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GROUP 1 – Salinas, Cano, Pait, Leal, Alciera, Langbayan

Creating Competitive Advantage

 Strategies
 Technology Innovation, Pricing, and Branding

A company or organization is said to have a competitive advantage if it possesses a distinct strength or set of
strengths that gives it an edge over other businesses or organizations in the market. It is one of the most fundamental ideas
in business strategy, and it is one of the most important factors that goes into determining whether or not a company will be
successful over the long term.
It is important to keep in mind that competitive advantage is not static; it can change over time as a result of changes
in market conditions, technological advances, or competitors' actions. In a dynamic business environment, successful
companies must frequently adapt and evolve their strategies to maintain and improve their competitive advantage.

The importance of strategy in entrepreneurship cannot be overstated, as it serves as the success map for a startup.
It assists entrepreneurs in defining their business objectives, identifying their target markets, and planning the necessary
growth and sustainability steps. In a dynamic business environment, a well-crafted strategy not only enables efficient
resource allocation but also provides a competitive edge. It enables business owners to anticipate obstacles, seize
opportunities, and adapt to fluctuating market conditions.
 Strategic Direction - Strategy serves as a guiding compass, providing a clear direction for startups by defining their
purpose, vision, and mission.
 Goal Setting - It helps entrepreneurs set specific, measurable, and achievable business goals, which are essential
for tracking progress and staying on course.
 Market Focus - Strategy aids in identifying and understanding target markets, enabling businesses to tailor their
products or services to meet customer needs effectively.
 Resource Allocation - Strategy aids in identifying and understanding target markets, enabling businesses to tailor
their products or services to meet customer needs effectively.

5 strategic approaches for achieving a competitive advantage:

1. A low-cost provider strategy
 Offering cheaper products in a market with similar options is key to this type of strategy.
 It can be done by simplifying processes, cutting down on waste, and keeping costs low while still making a profit.
2. Broad differentiation strategy
 Differentiation strategy focuses on creating products or services with unique attributes that appeal to a wide range
of customers.
 It aims to make these offerings superior or distinct from competitors' products.
 Effective in competitive markets like Smartphones, Cars, and Cosmetics with diverse consumer preferences.
3. Focused low-cost strategy
 Focuses on a specific buyer segment, offering lower prices through cost efficiency.
 Often seen in private-label manufacturing for products like food and health and beauty items.
 Competes by providing lower prices to niche consumers due to cost advantages.
4. Focused differentiation strategy
 Targets a specific market segment with customized attributes catering to specialized needs and preferences.
 Focuses on outperforming competitors by delivering tailored solutions.
 Appeals to niche buyers seeking unique and personalized offerings.
5. Best-cost provider strategy
 Combines low-cost and differentiation strategies.
 Focuses on providing customers with superior value for their money.
 Aims to achieve lower costs than competitors while offering distinctive attributes.

Knowing the right strategies, correcting common misconceptions, and developing an appealing value proposition are all
necessary for effectively presenting and advertising a product or service in order to attract and retain customers.

Technology Innovation
Some ways in which technology can help you gain a competitive advantage:
1. Operational efficiency
 Technology enhances business efficiency and productivity by automating routine tasks.
 The use of business management software and efficient information systems streamlines internal processes.
 This streamlining leads to a reduction in operating costs.
 Lower operating costs enable businesses to offer products or services at a more competitive price compared to
2. Improving quality and innovation
 Technology supports product/service quality enhancement and innovation.
 Utilizing tools like computer-aided design (CAD), virtual simulations, and advanced manufacturing technologies
facilitates high-quality product development.
 Innovation through technology sets you apart from competitors.
 Maintaining a technological market advantage is crucial for sustained success.
3. Customer experience
 Mobile apps, interactive websites, chatbots, and AI-based customer service systems enable faster and more
personalized customer support.
 Improved customer satisfaction is a result of these technological advancements.
 Enhanced customer satisfaction leads to increased brand loyalty.
 Utilizing technology helps businesses stand out in competitive markets.
4. Data analysis
 Technology facilitates efficient collection and analysis of large data volumes.
 Data analytics tools provide valuable insights into customer preferences, behaviors, and needs.
 Informed business decisions and effective marketing and sales strategies result from this data analysis.
 A competitive advantage is gained by understanding and capitalizing on market trends through technology-enabled
5. Agility and adaptability
 Technology enables rapid adaptation to market changes and customer demands.
 Flexible and scalable systems facilitate agile and efficient adjustments to operations and processes.
 Quick response to opportunities and challenges in the business environment is achievable through technology.
 Maintaining adaptability through technology provides a competitive advantage over less agile competitors.

Digital transformation or tech innovation is not just a trend—it is a necessity for businesses aiming to stay
competitive in today's digital-driven world. By embracing digital technologies, focusing on customer-centricity, streamlining
operations, fostering innovation, and cultivating a culture of continuous learning, organizations can unlock new opportunities,
drive growth, and gain a significant edge over their competitors.

Even basic tech innovation knowledge empowers individuals and businesses to use new tools and processes to
stay relevant in a rapidly changing digital landscape.

 Cost-plus pricing. Calculate your costs and add a mark-up.
 Competitive pricing. Set a price based on what the competition charges.
 Price skimming. Set a high price and lower it as the market evolves.
 Penetration pricing. Set a low price to enter a competitive market and raise it later.
 Value-based pricing. Base your product or service’s price on what the customer believes its worth.

As you raise your price (moving left to right), your profitability goes up—to a point. It’s at the point where you’ve
raised your price by too much that your profitability goes down.
Your brand is more than just the look of your website or logo. The way you answer the phone and how you sell
your goods or services are both part of it. When people hear your company name or see your logo, it makes them feel a
particular thing.

What is the difference between BRAND and LOGO?

 A brand encompasses the entire identity and perception of a business or organization. It includes not only visual
elements but also the company's values, mission, culture, voice, and the overall experience it offers to customers.
 A logo is a visual symbol, often a graphical representation or an icon, that is used to identify a business or
organization. It is a single graphic element or wordmark.

A logo is an important part of branding, but it alone does not represent the full scope of a brand's identity and

A company can get an edge over its competitors if its logo and brand identity are well thought out. It makes a
business stand out from others in the same field, which can help customers choose that business over others.

How Can Businesses Create a Strong Brand Identity that Resonates with Customers?
 Define your brand. What does your company stand for? What are your values? What makes you unique?
Answering these questions will give you a good starting point for creating your brand identity.
 Develop a visual identity. This includes things like your logo, website, and marketing materials.
 Get involved in social media. Social media is a great way to connect with your target audience and build
relationships with them.
 Be consistent. Consistency will help people recognize and remember your brand over time.

Elements of Strong Branding:

 Brand Identity. This is your externally facing image and all the components included within that. In other words,
your brand identity is the “look and feel” of your brand.
 Brand Purpose, Mission and Values. Your purpose is what you do and what you can promise your customers, your
mission is the larger goal you hope to achieve through doing business and your values are what your brand
 Brand Messaging. It is the messaging helps you connect with your customer base to deliver a better experience.
 Brand Differentiation. Your brand differentiation is what makes you different from competitors. In other words, this
is your unique selling proposition.
 Brand Experience. It is the way your customers connect or interact with your products, services, team and various
connection points along the way.

Sustainable competitive advantage is achieved through a combination of technological innovation, intelligent
pricing strategies, and strong branding to increase customer loyalty while distinguishing one's business apart from
competitors. Successful businesses harmoniously combine these elements to secure a distinct and long-lasting position in
the market, thus improving the probability of profitable growth and development.

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