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Lembaga Pendidikan Islam Ar Rohmah Putri KUR/FRM/028/REV00

Pesantren Hidayatullah Malang

NPSN: 20577343 NSS: 302051830003
Website: Email:
Jl. Raya Jambu No. 01 Sumbersekar Kec. Dau Kab. Malang Telp. 0341 532088 Fax. 0341 463442 KP. 65151

Activity : The 1st Structured Task Students’ Name :

Subject : PKn Class : XII
Day / Date / Time : Number :

Technological Developments Are Rapidly increased, Pancasila Values Must Become The Guidelines - 26/08/2021, 08:14 WIB Doc. Illustration Shutterstock –
Technological developments in the increasingly rapid digital era have brought various changes in society. Due to the
increasingly sophisticated internet, information from various parts of the world is even more accessible. Unfortunately, this
progress has not been matched by the capacity of users to utilize technology. The lack of digital literacy and the ability to sort
and select information is one of the reasons people are easily exposed to false information or hoaxes. As a preventive step, the
Ministry of Communication and Information Technology (Kemenkominfo) is holding a #MakinCakapDigital digital literacy
webinar series entitled "Creatively Preserving Pancasila Values in Digital Space" on Wednesday (18/8/2021).
The Ministry of Communication and Information invited speakers from various backgrounds to fill in the webinar,
namely the National Coordinator of the Education and Teachers Association (P2G) Satriawan Salim and the State Film
Production Supervisory Board (PFN) Rosarita Niken. Then, Special Staff to the Minister of Villages, Development of
Disadvantaged Regions and Transmigration Ahmad Iman Syukri and Kaizen Room representative Maureen Hitipeuw. On this
occasion, Satriawan Salim invited the public to be more creative in sowing Pancasila values in the digital space, especially in
developing digital skills to achieve progress. "The vision of education in the country is to create an advanced Indonesia that is
sovereign, independent and has personality. This can be realized if students have critical thinking, are creative, independent,
have faith, have piety, and have noble character," said Satriawan in an official statement received by, Wednesday
Meanwhile, Rosarita Niken explained, Pancasila as the basis of the state is the source of all sources of Indonesian
law, namely the Preamble to the 1945 Constitution. For this reason, continued Rosarita, the values of Pancasila need to be
disseminated to the public in various ways. "First, through the education route by re-implementing Pancasila subjects in
schools," Rosarita explained. Second, Rosarita added, through cultural channels, such as community strengthening through
social media (social media) and community group networks. In addition, according to Rosarita, efforts to instill Pancasila values
are not only carried out by the government, but also the community.
Communities can re-fertilize the noble values that have been embedded in everyday life. One of them is through the
approach of religious education to children. "Steps to anticipate the negative impact of globalization on the values of
nationalism, namely by fostering a spirit of nationalism. For example, loving domestic products, practicing Pancasila values, and
being selective about various information," he explained. On the same occasion, Ahmad Iman Syukri explained about digital
culture as a prerequisite for carrying out digital transformation. According to him, digital transformation is related to changes in
people's mindsets. People also have to develop their mindset in order to be able to adapt to technological developments.
Ahmad said, internet users in Indonesia have increased sharply. Of the 274 million population of Indonesia, there are 167
million people who use mobile connections and 202 million internet users. Meanwhile, there are 170 million people who actively
use social media. "(Therefore), activities in the digital space must reflect Pancasila values which are manifested in daily
behavior," explained Ahmad. Therefore, he appealed to the public to become netizens who uphold Pancasila values in the
digital world. "Make Pancasila values not just lessons, but guidelines for good behavior and habits in everyday life, both in the
real and digital world," he said.
In the last session, Maureen Hitipeuw said, to maintain Pancasila values in the digital world, digital security is needed.
He said digital security could be created by increasing individual abilities in recognizing, patterning, implementing, and
analyzing all digital activities in everyday life. "Do good things in the digital space by sharing positive news. Respect other
people, even if there are differences of opinion," said Maureen. Then, added Maureen, first verify various actions that ask for
personal data digitally. "Be careful of suspicious links. If you become a victim of a data leak, change your password
immediately," he explained. To note, the webinar is one of a series of digital literacy activities in North Jakarta organized by the
Ministry of Communication and Information. This webinar is open to anyone who wants to learn about the world of digital
literacy. In the next event, the Ministry of Communication and Informatics invites all parties to participate by following the
webinar through the Instagram account @sibercreation.dkibanten. To find out more about the Digital Literacy National
Movement, you can follow the Instagram account @sibercreation.

Based on the article above, answer the questions below with group discussion!
1. Determine the meaning of globalization based on your group's opinion!
2. What is the significance of globalization for Indonesian people?
3. As a student, what impact have you experienced with globalization?
4. Mention each of the 3 types of positive and negative impacts of science and technology progress!
5. In your opinion, are the steps taken by the government appropriate in anticipating the impact of science and technology
progress? Explain!
6. Why is Pancasila used as a guide in overcoming the influence of science and technology progress?
7. If you were an influential person in Indonesia, what changes could (want) you make so that every influence from
globalization can be more beneficial than harmful? Explain at least 3!

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