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Aggregate/Production Planning

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{Pertemuan 4 dan 5 }

Perencanaan Agregat / Produksi

Aggregate/Production Planning

Aggregate Planning Example

Aggregate/Production Planning

Aggregate Planning Example: Case 1

Case 1: Use a steady rate of output and

use inventory to absorb the uneven
demand but allowing some backlog.
Assume there are 15 workers. Each
worker has an output rate of 20 units
per period. Start with zero inventory and
determine an aggregate plan and its
Aggregate/Production Planning

Cara penyelesaian dan rumus2 kasus 1

Output Reguler time/periode = Jumlak tk/prxOutput/tk= 15 tk/prx20unit/tk= 300 unir/periode
Inventory (inv)…InvB ke(n)= InvE ke(n-1)
invE ke(n) = Max (0, (invB ke(n)-(O-F)ke(n))
Backlog (Back order)(order kembali) rumus fungsi
IF(InvBke(n)+(O-F)ke(n)-(BO ke (n-1))<0, -(invB ke(n)+(O-F)ke(n)-BO ke(n-1)),0)
Khusus Utk BO ke(1) karena tidak ada (BO ke (n-1), rumusnya tdk menggunakan )(BO ke (n-1)
Ket. Tk =tenaga kerja
InvBke (n) = inventory beginning periode ke n
InvEke (n) = inventory ending periode ke n
(O-F) ke (n) = (Output –Forcast) periode ke n
BO ke (n) = backlog periode ke n
BO ke (n-1) = backlog periode ke (n-1)
-(x,0) = pilih mana yg lebih besar (-x atau 0) bila x (+) maka pilih 0
Contoh di kasus 1: periode 5
InvB ke(5)= InvE ke(5-1) = InvE(4) = 100
InvE ke(5) = Max (0, (invB ke(5)-(O-F)ke(5)) = Max (0,(100-(300-500))=max(0,-100) jadi pilih 0
BO= IF(InvBke(5)+(O-F)ke(5)-(BO ke (5-1))<0, -(invB ke(5)+(O-F)ke(5)-BO ke(5-1)),0)
IF(100+(300-500)-(0))<0, -(100+(300-500)-0)),0)
IF(-100)<0, -(-100,0) jadi (100,0) jadi pilih yg lebih besar yaitu 100 jadi BO ke(5) = 100
Aggregate/Production Planning

Aggregate Planning Example: Case 1

Aggregate/Production Planning

Aggregate Planning Example: Case 2

Case 2: After Case 1, planners learned

that one worker is about to retire from
the company. Rather than replace that
person, they would like to stay with the
smaller workforce and use overtime to
make up for the lost output. With the
maximum amount of overtime output
per period to be 40 units, develop a plan
and compare it to Case 1
Aggregate/Production Planning

Aggregate Planning Example: Case 2

Jumlah tk = 14 tk karena dari 15, 1 tk di PHK
Output Reguler time/periode = Jumlak tk/prxOutput/tk= 14 tk/prx20unit/tk= 280 unir/pr
Overtime = 40 unit, apabila jumlah F>O jadi ada di periode 3, 4 dan 5
Hasil perhitungan seperti tabel berikut:
Aggregate/Production Planning

Aggregate Planning Example: Case 3

Case 3: Another option for Case 2 is to

use 4 temporary workers to fill in during
months of high demand. Suppose that it
costs an additional $100 to hire and
train a temporary worker, and that a
temporary worker can produce at the
rate of 15 units per period (compared to
20 units per period for regular workers).
Develop a plan and compare it to Case
1 and Case 2.
Aggregate/Production Planning
Aggregate Planning Example: Case 3
Jumlah tk = 14 tk karena dari 15, 1 tk di PHK
Output Reguler time/periode = Jumlak tk/prxOutput/tk= 14 tk/prx20unit/tk= 280 unir/pr
Bila O<F maka menghayer 4 pekerja panggilan dengan kinerja 15 unit/tk
Kondisi O<F ada di periode 4 dan 5 dengan total output =14x20+4x15=340
Hasil perhitungan seperti tabel berikut:
Aggregate/Production Planning

Linear Programming
Aggregate/Production Planning

Linear Programming Example

• Given the following information, set up the problem in a
transportation table and solve for the minimum-cost plan:
Aggregate/Production Planning

Linear Programming Formulation

Strateginya adalah dengan skala
Prioritas 1, Reguler time
Prioritas 2. overtime
Prioritas 3 Subkontrak
Prioritas tertinggi (1) dan terendh (3)
Karena makin tinggi prioritasnya
biaya makin murah
Tujuan perencanaan ini adalah
menshedulekan pekerjaan untuk
mendapatkan total cost terendah
Langkah pengisian adalah
1. Isi dahulu kapasitas maksimum
reguler masing-masing periode
2. Sisanya (kekurangannya) tutupi
dengan sisa reguler sebelumnya
3. Stlh itu baru tutupi dengan
kapasitas over time
4. Setelah itu baru menggunakan

Aggregate/Production Planning

Linear Programming Formulation

Misalnya soal yang sama dengan linear
programming contoh 1 diatas, hanya
berubah dari 500/PERIODE menjadi
600/PERIODE, maka hasilnya menjadi
100 50 600 seperti tabel disamping ini.

Setelah itu dapat dihitung Total

Costnya seperti rumus TC diatas.

600 600

600 600

50 50

Aggregate/Production Planning

Master Production Schedule (MPS)

Indicate the quantity and timing of planned
production, taking into account desired
delivery quantity and timing as well as on-
hand inventory.

Inputs Outputs
Beginning inventory Projected inventory
Forecast Master production schedule

Customer orders Uncommitted inventory

Aggregate/Production Planning

MPS Example
• A company that makes industrial pumps wants to
prepare a master production schedule for June and
• Marketing has forecasted demand of 120 pumps for
June and 160 pumps for July.
– By evenly distributing over the four weeks in each month, we
have 30 per week in June and 40 per week in July.
• Now, suppose that there are currently 64 pumps in
inventory and there are customer orders that have
been committed and must be filled. These inputs
result in the following table.
• Production batch size is 70 units.
Aggregate/Production Planning
MPS Example: Step 1

Inv ke(n)=Invke(n-1)+PMPSke(n)-Max(CO,F) ke(n), utk step 1 MPSnya dianggap =0

Inv (1)=Inv(0)+MPS(1)-Max(30,33)=64+0-33=31
Inv (2)=Inv(1)+MPS(2)-Max(20,30)=31+0-30=1: Inv (3)=Inv(2)+MPS(3)-Max(10,30)=1+0-30=-29
Dan seterusnya sampai inv 8. Hasilnya lihat invetory di tabel step 1diatas

MPS Example: Step 2

Langkah1.Menaruh nilai MPS pada kolom yang nilai invetorya (-) (pada kasus ini, setiap
MPS membuat 70 unit), adapun inv (-) ada di periode ke (3), hitung ulang inv dari periode (3)
nv ke(3)=Invke(3-1)+PMPSke(3)-Max(CO,F) ke(3), utk step 2 MPS(3)=70
Inv (3)=Inv(2)+MPS(3)-Max(10,30)=1+70-30=41
Inv (4)=Inv(3)+MPS(4)-Max(4,30)=41+0-30=11: Inv (5)=Inv(4)+MPS(5)-Max(2,40)=11+0-40=-29
Dan seterusnya. Hasilnya lihat invetory di tabel step 2 dibawah ini
Aggregate/Production Planning
MPS Example: Step 2 (lanjutan)

Langkah2., Karena pada periodeke (5) hasin Inv(5)= -29 (sudah negatif), untuk
mempersingkat waktu perhitungan dihentikan sementara dengan menaruh MPS di periode
ke(5) =70 unit, langsung dilnjut menghitung ulang inv periode ke(5) dengan melihat MPS(5)
Inv (5)=Inv(4)+MPS(5)-Max(2,40)=11+70-40=41
Dan seterusnya. Hasilnya dapat dilihat pada tabel step 2 dibawah ini

MPS Example: Step 3

Langkah3., ATP (available to Promise) ada nilainya pada periode 1 dan periode yg ada MPSnya dengan
rumus ATP(1)= Inv(n-1)+MPS(n)-((CO(n)+CO(n+1)). =64+0-(33-+20)=11; sedang ATP lainntanpa Inv (n-1)
ATP(3)= MPS(3)-((CO(3)+CO(3+1)). = 70-(10+4)=56; ATP(6)=70-(2+0)=68; ATP(7)=ATP(8)=70-(0+0) = 70
Hasilnya dapat dilihat pada tabel step 3 dibawah ini
Aggregate/Production Planning

Time Fences in MPS

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frozen firm full open

Aggregate/Production Planning

TUGAS 4 Manpro D (1 soal)

1.Agregate Planning

Hitunglah Total cost dari masing masing kasus yang ada

Kasus 1. Ketentuan sama dengan contoh kasus 1 di modul, hanya saja di soal ini menggunakan 16
tenaga kerja (worker)

Kasus 2. Ketentuan sama dengan contoh kasus 1 soal ini, hanya saja di soal ini, dari 16 pekerja, yang dirumahkan
ada 4 dan bila ada overtime/periode maka kinerjanya bukan 40 unit, tetapi 60 unit/periode

Kasus 3. Ketentuan sama dengan contoh kasus no 2 di soal ini, hanya saja bila output reguler< dari Forcast maka
mereka akan menggunakan 5 tenaga kerja panggilan dengan kemampuan 16 unit/periode


Aggregate/Production Planning

TUGAS 5 Manpro D (2 soal)

1. Linear Programming
• Given the following information, set up the problem in a transportation
table and solve for the minimum-cost plan (TC minimum=….??

550 550 550

Aggregate/Production Planning

2. MPS
• A company that makes industrial pumps wants to prepare a master
production schedule for June and July.
• Marketing has forecasted demand of 120 pumps for June and 160
pumps for July.
– By evenly distributing over the four weeks in each month, we have
30 per week in June and 40 per week in July.
• Now, suppose that there are currently 64 pumps in inventory and there
are customer orders that have been committed and must be filled.
These inputs result in the following table.
• Production batch size is 90 units.

20 10 8 15

Yang di rubah dari contoh soal MPS di modul adalah bactch MPSnya dari 70 menjadi 90
unit dan Customer orders (CO) yg berubah adalah CO periode 4,5,6 dsn 7
Buatlah tabel perencanaan MPS dan ATPnya


Aggregate/Production Planning

Perencanaan Agregat /
Aggregate/Production Planning


• Pendahuluan
• Permintaan dan suplai/opsi kapasitas
• Teknik perencanaan Agregat/Produksi
• Master Planning/Scheduling
Aggregate/Production Planning

Organisasi membuat keputusan penyediaan
dan kapasitas pada tiga tingkatan.
Aggregate/Production Planning

Perencanaan Aggregat/Produksi
• Mengapa kita membutuhkannya
– Waktu (Time)
– Tingkat akurasi (Level of accuracy)
• Keputusan apa yang terlibat?
– Kecepatan luaran (output rates)
– Pekerjaan
– Inventaris
– Perintah kembali (back orders)
– Subkontrak
Aggregate/Production Planning

Perencanaan Aggregat/Produksi
• Sebuah "gambaran besar"
pendekatan perencanaan.
• Keseimbangan penawaran dan
permintaan dengan meminimalkan
biaya produksi, biaya penyesuaian,
dan biaya kesempatan suatu
• Menitik beratkan pada kuantitas
dan waktu baik dari segi
penawaran maupun permintaan.
Aggregate/Production Planning

Perencanaan Aggregat/Produksi
• Sebuah cakrawala perencanaan bergulir
mencakup cakrawala waktu 2 sampai 18
• Tantangan khusus berasal dari permintaan
yang tidak merata di dalam cakrawala
• Contoh: alokasi ruang department store.
Jangka panjang


Saat ini 2 bulan 1 Tahun

Aggregate/Production Planning

Perencanaan Aggregat/Produksi
• Sumber daya • Biaya (Costs)
– Tenaga kerja – Pembawa inventaris
(Workforce) – Pesanan balik
– Fasilitas – Memperkerjakan/m
• Ramalan Permintaan emberhentikan
• Pernyataan kebijakan (Hiring/firing)
– Subkontrak – Lembur
– Lembur (Overtime) – Perubahan
– Tingkat inventaris
– Pesanan balik (Back – subkontrak
Aggregate/Production Planning

Luaran Perencanaan Agregat

• Keseluruhan Biaya dari perencanaan

• Perencanaan produksi/operasi
– Tingkat yang diproyeksikan dari
• Inventaris
• Luaran
• Pekerjaan
• Subkontrak
• Pesanan balik (Backordering)
Aggregate/Production Planning

Pilihan-pilihan Permintaan

• Harga: Mempengaruhi pola permintaan.

• Promosi: Mempengaruhi kuantitas
• Pesan kembali : Ambil pesanan dalam
satu periode tapi sampaikan nanti.
• Pesanan Balik: Kembangkan
permintaan untuk produk pelengkap.
Aggregate/Production Planning

Capacity Options
• Hire and layoff workers: union contracts, worker
availability, worker morale, quality, and cost.
– Recruitment, screening, training, severance pay, workforce
• Overtime/slack time
– Overtime: Seasonal demand, crew overtime, productivity,
quality, accident, payroll.
– Slack time: training, process improvement, problem solving.
• Inventories: carrying, holding, insurance,
obsolescence, deterioration, spoilage, breakage.
• Part-time workers: skill set, union, benefit.
• Subcontracting / outsourcing: skill set, availability,
quality, cost, demand stability, confidentiality.
Aggregate/Production Planning

Strategi Perencanaan Agregat

• Strategi Tingkat Kapasitas (Level capacity

strategy) dengan persediaan, lembur, pekerja
paruh waktu, subkontrak, dan pesanan balik.
• Strategi Mengejar Permintaan (Chase
demand strategy) dengan lembur, pekerja
paruh waktu, dan subkontrak.
• Gunakan kombinasi keduanya.
Aggregate/Production Planning

Strategi Perencanaan Agregat

Aggregate/Production Planning

Aggregate Planning Procedures

• Determine demand for each period
• Determine capacities for each period
• Identify policies that are pertinent
• Determine units costs
– regular time, overtime, subcontracting, holding
inventories, back orders, layoffs, and other
relevant costs.
• Develop alternative plans and compute costs
• Select the best plan that satisfies objectives
Aggregate/Production Planning

Aggregate Planning Example

Aggregate/Production Planning

Aggregate Planning Example: Case 1

Case 1: Use a steady rate of output and

use inventory to absorb the uneven
demand but allowing some backlog.
Assume there are 15 workers. Each
worker has an output rate of 20 units
per period. Start with zero inventory and
determine an aggregate plan and its
Aggregate/Production Planning

Aggregate Planning Example: Case 1

Aggregate/Production Planning

Aggregate Planning Example: Case 2

Case 2: After Case 1, planners learned

that one worker is about to retire from
the company. Rather than replace that
person, they would like to stay with the
smaller workforce and use overtime to
make up for the lost output. With the
maximum amount of overtime output
per period to be 40 units, develop a plan
and compare it to Case 1
Aggregate/Production Planning

Aggregate Planning Example: Case 2

Aggregate/Production Planning

Aggregate Planning Example: Case 3

Case 3: Another option for Case 2 is to

use 4 temporary workers to fill in during
months of high demand. Suppose that it
costs an additional $100 to hire and
train a temporary worker, and that a
temporary worker can produce at the
rate of 15 units per period (compared to
20 units per period for regular workers).
Develop a plan and compare it to Case
1 and Case 2.
Aggregate/Production Planning

Aggregate Planning Example: Case 3

Aggregate/Production Planning

Aggregate Planning Techniques

• Graphical / Charting
• Linear Programming
• Linear Decision Rule
• Simulation
Aggregate/Production Planning

Graphical / Charting
Cumulative output/demand


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Aggregate/Production Planning

Linear Programming
• Goal: minimize the sum of costs related to
regular labor time, overtime, subcontracting,
inventory holding costs, and costs associated
with changing the size of the workforce.
• Constraints: capacities of the workforce,
inventories, and subcontracting.
• Limitations
– linear relationships among variables
– inability to continuously adjust output rates
– single objective
Aggregate/Production Planning

Linear Programming
Aggregate/Production Planning

Linear Programming Example

• Given the following information, set up the problem in a
transportation table and solve for the minimum-cost plan:
Aggregate/Production Planning

Linear Programming Formulation

Aggregate/Production Planning

Linear Decision Rule and Simulation

• Linear Decision Rule
– Minimized combined costs using a set of cost-
approximating functions to obtain a single
quadratic equation.
– Limitations:
• A specific type of cost function is assumed.
• Considerable effort needed to obtain relevant cost data
and develop cost functions for each organization.
• Solutions may be unfeasible.
• Simulation Models
– Develop and test computer models under different
scenarios to identify acceptable solutions to
Aggregate/Production Planning

Summary of Planning Techniques

Technique Solution Characteristics
Graphical/ Trial and Intuitively appealing, easy to
charting error understand; solution not
necessarily optimal.
Linear Optimizing Computerized; linear assumptions
programming not always valid.
Linear Optimizing Complex, requires considerable
decision rule effort to obtain pertinent cost
information and to construct
model; cost assumptions not
always valid.
Simulation Trial and Computerized models can be
error examined under a variety of
Aggregate/Production Planning

Aggregate Planning in Services

• Services occur when they are rendered.
– Inventory may not apply to services.
• Demand for service can be difficult to predict.
– Some customers request prompt service or go
• Capacity availability can be difficult to predict.
– Depend on skills details required.
• Labor flexibility can be an advantage in
– Can handle wide variety of service requirements.
Aggregate/Production Planning

Breaking the aggregate plan into specific
product requirements in order to
– labor requirements (skills, size of work
– materials, and
– inventory requirements.
Aggregate/Production Planning

Disaggregating Example
Aggregate/Production Planning

• Master schedule
– Result of disaggregating an aggregate plan
– Show quantity, timing, and orders of specific end
items for a scheduled horizon.
– Shorter time horizon.
– Planned unit may be different.
• Rough-cut capacity planning: Approximate
balancing of capacity and demand to test the
feasibility of a master schedule.
– P production, warehouse facilities, labor, vendors,
and raw materials roduction, warehouse facilities,
labor, vendors, and raw materials.
Aggregate/Production Planning

Master Production Schedule (MPS)

Indicate the quantity and timing of planned
production, taking into account desired
delivery quantity and timing as well as on-
hand inventory.

Inputs Outputs
Beginning inventory Projected inventory
Forecast Master production schedule

Customer orders Uncommitted inventory

Aggregate/Production Planning

MPS Example
• A company that makes industrial pumps wants to
prepare a master production schedule for June and
• Marketing has forecasted demand of 120 pumps for
June and 160 pumps for July.
– By evenly distributing over the four weeks in each month, we
have 30 per week in June and 40 per week in July.
• Now, suppose that there are currently 64 pumps in
inventory and there are customer orders that have
been committed and must be filled. These inputs
result in the following table.
• Production batch size is 70 units.
Aggregate/Production Planning

MPS Example: Step 1

If no production is planed, projected inventory
becomes negative from week 3. This is a
signal that production is needed to replenish
Aggregate/Production Planning

MPS Example: Step 2

Aggregate/Production Planning

MPS Example: Step 2

Aggregate/Production Planning

MPS Example: Step 3

Aggregate/Production Planning

Time Fences in MPS

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frozen firm full open

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