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B1: Look I’ve spent most of the money that my father sent.

B2: Mine is little also and we must see the girls to congratulate the 8th of March.
B1: We can buy a flower and eat something in a café (the home telephone rings, B2 picks up the
Telephone conversation:
B2: Hi, Leyla. How are you?
Leyla: Fine. Is Muraz at home?
B2: Yes. Wait a minute.
Muraz: Hi, Leyla. We were talking about you and Sabina. Why don’t we meet today? Ruslan and
me will be waiting for you near the central post office at 12 o’clock.
Near the post office.
B1: Look they are coming. B2: My girlfriend is very beatiful.
B1, 2: Hi girls. It’s nice to see you.
Let’s go to the café. There’s one here.
Leyla: They have opened a new restaurant here. They say that it is a very good place to spend time.
Sabina: Yes, I agree……..

On away: S: You haven’t buy a flower to your girlfriends yet! B2: Well buy of course. S: Girls
don’t’t you like these flowers? G: They are nice.
B1: You can take the flowers girls.
B2: Take money. S: No, this money isn’t enough. They are manat. Today is a special day.
They are expensive.
B2: Here you are.

At a restaurant:
Director: Welcome. It’s the best place to have a good time. Listen please. Today we have got a
special dance group.
It’s name is.
They are famous. Applaud for them please.

Music and dance group.

Girls: It is really interesting here.
Waiter: What would you like to have? Our menu is full of delicious meals
G1: I’d like to have barbecue, and orange juice.
G2: Barbecue, orange juice and salad.
B1: I’ll have potatoes B2: Yes, boiled potatoes.

Mobile telephone rings.

G2’s mother: Sabina, where are you? Your father is at home. He’s waiting for you?
G2: O.K. mum. I’m with Leyla. I’ll be at home soon.
Girls: See you boys. We must hurry now.

Waiter and boys. We haven’t enough money to pay.

W: You can talk to our director then.
Director: Don’t worry boys. This can happen to every young boy when he is a student. When I was
young I was usually in need of money but now I’m a director.
What I can offer you is ….. Today we’ve got a lot of customers
You can help to my waiters.
Those 2 boys with waiter uniform serve at a restaurant.

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