of customer-
of the foci of engagement further suggests that customers initiated events. However, participation from firms needs
engage not only with high-involvement offerings but also to go beyond mere sponsorships, and create easy opportu-
low-involvement offerings, as well as activities that either nities for interactions with the customers. Organizations
providers or customers initiate. that merely finance an event and place a banner displaying
Engagement strategies by organizations are an exten- the sponsorship will engage fewer individuals than those
sion of developing relationships with customers (both who are themselves present and participating in the event,
current and potential). The initial conceptualization of co-creating the experience with those present.
RM and the recent work, ideas, and writings of Prahalad For example, JetBlue gets it. The company, employing
and Ramaswamy (2000, 2002, 2003, 2004) and Vargo and 17 individuals in their social media department, has a
Lusch (2004, 2008) imply that the domain of RM should Twitter feed, which has collected 1.6 million followers.
encompass a focus beyond purchase. Our conceptualiza- Moreover, they have 150,000 more individuals signed up
tion of CE contributes to the area by reemphasizing the for their cheap deals feed and more than 440,000 friends
importance of broadly understanding individuals’ interac- on Facebook (Daley 2011). JetBlue uses these mechanisms
tions and connections with the brand or product and with to communicate and respond to customer issues more so
each other relative to the brand, regardless of whether they than to advertise. For example, in 2010, a disgruntled flight
are purchasing or even considering purchasing the brand. attendant exited a parked JetBlue flight via the emergency
The cognitive and emotional element of CE incorporates slide causing a public relations situation for the company.
experiences and feelings of individuals, irrespective of the To relieve the situation, the company created a funny blog.
exchange; and the behavioral and social elements capture The first customer comment on the blog read, “I love you
the participation by individuals with the brand or product JetBlue.” That customer is engaged.
both within and outside of the exchange situations. This Finally, smart firms recognize that customers expect
is important because in the evolving marketing paradigm, instantaneous responses to their inquiries in today’s in-
relationships are not just between buyers and sellers, but stantaneous world, not e‑mails that say, “we are too busy
between any combination of (and among) prospects, po- to respond to your e‑mail,” a similar response to one given
tentials, society, buyers, and sellers. by a major book retailer recently when its e‑business was
138 Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice

taking off. Shortly thereafter, the company was put up for ably? As firms get more savvy with social media options,
sale but had no takers (Erman 2011). the range of ways to interact with the customer (e.g., with
Twitter, LinkedIn, Foursquare, Facebook) and for custom-
ers to interact with one another relative to the brand are
LIMITATIONS AND enormous and multilevel, but the challenges of doing that
FUTURE RESEARCH DIRECTIONS right are almost enormous.
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Customer Engagement” (available at Report 2010” (available at
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Noland, James, and Robert A. Phillips (2010), “Stakeholder Engage- Sheth, Jagdish N., Bruce I. Newman, and Barbara L. Gross (1991),
ment, Discourse Ethics and Strategic Management,” Interna- “Why We Buy What We Buy: A Theory of Consumption
tional Journal of Management Reviews, 12 (1), 39–49. Values,” Journal of Business Research, 22 (2), 159–170.
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of Marketing, 63 (Special Issue), 33–44. Recreation and Tourism,” Annals of Tourism Research, 18
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Measure Customer Loyalty and Engage Consumers with Your %25202009%2F22_MN%252010%252001%252008%2520kb
Brand, New York: John Wiley & Sons. .pdf).
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Persuasion: Central and Peripheral Routes to Attitude Change, Nass, Doreén Pick, Peter Pirner, and Peter C. Verhoef (2010),
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Spring 2012 141

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Journal of Service Research, 13 (3), 247–252.
142 Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice

Summary Review of Relevant Engagement Literature
Definition of Engagement
Authors (Year) Study Main Contributions (Element Emphasized)

Academic Literature—Marketing

Verhoef, Reinartz, and Krafft Proposes that CE is an important development in (Behavioral)

(2010) customer management literature.
van Doorn et al. (2010) Conceptualizes CE behaviors and their antecedents Behavioral manifestations with a brand or
and consequences. firm focus, beyond purchase, resulting from
motivational drives. (Behavioral)
Kumar et al. (2010) Goes beyond transactions to propose four “Active interactions of a customer with a firm, with
components of CE value: customer lifetime prospects and with other customers, whether
value, customer referral value, customer they are transactional or non-transactional in
influencer value, and customer knowledge value. nature” (p. 297). (Behavioral)
Bowden (2009) Understanding of customer–brand relationships (Behavioral)
based on purchase frequency.
Whelan and Wohlfeil (2006) Event marketing facilitates CE with the brand None
through informal dialogues and personal
firsthand brand experiences.
Sawhney, Verona, and Prandelli Virtual CE is customer-centric, active, two-way, and (Social and behavioral)
(2005) continuous, focuses on social and experiential
knowledge, and has direct as well as mediated
interactions with prospects and potential
Joshi and Sharma (2004) Customer new product preferences evolve through None
CE with specific new product ideas.
Prahalad (2004) Firm–customer relationships are not bilateral; None
engagement leads to co‑creation of experience;
dialogue, access and transparency to
information; and risk assessment are building
blocks for co‑creation of value.
McEwen (2004) Engagement is a measure of the strength of a The extent to which customers form an emotional
company’s relationships with customers. and rational bond with the brand. (Emotional,
Winsor (2004) The most valuable feedback is gleaned from None
consumers when they are actually engaged in
making purchasing decisions.

Academic Literature—Psychology

Bakker et al. (2007) Job resources boost work engagement, especially None
in situations when job demands are high.
Gravenkemper (2007) Six principles: communicate a compelling message; None
build a guiding coalition; create principle-based
versus compliance-based guidelines for decisions
and behaviors; identify early engagement
indicators; generate continuous opportunities
for dialogue; and plan assimilation strategies for
new members and new leaders.
Avery, McKay, and Wilson (2007) Satisfaction with coworkers and perceived age Meaningful employee expression in work roles.
similarity relates to engagement. (Cognitive, behavioral)
Higgins (2006) Proposes certain implications of the contribution of None
engagement strength to value.
Hallberg and Schaufeli (2006) Work engagement, job involvement, and None
organizational commitment are empirically
distinct constructs and reflect different aspects
of work attachment.
Spring 2012 143

Definition of Engagement
Authors (Year) Study Main Contributions (Element Emphasized)

Saks (2006) Distinguishes between job and organization Consists of cognitive, emotional, and behavioral
engagement. components that are associated with individual
role performance.
May, Gilson, and Harter (2004) Meaningfulness is strongly related to engagement. (Emotional, cognitive)
Job enrichment and work role fit relate to
meaningfulness; rewarding relationships to
safety; and availability to resources available.
Schaufeli et al. (2002) Dimensions of engagement: vigor (high levels of Engagement is a positive, fulfilling, work-related
energy and mental resilience), dedication (sense state of mind characterized by vigor, dedication,
of significance, enthusiasm, inspiration, pride, and absorption. (Cognitive)
and challenge), and absorption (being fully
concentrated, happy, and deeply engrossed).
Maslach, Schaufeli, and Leiter Engagement promises to yield new perspectives on Work engagement is a persistent, positive, affective-
(2001) interventions to alleviate burnout. motivational state of fulfillment. (Cognitive,
Rothbard (2001) Components of role engagement-attention and (Cognitive)
Watkins et al. (1991) Relevance and engagement possess similarities in Role engagement is the degree to which various role
structure. behaviors are actually practiced or engaged in.
Kahn (1990) Psychological conditions of personal engagement: The simultaneous employment and expression of
(1) How meaningful is it for me to bring myself a person’s “preferred self” in task behaviors that
into this performance? (2) How safe is it to do promote connections to work and to others
so? (3) How available am I to do so? personal presence (cognitive and emotional) and
active, full performances.

Academic Literature- Information Systems

Wagner and Majchrzak (2007) CE is enabled through community custodianship, The intensity of customer participation with both
goal alignment, value-adding processes, representatives of the organization and with
emergence of layers of participation, other customers in a collaborative knowledge
management and monitoring effort, and exchange process. (Behavioral)
enabling technologies. Suggests customers
should take the role of custodians.
Erat et al. (2006) Discusses challenges in engaging customers online, “Engagement with customers calls for exchanging
the different roles customers can take. information and knowledge with customers
and fostering exchanges between customers”
(p. 511). (Behavioral)

Academic Literature—Management

Noland and Phillips (2010) Reports recent trends in the literature on A type of interaction that involves recognition and
stakeholder engagement. respect of common humanity and the ways in
which the actions of each may affect the other.
Ghuneim (2008) Emphasizes the value of engagement and its A consumer-based measurement that regards
measurement. interaction with an aspect of a brand or media
property. (Behavioral)
Catteeuw, Flynn, and Implementation of employee engagement for The degree to which employees are satisfied
Vonderhorst (2007) organizational development at Johnson & with their jobs, feel valued, and experience
Johnson. collaboration and trust. (Emotional)
Fleming, Coffman, and Harter Suggests performance is the result of an None
(2005) interaction of employee engagement and CE;
emotions inform both sides’ judgments and
behavior more powerfully than rationality.
144 Journal of Marketing Theory and Practice

Definition of Engagement
Authors (Year) Study Main Contributions (Element Emphasized)

Nambisan (2002) Discusses four themes: interaction patterns, None

knowledge creation, customer motivation, and
virtual community–new product development
team integration.
Roberts and Davenport (2002) Increasing job engagement makes economic sense. Job engagement is a person’s enthusiasm and
involvement in the job. (Emotional)

Practitioner Literature

Narayen (2007) Health of a company relies on the extent to Creating meaningful and sustainable interactions.
which it creates meaningful and sustainable (Behavioral)
Haven (2007) Proposes a four-component engagement metric: The level of involvement, interaction, intimacy, and
involvement, interaction, intimacy, and influence. influence an individual has with a brand over
time. (Cognitive, affective, behavioral)
Sedley (2010) 4th Annual Online Customer Engagement Report Repeated interactions that strengthen the
2010 emotional, psychological, or physical investment a
customer has in a brand. (Behavioral, affective)
Preston (2007) CE is deeper than just humoring customers or None
paying lip service to them.
Heath (2007) Level of attention and engagement are Level of engagement is the amount of “feeling”
distinct, and the use of multimedia increases going on when an advertisement is being
engagement. processed. (Emotional)
Campanelli (2007) Multimedia engagement study measured six (Cognitive, affective, behavioral, social)
dimensions of engagement: inspirational,
trustworthy, life enhancing, social interaction, ad
attention/receptivity, and personal time out.
Rieger and Kamins (2006) Identifies the key characteristics of barriers CE is an emotional connection between the
companies face that prevent them from fully company and its customers. (Emotional)
engaging their customer and employees.
Pasikoff (2006) Introduces a loyalty-based customer-listening Psychologically based tendencies and expectations
system for better marketing results. that determine marketplace behavior. (Cognitive,
Harris (2006) Report of iMedia Agency Summit on Engagement. A way of thinking about today’s marketing and
media from the perspective of today’s active
consumer. (Does not address dimensions)
Band and Guaspari (2003) Customer-engaged organization not only delivers None
superior results but also adapts and responds
nimbly in a competitive environment.
Appelbaum (2001) Gallup Consulting’s CE metric (CE11). Fully engaged customers are emotionally attached
and rationally loyal; they are your most valuable
customers. (Emotional, cognitive)
PeopleMetrics (www.people- Engaged customers (1) promote the company None or brand, (2) intend to return in the future,
(3) go out of their way to do business with the
company, and (4) feel passion, even love, for the
brand and experience.
Wikipedia Suggests CE is an online social phenomenon, Engagement of customers with one another, with a
where customer behavior revolves around company or a brand. (Primarily behavioral)
product categories. Gives other definitions of
CE, and discusses marketing practices.
Spring 2012 145

Definition of Engagement
Authors (Year) Study Main Contributions (Element Emphasized)

Other Disciplines

Lutz, Guthrie, and Davis (2006) Assessed student learning engagement using a School engagement has affective, cognitive,
multidimensional coding scheme. behavioral, and social elements.
Fredericks, Blumenfeld, and Paris Describes behavioral, emotional, and cognitive Positive affective reactions facilitating sense of
(2004) engagement and recommends studying connection (emotional), active participation in
engagement as a multifaceted construct. academic activities (behavioral), and mental
investment in learning. (Cognitive)
Resnick (2001) Conceptualizes engagement in the context of The attempt to influence the political behavior
international relations. of a target state through the comprehensive
establishment and enhancement of contacts with
that state across multiple issue areas.
Guthrie and Cox (2001) Identifies important features of classroom context None.
that foster reading engagement.
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