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Applied Tantra in trans-modern times


This book proposes the applicability of tantra for the trans-modern time characterized by global
interconnection in the issues of politics, ecology, information sharing, and trans-based issues like
transnationalism, transborder, transgender, and the transhistorical. Tantra is the doctrine, the
methodology, the web, the intricacy, and the design or fabric for the experiential expansion of an
individual at all levels of their existence. Tantra offers a map for exploring outer and inner-dimensional
landscapes with exceptionally rich philosophical and applicational insights that can transform the world
into a super civilization with exceptional intellect and exceptional intelligence. The present time
demands the Siddhas and Buddhas in households: active participation and involvement are the needs of
our time and the millennium to come. This demand is supplied by applied tantra which provides both
Bhoga and Mokshya to the transmodern generations to come. Tantra is the journey of integrating the
very fabric of life from Trika to complementary ardha-narishwar and non-dual personality as an ultimate

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