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1. Natural sciences are more complex, while social sciences are broader.

2. Natural sciences include exact sciences and calculations, while social sciences are non-exact and
theoretical sciences.
3. Science students tend to use the left brain; however, social studies students tend to use the
right brain.
4. Calculation and logic are the main principles in natural sciences, while analysis and broad
thinking are principles of social sciences.
5. Social studies children have a high social sense; however, natural science children have less
social sense.
6. Science graduates usually enter the world of engineering and practice; on the other hand, social
graduates usually move towards the world of government and humanity.
7. The application of natural sciences must be in the right and specific place; however, the
application of social sciences can be applied anywhere.
8. Natural science studies knowledge related to nature, while social science studies knowledge
related to human life.
9. Science students are usually more closed and focused; on the other hand social students are
more open and tend to be relaxed.
10. Natural science is science that is used to make human life easier, while social science is science
that understands and regulates human life.

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