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I. One of the risks encountered in the hospitality and tourism industry is data privacy risks.

With the collection

of customer data for personalized services and increased customer satisfaction, there is a potential for major data
breaches that expose customers' personal information. To mitigate this risk, businesses can implement data
encryption for payment and personal information and provide continuous training to employees about
cybersecurity issues. II. The impact of data privacy risks in the hospitality and tourism industry can be
significant. Data breaches can lead to reputational damage for businesses, loss of customer trust, and potential
legal consequences. Customers who provide personal information expect it to be safe and carefully guarded, so
any breach can result in negative consequences for the business. Therefore, it is crucial for businesses to take
proactive measures to lower the risk of data breaches and manage such crises effectively. III. To control and
resolve data privacy risks, businesses in the hospitality and tourism industry should prioritize implementing
strong data protection measures. This includes data encryption, secure storage systems, and regular system
audits. Additionally, continuous employee training on cybersecurity best practices can help prevent data
breaches. Having a crisis management plan in place is also important, which outlines the steps to be taken in the
event of a data breach or any other crisis. By being prepared and taking preventive measures, businesses can
effectively control and resolve data privacy risks. Follow-up question: How do you think businesses in the
hospitality and tourism industry can raise awareness among their employees about the importance of data
privacy and cybersecurity?

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