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Meeting the Future Challenges of Disruptive Education

Teachers are undoubtedly the most prominent people in our society. They provide
children a sense of purpose, prepare them for success as global citizens, and instill in
them a desire to perform well and thrive in life. Today's children will be tomorrow's
leaders, and teachers are the crucial point at which a child is prepared for their future.
However, are teachers prepared to keep up with today's enormous educational change?
Let us discover …
There is no universal agreement on the challenges facing education in the twenty-
first century, but they are being addressed in part by publications such as the 2018 Higher
Education Edition issued by the US Group NMC Horizon. This document describes a number
of global goals, such as customizing education to meet the needs and strengths of each
student, training professionals who are also members of the public, and, of course,
providing students with the social and technical skills and tools required by the job
market. How can this be accomplished? An answer is an innovation.
To prove it, let’s travel back in the moment of COVID-19 pandemic. Most schools
have reopened worldwide following the record interruption caused by the pandemic, but
education is still in recovery, reviewing the damage done and lessons learned. The
pandemic affected almost 1.5 billion pupils and teenagers, with the most vulnerable
students bearing the brunt of the damage. With this epidemic, we've seen how innovative
digital technology may help educators and students fight COVID-19, as well as how
increasing digital services can help mitigate the impact of COVID-19 on educational
progress. The crisis has flipped around some of Indonesia's educational institutions,
instructors, and parents' earlier reluctance to use technology, since many are now willing
to accept the availability of innovative technology, even if it is dependent on online and e-
learning platforms.
At Thursina IIBS itself, innovative approaches, innovative methods and innovative formats
are always promoted so teachers can facilitate students’ need in this 21st century to learn
effectively. What we're discussing here are:
1. Customising Learning
Tailor-made class is done by all teachers to ensure all students make the most of
his/her potential. Thus, class is designed personalized, meaningful and contextual
to meet today’s students’ dynamic need.
2. Integrating Artificial Intelligence
It is very essential to use innovative technology to improve education. For
example, is Artificial Intelligence (IA), gamification (quizziz, kahoot!, etc) — which
is being so well received in the classroom as an effective way of getting pupils to
study using game — and all the other possibilities that educational
technology offers should be able to replace traditional method or less interactive
3. Encouraging Critical Thought
Critical thinking helps students better understand themselves, their motivations
and goals. Class is made to make students deduce information to find the most
important parts and apply those to their life. Therefore, students can change their
situation and promote personal growth.
4. Reinforcing Digital Skill
Learning essential digital skills is the first step toward learning many other new
things. They can boost students' confidence in using technology for business,
school, and everyday life. Many jobs today need digital skills. Therefore, digital
skills are urgently needed to meet this 21st century most essential demand.

Disruptive transformation is always painful and challenging. However, when you

know it's coming, it's usually preferable to be a few steps ahead rather than a few
gigabytes behind.

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