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Impact of Integrated Nutrient Management on Soil Properties and Yield of

Rice and Wheat in a Long Term Experiment on a Reclaimed Sodic soil

Article · January 2013


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3 authors, including:

N.P.S. Yaduvanshi
Indian Agricultural Research Institute


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Impact of Integrated Nutrient Management on Soil Properties and Yield of Rice and
Wheat in a Long Term Experiment on a Reclaimed Sodic Soil

N.P.S. Yaduvanshi, D.R.Sharma and A. Swarup

Division of Soil and Crop Management, Central Soil Salinity Research Institute, Karnal
132001, India
E-mail address:

Abstract: The effect of inorganic fertilizers alone and in combination with organic

manures was evaluated for soil organic carbon (SOC), bulk density, available soil N, P, K

and yields of rice and wheat grown on a reclaimed sodic soil after twelve years (1994-95 to

2005-06). SOC increased in plots receiving N120P26K42 plus GM and N120P26K42 plus FYM

by 28 and 23% over the initial value but decreased by 31 and 24% in unfertilized plots and

when N120P 26K42 kg ha-1 were applied, respectively. Available N was highest in treatments

receiving N120P 26K42 plus GM or FYM. Available P increased by 76% over its initial value

of 11.8 kg ha-1 in treatments receiving N120P26K42 plus GM or FYM and by 28% where

N120P26K42 alone were applied. Application of NPK and its combination with green

manuring (GM) and FYM increased rice yields significantly. Applying inorganic fertilizers

in rice resulted in nearly similar nitrogen use efficiency (NUE) values when compared to

their application with organic manures. The NUE increases in wheat were due to the

residual effect of organic manures in addition to the inorganic fertilizers. The rate of rice

yield was decline by 3.3% and 8.9 %, whereas the recommended dose of NPK (120-26-42

kg ha-1) with organic manures (GM or FYM), the rate decline was by 7.7% and 14.3% for

GM and 5.3% and 12.6% for FYM during five year’s average (1999-2003) and two year’s

average (2004-2005), respectively in comparison to initial five year’s average (1994-1998).

However, due to the residual effect of GM and FYM on succeeding crop of wheat with
N120P26K42, the rate of yield decline was by 5.2% and 6.0% for GM and 3.6% and 1.9% for

FYM during the same years.

Key words: Soil organic carbon, Bulk density, Soil pH, Rice-wheat system, sodic soil

Sustainability in crop production is not a viable proposition either through use of

organic manures or chemical fertilizers alone (Singh 2009). The use of organic manures was

widely practiced in Asia in irrigated rice in the past, but the interest declined with the increase

in cropping intensity and ready availability of chemical fertilizers in the last few decades.

With energy shortages, increased fertilizer cost, deterioration in soil health and environmental

concerns, the use of organic manures has again become important.

Green manure and farm yard manure (FYM) are important sources of organic matter.

Adequate availability of farm yard manure, though one of the best organic sources, is

seriously constrained by the use of dung as a source of fuel in India. As an alternative, the

green manure crop dhaincha (Sesbania aculeata) has the advantages of a vigorous growth

habit, N-fixation capacity and the ability to withstand a wide range of soil conditions such as

salinity, alkalinity and waterlogging. Sodic soils have high pH, adverse physical properties

and reduced availability of some of essential plant nutrients. The recommended dose of NPK

fertilizers alone does not sustain soil productivity under continuous intensive cropping

(Nambiar & Abrol 1989) whereas inclusion of organic manures improves physical properties

(Swarup 1987; Kumar & Tripathi 1990), the biological status of soil (Ghai et al. 1988) and

soil fertility and crop yields (Bhardwaj 1982; Ghai et al. 1988; Singh 1984; Swarup 1987; Lal

& Mathur 1989). Most of the area of gypsum - amended sodic soils in India is under rice-

wheat rotation. The present study was, therefore, undertaken to evaluate the changes in soil

physical, chemical properties and trend of rice and wheat yield as a function of integrated use

of NPK fertilizers with organics in long term experiment.

Material and Methods

Experimental site and treatments

The long-term field experiment was initiated in 1994 on gypsum - amended sandy loam

(Acquic Natrustalfs) sodic soil at the Central Soil Salinity Research Institute, Zarifa Farm,

Karnal, India, located at 29.430 N and 76.580 E. The site is about 214 m above the mean sea

level and a semi-arid sub-tropical climate zone with very hot summers and cool winters. Rice

and wheat crops were grown in rotation on the experimental plots during 1994-95 to 2005-06.

There were ten treatments consisting: T1- a control with no inorganic fertilizer or organic

manure ; T2-120 kg N ha-1 only; T3-120 kg N ha-1 and 26 kg P ha-1; T4- the recommended

local fertilizer rate of 120 kg N ha-1, 26 kg P ha-1 and 42 kg K ha-1; T5- 50% of the

recommended rate viz. 60 kg N ha-1, 13 kg P ha-1 and 21 kg K ha-1; T6- 50% recommended

amount of inorganic fertilizer with the addition of 14 Mg ha-1 fresh biomass of Sesbania

aculeata (70% moisture content) green manure before rice transplanting; T7- 100%

recommended amount of inorganic fertilizer plus green manure as above; T8- 50%

recommended amount of inorganic fertilizer with the addition of 10 Mg ha-1 FYM (20%

moisture content) before rice transplanting; T9- 100% recommended amount of inorganic

fertilizer plus FYM as above T10- 150% recommended amount of inorganic fertilizer of 180

kg N ha-1, 39 kg P ha-1 and 63 kg K ha-1;. The P and K level refers to rice as well as wheat.

The experiment was laid out in a randomized block design with four replications.


The farmyard manure (FYM) was incorporated 15 days before transplantation of rice. The

green manure crop was sown in situ on 15 May every year. At 50 days old, the Sesbania

crop was harvested, weighed and incorporated into the soil by power tillage and after 1-2

days the rice was transplanted. Nutrient contents of 10 t ha-1 FYM (20% moisture) and 14 t

ha-1 fresh biomass of green manure (70% moisture) added are given in Table 1. Seedling of

rice cv Jaya (30 days old) were transplanted in standing water (6 cm deep) on 7 July in

every year at a spacing of 20 cm between rows and 15 cm between plants. One third of N

and full amounts of P and K were added at the time of transplanting. The remaining

amount of nitrogen was broadcast in two equal splits 3 and 6 weeks after transplanting. The

sources of N, P and K were urea, single super phosphate and muriate of potash

respectively. The rice was harvested in the third week of October in every year. Grain

yield of paddy rice was computed on 14% moisture content and straw yield on oven dry

basis. The total N, P and K in plant and grain samples were determined using standard

procedures (Black 1965; Jackson 1967). The nitrogen use efficiency was calculated by the

formula of Yoshida (1978).


The residual effect of green manuring and FYM on the succeeding wheat crop was studied.

Wheat cv HD 2329 was sown during the second week of November at a row spacing of 20 cm

in every years. Wheat was sown at a rate of 100 kg ha-1 or 10 g/m2. The inorganic fertilizer

treatments as given to rice were also applied to wheat. One third dose of N and the full amount

of P and K were added at the time of sowing. FYM and green manure were not applied to the

wheat crop. The remaining dose of nitrogen was top dressed in two equal splits at 21 and 40

days after sowing. The sources of N, P and K were urea, single superphosphate and muriate of

potash respectively. Wheat crop was harvested during second week of April every year.

Yields of both grain and straw were recorded on air-dry basis (air temperature up to 400 C).

Wheat grain and straw samples were analyzed for N, P, and K as previously described.

Soil analysis

Soil samples (0 - 15 cm) were taken before starting the experiment in 1994 (Table 2) and

after the harvest of wheat in 2005-06. The soil samples were air-dried and ground to pass

through a 2 mm sieve and were analyzed for pH, organic carbon and available N, P and K

by standard methods.

Results and Discussion

Soil organic carbon

The soil organic carbon (SOC) was significantly greater in plots receiving green manure or

FYM with NPK (120-26-42 kg ha-1) over that receiving only inorganic fertilizer NPK

(Table 3, Fig. 1). The mean soil organic carbon increased to 4.05 g kg-1 in organic manures

treated treatments as compared to that of 2.34 g kg-1 in inorganic fertilizer treated

treatments. In contrast, SOC declined by 28.1% and 34.4% in treatments receiving NPK

(120–26-42 kg ha-1) and control (with out NPK), respectively compared with initial value.

However, SOC in plots receiving 120-26-42 NPK + GM and 120-26-42 + FYM increased

by 28.1 and 31.3%, respectively. Beneficial effect of integrated use of inorganic fertilizer

and organic manures was related to the incorporation of organic material in the soil and

increase in number and activity of microorganism and better regulation of organic carbon

dynamics in soils. An increase in the soil organic matter leads to an improvement in the

nutrient status of the soil, increased microbial activity has also been reported by Kumar et

al. (2007) and Thind et al. (2007).

Soil pH

The soil pH decreased from the initial level of 8.70 to 8.40 with the application of

inorganic fertilizers alone and to 8.17 with organic manures combined with the inorganic

fertilizer (Table 3). Continuous use of rice-wheat system for 12 years slightly brought

down soil pH from initial value of 8.70 to 8.50 in control plot (Table 3). This could be due

to the movement of Na to lower depths owing to its replacement by Ca, particularly as a

result of beneficial effect of GM or FYM in the intervening rainy period.

Bulk density

Bulk density at the end of 12 years of rice-wheat cropping system ranged from 1.43

(control) to 1.38 (organic manures with inorganic fertilizers). Use of organic manures

(FYM or green manuring) with inorganic fertilizers treatment significantly improved the

bulk density of the 0-15 cm soil layer over inorganic fertilizers treatments (Table 3).

Lowering of bulk density is due to increase in organic carbon, which results in more pore

space and good soil aggregation. Incorporation of green manure and FYM were equally

effective in changing the bulk density. Bulk density has not changed significantly due to

NPK treatments, however there is a marginal reduction in bulk density than control due to

NPK levels which could be attributed to the increased biomass production with consequent

increase in organic matter content of the soil (Selvi et al. 2005).

Available N, P and K

Like OC, available N also increased in treatments receiving green manure or FYM

with 120-26-42 kg ha-1 NPK (Table 3). With the sole application of the 120-26-42 kg ha-1

NPK, the available N in the surface soil layer decreased slightly from initial value of 171

kg ha-1 N in 1994 to 168 kg ha-1 in 2005, however, the status of available N in green

manure or FYM with half amount of recommended level (60-13-21 kg ha-1 NPK) was

approximately similar to the initial value measured in 1994. The results clearly indicate that

the green manuring and FYM helped to increase the available nitrogen content of the soil.

Available P content of the soil increased by application of inorganic P fertilizer, green

manure and FYM treatments. Increased available N and P by combined use of inorganic

and organic fertilizers were also reported by Thind et al. (2007). Therefore, both crops

responded to applied P and the incremental response maintained over time. Increasing

magnitude of response to applied P over a period of more than ten years of rice-wheat

system has also been reported by Hegde and Sarkar (1992) and Swarup and Yaduvanshi

(2004). In plots treated with 120 kg N ha-1 alone, the available P decreased to 6.1 kg ha-1

over to the initial value of 11.8 kg ha-1 in 1994. Compared to initial available K (220 kg ha-
) in 1994, soil K decreased (157 kg ha-1) in treatments without the addition of K fertilizer

(Table 3). Available K increased in treatments receiving green manure or FYM with 120-

26-42 kg ha-1 NPK. The build-up of soil available K due to application of green manure or

FYM may be due to the additional K applied through it and also solubilizing action of

certain organic acids produced during FYM decomposition and greater capacity to hold K

in the available form, and the crops also did not respond significantly to K application.

Kumar and Yadav (1995) and Kumar et al. (2007) reported that potash buildup in soil

increased also due to addition of inorganic, organic manures and biofertilizers treatments

whereas these values decrease when fertilizer K, organics and biofertilizers were not used.

Trend and yield of rice and wheat

The yields of both rice and wheat showed a declining trend with time (Fig -2, Fig-3). In

the recommended dose of NPK alone (120-26-42 kg ha-1), the rate of rice yield was decline

by 3.3% and 8.9 %, whereas in the recommended dose of NPK (120-26-42 kg ha-1) with

organic manures (GM or FYM), the rate of rice yield decline was by 7.7% and 14.3% for

GM and 5.3% and 12.6% for FYM during five year’s average (1999-2003) and two year’s

average (2004-2005), respectively in comparison to initial five year’s average (1994-1998).

The yield of wheat decline was by 8.0% and 13.8% in the recommended dose of NPK

alone (120-26-42 kg ha-1) during five year’s average (1999-2003) and two year’s average

(2004-2005), respectively in comparison to initial five year’s average (1994-1998).

However, residual effect of GM and FYM on succeeding wheat crop and with

recommended doses of NPK (120-26-42 kg ha-1), the rate of wheat yield decline was as

similar i.e. 5.2 and 6.0% for GM and 3.6 and 1.9% for FYM during the same period. An

increase in nitrogen rates from 60 to 120 and 180 kg N ha-1 decreased nitrogen use

efficiency (NUE) by 15.6 and 32.2% in rice and by 18.1 and 45.7 in wheat, respectively.

The mean NUE in rice was similar when applying inorganic fertilizers as compared with

organic manures along with inorganic fertilizers, but NUE was increased in wheat by

residual effect of organic manures (Table 4).

Twelve years mean yield data in table 4 show no significant difference between 100%

and 150% NPK treatments. The yields of both crops however, steeply decreased when

fertilizer P was omitted from treatments. The maximum yield was obtained with combined

application of 100% recommended doses (120 kg N, 26 kg P and 42 kg K ha-1) with situ

GM or 10 Mg FYM ha-1. The combination of green manure or 10 t FYM ha-1 with 50%

recommended dose (60 kg N, 13 kg P and 21 kg K ha-1) gave a rice yield similar to

obtained from applying the 100% recommended dose of NPK (120-26-42 kg ha-1). A net

saving of 60 kg N and 13 kg P ha-1 was obtained through green manure or 10 t FYM ha-1.

Results thus showed that yield of rice could be sustained with 50% recommended dose (60

kg N, 13 kg P and 21 kg K ha-1) with GM or FYM (Table 4). Singh et al. (2009) also

reported 50% NPK substitution through FYM. This paper and the earlier reports also

suggest that the wide scale adoption of rice-wheat system and intensive cereal cropping

system over a period of time results in decline in yield trends as well as deterioration in soil

productivity even with optimum use of fertilizers (Bhandari et al. 2002 and Ladha et al.



The results revealed that the application of 100% recommended dose of 120 kg N + 26

kg P + 42 kg K ha-1 with organics (green manuring or FYM) was the best INM

combination because of improvement of soil organic carbon, bulk density and available N,

P, and K. Further, it was evident that after 5-6 years, 50% of recommended dose of

inorganic fertilizer (60 kg N, 13 kg P and 21 kg K ha-1) with integrated use of FYM or green

manure (sesbania) recorded similar yield of 100% recommended dose of 120 kg N + 26 kg P

+ 42 kg K ha-1 in both crops owing to the improvement in soil residual fertility status..


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International Rice Research Institute.

Table 1. N, P and K in of Sesbania aculeata and FYM and quantities added (oven dry basis)

Elements Concentration (%) Quantity, kg added per ha through

Sesbania FYM 4.2 t ha-1 Sesbania 8 t ha-1 FYM

N 2.11 0.57 88.6 45.6

P 0.254 0.236 10.7 18.9

K 2.14 0.87 89.9 69.8

Table 2. Soil properties of experimental site (0 - 15 cm)

Soil properties 1994

Soil pH (1:2 soil water) 8.7

Taxonomical class Aquic natrustalfs

Exchangeable sodium percentage (ESP) 18.0

Cation exchange capacity mmol(+) kg-1 9.5

Ca CO3 (%) 2.1

Organic carbon (g kg-1) 3.20

Available N kg ha-1 171.2

Available P kg ha-1 11.8

Available K kg ha-1 220.0

Table 3. Soil properties after 12 years (2005-06) of continuous rice-wheat cropping system as

influenced by integrated nutrient management treatments.

Treatment Soil pH Organic C Bulk Available Nutrients (kg ha-1)

(g kg-1) density

(Mg m-3) N P K

N0 P0 K0 8.50 2.10 1.43 92 7.6 162

N120 P0 K0 8.41 2.10 1.42 141 6.1 155

N120 P26 K0 8.41 2.30 1.42 169 14.3 157

N120 P26 K42 8.40 2.30 1.42 168 15.0 273

N60 P13 K21 8.45 2.40 1.42 135 10.8 228

N60 P13 K21 + GM 8.12 3.70 1.38 178 18.7 290

N120 P26 K42 + GM 8.15 4.10 1.38 204 20.6 311

N60 P13 K21 + FYM 8.20 4.20 1.38 175 19.5 297

N120 P26 K42 + FYM 8.20 4.20 1.38 201 21.8 304

N180 P39 K63 8.41 2.60 1.42 206 25.3 320

CD(P=0.05) 0.089 0.06 0.005 9.7 0.78 12.3

Table 4. Effect of different fertilizer treatments on rice and wheat yield and nitrogen use

Efficiency (mean of 1994-05 to 2005-06)

Treatments Rice Wheat

Grain Percent Nitrogen Grain Percent Nitrogen

yield increase in use yield increase in use

(Mg ha-1) yield over efficiency (Mg ha-1) yield over efficiency

control (kg grain control (kg grain

kg-1 N ) kg-1 N )

N0 P0 K0 2.50 - - 1.42 - -

N120 P0 K0 4.33 73 15.3 3.28 131 15.5

N120 P26 K0 5.15 106 22.1 4.55 220 26.1

N120 P26 K42 5.37 115 23.9 4.73 233 27.6

N60 P13 K21 4.20 68 28.3 3.44 142 33.7

N60 P13 K21 + GM 5.76 130 21.9 4.06 186 44.0

N120 P26 K42 + GM 6.26 150 18.0 5.20 266 31.5

N60 P13 K21 + FYM 5.38 115 27.3 3.92 176 41.7

N120 P26 K42 + FYM 6.14 146 22.0 5.13 261 30.9

N180 P39 K63 5.96 139 19.2 4.72 232 18.3

CD(P=0.05) 0.52 - 1.06 0.49 - 1.15

Table 5. Trend of grain yields of rice and wheat over years as influenced by different

integrated nutrient management treatments.

Treatment Average yield (Mg ha-1) in 12 years

Rice Wheat

1994 1999 2004 to 1994 to 1999 2004

To to 2006 1998 to to

1998 2003 2003 2006

N0 P0 K0 2.97 2.15 2.20 1.34 1.43 1.58

N120 P0 K0 4.53 4.34 3.82 3.22 3.26 3.48

N120 P26 K0 5.44 5.06 4.67 4.91 4.33 4.17

N120 P26 K42 5.52 5.34 5.03 5.01 4.60 4.32

N60 P13 K21 4.27 4.16 4.15 3.37 3.35 3.86

N60 P13 K21 + GM 5.75 5.72 5.86 3.81 4.14 4.46

N120 P26 K42 + GM 6.63 6.12 5.68 5.37 5.09 5.05

N60 P13 K21 + FYM 5.27 5.54 5.26 3.79 3.96 4.12

N120 P26 K42 + FYM 6.42 6.08 5.61 5.23 5.04 5.13

N180 P39 K63 6.04 6.08 5.65 4.81 4.45 5.15

CD(P=0.05) 0.51 0.48 0.61 0.49 0.47 0.56

N0P0K0 N120P0K0 N120P26K0
N120P26K42 N60P13K21 N60P13K42 +GM
N120P26K42+GM N60P13K42 +FYM N120P26K42+FYM
Yield (Mg ha-1)


94 995 996 997 998 999 000 001 002 003 004 005
19 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2

Fig.2. Effect of integrated nutrient management on trend of rice yield in a gypsum

amended sodic soil over a period of 12 years from 1994 to 2005.

N0P0K0 N120P0K0 N120P26K0
N120P26K42 N60P13K21 N60P13K42 +GM
N120P26K42+GM N60P13K42 +FYM N120P26K42+FYM

Yield (Mg ha-1)


19 6

20 0


20 4




























Fig. 3. Effect of integrated nutrient management on trend of wheat yield in a gypsum

amended sodic soil over a period of 12 years from 1994 to 2005.


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